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Picture Perfect Love (Year Of Weddings 2 Book 7; Series Order 19) (Christian Romance)

Page 4

by Melissa McClone

  “Here you go.” Jenna handed him a tall glass full of lemonade. “Just made this morning.”

  He took a sip. Sweet and tangy, a combination that reminded him of Jenna’s kiss. “Delicious.”

  “My mom’s recipe.”

  Homemade. Not surprising. Mrs. Harrison had been a good cook, specializing in comfort foods like meat loaf, cabbage rolls, and macaroni and cheese. Entrees their health-conscious housekeeper Mrs. Beatty had never made. “How are your parents?”

  “Doing well in Connecticut.”

  “What about Colton?” Ash asked.

  “Still in the marines. Stationed at Camp Pendleton. He came home on leave last spring. Brought a couple friends. They redid the backyard for me.”

  Again, not a surprise. Ash had met her brother once. Colton Harris was an in-shape, hard-as-nails guy who loved America and his sister, not in that particular order.

  “Fishing, river rafting, paddleboarding.” Ash raised his glass toward the framed photos on the mantel, curious about the other people and her new hobbies. “You’ve been staying active.”


  He waited for her to say more. She didn’t. “Looks like fun.”

  “Yes. I love being outdoors.”

  More words this time. Maybe he’d get an entire paragraph from her next.

  “Me too.” Except he spent his time at work with occasional trips to the gym. He tried to remember the last time he’d gone for a run outside and not on a treadmill. His mind went blank. “When I have time.”

  “Still working long hours?”

  “I’m going for partner.” His defensive tone made him want to grimace. Was his work schedule what she remembered of him? He sipped the lemonade, which tasted less sweet.

  Ash stood only four feet away from Jenna, but the quiet pushed them further apart. Unease knotted his muscles. He wanted to mend the rift between them, but that wasn’t going to happen. Things were never going to be the same. The realization made him sad.

  She glanced at the clock on the end table. “I don’t mean to be rude, but are you sure Amber’s coming? I have plans tonight.”

  Plans? A date? Ash’s collar tightened. A million questions sprung to mind. None of which he could ask without appearing to be a stalker-ex. “I’ll see where she is.”

  He pulled out his cell phone. No message from Amber about running late. He typed, Jenna doesn’t have much time. Now or never.

  A reply came quickly: Be there in 5.

  Ash put away his phone. “She’s almost here.”

  “Okay.” Jenna didn’t sound okay, more like nervous.

  Nothing was working as he . . . he hadn’t planned any of this, but he’d expected her to be happier to see him. Upsetting her more was the last thing he wanted. “This will be quick. I promise.”

  She nodded.

  If this were a contest for saying the fewest words, Jenna would win. No, that wasn’t fair after what he’d done to her. He should be happy she’d moved on. Not be disappointed she was doing fine without him.

  Ash was. Sort of. But he didn’t like how their time together had been wiped away like the mascara-stained tears streaming down her cheeks when he’d asked for his grandmother’s ring back. Sure, things had ended badly, but they’d shared good times, cared about each other. He still had the wedding gift he’d bought for her. That had to count for something.

  He wanted to try. “Is there any way we could be friends again?”

  “Friends,” she repeated, as if testing out the word. “We bypassed that step when we met and went straight to dating.”

  “That doesn’t mean we can’t be friends now.”

  Her eyes darkened. She rubbed her lips together. “I—”

  The doorbell rang.

  Relief filled her face. “That must be Amber.”

  Leave it to his sister to arrive at the wrong time. Ash followed Jenna into the foyer.

  The discussion might have been interrupted, but he wasn’t giving up. He wouldn’t walk away from her again. Being friends was better than nothing. He hoped Jenna agreed.

  Amber Vance was the last person Jenna wanted to see, but the doorbell had saved her from answering Ash.

  Be his friend?

  Uh, no.

  As soon as he and Amber left, Jenna never wanted to see either again.

  You’ve gotten me through so much, Lord. I thank you for that. A little more patience this afternoon would be greatly appreciated.

