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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

Page 29

by Jillian Neal

  “Yes, sir. Of course,” Malden agreed. “So nice to see you again Officer Vindico.”

  “You too.” Dan kept his cold glare leveled on Malden as he walked away.

  Aida began eating her popsicle. She sat contentedly in Dan’s lap with her head cradled between his chin and his chest.

  “How’s the tummy?” Dan asked the question that he already knew the answer to.

  “It was nervous a minute ago, but now if feels better. Maybe strawberry popsicles work like the strawberry jelly Mommy puts on my sandwiches. It makes my tummy feel better, too.”

  “Very strange.” Fitz commented as he turned his body to watch Malden walk away.


  “Malden doesn’t have any kids, so what the hell is he doing out here?”

  “Yeah, my littlest Receiver picked up on something.”

  “Yeah, if it has anything to do with kids, I’ll be short a lackey officer, and his family will be short a son.”

  Fitz left Dan with all of the kids to acquire tickets to the puppet show before they headed home. He returned a few minutes later empty handed.

  “Were they sold out?” Dan hoped the kids wouldn’t be disappointed.

  “No.” Fitz grimaced. “The show today is about a little French orphan girl that’s not taken care of by her adopted family so she runs away.”

  “Good call.” Dan felt sick from the thought alone.

  “Let’s take them home. You have to get ready, and they can play on the boy’s swingset.”

  Dan headed towards the slide where Aida had been a moment before.

  “Aida, it’s time to go, baby.”

  He searched the large playground feeling his stomach twist uncomfortably. “Aida!” he called again frantically. “Aida!” He started to run but couldn’t see her in the huge crowd of swarming children.

  His heart pumped frantic terror through his body. His stomach seized. Where was she? “Aida!”

  “I’m right here!” he heard the sweetest voice in the entire world and breath tried to return to his lungs. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I tried to get through all of those kids when you called, but then I moved and I couldn’t see you.”

  Rushing to her, Dan lifted her into his arms and held her tight. “It’s okay, baby. You just scared me.” The words stunned him. He was Daniel Vindico, and for many, many years nothing had frightened him because he’d had nothing worth living for. As he held Aida tightly in the safety of his embrace, he knew that he’d never had anything worth fighting for. He’d never had so much to lose.

  “I’m sorry.” Aida looked crestfallen as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I would never have left without you. I know I’m not supposed to.”

  “I know, baby.” He tried to sound reassuring, but it wasn’t her leaving of her own accord that worried him.

  Dan carried her back to the train terrified to put her down, though he couldn’t reason why.

  Seeming to sense his need to keep his hands on her, Aida crawled in his lap on the train. “I’m right here.” She sweetly quoted his reassurances to her the night before just as she’d fallen asleep tucked safely on his chest.

  Grinning at her, Dan kissed her cheek. With a deep yawn, she wiggled until her head was tucked in his neck and his arms wrapped around her.

  Fitz gave him a genuine smile as he shook his head and chuckled. “Been ten damn long years, man, but it’s nice to have the real Dan Vindico back.”

  By the time they arrived back at the Fitzroys, Aida was yawning constantly. “I think it’s time for you to say, ‘Aida it’s time to lay down and read to Sophie for a little while.’” Aida informed Dan making he and Fitzroy laugh.

  “Why don’t you go get Sophie and bring me Anne and I’ll read to you both?” Dan offered.

  “Really?” She tittered ecstatically.

  Nodding, Dan watched Aida race up the stairs.

  “It has to hurt, man.” Fitz goaded. “I mean her fingers are so tiny to be wrapped up so tightly around one.”

  Joining in his laughter, Dan certainly couldn’t deny the charges. His cell phone chirped again, and he pulled it quickly from his pocket.

  “Heading back now,” was the first message. “Look, room for our little Halia.” was the next and was accompanied by Fionna wearing a sheer black top that came over her shoulders and dipped down showing off most of her cleavage. It tied between her breasts and was accompanied by a tiny skirt that tied on the side at her hipbone. The entire ensemble was see-through.

  Dan stared at her for a long drawn minute.

