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Invincible (A Kingpin Love Affair Book 3)

Page 11

by Beck, J. L.

  “Yes, Dev. Fuck my pussy with your cock and don’t stop until I’ve milked you for every drop.” His salacious words pushed me, awakening deep desires inside of me. I needed him in me, pounding me until I couldn’t take it and even then, something inside of me would want it harder.

  “Good. Now you know how I have felt all these years. To have wanted you, to have wanted this very moment to happen and have to wait patiently for the day I would get to spread these creamy thighs and bury myself between them.” His words met my ears as he gripped my hips and presented himself at my entrance.

  I could feel the crown of his cock at my entrance as he slid it up and down my slit causing me to wither beneath him. Once he was coated in my arousal, he pressed into me slowly. The feeling of him filling me was sensational. My walls clenched adjusting to him inch by ever growing inch.

  “Fucking…Christ. Teg…” His words were a whisper against my skin. I watched his movements— the way he clenched his jaw. The way his hands gripped my hips firmly as he slipped into me deeper. I couldn’t hold off any longer and before I realized what I was doing, my body arched off the bed, and I was wishing I had my hands to explore his body again.

  “Grip the bar above you.” He barely got the words out between clenched teeth, his eyes bleeding into mine.

  “Why?” My chest heaved against my words, his grip on my hips deadly.

  “Because I’m about to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before…” That was his only warning before he slid all the way home, his cock forcing my body to adjust to him immediately.

  The force overwhelmed me as he pulled out of me and slammed back into me again. Pushing my body against the headboard with his strength, I slid across the bed sheets like a hot knife through butter.

  “Devon…” I spoke his name, unable to say or think anything else. His body consumed me, his lips spoke to me without words, and his touch explained the past.

  His body healed me, mending the broken pieces of us, molding us together again. A fire formed between us, scorching the past pains, paving way to a new and better future.

  Our skin slapped against one another as his grip grew tighter and tighter. There would be bruises I was sure… That simple thought should’ve worried me, but it didn’t. Instead, it caused a smile to pull at my lips. To know that I could bring him to such pleasure, that he would have to bruise my body trying to hold onto it.

  I shuddered, over and over again, as I came, my come soaking every inch of his thick, hard cock—still hard as he pumped in and out.

  In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

  Every push and pull released a grunt from somewhere deep inside of him, pulling me closer to a glimpse of the Devon I had always known.

  “So good, so fucking good, baby… That sweet cunt loves my cock…” He mumbled against my sweat clad skin as his hot come spilled into me. I could feel him pulsating inside of me. The warmth of what we had just done radiating within me as he whispered I love you.

  I love you.

  My eyes shifted closed, my arms going slack as he undid the handcuffs. Forcing myself to remain lucid, I peeked up at him catching a smidge of the love as it radiated from within him. Somehow, he managed to keep us connected as he pulled me into his arms securing the connection between us like a life line. He was so much more than I could ever have imagined. Yet, very much still the same.

  He was mine.



  CONCENTRATION WAS THE key when it came to bringing down any type of criminal, yet all I could think about was white creamy thighs, blue pleading eyes, and moans echoing around me. Fuck, I needed to stop thinking about her, which was really hard being that we were in the same car, breathing the same air. Her scent surrounded me, shrouding out all common sense.

  After falling asleep inside of her, we both slept well into the morning and having her wrapped in my arms throughout the night only made me realize even more I would never be able to let her go again.

  Get it together…

  Yeah, I wanted to fucking snort. It was easier said than done as she sat next to me not having a fucking clue as to what her little body was doing to my mind. She had me feeling fifty shades of fucked up.

  “Everything will be okay, Dev.” Her voice was as smooth as honey, her lips as sticky as sugar. Looking at her now took me back to every moment I had taken for granted in the past. Every second I never thought would be our last…

  “Put me down, Devon. Put me down,” she squealed as I continued to run through the puddles of murky, muddy water that splashed up my back and onto her face. Rain pelted both of our bodies, and I knew the effort to run from the heavy clouds above us was futile.

  Her shrieks turned into laughter as I pulled her from my shoulder, her wet body gliding over mine as she got her footing. I couldn’t stop myself from touching her. Every part of her body unseen by the naked eye was something I wanted to map out.

  “We shouldn’t have tried to outrun the storm.” Her eyes were a deep sea blue matching the sky above us.

  “You know me, babe. If you tell me I can’t do something…” I leaned my face into hers, my thumb rubbing over her bottom lip. “I will do whatever I can to prove you wrong.” I could feel a shiver make its way through her body, her lip shaking softly as her teeth chattered.

  “Only because you’re a rebel,” she whispered, her words coming out in soft puffs of air. A raindrop fell from a ringlet of her dark red hair and onto her face. Never in my entire life had I seen something as beautiful as her. She was simply breathtaking.

  “I love you,” I whispered for the first time, placing my lips against hers. She trembled against me as I cradled her face in my hands. She was everything I ever needed—everything I ever wanted.