  She opened the door. Amber stood next to a familiar-looking man wearing a suit.

  “Jenna!” Amber’s expertly applied makeup made her look older than twenty-two. Her long brown hair swayed as she sashayed on four-inch heels into the house without an invitation. She kissed the air next to Jenna’s cheek. “It’s been way too long. You look amazing. You’ve dropped, what, ten or twenty pounds?”

  Twelve, after gaining back a couple. “A few.”

  “What’s your secret?” Amber asked.

  “Getting dumped the day before your wedding does weird things to your appetite.” The words were out of Jenna’s mouth before she could stop them.

  Amber’s laugh sounded forced. Neither Ash nor the man standing on the welcome mat said anything. Jenna didn’t blame them.

  Amber shrugged. “Well, at least something good came of it.”


  Did she mean the photo going viral? Or the cancellation of the wedding? Or maybe Ash breaking Jenna’s heart. Probably best not to ask.

  The man on the porch cleared his throat.

  Amber glanced over her shoulder, as if in an afterthought. “Oh, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Toby Matthews.”

  Toby entered the house, then closed the door behind him. His worried expression contradicted his loosened tie and casually styled blond hair. He seemed uncomfortable like Jenna, and she felt a surprising kinship. He was attractive in a smart, nerdy-guy kind of way, a one-eighty from the fraternity pretty-boy type Amber dated two years ago.

  “Hi,” he said. “Thanks for seeing us on such short notice.”

  Polite. Jenna tried to place him. Not church or school, but she knew him somehow. “We’ve met before.”

  A hesitant smile formed on Toby’s face. “You photographed my cousin Ben’s wedding last summer. That’s why I suggested you for our wedding.”

  “You wanted to hire Jenna?” Ash asked Toby.

  “She did a great job. Put everyone at ease, especially me. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled so much having my picture taken.”

  Toby wanting to hire her made more sense than Amber wanting to do so.

  “Ben and Julia Garrett.” The pictures from that day flashed through Jenna’s mind like a slideshow. “The reception was held at Fallen Leaf Park. You were a groomsman.”

  Toby nodded. “One of five.”

  Jenna felt bad for saying no. She remembered Toby Matthews. He defined the term nice guy. He’d danced with the single women, young and old, at the reception, stepped out of the way so the best man could catch the garter, and given the last piece of chocolate cake to the flower girl.

  “Orange tie,” she said.

  “And socks.” Toby’s grin widened. “That was Julia’s idea. Orange is her favorite color.”

  Jenna remembered. Not peach like some brides might have chosen, but bright orange, nearly neon. “You rolled up your pants to show off the socks in one of the pictures.”

  “Good memory, considering the number of weddings you must work,” Ash said.

  Her gaze collided with his. Unexpected warmth spurted through her veins, heating her from the inside out. Not good. “Memorable wedding.”

  Amber flipped her hair behind her shoulder, a practiced move that put the glam in glamour. “That was before Toby and I were seriously dating, or I would have attended with him.”

  “You would have had fun.” Additional memories of the wedding returned. Jenna couldn’t help but smile. “I loved the dance you groomsmen did. I wanted the photographs to capture that fun feeling.”

  “They did.” Toby’s features relaxed. His posture looked less stiff. “I’m not big on having my picture taken, but you made the process painless. I didn’t feel like a robot or a puppet on strings.”

  Jenna wiggled her toes. “Those are words every photographer loves to hear.”

  Amber leaned against Toby like a possessive cat. “You were his choice of photographers, but I knew you’d say no so we went with someone else.”

  “You understand why my answer is no now, right?” Jenna asked.

  “Yes.” Amber stared at the tiled entryway, then raised her gaze to meet Jenna’s. “What I did. It was . . . wrong. I’m sorry. I should have spoken up right away, but I didn’t think Ash was going to cancel the wedding and ask for Grandma’s ring back. I felt horrible, but I was too afraid of getting into trouble to say anything. Thinking only of myself was selfish. If I could do it over again, I would.”