  “Don’t drool on your phone, man.” Fitz chuckled.

  “That obvious?”

  “Oh, yeah. You don’t go all slack jawed and stare stupidly at your phone for anyone but her.”

  Aida returned and Dan quickly stowed his phone as she climbed beside him on the sofa.

  The boys, tired from their excursion as well, ended up listening to Dan read the story though they’d never have admitted to enjoying the chapters they read.

  Aida fell asleep against Dan, and the boys switched on the television.

  Dan eased Aida up onto his chest, covered her in her blanket, and fell asleep almost instantly.

  A gentle kiss awoke him from his deep slumber.

  “Hey, baby doll.” He tried to clear the gravel from his throat.

  “Sweetest thing I have ever, ever seen.” Fionna gestured to Aida who was sprawled over Dan.

  Giving a whispered chuckle, he tried to determine the time.

  “Maddie’s making coffee and a cheese tray. Do you think you could lay her down without waking her?”

  He rubbed his eyes for a moment and then turned and eased out from underneath Aida. He laid her gently on the sofa. She stirred, but Fionna casted her and she fell back asleep, breathing in the warm serenity and the peaceful, heavenly calm that Fionna brought both of them.

  The boys had regained their energy quickly, and were in the backyard playing as Dan and Fionna joined Fitz and Maddie at their kitchen table.

  Aida awoke and located them in the kitchen as they were finishing their coffee.

  “Hey, sweet girl. Did you have fun with Daddy today?”

  Aida crawled up in Fionna’s lap. “Yes, ma’am. I rode on a train like in Anne, and I saw lions, and I got to drive Daddy in a car, and ride in a log over water that splashed me, but Daddy said I wouldn’t fall out. And I ate a very yummy lunch, and played on the biggest playground I’ve ever seen, and Daddy got me a strawberry popsicle, because he said it was okay because it was a Daddy-Aida day and I think those days are very special.

  “And Daddy took lots of pictures of me and that way we won’t forget Daddy-Aida day.”

  Fionna swooned, and Dan felt his heart physically ache. “Baby, we’ll have lots of Daddy-Aida days.”

  “Okay, but this was my very first one, so I want to remember not to forget everything we did together.”

  “It sounds like you had a sunshine tummy day!” Fionna tickled her stomach. Aida folded forward and giggled hysterically.

  “Except for when Daddy got lost.” She fussed a moment later. “And when the man came.”

  “Daddy got lost?” Fionna glanced at Dan.

  “I heard him say, ‘Aida it’s time to leave,’ but I couldn’t see him, and I looked everywhere. He was only a little bit lost though I guess.”

  “I, uh, found myself very quickly.” Dan vowed.

  Chuckling at his verbiage, Fionna nodded. “And the man?”

  “Malden?” Fitz whispered hesitantly. Dan nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ve been keeping a close eye on him.”

  Aida laid her head against Fionna’s shoulder. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, baby, and, I was just talking to Mrs. Fitzroy, and we decided that maybe we should have girls day one day next week where we take you and maybe get our nails done, and our hair fixed, and a few other fun things. We’ll let Daddy and Mr. Fitzroy play with the boys.”

  “I get to have an Aida-Mommy day, too?

  Fionna nodded.

  “Oh, wow!”

  A little while later, Aida was seated on the bed while Dan and Fionna got ready to go eat at the Eiffel Tower.

  “What do you and Daddy do on romantic dates?”

  Fionna sat beside Aida on the bed with her hair pinned up in large curls.

  “Well, Daddy pulls my chair out for me because gentlemen always pulls out the lady’s chair.”

  “That’s right.” Dan agreed as he tied his tie. If at some point in the very distant future, preferably after she turned thirty-five, Dan allowed her to date then the guy better treat her like a princess.

  “And then we talk, and we laugh, and we eat yummy food, and then Daddy brings me home, and then the best part comes!”

  Aida’s eyes danced. “What’s the best part?”

  “Daddy kisses me!”

  Aida giggled adorably. “Daddy does that all the time.”

