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Page 8

by Kimberly Van Meter

  “Stuart, how does a man like yourself—a gentleman—find yourself single? How was it that you haven’t been snatched up by some smart lady by now?”

  But dammit, Vanessa latched right on to Harper’s question with one of her own.

  “That’s a pretty darn good question. Tell us, Stuart, any skeletons in your closet we should know about?”

  Playing along, Stuart said, “Only the skeletons of my former business partners.”

  Vanessa laughed, enjoying his humor. “That’s something my Dale would say. But I know you’re nothing like Dale was in business. Dale would’ve cut the throat of his mother for a good deal.”

  “I daresay I wouldn’t assault my mother—God rest her soul—but I do enjoy a good deal.”

  Good God, the banter was supposed to be between Harper and Stuart not Stuart and Vanessa. Her frustration growing, Harper pretended to perk up as the band played a catchy tune. “I love this band. Would you like to dance?”

  But before Stuart could accept or decline, Vanessa jumped in again, pretending to scold Teagan.

  “What is wrong with you, boy? This young lady wants to dance, get out there and show her a good time.”

  Stuart nodded, agreeing. “You two go out there and tear the dance floor up. I think I’ll take this pretty lady for a spin.”

  Teagan’s Cheshire grin made her want to howl but she had to save face. “Shall we?” she asked, and Teagan solicitously accepted her offer with fake humility.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  He grasped her hand and shock waves traveled up her arm, further stymieing her attempt to appear unaffected by anything Teagan said or did, at least in Stuart’s presence.

  If only that were true.

  Teagan was quickly getting under her skin.

  Once they were out of earshot, Harper snarled, “What do you think you are doing?”

  Teagan’s arm circled around her lower back, pressing her close. “Is that a trick question, because I thought we were dancing. Are you feeling all right, you look a little flushed.”

  “I’m fine. But you know I wanted to dance with Stuart. Why can’t you get it through your head that I am not interested in you?”

  “See, now here’s the thing, I think you’re lying through your pretty teeth. You are interested in me but you’re too stubborn to admit it.”

  Her heart rate fluttered even as she wanted to stomp on his instep. “You are so full of it that I don’t know if you suffer from some type of personality disorder or you’re just dumb as a brick.”

  Her insult bounced off without injury. “Funny you should say that, because I’ve also wondered whether or not you suffer from some kind of disorder.”

  Harper’s jaw dropped. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, I have to ask myself, why would a woman like you actively chase after a man old enough to be her grandfather. My first option is that you’re a gold digger and trying to get your sharp claws into the older man. My second option is that you have some weird fetish born out of a misplaced yearning for your daddy’s affection. So either way, you chasing after Stuart isn’t pretty. Honestly, I’m not sure which option is worse.”

  Harper swallowed the hot words that danced on her tongue because she knew engaging would only give him an advantage. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said stiffly. “Isn’t it possible that I just enjoy his company more than I enjoy yours?”

  Teagan didn’t even hesitate to shoot her down. “You and I both know that’s crap. How about this, let’s try honesty. Lies are hard to keep straight.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t know me well enough to say that I’m lying about anything.”

  Teagan pulled her closer. The sharp mint of his breath tickled her cheek and the warmth of his solid body threatened to melt hers like wax under a steady flame. Teagan was the kind of man who would ruin everything she had put into place thus far if she wasn’t careful.

  “Didn’t your mama ever teach you that there’s more to a woman’s value than what’s between her legs?”

  Harper stiffened, hating that his comment had hit a chord. The thing was, her mother hadn’t taught her that. If anything, Anna had taught the opposite, but that wasn’t Teagan’s place to intrude. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

  “You’re right, it’s not my business, but if you continue to chase after that poor old man, I’ll make it my business.”

  And there it was. The gauntlet thrown in challenge.

  “Why do you care? You didn’t even know the man until you met him on this boat,” she pointed out.

  “True. But you know what? I’m tired of people like you running over others to take what they didn’t work for.”

  “Are you trying to suggest that the men I date are some helpless victims? You’re an idiot if you think that.”

  “I don’t know anything about the men in your past. All I know is that, that man over there is a nice guy. And I want you to leave him alone.”

  “Well too bad. I think he’s a grown man and he can make his own decisions. I don’t think he needs you to run point for him.”

  Teagan shrugged. “You could be right. Doesn’t change what I’m going to do.”

  So, in a nutshell, Teagan had just admitted to openly trying to sabotage any effort she had toward Stuart. Why? “Are you trying to put him with Vanessa?”

  “That match would make more sense,” he replied.

  “Do tell.”

  To that, Teagan met her gaze, his penetrating stare poking at her conscience. “Because unlike you, I know Vanessa really likes Stuart for who he is, not for what he can give her.”

  Harper tried not to feel small. She’d long ago shed any skin that resembled guilt. But it was hard to ignore the message that Teagan had just slapped across her forehead.

  And it wasn’t comfortable.

  She blinked, afraid that tears weren’t far behind. The knowledge both terrified and annoyed her. She was not a crier, by nature.

