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Three Hearts Beat as One (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Karen Mercury

  The mayor squeezed Devin’s dick. Devin was mortified that it had actually lengthened under the mayor’s ministrations. Of course, it was just physiology, a natural reaction. Devin got hard by brushing against a rack of lingerie or rubbing against the mattress. Who didn’t? “You’re a god, Devin, an absolute god. Every time I see you walk down the street, I become distracted. You’re so built and you move like a leopard. Watching you come against that glass I nearly fainted. I wished there was no glass between us so I could swallow your tasty load.”

  Devin squirmed, which didn’t help. How far was this twisted horndog going to take this, especially seeing as how they were sitting in his damned office? All Devin had to do was yell “Fire!” and his entire admin staff would know what he was up to. On the other hand, how far was Devin willing to go to save Chase’s store? Alessi was right. He probably did have the power to make Ben Pearson go away. It was a stupid referendum and Ben was only on the warpath out of spite, because he was the loser in this affair. Ben had lost Lacey to Devin and Chase through his own immature idiocy, and his plot of vengeance would never ultimately succeed.

  But it could cost Chase a lot of agony, hassle, reputation, and money in the short term.

  Devin said the first thing that came into his mind while pressing back on the mayor’s shoulder. “It was a lot of fun, yeah, sure, Jared. But that was all it can be—just a memory.” Hoo doggie. I’m sounding like one of my worst country and western songs. “I’m a faithful sort. You can appreciate that, can’t you, Jared? I could never mess around behind Chase and Lacey’s back. I’m sure you can appreciate that. You probably wouldn’t want your wife to—”

  “Oh, dear Lord!” cried Alessi, and jammed his face between Devin’s thighs. Rubbing his face all over Devin’s embarrassing erection, he seemed nearly out of his mind, like some religious convert who had seen the light. He enthusiastically mouthed the length of the cock like a puppy worrying a squeaky toy. “Give me that meat! Dear sweet boy! You have made me the happiest man in the world!”

  What? Devin pressed harder, but the excited mayor was all over him like a hobo on a ham sandwich. “Mayor!” he cried, his voice becoming quieter the more urgently the official mouthed him. He could see the opaque door from here, but no one had approached it since the mayor had entered the office. He desperately prayed for an interruption of some kind. “This isn’t proper. It isn’t right!”

  Alessi raised his beatific face to Devin. “I don’t care!” he said maniacally. His eyes were even swimming in his head. He was deranged with lust! “I’ve wanted you since high school, Devin. Watching your ass in your football uniform, jealous of the cheerleaders you dated, imagining what it was like taking your big cock out of—”

  Devin tried to laugh it off, as though they were just making small talk over a martini. “Oh, you must be confusing me with someone else. I didn’t graduate because I had to take care of Hardscrabble—someone’s at the door!”

  The mayor kneeled upright, alert like a rabbit at the sight of the shadows moving behind the door glass. A woman’s voice, presumably his assistant, was saying, “Now, I don’t know how this got locked. Did he have an appointment with you?” while fiddling with a key in the lock.

  Devin was able to scoot his chair back a foot and escape from Alessi’s hammy clutches. Lurching to a stand, he staggered backward until he hit the wall. As relieved as he was to be saved by the bell, Devin immediately started panicking that he no longer had the mayor on his side. If Alessi would get Pearson off their back for the gift of a blow job, Devin shuddered to think what havoc Alessi could wreak when crossed.

  Alessi sprinted for the cover of his desk, practically diving into his rolling desk chair. He rolled a few feet, stopping himself by grabbing the corner of the desk, just as the assistant opened the door, saying, “I don’t have you on my appointment schedule—”


  Lacey came forward with wide open arms. Her expression was either that of extreme joy or extreme amazement, and immediately guilt at his nonexistent crimes knifed through Devin. He hugged his girlfriend tightly, as Chase and a short, squat woman entered the office behind the assistant.

  “Mr. Mayor, I tried telling them that you were busy—”

  “It’s all right, Sarah!” Jared Alessi was overly cheerful, waving a generous arm. “These fine citizens of Hell’s Delight can enter my office any time. Sarah, you know Chase Moran, the owner of Positive Vibrations. This here is Lacey Pearson of Delight Hard—”

  “Lacey Dvorak,” Lacey corrected the mayor politely.