  “Helloooo… Earth to Devon.” Tegan’s panicked voice brought me back to the present, pushing the past memories away.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said trying to sound as if I hadn’t mentally left. My gaze drifted down to my hands. I was white knuckling the shit out of the steering wheel yet again.

  “Where did you just go?” she asked a look of suspicion in her eyes. How had I pushed such a beautiful thing out of my life?

  “Uhh… Nowhere. I was just thinking about the plan for today and got lost in the fact I have to go see my parents. That’s all.” I gave her a tight smile for effect. She eyed me a minute longer before turning in her seat to look out the window.

  We were just entering town—a town I had once known like the back of my hand. Now it was nothing but a memory, a very distant memory. New stores were built replacing the old ma and pa shops. The roads were bustling with people, and for the first time in forever, little ole Montgomery wasn’t so little anymore.

  “Just drop me off here,” she said. Her voice was void of any emotion as she kept her attention on the festivities taking place outside the car.

  “Okay,” I mumbled, pulling the Tahoe up to the curb. I barely had the car in park and she was reaching for the car door to get out.

  Not so fast… After everything that had happened between us last night, there was no way I was going to let her leave this car without a serious talk.

  “I don’t think so,” I growled gripping her by the arm. Immediately, she turned around, a small smile on her lips. My mind went back to the night before, the way she looked beneath me. Her sighs, begging and pleading for more.

  “I’ll see you later,” she said.

  “No. I want to make sure you know if you run from me again, I have the right to haul you to jail and I will.” I paused. “I also want you to know that running from me won’t get you much of anywhere.” I leaned into her just to get one last smell, hoping and praying the cherry scent would hold me over until she was back in my presence. It was unbelievable how I had gone so many years without her, yet now I needed her like I needed my next breath.

  “I will find you, Tegan.” My voice yielded a dark warning, and with human strength I wasn’t even aware I
had, I forced myself to let her go. To let her run back to the life I wasn’t able to keep her from living.

  She scrambled out of the car, her body language telling me just how much she hated the situation she was in. I couldn’t help but wonder if the passion we had shared throughout the night was in my head and just a figment of my imagination.

  The second she opened the diner door, I put the Tahoe in drive and headed down the nearest alleyway. I had to go talk to my parents, but I needed to protect Tegan, too. My head was a clusterfuck of emotions.

  Think straight… I yelled at no one but myself, as my fist came down hard on the steering wheel. Getting my wits together, I punched the gas and headed toward the bad side of town. The side of town that would corrupt you from the inside out until you couldn’t just walk away. I was one of the only people who got out and that alone made me different.

  Being that the town wasn’t that big, the drive was a short one, and I had managed to make it to the south side of town in less than ten minutes. I knew my address by heart; after all, I had lived there for many years. Lived, humph… I use that word very loosely.

  I pulled the Tahoe over to the side of the road, inspecting the decrypted homes that barely stood before me. On both sides of the road, houses were lined.

  What one would assume was once a nice neighborhood had now been taken over by someone who didn’t care to mow lawns or replace broken windows and shutters.

  The sun was shining down on my truck, yet I still felt an eerie darkness settling deep into my bones. There was no commotion in the streets, just small groups of people standing in front of their homes gawking at me like the outsider I was. Being here was the last thing I wanted, but at the same time, something I desperately needed to do.

  You can do this, Devon. You can do this…

  Why did I feel as if I needed to build myself up? Why was I still sitting here and not knocking on the fucking door, getting the answer I fucking needed?

  Pushing the anxiety to the back of my mind, I gripped the door handle and opened the car door. My gun was securely hidden behind my back, underneath my shirt. My parents knew I was FBI, but that didn’t mean everyone else needed to know, so I made sure to hide my badge as well.

  My feet crunched across the pavement. Pieces of glass, large rocks, and other random debris were strewn along the road. The place looked as if it had actually been hit by a tornado and no one cared enough to clean up the mess. Then again, there wasn’t anything in this neighborhood worth cleaning up. Believe me—I knew.

  The house before me was my childhood home. It should’ve brought back good memories, memories of joy and happiness. You know the kind where you had spent all day climbing trees or learning new tricks on your bike until your body was beyond exhausted and all you could do was pass out as soon as your head hit the pillow. Yeah, none of those things happened here. Instead, it reminded me of the disappointment my parents caused me. The things they did for a living and the fact they had exploited me to it as a child.

  I walked up the manmade sidewalk and onto the porch. The worn red door before me looked as if it had seen better days. The paint was peeling off and the wood was splintered as if someone had slammed into it one time too many.

  Taking a deep breath, I clenched my fist and raised it, placing a firm knock on the wooden door.

  Time to put on my game face.

  A minute passed, and then I heard the clicking of a lock as the door was pulled open until the chain stopped any movement. Behind the door stood my mother with her piercing green eyes staring back at me. She eyed me up and down, probably wondering if I was here to take her in before slamming the door. A moment later, I heard the chain lock coming undone as she swung the door back opened.

  “Welcome home, son,” she said smiling, revealing a pair of yellow stained teeth. Her body was frail, her face sunken in as the bones in her neck and face protruded outward. She looked twitchy, nervous even. Clearly, she was off the rails.

