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Finn's Shot (Eden's Odyssey Book 1)

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by Tiffani Lynn

  Taking her like this brings out a possessive side to me I didn’t realize existed. The thought of any other man getting this from her makes me crazy with jealousy. I can’t hold back the emotion anymore when I growl, “You can fight me all you want, but you’re mine. I’ll kill any other man who put his hands on you. Do. You. Hear. Me? You’re. Mine.” I punctuate each word with a powerful thrust.

  There’s no answer from her so I push her body down over the arm and unleash the pent up feeling of propriety as I pound into her, almost breaking the furniture, hoping to break her. The air is filled with what I hope are cries of her pleasure filling the room. As rough as I’m being, it’s possible I’m hurting her, but I can’t make myself stop. I want her to remember tomorrow when she’s no longer with me who owns her pussy. Who her man is. It’s me. If she won’t say it, at least she’ll remember that I claimed her like no other man can.

  “Who is your man, Darcy?” I demand.

  “I need to come, Finn. Please let me come!”

  “Not ’till you say it out loud. Who is your man?” I pause, the sweat running down my neck and chest.

  Wearing only her skirt, she uses the break in action to twist and scramble away, her breasts bouncing with the effort to escape. She doesn’t realize I’ve gone all caveman on her, ready to chase if she really plans to run. I stalk her ’till her back hits the window with a small thud. When I get to her, I cage her with my arms and bend to suck the rosy peak of her breast into my mouth, scraping with my teeth as she grips my hair. I move to the other one and repeat the process. Then I reach under her skirt to find that she’s still dripping for me, so I hook my hand under her knee and lift her leg.

  She jumps up and wraps those sexy legs around my waist and impales herself on my cock. I grip her hands and push them above her head, holding them there. She’s pinned to the wall, breasts jutted out, muscles quivering beneath me, and she’s so fucking beautiful. Then I pump my hips, driving into her, never breaking eye contact.

  With every thrust she cries, “Finn. Finn. Finn”

  “Say it. You know what I need to hear.” I snarl at her.

  She shakes her head.

  “Say it, and I’ll let you come.”

  She shakes her head again, so I stop thrusting and hold still. My cock is like a skewer, holding her against the enormous window.

  “Have you been with anyone else?”

  “No.” It’s a quiet whimpered confession.

  “Do you want to be with anyone else?”

  Her eyes are wide as she shakes her head. “No.”

  “Then you’re mine. We both know it. Just admit it. Say it out loud, Darcy!”

  I start thrusting again as the muscles ripple inside her and grip me like a vice. I place both her hands in one of mine lifting them above her head and slip my free hand between us to stroke her clit, and she goes off like a rocket right after I make contact. I increase my pace and shoot off inside of her, harder than I probably ever have before and release her hands. I bury my face in her neck and grip her ass cheeks with my palms. Then I carry her to my room and deposit her on the bed. Before I crawl on top of the comforter to lie next to her I deposit the condom in the trash. She doesn’t move so I tug her up onto my body. She’s now sprawled on me like a starfish and I wish there was a way to keep her here, just like this. I stroke her back, neck and ass checks with long gentle strokes.

  “I’m sorry I was so rough. I have no idea what got into me.” I whisper into the quiet room.

  “It’s okay. I love it rough. I just don’t understand why you want to claim me. There are things you don’t know and that’s not going to change.” The resignation in her voice is apparent.

  “You keep saying that, but I can’t imagine what those things would be. Just tell me. I promise to listen and not judge.”

  “I can’t. It’s not going to happen. Can’t we just drop it and enjoy what we have?”

  “I can’t, because the thought of you with someone else flays me. I can’t be held responsible for what I’ll do if I find out you’ve been with someone else. I want you for myself. I don’t share well, Darcy.”

  “I can’t talk to you about this. I’m not seeing anyone else right now, but this is not supposed to be serious. It can’t be.”

  I don’t say anything else tonight, but I know I can’t just drop it. The more I spend time with her, the more I want to claim her as mine. I shift her so I’m spooning her and roll back to turn off the bedside lamp. When I roll back into her, she grabs my hand and pulls it tight over her waist.