  “What are you doing here?” Devin whispered to Lacey. How had his partners known he was at the mayor’s office? Or were they there to see the mayor, by coincidence? And who is that grey-haired woman who is wider than she is tall?

  “Dude!” Cal Zhukov squeaked into the office in his high-topped tennis shoes. “You’re going to want to hear this, Mayor. Devin! Dude!” He gestured at the beaming woman in the black leather motorcycle vest. “Doris Hooks here has something important to tell you. Doris, tell ’em!”

  Devin was vastly relieved for the focus to be on someone else. He watched the mayor from the side of his eyes. Alessi, hands on hips, grinned like a moron at the visitors as though they had brought him a free pepperoni pizza. Alessi was luckily very skilled at covering up his feelings, as a good politician should be. “Well? Bring it on, Doris!”

  “Well,” said Doris, setting the scene by placing her hands on an imaginary table. “My roommate is a clerical person over at juvenile hall. She was there when Stormy Smithson came to pick up his son Dean.”

  “They let him go?” Devin said, outraged.

  “Yes,” admitted Doris, “but listen to why. Stormy Smithson was a bit on the irate side, too.” She looked around at everyone in turn, pausing dramatically for her big moment. “Because his son confessed that Ben Pearson had paid him to try to burn down Positive Vibrations. Stormy is about ready to go and lynch Ben Pearson for getting his son into so much trouble.”

  “And Stormy will, mark my words,” Chase assured the group. “Last year, he was arrested for assaulting a seller at the farmer’s market for having avocadoes with brown spots.”

  There was a general silence in the room, each person struck mute for their own reasons. Doris probably waited for praise and kudos. Devin, for his part, stared dumbly at an acrylic oriental rug, letting the ramifications of what Doris said sink in.

  Devin finally looked at the mayor. “But like you said, Alessi. Is a child’s word enough to charge anyone? Kid could be trying to get out of taking his punishment, or has something out for Pearson. Any one of a number of things.”

  “Now, now,” said the mayor. “There must be something to it. You all suspected it first, and now the kid’s backing you up. Let’s hear them out.”

  Devin nodded at the mayor. Maybe it was his imagination, but it seemed they shared an understanding then. The mayor would not try to take down Chase and his store or continue to blackmail Devin. Devin could only hope he was interpreting this correctly.

  Cal stepped up to add his proof to the mix. “And, dudes! I totally went back through my point of sales system for yesterday, finding the order at two-thirteen in the afternoon that contained the turpentine. Well, fuck me dry! Same order also had a can of spray paint…Competition Orange spray paint. You can tell by the naked eye, but analysis can prove it’s the same paint used in the tagging on Chase’s wall.”

  Alessi clapped his hands together. “Well, then! It sounds like we’ve got a pretty airtight case. Congratulations, Devin!”

  Lacey beamed up at her boyfriend, hugging his arm to her breasts. “Did you come here to convince the mayor to help you fight Ben?”

  “Uh, yeah,” Devin said uncertainly. He had never been a good liar. When he was fourteen he’d tried to tell his father that he’d been stuck late in class in detention, when he’d really been making out for an hour with a girl. His father hadn’t bought it, knowing he was a good student. The worst pa
rt was having to listen to the birds and bees lecture. “We were discussing the evidence against Ben,” he said truthfully.

  “Well, I’m just here to tell you,” said Doris firmly, standing with folded arms like a security guard. “Me and all the ladies of the Cultured Pearl are a hundred percent behind you. We’re already boycotting Ben’s yogurt shop, even though Lila and Regina really like his Filbert Lesh flavor.”

  “Excellent, excellent!” cried Alessi, overly hearty. “So where is Pearson now, Doris? Has an arrest warrant been sworn for him yet? Wouldn’t want him to run,” he chuckled.

  Lacey said, “He might run, but he wouldn’t be gone long. His father and friends are his entire life. He’d die after three days on the lam.”

  Doris announced, “Ben Pearson should be in custody by now.”

  Alessi told Chase, “You should go down to the station, give Castillo your evidence. You, too, Cal. Give him whatever you have on the paint and turpentine.”

  “I’m on it,” said Cal, squeaking out the door.