  The words sounded sincere, more grown-up than Jenna expected. No doubt Toby was a good influence on Amber. “I appreciate you coming here and apologizing. Thanks.”

  “I know you’d rather not photograph our wedding, but you were Toby’s first choice,” Amber added. “That’s the only say he wanted with the wedding planning.”

  “The photographer and wedding cake,” Toby clarified.

  “Oh, yeah,” Amber agreed. “And you didn’t get a say in that, either. But now that the other photographer is on bed rest, I thought maybe you could forget I’m the bride or pretend I’m someone else so Toby could have the photographer he wanted.”

  Toby took a step forward. “No pressure, Jenna. This is an awkward situation, and we understand if you don’t feel comfortable.”

  Amber opened her mouth as if to speak.

  Toby shot her a sideward glance. “Don’t we, honey?”

  “Of course,” Amber said.

  A battle waged inside Jenna. She wanted to help Toby, but the idea of spending time with the Vance family made her stomach hurt. “My June is pretty booked with people adding Friday night and Sunday afternoon weddings to the mix.”

  “Understood.” Ash held the empty lemonade glass. “Amber and Toby are getting married on Saturday, the twenty-seventh.”

  Available. The word swirled through Jenna’s head, becoming louder and louder. She fought the urge to cover her ears to quiet the noise.

  The twenty-seventh was supposed to have been Claire’s wedding day. But that didn’t mean . . .

  Torn, Jenna prayed. “That date’s open, but—”

  “Score!” Amber jumped up and down.

  Toby’s grin spread across the width of his face. “Tell us what it’ll take.”

  Ash nodded. “I’ll double your fee.”

  Saying yes appealed to Jenna as much as eating liver and onions, her dad’s favorite dinner. Her mother had made the meal once a year. Jenna and Colton had gagged their way through miniscule servings to be rewarded with hot fudge sundaes for dessert. Maybe she could treat this wedding the same way. Sending extra money to Colton would be the cherry on top.

  Except she still wanted Ash and Amber to leave. But they’d apologized. Jenna couldn’t shove them out the door. Pastor Dan had counseled her on the importance of forgiveness for her faith and so she wouldn’t be consumed by bitterness.

  “If there’s anything else you want . . .” Ash added.

  Wait a minute. She straightened, an idea forming in her mind. There was something she needed. Not her exactly, but the church’s youth group. They were short chaperones. If the three agreed to help . . .

  She drew in a breath to calm her nerves. “My church needs adult volunteers for our youth group outing on Saturday or they’ll have to cancel. It’s all day at a ropes course, so if you’re busy—”

  “I’m in,” Ash said without any hesitation.

  Toby nodded. “Me too.”

  Amber received a nudge from her fiancé. “Uh, sure. I can do that. But what’s a rope course?”

  “Never mind what it is, you’ll have fun.” Ash looked at Jenna. “We’re happy to help out. But the decision to photograph Amber and Toby’s wedding is yours.”

  Jenna had three yeses. What had Kerri said earlier?

  There’s always a plan. Not yours or mine, but His.

  Jenna took a deep breath and another to try to calm her nerves reaching near panic mode. Not for her. She repeated the three words in her mind. This was for Colton, her friend Sam the youth pastor, and the teens at her church. “If Ash doubles my fee and the three of you volunteer with the youth group on Saturday, I’ll photograph the wedding.”

  Saturday morning, Jenna stood in the parking lot outside the Sweetwater Community Church with Sam Carson, the youth pastor in charge of today’s outing. Birds chirped from nearby trees. The sun shone bright. Soon heat would reflect off the asphalt. Only two cars—hers and Sam’s—and the church’s bus were in the parking lot. She’d arrived early to help him prepare.

  Placing water bottles into a large ice chest, she yawned, tired from working a wedding last night. A restless sleep hadn’t helped. Thoughts of seeing Ash had kept her awake long after her body wanted rest.

  Sam removed the plastic wrap from a case of water bottles. “You’re exhausted. You should have slept in this morning. Go take a nap in my office.”

  “You’re as bad as Colton.”

  “He asked me to look out for you when he was here on leave.”

