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Finn's Shot (Eden's Odyssey Book 1)

Page 7

by Tiffani Lynn

  The next afternoon around three I get a call from Bobby.

  “I’ll pick you up at nine tonight. Be ready. Don’t give me any bullshit about that Darcy chick. Attach your balls back to your body and man-up. No excuses.”

  Before I can say a word he disconnects. Fuck.


  Tonight when we waltz into the club, I’m wearing a royal blue button up shirt and a black tailored suit. Resting on a barstool, I’m observing the other patrons and how they interact with one another. There’s plenty of flirty body language going on all over the room and a semi-wood is tenting my pants just thinking about some of the shit we saw last night. I sip my first drink before I wander down the windowed hallway to further explore. I spend what feels like forever watching a gangbang in the room farthest down the hall. Hard as a rock I stand and adjust myself and saunter back to the main floor, afraid if I observe any more right now I’ll embarrass myself by exploding in my pants. My body’s reaction to the sights before me has my brain all messed up.

  I pass room three, glancing in the window as I go, finding nothing to interest me and come up along room two. What I witness through the little square window confuses me. I stop, my head whipping around, and do a double take. Still not able to believe my eyes, I let myself into the scene room and take a seat on the back row. The room is packed. All but two seats are taken and a few people are standing along the back wall watching the scene play out in front of them. A closer look at the scene confirms my suspicions and my blood runs cold.

  Knees bent, legs spread, feet against her ass on the cushions, Darcy is sitting bare-assed on the couch in the middle of room. Her panties lay discarded in a heap on the floor by the couch. Her skirt is pushed up around her waist while she’s rubbing one out for everyone to watch.

  What. The. Fuck?!

  A lump forms in my throat as sweat breaks out along my brow. My body wars with my mind as it decides whether to be horrified or turned on. The sudden urge to hit anyone watching is difficult to control. A deep breath would probably help but I can’t seem to manage one. I’m so fucking angry all I can hear is the blood rushing past my ears. I should leave and never come back, but I can’t tear my eyes away from the beautiful wanton creature on display in front of me. My cock aches as my balls pull up tight against my body, while her glistening cunt sits on display. My mind is spinning with this vision. If I wasn’t so damn mad, my dick would be out and in my hand, but I can’t get past the fact that people are watching my girl like this.


  She’s not my girl. She made that clear a month ago when she disappeared and never showed back up. This has got to be what she was talking about. Her blouse is open, her heavy tits half on display through her lacy bra. Her legs are blocking the sides of her shirt so I’m unable to see for sure, but if I glimpse a gold star I swear to God I’ll go ape shit. Her head is thrown back, golden hair spread across the back of the couch and her eyes are scrunched tight as she howls her orgasm. The woman on the chair in front of me lets out a soft moan and her body goes limp. I can hear the heavy breathing of a man down toward the other end of the small room. In one shadowed corner is the manager guy, James, and he isn’t doing anything but watching. The hungry look on his face has me wanting to pound him into the ground. I hate that all of them are able to lay eyes on her like this, and I wonder how long she’s been masturbating in front of people. I want to throw her against the wall and fuck her silly, and I also want to beat someone’s ass for allowing this to happen. This must be the reason she said we can’t be together. I can’t tell if she’s hired help or just a member on display.

  Does she fuck people here all the time? If so, I guess that’s why she doesn’t need a boyfriend. A thousand questions run though my head. Half of which are irrational, I’m sure, but I’m past being calm and rational. What I have brewing inside of me is the kind of rage that leads to nothing productive, so I stomp to the bathroom and splash some water on my face. Then I pace the room until another dude comes in to piss. I exit, and the first thing I glimpse is Darcy in the arms of James. Damn it! Her head is resting on his chest with a faint smile on her face. He’s stroking her back gently, and I see red, big time. Might as well be waving a red flag in front of a bull. I walk over to them and watch as realization dawns on her pretty little face.

  “Finn,” her voice comes out in a huff of breath.

  “I guess I know now why you haven’t returned my calls. You could’ve just told me you moved on. Running out on me and not having the guts to say another word is pretty fucked up.”

  I turn to leave and shove my way through the crowd in the hallway, past reception and out the front doors, knowing I’ll lose it if I stay here.

  “Finn! Wait!” she shouts.

  The clipped click of her heels on the pavement behind me alerts me to her presence, so I stop, knowing this is not a neighborhood she should be out in during the night.

  “Just let me go, Darcy. It’s what you wanted in the first place.”

  “Finn. It’s not what you think.”

  “So you didn’t just get yourself off in a room where total strangers could watch and then go back to the arms of your boyfriend afterwards? How stupid do I look?”

  I run both hands through my hair and join them at the back of my neck, trying to breathe through the irritation.

  “Darcy!” a male voice yells, and we both turn to watch James coming out after her.

  “Fuck,” I grind out.

  “James, go back inside. I’m okay. I’ll talk to you later,” she says to him. I can’t even look at the guy.

  “I don’t think it’s safe,” he replies.

  “I’m fine, James. Just please go back inside,” she pleads with him.