  Devin couldn’t wait to hustle his lovers out of the office. It seemed that Alessi shot him a look of understanding as they left, but only time would tell. Alessi held no sway over Devin anymore, now that Ben Pearson was busted—Devin hoped.

  It was about four blocks to the police station, and the three walked side by side, Lacey in the middle. She had no compunction about twining her hands around their arms, practically skipping like a little girl.

  She said, “I’m so sorry Ben caused all this uproar, but I’m glad it’s going in a good direction now. I’d never want to be one of those high-maintenance girlfriends who come with all sorts of difficulties.”

  Chase rubbed her arm with his free hand. “We want you to be high-maintenance, woman. Makes us feel like we’re getting a better reward if we have to work harder.”

  “Oh,” Lacey mused. “So you’re just like a pack of dogs. If I wag my butt in your faces, you’ll come running.”

  “Not really,” said Chase, “but it doesn’t sound too bad.”

  “Listen,” said Devin, “we’re going back to Hardscrabble just as soon as we’re done with Castillo. You’re having a shitty Day After Valentine’s Day, and we need to make it up to you.”

  Lacey stuck out her lower lip. She looked especially adorable when she was stubbornly petulant. “I’m not leaving until we’re done painting Positive Vibes. It’s my fault you even need to paint in the first place.”

  Devin stopped walking. Taking Lacey by the shoulders, he turned her to face him. He had to bend at the knees to look her in the eye. “Miss Lacey. You don’t seem to understand. We’re here for you, to make your life easier. With the three of us supporting each other, three hearts beating as one, we can’t go wrong. You don’t need to be standing on a ladder inhaling paint fumes. You need to be riding your favorite horse.” Devin couldn’t prevent grinning. He could tell Lacey wasn’t taking well to the horseback riding aspect of ranch life, but it took time.

  “Yeah, right. My favorite, all right. But we can’t just bail and leave Julie doing all the painting. Let’s at least work through tonight and go back to Hardscrabble tomorrow. Katrina can come that way.”

  Devin gathered Lacey into his arms. She felt so warm, so right. He kissed the top of her head. “All right, missy. Tomorrow. We’ll finish showing you a cowboy Valentine’s Day tomorrow.”

  “We’ve got all the time in the world,” Chase added. “It’s not like we’re going anywhere.”


  “I’ll teach you to run around seducing other men!”

  My, my, how things had changed. Months ago, it would’ve been Devin shoving the submissive Chase against the shipping counter in the back of Positive Vibrations. It would’ve been Devin reaching for the metal handcuffs and slapping them around his lover’s wrists, locking them together in the small of his back. Devin had to pretend to protest, of course. That was part of the game that they loved to play.

  Things have changed since this rotten little brat brought Lacey into our lives. He’s so full of himself, so uppity, so domineering. Devin wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “I wasn’t seducing him, you fuckwad!” Devin snarled. He struggled against his bonds, knowing the struggle was flexing his bare pectorals in an attractive manner. He probably could have easily won in a hand-to-hand fight with Chase—Devin had more mass, bulk, stamina—but lately, he’d been enjoying allowing Chase to dominate him. Devin liked switching.

  Besides, he felt extra good today. He had a secret that Chase wasn’t even aware of.

  “Oh yeah?” Chase snarled. He screwed a wood clamp bolted to the counter, capturing one of Devin’s chained wrists so he couldn’t make a mad dash for it even if he’d wanted to. “Then why’d you go to his office? Contributing to his re-election campaign?”

  Devin jerked his arms, testing the clamp. Yup, he was clamped down for good, there. He wasn’t going anywhere. “He called me! And once he locked me into his office, he bribed me.”

  “Oh, bribed, right.”

  “Right! He said he’d make the Ben Pearson harassment go away if I just let him blow me.”

  Devin knew that Chase understood what had happened was in no way Devin’s fault. He had innocently gone to the mayor’s office, not knowing what Alessi had wanted. He had earnestly considered the mayor’s proposal because it meant salvaging Chase’s business. Now that Positive Vibrations was thriving even healthier than before the Ben Pearson harassment, Devin had felt free to tell Chase the story. In a humorous manner, of course. And Chase had only laughed for a minute before shoving Devin back against the shipping counter.

