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Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1)

Page 29

by Kara Liane

  I looked at the lanyard hanging from her neck. It appeared to be some kind of a press badge. I reached for it. She must have thought I was going to grab her tits, because she blocked me with lightning-fast reflexes. She swatted my hands away furiously.

  “Whoa there, Karate Kid!”

  “Hands off, buddy,” she admonished. Then she followed it up with a sugary-sweet, sarcastic tone, “I mean . . . airman.”

  My dick was pissed off and turned on in equal measure. How the fuck was that possible? This woman pissed me off and made me want to cover her in cum. I smiled at her. I realized I had to take back control of the situation. This was a game I was willing to play all day—and night—if I had to.

  “Technical sergeant, actually,” I corrected her.

  She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes again while pursing her lips. I could see the wheels turning.

  Before she could respond, I went on to say, “I am an airman, but it’s more of a generic term, much like soldier is. I should be addressed by my rank, which is technical sergeant.”

  She laughed in a haughty manner and retorted, “Oh, I’m sorry. Is this introduction time? Well then, you can address me as ‘Your Highness.’”

  Wow, this woman was thorny and hot as hell.

  Thorny and horny rhyme, hmm.

  I just grinned widely back at her. She tapped her foot again. It was cute the way she got so mad.

  “By the way, Your Highness, I wasn’t reaching for your tits. I was looking at your badge,” I claimed.

  She looked confused at first, then glanced down at her chest and back up to meet my gaze. “I knew that!” she announced, but clearly she hadn’t known.

  I bit my tongue to keep from quipping back with something just as sharp as her bite. I had a sneaking suspicion this would not be the last time I’d cross paths with the woman, so I tried to rein in my need to rib her. Call it intuition or whatever you want, but I felt surely we’d meet again.

  For some odd reason, she held the badge out to me, away from her chest, in acceptance. It still dangled on the lanyard around her neck.

  I took a step closer. Her neck was so delicate; I could see her collarbones stick out from the sides. I found that feature so sexy. I wanted to lick her right there. Once I was closer to her, I could smell a light scent of cucumber and melon. I held the badge in my palm and flipped it over. It read, “Everly Reynolds, Reporter, Philly Timez.”

  Hmm never heard of her—or the publication, for that matter.

  I let the ID fall from my hand. It swung back to rest again on her chest. I watched the movement. Shit, I wished I knew what her body looked like under those flowy clothes. She took a deep, shuddering breath. Gone was her bristly-cactus attitude. Before me suddenly was a more serene, peaceful woman with a hungry look in her eyes.

  I was left thinking, What the fuck?

  Then she shook her head as if to clear it, and the prickly side of her came back again.

  “Okay. Well, I have to go, creampuff. I’m covering a story about college graduations and the success rates of students obtaining immediate employment,” she explained.

  She cleared her throat as if realizing she didn’t, or shouldn’t, have to explain anything to me. I just kept staring at her, wanting to know who she really was and what she was about. After glimpsing a taste of how she might be under that barbed exterior, I wanted to know more. She didn’t give me a chance to learn more, though. She just turned and started walking off in the opposite direction I came from. I stood there for a second before I finally reacted.

  Wait. What? She’s leaving?

  I yelled down the hall to her, “See you around, Your Highness.” Then I bowed for added effect.

  She smiled and actually laughed a hearty, girly laugh, if that’s possible. I loved it. I wanted to throw her down and fuck her senseless.

  Shit, she’s beautiful.

  In return, she saluted me and said, “Technical sergeant.”

  She then disappeared.

  I returned to my seat in the auditorium with a bounce in my step. I managed the stairs just fine this time. When I sat down next to my brother-in-law, I was sporting the biggest, goofiest grin. Alexi looked at me like I had been smoking crack.

  “What gives?” he asked.

  I smiled and responded, “I just met a royal pain in the ass.”



  I have to thank my family, friends, and coworkers for their support. This book is a piece of me, that is comprised of pieces of you. I drew great insight from all the people, places, and things I love.

  My coworkers helped inspire material for this book, and they are a blessing. Thanks for our camaraderie and fun conversations. Let me just say that it always comes down to chicken!

  I have to thank my mom who was my first official reader of this novel in its entirety. She made me believe I could actually be a writer.

  I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge all those who were on my team in the editing process; they made this novel a reality. Much respect and appreciation for your craft, John!

  Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series is what got me to fall in love with reading. I was so tired of digesting textbooks in college, and never read just for fun. But that all changed when I went head over heels for Bella and Edward’s story during one of my husband’s deployments. Then E. L. James’s Fifty Shades of Grey series introduced me to the genre of erotic romance novels, and again I was kept company by books while my hubby was away. So that was it! I was hooked and went gaga for these kinds of stories, reading nonstop over the years. Now steamy novels are the only genre I gravitate to. I am a huge fan of Maya Banks and R. K. Lilley too, so I have to give these ladies a shout-out for their amazingness.

  Lastly, to my current and future readers, thank you for taking a chance on this story. I know you’ll cheer for Caylan and Alexi as much as I have, and stay tuned for more! Hugs to you all.

  Hearts & Smiles,

  Kara Liane

  About the Author

  Kara Liane is a lover of all things romance. She holds several degrees, including a master’s in management from Wayland Baptist University. Her husband of fifteen years proudly serves in the military. The family, which includes twin elementary-age sons and two adult dogs, resides in New Jersey.

  Stay connected with Kara Liane by visiting her web site:




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