  “Fine, but I’m sending Charles out here to watch out for you. Here’s my jacket. It’s cold out here.” I can hear her thank him and a sound that resembles a kiss. I clench my fists and grit my teeth as he makes a hasty retreat.

  A minute later, Charles steps out and stands with his back to the building, watching us but keeping a little distance.

  “Finn, look at me,” she pleads.

  I grudgingly look over, meeting her eyes.

  “It’s not what you think. I haven’t been with James in eight years. We’re friends. Nothing more.”

  “Do all your friends watch you masturbate?” I question with an attitude.

  “Here? Yes.” She’s serious.

  “Wow.” I’m sure my face registers the shock I feel even if the words are flat.

  “This is why I never wanted to tell you. I knew you’d get like this. I knew we’d never work because this is who I am.”

  “Who? A cheap slut who fucks herself for a room full of strangers to watch?” I know that was uncalled for, but I’m pissed. I don’t see it coming until it’s too late. Her palm smacks my face with the force of ten pissed off women, and it stings. About this time Charles steps away from the wall toward us. “Darcy?” his deep voice grumbles cautiously.

  “I’m fine, Charles. I can handle a fucking hypocrite,” she growls out.

  “Okay, I’m not leaving you though.” He leans back against the wall.

  “I own this place, Finn. I don’t fuck the clientele, but yes I fuck myself in front of them on occasion. I’m a voyeur and an exhibitionist. I get off on watching and being watched. It’s amazing though that this is an exclusive club requiring a person to jump through crazy hoops just to get in, and you were in there, and according to James, this was your second night with a pass for a third. Pot calling the kettle black? Really? Who have you fucked or taken to a room for a blowjob or watched get off in the last two days? Hmm, Mr. Boy Scout?”

  I bellow out a frustrated yell and clench my fists tighter. I’d love to hit something hard right now, but I’m not about to screw up my hands in the middle of the season.

  “That’s what I thought. I haven’t been with another person since before I started spending time with you. Bet you can’t say the same. Why else would you
come to a sex club except to have sex? I’m the owner and have been for years. I know what goes on in this place and what happens with people who meet here.”

  She turns to leave, and I grab her by the arm. Charles takes a step in our direction, obviously trying to decide if he should interfere.

  “I haven’t fucked anyone else. Been too hung up on you. Bobby just joined and has dragged me the last two days, because he was tired of my bullshit. I walked past that room and saw you spread wide for the whole place to gawk at and had to fight myself not to come in there and drag you out or take out my dick and jack off right there. I’m confused as fuck right now and extremely pissed off.”

  Softer now, “I get it. I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I usually get a list of the new people and guests when I come in at night, but I’ve been distracted and didn’t do it. I had a family emergency yesterday and wasn’t here to see you then either. If I knew you were coming, I’d have avoided the place or pulled you aside when you arrived.”

  “I don’t get it, Darcy! Why wasn’t I good enough? What didn’t you like?”

  “It has nothing to do with you.”

  “Oh, you’re going with the old, it’s not you, it’s me explanation? Perfect.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I don’t want to talk about this out here. You can either come into my office now or we can get together and talk tomorrow after this has had some time to sink in. I’m freezing out here.” I glance around and remember it’s February in Chicago, of course she’s freezing without a coat.

  Before I can answer her, Charles says loud enough for us to hear, “Darcy we need to go back inside; there’s an issue in the second floor dungeon.”

  “Finn, let me call you tomorrow. Are you free? I know you don’t have a game, but are you in town or even off?”

  “Yeah, I am.” I don’t know if I can discuss this with her tomorrow or ever for that matter.

  “Okay, I’ll call you late morning and we can talk. I need to go.” She raises on her tiptoes and pulls me down by my shoulders to kiss the cheek she slapped.

  She whispers, “I’m sorry.” And hurries back inside.

  I dial the number of the cab company and direct them to drive me home. Then I lay awake wondering if I’ll even bother to answer the phone tomorrow. A sex club owner. I’m not sure I can deal with this.

  Chapter Eight: Darcy

  When my alarm goes off at ten that morning, I roll over and smack the hard plastic of the phone with the palm of my hand. Then I roll to my back and stare at the ceiling. Having a conversation with Finn about all of this is the equivalent of pulling my fingernails out with tweezers. It’s part of what I wanted to avoid all this time. There’s no good way to explain why I own a sex club or what my kink is. It’s why I only dated seriously one time since James and I broke up eight years ago.

  I get up and shower and pour my morning coffee, hoping to find the courage I need inside the cup, and then I sit on the couch to dial Finn’s number. My hand shakes a little as I wait for him to pick up. By ring number six, I know he’s not picking up. I let out the breath I’ve been holding. It never goes to voicemail, so I can’t leave a message, but if he wants to talk to me, I know he’ll call. He’ll be able to see I called him like I said I would. I just think maybe he finally understood why we wouldn’t work out. A part of me hoped he would listen to what I had to say and realize it’s not so bad and want to try with me. I think it’s the same part of me that at eight years old I wore princess dresses for a year and waited every night for prince charming to stop by our house with the glass slipper. Although we’ve been apart for a month, seeing him at Eden’s Odyssey sparked a little hope in my heart. He’s the first man I’ve known I could fall in love with since James.