  Oh, holy mother. Now Chase was unbuttoning Devin’s jeans. The heavy, etched pewter belt buckle dragged the waistband down, and it was simple for Chase to slide the pants and briefs down past Devin’s knees. Chase lifted a lip to show disdain for his partner. He was quite a good actor. His skill must come from his modeling days. “And you turned him down? Even though he promised to make all my troubles go away?”

  Chase captured Devin’s naked, throbbing prick between Devin’s hipbone and Chase’s hard-on. Devin still squirmed pointlessly, knowing the ripple of his pecs and abs was riling Chase even higher. “Yes! I mean, I was shoving him away and didn’t get to actually, you know, kick his ass before you guys came barging into the office.”

  Chase licked Devin’s chin. “But he had his face buried in your hot, steamy crotch.”

  “Well…he was forcing himself on me, Chase!”

  Chase jammed a stiff arm out and grabbed Devin’s shoulder. He held himself away from his lover and barked, “Sir!”

  “Sir,” Devin agreed obediently.

  He knew this wouldn’t be the end of it.

  Striding to a drawer at the other end of the shipping and receiving room, Chase yanked open a drawer. Devin tensed, hoping Chase didn’t discover what he’d hidden in that drawer, but Chase quickly yanked out what looked like a leather snap-on cock ring. They liked to keep their favorites handy in the drawer for late-night use.

  Devin spread his boots farther apart on the linoleum floor, steeling himself for being bound. Of course he was already hard as a dinner plate. It excited him when Chase was a bullying, impudent top. Chase sauntered back over, a dazzling stud in the cowboy boots he’d taken to wearing as of late. Lacey had quit Delight Hardware a month earlier to help Chase at Positive Vibrations, and all three of them spent most nights at Hardscrabble. In fact, Lacey’s horseback riding had improved so much it wasn’t a stretch to imagine her as Lady Godiva. The ranch life had been rubbing off on Chase, too, and he now also wore a heavy pewter belt buckle that depicted a bucking bronco.

  Chase slapped the leather bracelet in his palm as his eyes drank in the nearly naked Devin. “Just an innocent bystander, eh? Innocently locked inside the mayor’s office when suddenly his face is in your crotch?”

  “Just about!” spat Devin, genuinely beginning to foam at the mouth now. Sometimes it was hard to tell when Chase was jest
ing and when he was serious.

  There was probably an element of each to their games, and now Chase lifted Devin’s pulsing cock and wrapped the leather around the base of it. Tight. In fact, he didn’t need to use that tight snap—he could’ve used the looser one. For good measure, Chase slapped the throbbing cock and yelled, “Shut up, slave! You think I’m going to listen to your lies? That mayor has been drooling for you for months, probably years now!”

  Devin cast his eyes aside, remembering what the mayor said about Sam Brannan High School, the cheerleaders, and his ass. “He has not,” he said feebly.

  Chase yanked on a D ring attached to the cock collar. He clicked on a gate snap attached to a delicate chain, which he then snapped to the wood clamp. The tension of the chain kept Devin’s cock upright and pointing at the highest shelf of flavored condoms at the back of the room. Even worse, Chase now poured some tangy motion lotion into his palm. Devin knew this brand as being oilier and spicier than most.

  Chase applied long, hearty strokes to Devin’s prick now as though operating a water pump. “I’m not stupid. He tried to hide behind the desk when we barged in, but he had a hard-on stiff enough to break a china cabinet.”

  “It’s not my fault!” gasped Devin, already nearly on the verge of coming.

  There had been no repercussions to the odd encounter with the mayor. Alessi grinned like a maniac every time they saw each other in the street or at a restaurant. Ben Pearson, with no help from the mayor, had been bailed out of county jail by his father but was facing a trial for burglary and vandalism, and the harshest charge of all—hate crimes for the slogans he’d made the boy spray paint on the wall.

  “Can’t say I blame him,” Chase snarled, pausing in his pumping only long enough to slap Devin’s cock. It was a very fine line between pain and pleasure now. Chase’s spanking against the greasy cock resounded with cracks in the large room, and the heated tingling spread down Devin’s thighs and into his abdomen. “You are one smoking-hot cowboy. And I…am going to…ram my dick up your tight, sweet ass.”


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