  Moving to the bed, Dan kissed Fionna sweetly. “That’s because I love her so much.” He informed Aida before he kissed her cheek. “And I love you so much.”

  “When I grow up, maybe I should marry Daddy too or maybe Garrett?”

  Biting back her laughter, Fionna nodded. “Daddy and Garret are the very best.”

  Dan and Fitz

  As the sun began casting its last vestiges of light over the Paris skyline, Dan watched Fionna check her lipstick one last time.

  “You are breathtaking, honey.” He was unable to take his eyes off of her. She was stunning. Her hair fell in loose waves over the lace top of the short black dress she’d picked for their evening.

  The lace was open to her cleavage revealing her lush olive skin. She’d pulled on a pair of strappy, black, stiletto heels and the effect was overwhelming.

  Fitz and Maddie complimented Fionna as well as they headed towards the door.

  “We’ll be back late, so you and Sophie go on to bed, and Daddy and I will come kiss you when we get back.” Fionna guided Aida. She nodded dejectedly and clung to Dan’s hand.

  “Come on, Aida. Let’s go play!” Alex ordered.

  “Go play, baby. You’ll have fun.” Fionna soothed. “Here,” she gently kissed Aida’s cheek. “You keep Mommy’s kiss safe until I get back and give you another one.”

  Placing her hand delicately over her cheek Aida looked up to the task.


  “Do you think you can keep two safe?” Dan teased her.

  “I can!”

  He knelt down and kissed her other cheek. She held both sides of her face in her little hands. Fitz and Maddie gazed at her adoringly.

  “Have fun with Alex and Alfred.” Dan wrapped his arm around Fionna and guided her out of the house.

  After a quick ride on the Metro, they were walking arm in arm through the streets of Paris. The city felt alive under their feet, and Dan watched his beautiful wife as she took in the stunning architecture and all of the city’s secrets held deep within its steadily flowing river and each and every historic landmark.

  Fionna beamed as Dan led her to the elevator to begin their assent up the Eiffel Tower.

  “Have you ever eaten here before?” She whispered in awe.

  “No, baby doll. I only ever came to Paris to work or to see the boys.”

  “It’s so beautiful.”

  “Yeah, the view is stunning.” He was staring at her and not at the Paris skyline.

  Blushing violently, Fionna rolled her eyes. They exited the elevator and stepped into the Le Jules Verne restaurant. Dan gave his name and they were immediately escorted to a secluded table in the back corner that gave them an outstanding view of the city and as much seclusion as a restaurant, surrounded on all sides by windows, could offer.

  “How did we score the best table in the house?”

  “Have to give Fitz all the credit for that.” Dan had thanked Fitz profusely for getting them the reservations on her birthday, but clearly he needed to thank him again.

  “This is amazing.” Fionna sighed in replete satisfaction after Dan seated her. The waiter arrived immediately and offered them wine and the appetizer menu along with a bread tray.

  “Could I just get some mineral water please?” Fionna requested.

  “Certainly, madam,” the waiter assured her with a nod. He returned with their drinks and Dan ordered the seafood platter they’d decided to try for their appetizer.

  Giggling, Fionna gave him that smile that lit his entire world. The one that she reserved for him alone. “So, I have something I want to tell you.”

  Quite certain that his wife laughing and gazing up at him with her sweet smile had to be the most beautiful thing in the world, Dan took her hand from across the table.

  “Okay.” He played along with a wry smile.

  “I’m pretty sure that I’m pregnant. We’re gonna have a baby!”

  They both laughed.

  “That’s amazing, sweetheart. I’m thrilled. Do you feel okay?” Dan supplied all of what he assumed would be standard replies for being told that your wife was expecting.

  As their appetizers arrived, they scooted closer together. They wanted the rest of the patrons, the rest of the world, to melt away just for a little while.

  “I felt her last night, Fi.” Dan confessed in a choked whisper. “I mean I felt her feel me, after you were asleep.”

  Emotion sheened her beautiful sienna eyes. “It’s amazing isn’t it? That’s what she always does whenever you lock onto her. It makes her happy. I can feel it.”

  “It was incredible.”

