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The Biker's Baby

Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  Tears kept falling down her cheeks as she watched.

  Blood was pooling beneath his leg that Kent had stamped on until she heard the echoing of a break along with Carlos’s screams.

  “They’ll both come. We’ve got these fuckers here. They’ll come.”

  “I’ve heard that John’s not to be messed with,” the other one said. “That Gunner wanted him as VP.”

  “John’s a fucking pussy. He’s about as scary as my fucking granny, and she’s fucking dead. Shut up.”

  He kept saying fuck over and over.

  “Is this all about taking Gunner’s place?” she asked.

  Her voice was croaky from her screams.

  She wouldn’t stop screaming, and Kent had struck her across the cheek, stunning her. She’d not screamed again, but her voice hurt, as did her face.

  Keeping her hands close to her stomach, she hoped that he didn’t try to take away her baby. Even though she’d been hurt by learning what Gunner and John had done, she didn’t want to lose her baby.

  She loved her baby already, and she couldn’t wait to meet him or her.

  “That club deserves better than Gunner.” Kent spat the words. “He thinks he’s all high and mighty. Served his fucking country. He don’t know shit of the stuff I’ve done for that club.” Kent pressed a finger to his head. “He don’t have the brains to take it to the next fucking level. He’s a fucking pussy, and all pussies need to go to ground.”

  “This coming from a man who’s hurting a sixteen-year-old child who’s bound up. Yeah, you’ll be a better choice for the club.”

  Kent bent down and glared at her. “You think you’re so smart, do you, whore? You’ve got those two wrapped around your finger. Willing to do whatever to keep you safe. You must have a pussy made out of gold.” He reached out, stroking a finger down her cheek. “Once I get rid of Gunner and John, I’ll kill the kid, put him out of his misery, and then I’ll get rid of that piece of shit inside you. Once that club is mine, I’ll get you to how I want you. I’m going to have to starve you a bit because I don’t like my bitches fat. I’ll see just how fucking hot your pussy is.”

  He grabbed the back of her neck, pulling on her hair as he did that. She cried out and tried to pull away from him.

  His lips pressed against hers, and she bit him.

  Kent jerked back and slapped her face, left and right, before releasing her.

  “I’ll make you beg for my cock, and you’ll see. You’ll wish you never fucking turned on me, whore!”

  He was about to kick her, but the door opening stopped him. She watched as John came in, gun poised at Gunner’s head.

  Her heart picked up at seeing her two men, but then shattered as she watched them both. They looked pissed off, angry, and ready to kill.

  “What the fuck is this?” Kent asked.

  “This is simple. You want him dead, right? You want the fucking patch?” John asked. “I want to know what your deal is.”


  “How do you get your cartel deal, Kent? You got to have his head or something?”

  “You’re not kidding anyone.”

  John pointed his gun at one of the other men, and she gasped as with a single shot the man went down.


  Kent now had his gun raised, pointed at both her men. With them focused on each other, she wriggled toward Carlos.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yes. It hurts.” Carlos covered his face.

  “I know, honey. I know.”

  “Scarlett,” Carlos said.

  “Yeah?” She glanced up to see them arguing. They were talking about Gunner’s death, and Kent and the guard were advancing.

  “I have a knife.”

  Her gaze went back to Carlos.


  “In my jacket.” She reached into his jacket, which was hard to do with her hands together. It was one of those pocket knives. She couldn’t open it. Her hands were shaking. Even though Carlos was shaking, he took the knife from her and flicked it open. “You’ve got to help them.”

  Feeling fear unlike anything she’d ever known, she kissed Carlos’s head. “Don’t die.”

  Moving over him as if she was protecting him, she saw Kent and John talking, coming to some sort of agreement. Kent was so close, and she was behind him. She had to do this fast for it to count.

  Since her pregnancy, her balance had been off lately, and waves of dizziness would overcome her.

  If she didn’t do this though, John and Gunner could end up killed.

  Carlos looked at her, and she saw that he didn’t have much longer. He was bleeding, so pushing all of her fears aside, she gripped the knife tightly. Turning around, she stood as fast as she could. With her hands tied it made it awkward, but putting all of her anger, her fear, her rage into her attack, she plunged the knife into his neck. She pulled it out, and before he could react she did it again.

  This time, he spun around, shoving her away and knocking her against the wall.

  She didn’t see what happened next.

  The sounds of gunshots rang around the warehouse.

  When it was over, John came to her. He rolled her over and held her tightly. “Don’t ever do anything so fucking stupid again,” he said.

  “I didn’t want him to kill either of you.”

  “Gunner and I had a plan.”

  “If it meant one of you dying, it was a stupid plan.”

  John had the knife, and he sliced through the rope. She threw her arms around him. “The club is going to clean up the mess. We’ve got to get Carlos to the hospital.”

  She didn’t wait around. John took the lead, helping her into the car. Carlos was already in the backseat. “I’ve already called the club. They’re going to take care of the bodies,” Gunner said. “I’m so sorry, son, I had no idea they’d come for you.”

  “It’s okay, Dad,” Carlos said.

  “You’ve got to stay awake. We’ll get you to the hospital, and everything will be fine.”

