Saving Suzy (New city Series Book 2)

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Saving Suzy (New city Series Book 2) Page 7

by Stefanie Simpson

  He was out of breath when he leant back, but he kissed her, and lost his footing. He stumbled backwards, still holding her arse cheeks, and landing on his back with a thump.

  Her knees cracked as she landed fully on him.

  “Shit are you okay?”

  He blinked and closed his eyes. “Oh my God. I'm so sorry.”

  “Are you hurt?”

  “No, you?”

  “No.” But she was already laughing.

  “It’s not funny.” She leant back and laughed harder. He lay there, trying not to laugh himself. He was shocked from the fall, and delighted in the feel of her still around his cock as she laughed. He undid the buttons on her dress and pushed it down. He sat up.

  Her he undid her bra, and took it off, her laugher died, but her eyes were bright. He kissed her, she could still taste herself on him. He just ran his hands over her back as he kissing her.

  “Come on.” She pulled away, and lifted herself off him. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up. He went in after her.

  He came out nude. She wore a short thin robe. “Wine?”


  “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”

  “I’m okay, my arse might be bruised.”

  “Nowhere that I could kiss better?”

  He grinned “Perhaps, we can see how the night progresses.”

  “What are we having?”

  “Um, I need something to wear before I start.”

  She scrunched up her face. “Cook nude.” He looked at her as she stared at him.

  “An apron at least?”

  She grinned and handed him an apron, she never cooked enough to use it.

  “Fine.” He put it on and she perched on a stool while he cooked, in only her apron. It was delightful to watch.

  “So, what are we having?”

  “Spinach and ricotta ravioli, in a light mushroom and parmesan sauce.”

  “Wow, posh. You cook?”


  They ate at the island. It was nice, there was something familiar and comfortable about it.

  She cleaned up. He noticed the curtains were closed at the balcony window. It was already getting dark.

  She washed her hands and turned to find him looking at her. There was a restraint in her that he hadn’t noticed before, it was subtle, but it underlined everything about her, every choice she made.

  “This is hard for you, isn’t it?” her good mood dimmed.

  “Yes. I’m always torn in two. My body wants things, my sensible fear wants something different. The person I am has to equate both.”

  “Why then?”

  “Those dimples.” He gave her a ‘get serious’ look. “Honestly, you are the first man I’ve looked at in a while. Actually that’s not true, I’ve, you know, but I mean I just try and satisfy an itch, I look a lot, and I happily perv away, but you…I don’t know. You know, if you hadn’t overheard me that night, we wouldn’t be here.”

  “I’m not here solely because of that. You’re gorgeous, and nice. I would have asked you out, hey I did.”

  “I would have said no every time.”

  “Even though you liked me.”

  “Yes.” He shook his head.

  They didn’t go bed. She allowed him to put his underwear on and they curled up on the couch with the rest of the wine. They talked for a while, as she lay on his chest. He liked having her there it felt right.

  She didn’t allow herself to think of how good it felt lying there, so she kissed his chest instead. She took her time, exploring his body, his eyes were half closed, he undid her robe, and pushed it off, feeling the soft skin of her shoulders and back as she felt, kissed, and tongued his body.

  She sat back, and got him naked again. He’d do anything she asked of him.

  “What do you want?” he swallowed at her question, his eyes dipped to her breasts.

  “I really liked being at your mercy. The hottest thing was when you put your hand on my thigh when we drove here. It was torture, but…”

  A slow smile crept up her face. “I think you liked being restrained.”

  “I did. More than I thought I would.”

  “How did you feel?”

  “Free, cared for, safe.” He frowned.

  “Yes.” She nodded in understanding.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes, under the right circumstances. Do you want to be restrained again?”

  He nodded.

  She slid off the couch and he followed. His heart pounded as he went.

  “Do you want the same, or different?”


  “Good.” The smile she gave him was bright.

  She pulled out the sash of her robe, and he watched as she bound his wrists with it. She guided him down to on the bed, lifted his hands, and hooked them over the knob on the post, stretching his arms up.

  She pulled his hips down so he stretched more. “Don’t move. You’re not allowed. If you stay very still, and do as I say, I’ll reward you.”

  She licked his open mouth as he panted, and nodded.

  She resumed her lazy exploration of him, and he moaned, and forced himself to be still and relax. She didn’t touch his erection, but worked her way all over his body. His cock throbbed and pulsed. He bit his lips, he tried to think of something else, anything to not think of how good she felt.

  He didn’t know how long he’d been there, and he was so aroused, he was sure that he would come the moment she touched him.

  When she stopped, he groaned.

  “Turn over.” He swallowed.

  He did, his cock was pressed flat, it was better and worse, he was sure he’d come.

  She made her way all over his back, his arms strained up to the bedpost, and all the muscles in his back were bunched. She licked and kissed his dimples, making him smile, she worked down his bottom nipping his cheeks, and spread his legs.


  “Don’t worry, I’m won’t put my thumb up there, unless you want me to.” He laughed, unsure, nervous. “Are you uncomfortable?”