  The next morning, I’m up before her, since I have morning skate. I leave her a breakfast sandwich on the counter with a note that says to make herself at home and that I will be back about 1 p.m. If I could chain her to the bed, I would. Fear sits heavy on my chest. Fear that she will be gone when I get home.

  Chapter Six: Darcy

  I wake up and stretch my deliciously sore muscles and look around the room. It’s only then that the bright red and green catches my eye in the sea of dark furnishings that is Finn’s bedroom. It’s one of my originals. No idea how I missed it before. It’s the vase of red amaryllis flowers, with beautiful contrasting long green stems in a background of pale yellow sunlight that I painted the morning they were delivered. It’s stunning in contrast to the room full of black and white. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it last night. The red jumps out at you so vibrantly that you can’t help but be captivated by it. The other two colors compliment the vibrant tones of the watercolor.

  At first, I’m pleased. It warms my insides to think he liked my work enough to buy it and add it as the only color piece to the place, but then my blood runs cold with the thought of his words last night. Claiming me and demanding I allow it. I can’t fool myself into believing it will last forever. It can’t. I’m certain once he knows all about me, he’ll be done. It’s better if I end it now rather than deal with the pain he’ll cause me later. I’ve already been down that road before and the way he talked about wanting me only for him makes it clear to me he won’t be okay with my role and my kink at Eden’s Odyssey.

  I leap out of bed, throw my clothes on. Not bothering to brush my teeth, I just grab my stuff to go. On the way out, I spot the sandwich and note. He wants me here when he gets back, but if I’m here, he’ll think I’m okay with him claiming me. I can’t give in. I knew it was going to be a bad idea to see him again, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. The term moth to a flame flashes through my mind and makes me feel a little sick. I snatch the sandwich up, because let’s face it, I’m starved, and I lock the door before I pull it closed behind me. I wave a cab down and go home. I shower faster than I ever have, dress and leave. I need to make a visit to see Georgia anyway. Now is the best time. I turn off my phone, so it doesn’t start ringing and make me feel guilty for not answering.

  I hole up in a motel about two hours north of the city after I visit Georgia, my little sister. I spend the next day with her and head back to the city just in time for work. I timed it so Finn would be on a flight to Colorado by then, and I wouldn’t worry about facing him again.

  It’s eight when I walk in the door. My staff greets me as they always do in a polite and professional manner, but they’re more to me than just my staff. I have a unique relationship with all of them. I trust them with my biggest secrets and rely on them for so many things. I’m closest with James though, and I find him waiting in one of the high-back leather chairs across from my desk reading over a report when I walk through the door to my spacious office. His smile is bright against his olive toned skin as he greets me.

  James is my guy best friend and has been such since we broke up eight years ago. We were great friends and good lovers but our kinks weren’t the same, and it caused some heated battles, so after much discussion, a nasty incident and a lot of tears, we split. It took us a year to get comfortable enough to talk about other lovers, but we finally made it there. So James knows me well enough to understand something is wrong.

/>   He tosses the report on to my desk and sits up taller in the chair running a hand through his floppy blond hair. Between the hair and the long, muscular but lanky build, he always reminds me of a California surfer boy. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing. I’m fine. What did I miss this week? Sorry I went off grid, but I had to spend some quality time with Georgia, and I needed some quiet time.”

  “I figured that’s where you were. Everything was fine. We picked up two new members and lost one this week.”

  “Who did we lose?”

  “Sam Stringer.”

  “Sam? Why? I thought he’d be with us forever.”

  “Found a woman who agreed to marry him and knew she’d never be okay with his membership here, so he dropped it before they joined bank accounts.”

  “Well that makes sense. At least he’s discreet. I’ll miss that goofy joker, but I’m glad he’s happy.” I smile thinking about Sam and the silly things he says. “Who are the new people, and are we expecting them tonight?”