  But before she could say anything in her own defense, Teagan swept a kiss across her lips, igniting a firestorm of epic proportions.

  A kiss from the wrong guy.

  She should’ve pushed Teagan away.

  She should’ve at least made some sound of disgust as his firm lips traveled across hers.

  But she was suspiciously silent.

  Unless that tiny, mewling gasp counted for anything. counted.

  Damn him.

  It counted a lot.

  * * *

  TEAGAN HADN’T PLANNED to kiss Harper, but that was the best part about spontaneous actions—they took both of you by surprise.

  Maybe he’d kissed her because he’d wanted to see what she would do.

  Or maybe he’d just wanted to taste that sass.

  Either way, once he’d started, he wasn’t ready to quit.

  The dance floor disappeared, leaving only Harper and Teagan.

  Their bodies meshed together perfectly, her softness complemented his strength. It took everything in him to not throw her over his shoulder and carry her to his room like a caveman.

  But somehow, Teagan remembered they weren’t alone.

  That they were actually surrounded by people and that Stuart and Vanessa were, no doubt, watching and giggling at how they’d successfully matched them up.

  If only they knew how Harper wanted nothing more than to toss him overboard.

  At least when his mouth wasn’t on hers.

  Teagan regretfully broke the kiss and found Harper dazed, her lips glistening from his kiss.

  “That’s a good look on you,” he murmured, breaking the spell.

  Her gaze cleared and she h
it him with a scowl worthy of a nun about to administer justice in Catholic school.

  “Don’t you ever do that again,” she said, her tone just a tad too breathy to be convincing. “If we weren’t surrounded by people, I’d kick you in the nuts.”

  “So bloodthirsty,” he said, chuckling. “Are you into the rough stuff? I gotta admit, it’s not my thing but I’d be willing to try it out at least once for you.”

  She gasped as his intentional misunderstanding, her cheeks coloring prettily. “You know that’s not what I meant, you toad. I meant don’t kiss me again.”

  “Just so I’m clear, you did not enjoy my lips on yours?”

  “No.” Her emphatic answer was supposed to be convincing, but the subtle shake in her arms told a different story. “No,” she repeated, lifting her chin as if that made her point.

  “So, you don’t want me to do this, either,” he whispered, slowly sliding his hand down to her pert behind, resting on the succulent cheek and giving it a firm squeeze as if he owned the woman attached to it.

  “Um, no,” she squeaked, rising up on her tiptoes, forcing her to cling to him more tightly.

  “And then, that’s a definite no, that you don’t want me to do this...” His lips traveled the soft column of her skin where her bare shoulder met her neck, nipping and tasting as he went. “Mmm, you taste like summer strawberries,” he murmured, the delightful discovery an unexpected admission.

  “A-and you smell like—”



  “A sinful good time?”

  Teagan surreptitiously ground his bold erection against her belly, causing her to gasp. “A savage beast!” she finished, as if that were an insult.

  “I’ll take that,” Teagan accepted with pride. “There are worse things. Such as my brother J.T.’s sweaty gym socks. Those reek. I mean, kill-a-small-country reek. So, yeah, I’ll take savage beast any day.”

  “You’re impossible,” she groaned as he gracefully twirled her out and back into his arms. She moved like fingers under silk, smooth and without a snag. Together, their rhythm was almost flawless. “I want to sit down now.”

  “Not yet. We have an audience,” he whispered in her ear. She glanced around and realized, yes, indeed, people were watching them command the dance floor. And because Harper, as he was quick to note, was highly competitive, she wasn’t about to stop if people were feeding her need to win.

  Teagan grinned, practically reading her mind. “Is everything a competition in your mind?”

  “Isn’t it in yours?” she returned coolly before dazzling with a smile that was meant for the crowd, but Teagan wasn’t going to quibble. She was a showstopper and she was in his arms.

  Thank God for the salsa lessons he’d taken many years ago. At least he knew some moves to keep her on her toes.

  But she was a fast learner and kept pace.

  They danced, spinning, working up a sweat as the motions were both sensual and vigorous. Harper made Teagan feel invisible as he twirled her around, lifted her off her feet and held her close.

  They made a good pair.

  Perhaps too good.

  What had started out as his mission to mess with Harper had quickly turned into a raging sensual fever.

  And he wasn’t the only one suffering.

  Harper’s eyes flashed with unadulterated exhilaration as she landed in his arms and he dipped her with flourish.

  Applause erupted throughout the lounge and Harper rose to smile shyly, waving to the crowd. Teagan upped the ante by kissing the back of her hand, like the gentleman she professed to want.

  Their gazes locked and Teagan knew the attraction—as much as she tried to protest—was mutual. The heat radiating from her body pinked her cheeks and flushed her lips.

  “Never let it be said that I don’t pay attention,” he said, letting the devil come out and play in his expression. The way her breath hitched and her pupils dilated, Teagan knew he’d pushed all the right buttons.

  Whether she liked it or not.


  HARPER EXCUSED HERSELF to go to the ladies’ room to catch her breath.

  What was happening?