  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes.” He could barely speak. She smiled.

  “Kneel up, you can hold the post.”

  He shifted himself.

  She moved so that she lay underneath him, he looked down through his arms, she was as turned on as he was. He licked his lips as she spread her legs and lifted them up to his waist.

  He couldn’t get inside her in that position.

  She put her hand between her legs.

  “Oh shit, don’t, I need to…”

  “Don’t move.”

  He took a few deep breaths, she put both hands between her legs, her knees squeezed his waist, she pushed three fingers inside her, and rubbed her clit, she watched him the whole time, her breasts pushed together, nipples hard and dark.

  He could still feel her lips and tongue on his skin, and as he watched her get close to orgasm, he felt it too.

  “I’m going to…”

  She took pity on him, and continued to circle her clit while she reached up, fingers hot and wet from being inside her and gripped him. “Watch.” He kept his eyes open, he was taut and strained, then he came, he watched himself come on her, each spurt roping over her skin as he cried out, on her stomach, on her tits, it went all over her front, she arched up as she followed, squeezing his still pulsing cock as she did.

  “Unhook your hands.” She was breathless, and he leant back, and knelt down, letting the tension go from his body. He couldn’t speak.

  She opened a drawer and pulled out a pack of wet wipes and she wiped her body down.

  She looked at him, a moment of quiet stretched out, until she laughed. “Are you all right?”

  He lifted his hands up, and she untied him. He crushed her to him, kissing her, holding her, he pressed his hands into her, running them all over her. They lay down, facing each other.

  “Seriously Nathan, are you

  “You are…like nothing else. It’s, you are so good.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled, and they snuggled. “You’re not bad.”

  “Not bad?”


  He sat up. “Are you shitting me? Not bad.”

  “Calm your tits, dimples.” She had a big fat grin on her face.

  He lunged for her, tickling her, she screamed and wriggled away from him, but he pulled her back and pinned her down, he pressed his body onto her. She was giggling, her eyes were laughing. He pressed a hard kiss, and she opened her mouth to him.

  He ran his hands up her arms, into her hair. It felt so good to hold her, to be free to feel her after being so restricted. The image of him coming all over her made him hard again.

  He moaned into her mouth, she opened her legs, wrapping them round him. He leant up back and shifted upward, slowly pushing into her.

  He rested forward on his elbows, and let himself feel how tight she was, how warm. He arched down a little and kissed her. She strained up to him.


  He laughed. “I kind of fell in.”

  “Fell? You just fell in my vagina?”

  “I’m sticking with it.” He thrust into her, and cut off what she was going to say. He let his weight press her down, he moved all the way in, and then slowly out. She squeezed his bottom trying to urge him on.

  He growled at her and resisted her urging. “No. Not bad. I’ll give you not bad.”

  She giggled, but it was deep and throaty. She sucked her breath as he hovered, tip at her entrance. “Please.”

  “No.” But he was laughing then, as she looked pained. He slowly went back in, savouring it, he felt her get wetter every second. When he pulled out again, she was panting.

  “Please, please.” She arched her body, pressing her breasts into him, wiggling. He kissed her hard when he was nearly out of her, only when she almost sobbed did he thrust into her again, harder that time.

  She was becoming almost frantic under him, clawing at him, trying to make him move in her, the more she did it, the stiller he became.

  “Nathan, please.”

  “Not. Bad.”

  He thrust again, her whole body jolted, and he felt her clench as she cried out.

  She opened her eyes, a small smirk on her face. But she was panting, flushed, unable to be still. “Yeah, you’re okay.”

  He didn’t bite, he wouldn’t. He just smiled, and when she reached up to kiss him, he pulled out of reach.

  He shifted and held her wrists above her head. He held her eye, waiting for her to say no, she didn’t, she challenged him with her eyes.

  Again, achingly slowly, he pulled out, he felt her legs tremble, he nudged her entrance, teasing her, she tried not to squirm, she sucked in a breath.

  “Oh fuck, I’m so close, please. Okay, you’re good, so good, fuck I’ve never come so hard, you make me so wet, I love fucking you, please, please.”

  He waited a few seconds, holding her eye, and thrust in hard, he couldn’t hold back, her muscles tightened their grip on him, and then spasmed. He felt the flood of wetness and he lost control, he took her hard and fast, all the while she was crying out, urging him on, until he came again.

  Six. Family ties

  Suzy couldn’t sleep. At four, she got up, carefully easing away from Nathan. He looked so perfect just lying there.

  She rubbed her eyes and checked her front door and the windows. She often did it, it had been a habit for years. She knew they were locked, but she checked anyway.

  Her nightmares were back, she hadn’t had one in a while. She shuddered at the thought of it. She put the kettle on and tried to unpick her thoughts. She was still at the island, her cup empty and cold when Nathan stumbled out, still looking asleep.

  “Hey.” She smiled at his almost grumpy voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not. My magical man powers deduce that you are not okay.”

  She smiled. “I’m fine.”

  “No, ‘fine’ means the world is on fire. I won’t be a big man baby, I swear.”