  “I would love to say it’s nice to see you, but we both know if I did, I would be lying. While it’s a downer I’m not here to rekindle our broken relationship, I am here for something. I have some questions and you’re going to answer them.” My voice was stern and I was showing her I wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  My mom raised her eyebrow up at me, signaling for me to come in. I stepped over the threshold hesitantly. The place looked worse inside than it did on the outside. It smelled of stale smoke and the floor was littered with garbage and who knows what else. Could people really live like this? Obviously.

  “Don’t look at this place like it ain’t where you came from,” my mother mumbled as she walked into what used to be the living room. Now there was just a couch, a recliner, and a dining room table with chairs filling the room.

  “I’m not looking at this place like anything. All I came here for is answers. Now, you’re going to answer them or—”

  “Or what, Devon boy? You going to beat up your mom? You going to hit me?” Her eyes lit up like a forest fire, anger evident in her features. See, that was the fucked up thing about her—she actually thought I would hurt her. My own mother.

  I clenched my fists while taking a calming breath. The stench that filled my nostrils did nothing to cool my boiling blood.

  “No. I won’t beat up my mom. If you could even call yourself that.” I scoffed as I took a seat on one of the wooden dining room chairs.

  Laughter filled the room, followed by the sound of her coughing. I guess that’s what she got for smoking a pack a day and then some. “You’re here now, so that’s got to say something.”

  Was she dense or was she dense? Fuck, no. I was talking to myself more than usual. That’s what coming here was doing for me, for Tegan.

  “If you don’t tell me what the fuck is going on with the casino, who the fuck is running it, and where I can find them, then I’m going to find a way to put you ten feet in the ground. Even if it means putting you behind bars for the rest of your life,” I said, seething.

  A smile formed on her face as if she didn’t take me seriously, and all I could do was shake my head. She didn’t believe me back then when I said I was leaving and neither did my dad. Why would I expect her to believe me now? One thing was different this time though. The difference was a big fucking deal. Back then, I was willing to walk away from everything just to get away from them. This time, I’m not willing to walk away without dragging their scummy asses down. She needed to learn just how fast I could snap the cuffs on her wrist.

  “You came all this way just to figure out what was taking place at the Diamond Royale Casino?” Her voice was filled with far too much curiosity and then it hit me. She wanted to know why I needed the information and what good it would do her if she told me. See, she was always about how anything and everything could benefit her. It was never about doing something for the greater good.

  I was a smidge away from losing my shit. Hell, my patience left the moment I saw her face. “Listen up, and listen very carefully to every single word I fucking say,” I barked, leaning across the table and into her space. “I ask the questions, you give me the fucking answers. Being my mother means nothing to me when you didn’t give two fucks about me when I was growing up. Now, put your selfish fucking needs to the side and give me the answers I need. I won’t be telling you what the information is for, so don’t even think about asking. It wouldn’t matter anyway though because you’d be in jail long before you find anything the fuck out. So less beating around the fucking bush and more telling me what it is you know. You have ten minutes before I call the cops and tell them all about the ‘family business.’”

  “Devon Mitchell, how dare you threaten me?” Her voice was whiny, maybe even needy. I would be lying if I said I didn’t contemplate putting a bullet in her head myself at that second.

  “It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. So do as I say. By the way, you’re currently down to nine minutes. Tick, Tock,” I declared.

  She mewled around, l
ooking for something, before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. The smell of smoke immediately overwhelmed my senses as she took a huge puff off the tip.

  “You know all about the drug dealing, son. The same men who did that when you were here currently own Diamond Royale. Now, I haven’t been able to get into the higher ups, but the word on the street has it they do a whole lot more than just drug selling. Money laundering, gang related stuff, prostitution, and human trafficking.”

  That explained a lot. These were all things I knew or suspected at the very least. A casino of that size and of that magnitude had to be using dirty money.

  “What else?” I nudged her on.

  Her face wrinkled up in distaste as she blew out a tower of smoke.

  “What more do you need to know?”

  “Maybe who the fuck owns it?”

  Another laugh escaped her lips, as well as a ragged cough. “Son, I told you who runs it. The drug dealers who we all used to work for. Your best bet is to start there on the streets and work your way up to the casino.”

  I rubbed a hand down my face, reminding myself how fucking stupid it was to come here.

  “Thanks, mother dearest,” I said in a condescending tone. I shoved myself up from the chair. I was barely out of my seat when I felt her touch on my arm.

  “You have to promise to protect me, Devon. Your father is still out there dealing and we can’t get caught. They’ll kill us if they find out I told you anything.” Her voice was pleading. It’s funny when she needed something from me, we could negotiate.

  “I won’t tell anyone who gave me the info. Just stay the fuck off my radar. I don’t need any more trouble than I already have.”

  Her eyes glided over my face for a moment and then slipped down to the floor as she nodded. I pulled open the front door with ferociousness and headed out to my car, not even caring that I didn’t get all the answers I needed. One could only hope Tegan got something out of Tony.


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