  “No wonder I feel like I have two brothers.” She stifled another yawn.

  Sam gave her a look.

  “I’m fine.” She was. Just a little wigged out about seeing Ash this morning.

  He’d sent a check, as promised, for the full amount plus interest. She’d expected a portion, half at most, and had been surprised. Stunned, really. Once the check cleared, she would be free from credit card payments and able to repay Colton. Out of debt with money in a savings account. An exciting, new place to be, but that didn’t stop another yawn. A nap on the hour-long bus ride to the ropes course might be in order, if the teens let her sleep.

  Sam dumped the water bottles into an ice chest. “You work too hard.”

  “Do you want to be the pot or the kettle? The choice is yours.” She didn’t expect him to answer. “It’s going to be hot today.”

  “The trees will keep us shaded, but I brought extra sunscreen and grabbed a few more cases of water last night, just in case.”

  “We should be good then.”

  “Especially with your extra volunteers coming along.” Sam’s grin took ten years off his face. The twenty-six-year-old looked more like a teen than the group’s leader. “Thanks for finding more chaperones. The kids have been looking forward to this outing. I’m relieved we didn’t have to cancel.”

  “Me too.” Except the thought of spending the entire day with Ash jangled her nerves. She poured half a bag of crushed ice over the water bottles. “Everything worked out.”

  “Easy-peasy, smooth as French silk pie, as Trish would say.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of Jenna’s mouth. “I can hear her say those words. And Pastor Dan laugh.”

  “Yep. Only I’m not kidding.” Sam closed the lid on the ice chest as if accentuating his point. “Your three volunteers showed up at my office the day after you texted me and filled out the background check form. That’s usually the stumbling block to getting help.”

  “I knew we needed more adults.”

  Sam carried the ice chest he’d filled to the bus. “So what’s it like having your ex-fiancé back in your life?”

  Her past wasn’t a secret. Pastor Dan had asked her to give a testimonial after joining the church. Sam was one of her closer friends, so he knew a few extra details. “I wouldn’t say Ash is back. I’ve only seen him the day he apologized.”


  “Ash realized he was wrong.”

  “Takes courage to admit that.”

  “Yes. He’s contacted people who took his side and explained what really happened. I’ve booked photogr
aphy shoots with a couple of them. He’s gone above and beyond to make things up to me.”

  “But you wish he hadn’t needed proof.”

  She straightened. “I didn’t say that.”

  “Still true.”


  Sam shot her a curious glance. “Thinking about getting back together?”

  The water bottle in her hand slipped, crashed into the ice chest. “No.”

  “Sure about that?”

  “Yes. Definitely.” Though Jenna wished she wouldn’t think about Ash so much. “I’m not the same person who dated him. Working here, attending services, making new friends . . . I don’t want to go backwards to who I was with him.”

  “Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.”

  “No. It’s the truth.” She wanted to do the right thing and not get hurt again. “I’m photographing his sister’s wedding. That’s all.”

  “Nice of you, under the circumstances.”

  “An act of forgiveness.” That was how she’d explained her decision to shoot Amber’s wedding to Colton. He wanted Jenna far, far away from Ash. She assured her brother that her heart was immune. Come June twenty-eighth, the day after Amber and Toby’s wedding, she would never see Ash again.

  “But I’ll be honest.” Jenna knew Sam would never judge her actions. “Agreeing to photograph the wedding isn’t completely altruistic. I knew the youth group needed volunteers, so I made that part of the deal, and Ash offered to double my normal rate.”

  “That’s a win-win-win. If you’re going to have an ex, sounds like Ashton Vance is one to have.”

  Jenna half-laughed. “I suppose you’re right.”

  “Glad you agree, because he’s here.”

  Butterflies went bonkers in her stomach. No biggie. One day with him was nothing. Two days if she counted Amber’s wedding. Two and a half if she included the rehearsal dinner. Every muscle tensed. She looked over her shoulder.

  Ash walked across the parking lot dressed in khaki shorts, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes. He wore a backpack and carried three pink rectangular boxes.


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