  John was behind the wheel, and completely disregarding the speed limit, he got them to the hospital in record time. Before he even parked, she got out with Gunner as he carried his son into the hospital.

  They were immediately transferred to another department, and she stood there, feeling completely weak.

  John came in, and he did what he always did best. He ordered everyone around. He got a doctor to check her over even though she argued that she was fine. John wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  After running several tests, the doctor gave her the all clear, and they were back in the waiting room.

  She wanted to go up and see Bennie, but she didn’t want to worry him.

  John took her hand, and she held him tightly, squeezing him back.

  “I don’t know what I’d have done if anything happened to you,” John said. She pressed her head against his shoulder. “I know you’re angry with me right now, and I have no right to ask, but I hope one day you can forgive me for what I did.”

  Looking up at him, she smiled. “I do forgive you, John. I can’t stay angry at you for too long. I know why you did it.”

  “You’re not angry at me anymore?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  He cupped her cheek, and she didn’t pull away. “You didn’t want to talk.”

  “I wasn’t ready to talk. Maybe I’ve been too stubborn, but I love you and Gunner. I want to make this work. For us to have a family together. I do want to try that. Do you think we could? Do you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Scarlett. I love you, and I’m sorry. I just wanted to give you everything.”

  “I do have everything.”

  Scarlett held him close as they waited for Gunner. An hour passed before he came out, and they both stood.

  Gunner cupped her face, tilting her head back. She knew they got a couple of weird looks, but fuck them. This was her life, and she intended to live it how she wanted.

��Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine. He’s out for a couple of hours. They’ve repaired the break, and he’s got a cast on. He’ll be joining Bennie in some physical therapy, but other than that, he’s fine. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. He didn’t really hurt me. A few bruises, but other than that, I’m good.”

  “Thank God. I can’t fucking lose you. I won’t.”

  “You won’t lose us, either of us. We’re here to stay, Gunner.”

  His gaze went to John, who nodded.

  “We’re all good?”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, we’re all good.”


  Six months later

  Gunner rested his head on Scarlett’s stomach, trying to listen to the sound of his little girl. She had already kicked him in the head, and Scarlett couldn’t stop chuckling. They were out in the clubhouse’s garden. Carlos stood at the grill with John and Bennie and several of the guys.

  Scarlett was on bed rest though as she’d been doing too much at the day care center. Their little girl was growing faster every single day. He’d already seen the blurry ultrasound pictures, and he knew his girl was going to be a looker.

  In the past six months, life had changed a lot for him. John and Scarlett had sold their house, and now lived with him and his boys. He was there for every single step of the way. John was by her side as well. After Kent’s attack, their life together got back to normal. Scarlett forgave him and John. On the club front, he’d made some changes as well. He’d removed all of his deals with the cartels including transporting. Since Kent’s betrayal, he’d been working on deals closer to home, and keeping drugs out of his town. He didn’t want any of that shit in his life.

  Gunner had also made the club vote. He’d told them about his relationship with Scarlett and that he was fucking John as well. They both belonged to him. He wanted the club to take a vote to keep him as Prez, and it had been unanimous in keeping him as their Prez. They didn’t give a fuck who he screwed just so long as they stayed in dough and Scarlett baked cookies for them.

  “How are my two girls today?” Gunner asked, pressing a kiss to her stomach.

  “We’re doing okay. Mommy’s fat, though.”

  “Mommy’s not fat. I kissed every single inch of her just last night, and I didn’t find any extra bits.”

  She threw her head back, laughing.

  “Can you two be less gross?” Bennie asked.

  His eldest son had made a full recovery. It had taken him some time to learn to do things slowly, to pace himself. He had ended up in the hospital a few times because of this, and Gunner had been pissed at him.

  In the end, Bennie’s back was fine, and he was even looking at going to college in the fall. He was catching up on all of his classwork, and he also was dating the girl whose name Gunner couldn’t fucking remember. Still, they were cute together, and for his birthday, he’d gotten Bennie lots of condoms with the warning that he didn’t want to be a granddad.

  Carlos had also recovered, and it hadn’t taken as long. He was fully healed, and the short kidnapping hadn’t affected him too much. The first week after the attack, he’d woken up in the night screaming, but Gunner had stayed with him, and made sure he was safe.

  No one hurt his family.

  Gunner glanced out toward the far field. There was a reason the clubhouse had a lot of yard. There were a lot of secrets buried on this land. Secrets of the club.

  “I don’t think it’s gross,” John said. “It’s cute.” He dropped a kiss to Scarlett’s lips, and joined them.

  Billy had taken over manning the grill.

  Getting up, Gunner helped Scarlett to sit up, and they enjoyed their food together. They were one big happy family.

  Scarlett gasped and quickly grabbed both of their hands, placing them on her stomach. “Do you feel that?”

  Gunner kept his palm across her rounded stomach and waited. There it was, and he smiled. “She kicked. Our baby girl kicked.”

  Bennie and Carlos moved closer and their hands were on her stomach.

  The look of wonder in their eyes matched his. He’d never taken the time to care about them when Cherry had been pregnant.

  “She’s going to be a little fighter,” John said. “Just like her mother.”