  He slides his hands in his pockets as he answers, “I haven’t met them yet. Christina has the reports, but she did all the background checks and got all the paperwork squared away so they should be good. She doesn’t expect one of them until Sunday night and the other sometime next week.”

  “Who made the referrals?” I ask. We haven’t had new members referred in over six months.

  “Doc made one and Randy Langston made the other.”

  “Okay, well I guess I need to go make my rounds. Let me put my lips on and I’ll be ready.”

  I make my way to the bathroom attached to my office and pull out the sex-hot red lipstick that I wear while I’m here and swipe it across my lips. Then I roll my lips together to make sure it’s even. Once I’m done, I put a coat of clear gloss over the top and turn off the light in the room as I exit.

  Thoughts of Finn assault me as I step into the main room. The music is low, but it’s got a sexy driving beat that brings to mind his big body moving over my small one, his soft lips at my nape and his calloused fingers over my tender nub. I squeeze my thighs together, hoping the pressure will stifle the sudden throbbing there, but it doesn’t work. Before I can head back into my office, my name is called, so I turn to find the head of security coming my way at a clipped pace. That is not a good sign for this early in the evening.

  “What is it, Charles?” His face is a mask of stone. It’s rare to see emotion on his handsome face. I guess it’s a learned trait from his time in the military.

  “Kevin tried to enter one of the scenes and wouldn’t leave when asked to. He seems out of sorts tonight. He’s in my office with James. Do you want to handle this? I planned to do it, but James thought you might want to.”

  I sigh.

  “He’s right. He’s one of our oldest members, but this isn’t the first time. It’s just been awhile since he’s done it.”

  I walk briskly past several members, smiling as I go and give polite nods.

  As I reach the door, I ask Charles, “Can you wait out here? James will stay with me. I’ll let you know what to do once we have a chat, okay?”

  I pose it as a question but there is no question. I own the place, so what I say goes. I just don’t like to be rude about it.

  After opening the door, I step inside.

  “Kevin.” My tone is that of a disappointed mother. “What were you thinking? You know the rules. Hell, you were here when I first rolled out the rules. Why would you do this? I said I’ll throw you out after the last time you tried something like this.”

  With his head in his hands, I’m reminded of the days before I implemented a two drink maximum when Kevin would get rip-roaring drunk and spill his guts to anyone who would listen.

  “I thought it was her. I had to see for myself. She looks just like her, Darcy. I mean she’s an identical match.”

  “She’s long gone, Kevin. We’ve talked about this. I even tried to find her for you that year. Remember? My best investigator couldn’t locate her. Everyone who comes in here goes through the background check so I know for a fact it’s not her.”

  “I’m sorry Darcy. Sometimes those old demons come knocking and they won’t leave until they’ve blown the house down.”

  “Well, I’ll forgive you this last time, but next time find me or James, and we’ll check. Don’t disrupt everything. Tonight I want you to go home and get some rest. You can come back tomorrow, but for now you need to go. Christina will get you a cab.”

  Although I hate the disruption to the ambiance of the club I still understand why Kevin is the way he is. The man loved his woman with all of his heart and she packed up and left one day without another word. Rumor has it that she ran away with another former club member, but that’s never been clarified. I kiss his bald head and usher him out the door to where Christina stands with Charles, who is watching from his place against the wall. Fifteen minutes later, Kevin is gone and I can make my rounds.

  An hour later, I’m back in my office when my phone buzzes and the caller ID indicates its Tanisha.

  “Hey! What you got going on?”

  “I’m bored. I was thinking of coming up there. Who’s working tonight?”

  “Are you looking for anyone in particular, Nish?”

  “What do you think?”

  I giggle.

  “Why don’t you just call and ask if Charles is working?”

  “Because I turn into an adolescent girl when it comes to him. Don’t make me feel like a bigger idiot than I already am. Seriously, that man makes me stupid. He is ridiculously hot, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone. Besides when he opens his mouth and that deep voice vibrates out, it takes all I’ve got not to jump on him.”

  “Come on down here. He’s on the clock till 1:00 a.m., and wear that silver glitter number you have. It does great things for your tits and ass.”