  I puff out a sigh and head for my studio. When my heart hurts, I paint, and right now, my heart hurts something fierce.

  Before I set my phone down, I type out a text message to Finn.

  I’m sorry about last night. If you decide you want to talk, you know how to find me.


  I spend the morning painting and use the darkest colors I have in a while to reflect the mood of my heart at the moment. When I finally come up for air, it’s past six in the evening, so I prepare myself for work. For the first time in many years, the thought of going in holds no excitement. After my hair and makeup are done, I pick up my cell and dial the number to Georgia’s place. Nurse Mary answers.

  “Hi, Mary. It’s Darcy Baxter.”

  “Oh, hi, Darcy! How are you this evening?”

  “I’m good. I was just calling to check on Georgia.”

  “She’s been quiet today. Not much change. I wish I had better news, but at least she’s not worse. Doc will be in tomorrow. Want me to have him call you?”

  “Yes ma’am. I’d appreciate that. Does she at least seem comfortable?”

  “Yes, she does. She’s just not jubilant like she usually is. Quiet is the only way to describe her right now. If something changes, I’ll call your cell phone. I made a note for Doc to call you. Have a good night, sweetie.”

  “Thanks, Mary, you, too.”

  I hang up, and the stone in my gut grows heavier as I think of Georgia laying there lifeless, even her childlike qualities quiet for now. I shake my head, trying to dispel the sad thoughts and leave for work.

  A few hours later, I’m walking the length of the dungeon when James finds me. I bend my head closer to listen and my eyes dip to the floor as he whispers in my ear, “Mr. Thompson is back at the front desk. This is the last day on his pass. Christina wasn’t sure if after last night he’s be allowed back.”

  My heart jumps at the thought that maybe he came back for me, but then I remember he didn’t pick up when I called this morning and never called me back. Solemnly I nod and ask, “Is he here with the member?”

  “Yes, Mr. Tyler is with him.”

  I lift my eyes to meet his. I can tell by the look on his face he doesn’t want to permit entrance, but I think Finn’s harmless. He’s just like everyone else and drawn back to Eden by the pleasures of the flesh and the beautiful people you find here.

  “Yes, he can come in. I don’t think he’ll cause any issues. If there’s a problem, just let me know.”

  He holds my gaze for several long seconds before he asks, “Are you sure? I don’t want you hurt by his presence.”

  The corners of my lips lift slightly as I paste on a small fake smile and nod. His eyes search mine before he nods in return and disappears from the room.

  My stomach does a backwards somersault. If I actually ate today, I’d probably throw up, but I’ve been pretty queasy since I woke up. It’s cruel that he’d come back here tonight knowing I’d be here after he avoided me. Maybe he’s a sadist. Torture might be his thing.

  I stay in the second floor dungeon for another twenty minutes, and then begin making my rounds through the rest of the building. Before I get to the scene rooms, I spot Finn leaning on the bar with one elbow. His hair is damp like he took a shower and came straight here. My mind drifts to an image of him in the shower as the water runs along all the lines of his muscular body. I give a quick shake of my head to clear the thoughts away and continue past him. If he wanted to talk to me he, would’ve called earlier today. I skate around the back way through a little known, never used hallway to my office. Just catching a glimpse of him makes my knees weak and my heart hurt a little for all the things I can never have.

  After a half an hour of reviewing this last month’s bank statement, I hear a knock on the door. James enters before I can say anything.

  “Mr. Thompson would like a word with you.”

  My eyes open wide with surprise. I sit up straighter and square my shoulders.

  “Where is he?”

  “Outside the door. If you decide too, I want to be present. After last night, I don’t trust the guy, and I don’t want you hurt.”

  “It’ll be okay. He’ll never hurt me, James. He’s just upset. He doesn’t under
stand this lifestyle. I’ll keep my panic button in my pocket. If something happens, I’ll press it right away. Don’t worry. I need to have this conversation. Just ask Charles to wait outside my office if you’re nervous.”

  It’s obvious he’s angry when he glares at me and says, “I don’t like it, but I’ll let you make that decision. I’ll get Charles before I let him in.”

  “Alright. Thanks, James, for looking out for me.”

  He runs his fingers through his blonde hair leaving it a little wild. His agitation is apparent but his face softens before he replies, “Always.”

  He slides back out the door as I wait for Finn to enter.

  I’m pacing when he opens the door and enters. Tonight he’s in another black suit with a gray button-up shirt sans tie, and his sexy factor is through the roof. It makes me a little ill to think he could hook up with someone else while under the same roof as me. I’m not sure I could handle knowing about it. That was part of what killed things for James and me.

  As Charles closes it, he stands inside the door, his eyes stormy, lips set in a frown.

  “Finn,” I greet with all the strength I can muster.

  He says nothing, just stalks forward, takes my face in his hands and kisses me so deeply my toes curl.

  Releasing my mouth, he leans his forehead against mine, and his eyes stay closed. His hands cup my chin, and he kisses me again. Slower this time with more delicate strokes of his tongue, and all the tension I’m holding on to slips out of me, which floats to the floor in a forgotten mess.


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