  “She’s not going to need to fight,” Carlos said. “Bennie and I can take them. Dad, what are you going to do about dates?”

  Gunner stared at his boys. “She’s not going to be dating. It’s as simple as that.”

  Scarlett shook her head. “If our daughter wants to date, then she will date.”

  “That baby is part of me, and I know what men think, and it’s not pretty.”

  “I don’t care what you say. Our little girl will be dating if she wants to.”

  “Yeah, she can date,” John said. “There’s nothing wrong with having a chaperone or four.”

  Gunner smirked at his friend. “Or the entire club. I like it. Our little girl will always be protected.”

  “Don’t worry, Mommy will be here.”

  He’d never felt so fucking happy in all of his life. He had his boys, his best friend, the woman he loved, and the club.


  “Come on, baby, you can do it. You can push,” Gunner said.

  Scarlett whimpered, holding both of their hands. John and Gunner had been determined to be part of the birth together. She’d read about the pain, and she whimpered as she felt it completely suckered her. “I can’t. It hurts.” She collapsed on the bed, needing a few seconds.

  Her water had broken two hours ago, and the contractions had immediately started. The doctor between her thighs told her to give one more push, but she shook her head.

  “You’ve got this, baby,” John said. He kissed her head. “Let’s meet our daughter. Come on, sweetheart.”

  They were waiting for her, and with tears in her eyes, she sat up again, holding their hands as she pushed again.

  She listened to the doctor as she kept on telling her to push, and then one final push.

  Scarlett’s heart nearly stopped as she heard the sound of the baby cry. That was her little girl, her baby.

  “A beautiful baby girl,” the doctor said.

  John and Gunner at her back as the doctor placed her daughter in her arms.

  “Well done, Mrs. Williams.”

  She was still John’s legal wife, but at the clubhouse as a way of Gunner’s men accepting his relationship, they had married her to both of them in the eyes of the club. That had been a really special day for her.

  Their relationship came with all three of them.

  “She’s so beautiful,” she said.

  The pain was lessening as she stared at her little girl.

  She leaned back so Gunner and John could have a look.

  “Our baby girl,” Gunner said.

  She rested her head back. She knew it didn’t matter on whom. She loved both of her men equally. They always held each other no matter what.

  Staring down at her daughter, she knew that she’d never stop loving them.

  They were bound together for eternity, and there was no better place to be.


  Eighteen years later

  “Mom, seriously! I want to go to prom, and Dads, both of them, are making me take a club Prospect with me. How is that fair?”

  John smiled as he finished eating his mashed potatoes. He’d been late at work, hoping to miss this outburst, but he was in agreement with Gunner. Emily wasn’t going out dating anyone on her own.

  “Gunner!” Scarlett called his name, and John looked up as his wife came into the room.

  The other man in question turned the corner, and John watched as he held their youngest child.

  Besides Bennie and Carlos, they also had four daughters. Opal, the youngest, was in Gunner’s arms.

  Scarlett’s hands went to her hips. “We agreed.”

  “No, you suggested, I didn’t respond. I don’t know who this boy is.”
r />   “Mom, seriously, Drake is, like, one of the biggest nerds in school.”

  “I heard you tell Bennie that he’s the hottest nerd in school, and last time I checked that still meant he had a dick.”

  Scarlett glared at him, taking Opal. “Fix this,” she said, turning to him.

  “I’m eating cold mashed potatoes,” John said.

  “That’s because you wouldn’t come home.”

  John loved to come home more than anything in the world. Between Gunner and Scarlett, they had given him a huge family. All together they had six children, and also two grandchildren, who were nightmares.

  Scarlett left the room, and he watched Gunner and Emily face off. He’d been to all of their kids’ births. Emily being their oldest, she did hold a special place in his heart as she’d helped to bring them all together.

  “Dad, please, I’m sensible. I want to go to prom, and I want to do so with Drake. He’s nice, and we study together all the time.”

  “Wait?” Gunner asked. “Your date is glasses-wearing Drake?”

  “Yes. He’s around all the time. He fixed your computer for you.”

  “Oh,” Gunner said. “That’s fine. Sure, he can take you out.”

  Gunner sat down at the table, and John smirked. He looked incredibly hot when he was smug.

  “What did you do, Dad?”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Ugh! This is not fair.” Emily stormed out of the room, and Gunner turned to John as Scarlett came back into the room, brow raised.

  Opal was shaking a rattle in her arms.

  “What did you do?” Scarlett asked.

  “Oh, I happened to tell Drake that if he put a finger on my daughter that I have a special hole dug at the back of the clubhouse for losers like him. I even got the two new prospects to dig me a hole. I have to say, kid has got balls. I showed it to him. Told him to respect my girl and her family otherwise he’d be saying hello to the earth up close and personal.”

  Scarlett shook her head. “And he still asked her to the prom. Damn, that boy is a keeper.” She sat down in the chair between them.

  John finished his food, and took Opal from her arms, kissing her on the head.

  “Why are you crying, baby?” Gunner asked.

  “I’m just so happy. Can you believe that our little girl is going to prom? Where did the past eighteen years go?”


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