  She wet a paper towel and used it to blot her face, cooling down. Teagan was an amazing dancer.

  Of course he was.

  The man was probably an accomplished chef, too.

  He flew planes.

  Fought for our country.

  Had a smile that was practically kryptonite.

  And those lips...

  She closed her eyes for a moment and savored the memory of Teagan’s kiss.

  How could something so small make her want to tear her clothes off?

  It wasn’t as if she’d never been kissed by a man who knew how to do it.

  Harper scoffed at the thought, blotting her hairline and patting her neck where his lips had traveled and nipped.

  But the shiver at the memory was telling.

  You’re a button-pusher, Teagan. She shook her head. But you’re not about to keep pushing mine.

  All was not lost.

  Not yet, anyway.

  She just needed some alone time with Stuart.

  Which was hard to manage with Vanessa around the man all the time.

  Maybe if she could find a substitute for Vanessa to spend some time with, it would free Stuart up to spend some quality time with Harper.

  Not going to be easy with Teagan actively working against her, though.

  She bit her lip.

  Unless she also found someone for Teagan to spend time with.

  Ugh. What was she turning into? The ship’s love doctor?

  Finally somewhat calm, Harper rinsed her hands a final time and began to exit the bathroom, only to run into Vanessa.

  “Honey, I thought I’d check on you. That was some hot stuff out there. You’ll have to teach me some of those moves.”

  “Honestly, it was Teagan,” she admitted with a brief smile. Harper didn’t want to like Vanessa but the woman had a way about her that drew people. And maybe it’d been too long since Harper had enjoyed a female friendship, much less a mother figure. Not that she was looking for either.

  “Well, either way, you looked good out there. What I wouldn’t give for those long legs of yours,” Vanessa chuckled.

  “You’re very beautiful,” Harper said. “But you know that.”

  Vanessa laughed as she reapplied her lipstick, then after carefully blotting and tossing the tissue in the trash, she turned to Harper. “Honey, have you ever been looking for something and swear you’re never gonna find it, but then you realize, too late, that it’s standing right in front of you?”

  This smacked of a life lesson. Harper waited politely for Vanessa to make her point.

  “Teagan is a good man. You could do worse.”

  “Unfortunately, he’s not my type.”

  “Bullshit, honey. He’s exactly the type you need.”

  “Come again?”

  “Let’s level with each other,” Vanessa said. “I know you think you’ve got eyes for Stuart and I’m not going to stand in your way if that’s the way the wind is blowing, but you’re barking up the wrong tree. You need a man who will stand up to you, make you see stars and red at the same time. Stuart isn’t that man.”

  Harper forced a smile because she didn’t want to be rude, but she hated that everyone on this damn boat seemed to know what she was about, except the one man who only saw her as a kid. “My last lover was sixty-nine. I just like older men. Teagan doesn’t have the seasoning I prefer. I hope that doesn’t cause hard feelings between you and me.”

  “I just hate to see a young lady as pretty as you waste your time on something that’s bound to bring you heartache.”

nbsp; “Stuart would never break my heart,” Harper returned with confidence. She was the heartbreaker, not the other way around.

  “Girls like you don’t know what they want until it’s too late to grab it,” Vanessa said with a sad shake. “But Stuart isn’t mine. We’re just enjoying each other’s company. He’s free to spend time with whomever he chooses.”

  “Thank you. I’m pleased to hear you say that,” Harper said, though she felt weird discussing this topic so openly. “May the best woman win?”

  Vanessa’s laugh was airy and bright as she exited the bathroom. “Honey, there was never any competition to win.” Which left Harper to wonder if Vanessa was saying Harper didn’t stand a chance or if Vanessa wasn’t interested in playing.

  Suddenly, Harper’s head hurt.

  Women were so complicated.

  It would be so much easier if Vanessa had just screeched, “Stay away from my man, you little hussy!” because Harper knew how to handle that kind of confrontation.

  Instead, Vanessa had messed with Harper’s head by being kind, compassionate, a little sassy and wise, and possibly a little dangerous.

  Under normal circumstances, Harper would’ve ruthlessly edged the woman out.

  But...she liked Vanessa.

  Even if she hadn’t a clue what to think of her.

  * * *

  AFTER DINNER, VANESSA and Stuart went off on their own, mentioning they were going to check out the shuffleboard. While Harper’s sharp disappointment in not being invited to join was hard not to enjoy, Teagan offered his arm for a walk around the starry deck.

  To his surprise, she accepted.

  Harper looped her arm through his with a decided pout that bordered on a scowl.

  “You’re lucky that you’re pretty cute when you’re acting like a baby,” he said.

  “I am not acting like a baby,” she retorted, but Teagan sensed it was for show. For all her outward confidence, Harper’s eyes gave away the lost soul she tried to hide. It was that part of her that intrigued him most. She sighed and leaned against him. “Why are you working against me? I don’t understand. Why do you care?”

  “I already told you,” he answered, enjoying the warmth of her body against his arm. “People should hook up organically and there’s no way you and Stuart would naturally meet up. I don’t think it’s right.”


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