  “You think?” She seems uncertain, and that is not like my bestie.

  “I know. Now brush your teeth, shimmy your hot self into that dress and sashay your ass down here. Christina will send the car for you. I don’t want you out down here without an escort.”

  I can hear her exhale.

  “Don’t think about arguing with me. Just go get ready. It makes me feel better.”

  “Fine. I’ll wait for the car.”

  “Oh, and swallow a shot or two to loosen up before you get here. Otherwise, you’ll be bouncing off the walls like Daffy Duck with how wound up you are.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. See you in a bit.”

  When the call ends, I tell Christina what I need and head to the scene rooms to monitor or at least that’s what I tell myself. The truth is that I like to watch; I’m a voyeur. It’s my kink, well part of it. I can’t look or walk away no matter how strange or different the scene is. I always need to know how they finish.

  I realize as I meander around the corner that most of the crowd is surrounding the dance floor where two of my regular floor show performers are fucking in the middle. You’d think that straight sex would get old to watch, but these two are inventive and both are sexy as hell, so they always draw a crowd.

  I stroll down the hall and glance into scene room number one through the small square window. There are two men sitting in the room watching the scene play out in front of them. I walk past the other three rooms in that hallway and look inside each one. The second one has the most people, so I chose the last room to go in and find a seat. I don’t really want a crowd tonight.

  All the rooms have one-way, wall-to-wall, glass windows that stretch from ceiling to floor and divide the rooms. One side is for the people engaged in the scene and the other is the voyeur area, which is open for as many as twenty people to view at a time. Each room is equipped with different furnishings, but this particular room has a couch and a wing-backed chair. On the couch is a large blonde Greek god-like man that I handpicked several months ago as a performer and new member, a pixie-bodied redheaded woman. Neither are clothed. She’s straddling his hi
ps as she rises and falls in a slow rhythmic motion. Her nipples elongate as his fingers toy with them. Her moans pulse through me as she throws her head back, giving into the sensation. As I watch, my panties become drenched. I sit in a chair in the second row of the viewing area as I continue to watch.

  In the wing back chair is a brown-haired man in a suit about ten years older than both of them. His tie hangs lose at his throat, and the first two buttons of his dress shirt are open. His dress pants and boxers are shoved to his knees, thighs spread as far as the fabric will allow. He’s watching the scene in front of him with hooded eyes, while he strokes his manhood in plain view. It’s obvious his kink matches mine and the thought of how turned on he is by watching these two is erotic as hell. It’s not long before the building pressure between my own legs is too much, and I spread my legs, hike up my skirt. My heart pounds in my chest as I slip two of my fingers down into my throbbing channel and rub my clit with my thumb until I come.

  I won’t do this when the viewing area is packed but there are only a few others down here. When the other voyeurs try to be discreet as they watch me, too, it turns me on even more. My breath is heavy as I come back to my senses, heart still hammering away in my chest like I’ve been running for miles. I adjust my panties back into place and shove the bottom of my dress down. I stand to exit when I realize Sandy, a member for several years now is a few chairs down from me. I realize by the look on her face and the position of her body in her chair toward where I’m sitting that she has been watching me, not the scene, this whole time, her left hand between her own legs now working at a furious pace. Instead of shrinking away or being embarrassed, I give her a flirty wink, raise my damp fingers to my lips and suck off the remainder of my honey, moaning as I taste it. That’s all it takes. Her body turns rigid, and she cries out while her right hand under her shirt squeezes her breast. She gives me a shy smile so I flash her a grin in return and sashay back to my office.

  As the night goes on, Tanisha shows up, and I spend a little time with her at the bar while she sips her gin and diet coke and attempts to be subtle about her obsession with my head of security who is standing with his back to the sleek mahogany bar top. The bar area is full of people happily flirting and chatting while they sip their drinks, making it easier for her to stare without it being very obvious. The slow driving beat of the Enigma song in the background helps to keep the mood sexy and mysterious. A soft complimentary glow typical with an old school dinner club heightens the intrigue. No harsh fluorescent lighting here.


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