  She studied him closely for a long minute. Dan smiled at her curious to know what she was thinking about.

  “You’re just amazing.” She sounded overwhelmed.

  “No, baby doll. That’s you.”

  “You know, I just,” she choked.

  He scooted closer to her and offered her his hand. She regained her composure by drawing from him. He allowed himself a moment to supply her with his love and his protection and to revel in the sensation of her taking from him.

  “I still hate everything that happened.”

  Dan drew a deep breath. “I know. Believe me, I do too.”

  Offering him a smile through the tears that had escaped, she nodded. “I know, but honestly, Dan, I can’t imagine ever being any happier than I am right now. It’s like everything I’ve ever wanted, even the things I was too afraid to wish for, I have, and you gave them all to me.”

  Shaking his head, he couldn’t understand how she didn’t see that she was the one that had given him everything. “Fi, I think we both just finally decided to start living, and I somehow managed to get lucky enough to get to share the rest of my life with you. All that matters to me is getting to wake up beside you every morning and getting to hold you in my arms as you go to sleep every night.”

  Their salad course arrived, and Fionna dug in. “This is delicious.”

  “Bet it’s not as good as what I plan on devouring later,” he informed her shamelessly.

  Looking thrilled with his amorous quip, Fionna smirked. She slid closer to him. “And what might that be, Mr. Vindico?”

  “You, baby doll.”

  Fionna trembled slightly. The effect made Dan’s trousers begin to tighten rapidly.

  “Oh, is there something else I get for my birthday besides this amazing dinner? Something you might be craving?”

  Giving her a cocky chuckle, he grinned. “I’m seated across from the most stunning thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, and see, baby, it’s not just that. She’s wearing my ring. She’s all mine, and unlike every guy in here that keeps throwing glances your way and would gladly pay the tab for this meal ten times over to be sitting where I’m sitting I know how gorgeous you are when I get you out of that little black dress. I know how delicious you taste. I know how tight and sweet you are, and I know just how you like it. So, yeah, I’m definitely craving something. I want you.”

  Fionna’s eyes danced from his explanation. They darkened with need
in flaming in their depths.

  The waiter arrived with their bowls of mushroom soup effectively interrupting the mood around them that was drowning in their passion and in the lust that was coursing rapidly between them.

  “You are certain you will not be having zee caviar zis evening?” The waiter asked again.

  Despite Maddie’s assurances that Fionna take her pregnancy in stride and indulge occasionally, she’d decided against the caviar course as it wasn’t a food she particularly enjoyed anyway.

  Dan winked at Fionna and took her hand. Figuring there was nothing to lose at this point, he grinned. “Not this evening, sir. My beautiful wife has just informed me that she’s expecting our second child, much to my delight. Caviar might be a little rough on her stomach.”

  “Ah, oui, oui! Congratulations Mrs. Vindico, Mr. Vindico! It is a special night zen.” He nodded to Fionna. “Let me take care of you dessert on zis special evening.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Fionna looked truly touched.

  “Certainly, madam.”

  A man accidentally bumped into Fionna’s chair as he headed towards his table. Dan scowled, but he apologized. She scooted her chair closer to Dan’s.

  While she was distracted with the waiter refilling her mineral water, Dan slid the long velvet box he’d pulled from his jacket in front of her plate.

  “Dan, you brought me to Paris. You weren’t supposed to get me anything.”

  “See, baby doll, my wife is turning twenty-nine again tonight, and Paris or no Paris, she gets presents on her birthday. She should get them everyday just for being the phenomenal woman that she is.”

  Her eyes dancing excitedly as she lifted the box.

  “Aida helped me pick it out.”

  “This is the best second twenty-ninth birthday I’ve ever had.”

  “Open it.”

  She popped open the hinged, velvet box. “Oh, Dan! This is beautiful!” Her hands shook as she grasped the box.

  Steadying her hands, Dan lifted the diamond and pearl tennis bracelet from the box. She cradled the dangling sapphire pendant hung from a diamond drop in her hand as tears made their way down her cheeks.

  “It’s Aida’s birthstone.”


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