  “I have nightmares. He gets in the flat. It’s grim.”

  “Shit.” She made him a tea and herself another coffee. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “How does he get your number, I mean, you change it right?”

  “Every time.” She sighed. “So my family…mum always thought I was the most dramatic teenager, I mean most teenagers at some point are. I have an older brother, Rich, and a younger sister, Amy. Our relationship is strange. Being the middle child was a shit, with Rich. He’s five years older than I am and he didn’t take having a sister well. He was fucking evil to me. Some people are disappointed if they have girls, I think my mum was, dad’s okay, but a bit under her thumb. She’s not a bad mother, but Rich was the golden boy. He told so many lies about me to them, and they always believed him. It was worse when Amy came along. He’d hit her and blame me.

  “My parents started to hate me, because of him, so they’re always disposed to think that I’m a liar, and a bad person. They thought Zach would be good for me, and guess who he’s friends with.”

  “Shit the bed.”

  “It has to be Rich. Amy is always torn in two. She has a better relationship with him and puts it all down to just being kids, but Rich hated me and he still does. He poisons everyone, simply because I exist. I’ve tried to explain, but they tell me to stop lying, to stop being so dramatic. I can’t win, I can’t make them see.

  “I’ve given up a bit, but I love Amy, even if she can be a bit of a cow, and I think she gives my number to dad, mum gets it, and gives it to Rich, because he’s so wonderful.

  “That’s why it takes a while, sometimes, other times it’s pretty quick because if I don’t give them my number, Amy comes looking for me, and they think that I’m only looking for attention.”

  “Does anyone have your new number?”

  He sounded furious.

  “No, I can’t face it yet.”

  “I want to meet them.”

  “You can’t change their minds about this.”

  “Want to bet on that?”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Probably one of the few people she really did trust.

  “Can you get them all together?”

  “They have Sunday lunch together. I’m not invited anymore, I cause too many problems.”

  “That is fucking cold.”

  She shrugged. “It’s easier.”

  “Fuck easy.” He looked fierce.

  “You look angry.”

  “I am.”

  “Can I make you feel better?”


  “Can you make me feel better?” she was wearing a long cable cardy, tied at her waist, she undid it, and it fell open. She was naked underneath.

  She slid the cups out the way, and pulled his t-shirt off, she wriggled his pants off, freeing his cock. She held the edge of the worktop and straddled him so that she faced away from him. His erection pressed between them.

  He moaned into her neck as he kissed it. She rested back on him as he spread her legs wider and cupped her. He kissed along her shoulders, her neck, and when she turned slightly, her mouth.

  He felt her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples until she moaned, and he felt how wet she was. She ground against him, but he didn’t stop, her hips moved in need. He raised his knee and rested it on the high bar of the stool so that it pressed into her heat, her wetness spread as she moved in slow circular movements as he pinched and pulled her nipples lightly.

  “Suzy, I want you to come on me, make yourself come.” He whispered before he pushed his tongue deep into her mouth, with her head awkwardly turned to him. She moaned, as she grew needy. He found a rhythm in sync with hers, he pinched and rolled in time with her hips, his tongue swept in the same movemen
ts. Her muffled cry made him pinch harder. She clutched the counter steadying herself and she came, crying out into his mouth. His thigh was soaked as he pulled back.

  She flopped forward, and he lifted her up and guided her down onto him.

  She was so tight, and he could feel the little aftershocks running through her. “Fuck, you’re so tight. So wet.” She made a noise.

  He lifted and pulled her down. “Are you ready, do you want me to fuck you?”


  He lifted her slowly, drawing it out. “I really want to take you hard.”

  “Nathan, do it.” She tried to shift on him.

  “Keep still then.” She made her arms rigid, and resisted him, he pushed and pulled her once more, savouring it, and then jerked her hard once, making her cry out.

  He did it again. “Oh fuck, Nathan that’s so good.”

  “You like that?” he ran his hands over her back, and her hair.

  “Please, please.”

  His hands grabbed her waist and he held tight as he took her, her body bounced against him as she held on.

  He gave a low grunting noise as he went, taking her roughly, until he almost lost his balance when he came hard into her.

  He pulled her into him and hummed into her hair.

  He didn’t want to let her go.

  They showered, ate, and hung out all day. There was something easy about it. Suzy was astonished when he changed her sheets for her, and vacuumed.

  “Are you the perfect man?” she laughed as she put the dryer on.

  “Yes.” He lunged with the vacuum to prove it, and she laughed. “So, I’m going to nip out, pick up some shopping. I’m going to ask, because it’s polite. Want to join me?”

  She looked at him. “Yes. Fuck it.”

  He grinned.

  They walked side by side with a small trolley picking out groceries, they squabbled over which wine to get, and at one point, he took her hand. She automatically looked around.

  She had done that all the way to the supermarket. He watched her check to see if they were followed or watched, but she didn’t pull away, she was trying, she was giving him that.

  They ate, watched films, and talked about everything. It was one of the nicest days either of them had enjoyed in a long time.


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