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Saving Suzy (New city Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Stefanie Simpson

  Early on Sunday, Nathan made a point of putting on the apron, and nothing else as she giggled and made her breakfast in bed.

  She was pensive and quiet otherwise. He leaned over and tapped her temple. “What’s going on in there?”

  “You want to go today don’t you?”

  “Yes. Like I said, trust me, I have a plan.”

  “Okay. We should get ready though.”

  He sighed. “Right then. Come on.” He pulled her out of bed and into the bathroom.

  Suzy got in the shower, and found Nathan right behind her.

  “Really? The shower?”

  “Why not?”

  “One of us will fall over.”

  “Let’s see. You can wash my dimples if you like.”

  “Oh God.”

  He kissed her hungrily, as she laughed. She soaped him up, caressing his body. She had come to know all his muscles, the parts that dipped, the odd little freckle dotted about, a scar from when he fell off his bike and tore his calf open aged ten.

  When she cupped and soaped his balls, he groaned, she didn’t touch his cock, but when he soaped her up in turn, he relished as it pressed into her stomach, soft, but there was muscle underneath.

  “I’m not sure I could manage it again, there’s nothing left.”

  “I’m nervous about going to lunch, I could do with being distracted.”

  “Really? Hmm, let me see what I can do.” He kissed her, and ran his hands all over her.

  He caressed her nipples, pinching them lightly in the way she liked. He rinsed her off and unhooked the showerhead.

  She turned and leant against the tiles, and he lowered the pressure a little. She stood with her legs slightly parted, and she closed her eyes, oddly embarrassed.

  “Open your eyes.” She blushed and opened them.

  He kissed her lightly as he aimed the spray between her legs, he watched her as he gently circled it, until he found the spot. He watched her tense. With his free hand, he went from nipple to nipple. Her hands went to his waist to steady herself.

  “Don’t look away.” She kept looking at him as her body tensed, he loved how her face looked, her mouth pressed shut, hands squeezing him. She gave a short cry when she came, her body moving of its own volition to the rhythm he used with the showerhead. She pushed his arm away, and he kissed her, putting his hand between her legs, feeling her wetness.

  “Do you do that to yourself?”


  He moaned, she rubbed her stomach against his hard on.

  “We should get out the shower.”

  “In a minute.”

  He watched her get down on her knees. He cradled the showered back to the wall, and put his hands on the tiles. Her mouth and tongue had a tight hold on him. He didn’t think he could manage to come again, but she took him deep into her mouth. She relaxed her throat, and took him deeper still. He held his breath and tried not to move.

  His breaths were short and sharp as she went to work on him, her hands were all over him. She blindly reached for the shower gel and managed to get some on her hands, not stopping from her task. She dropped the bottle and soaped up her hands, she rounded his bottom, and slid her hands between his cheeks.

  He made a sharp noise and she laughed round him, she explored every part of his bottom, balls and in between. He frowned, even as everything tightened and clenched in anticipation. It was an intimate exploration of his body. She didn’t do anything other than feel her way round him, but it was as if she was crawling under his skin.

  Her mouth went harder on him, pulled him back and forth as she went, her tongue and hands never let up their movement. He made a guttural noise, and held the back of her head as he came thrusting into her mouth, she sucked and swallowed his come. She let him go and knelt back, her eyes were large as she looked up at him.

  He couldn’t speak.

  “Okay?” he nodded, but he wasn’t sure.

  She stepped out of the shower and cleaned her teeth. He just stood under the water looking at her.

  “Was it too much?” she asked round her toothbrush.

  He only blinked. “What’s the matter?” he turned off the shower and covered himself in her big pink towel. “Nathan, say something.”

  He pulled her to him, and covered her in the towel with him, he pressed her wet body into his, and held her.

  She relaxed into his chest. They stood there for a while, and he just held her.

  They went in his car, he’d been quiet since she gave him the blow job of the year. Maybe he was freaked out, or just a bit drained. She couldn’t tell. He wasn’t pissed off though, and he was being sweet. She frowned as he drove, and she gave him directions. Yet there was tension between them and it made her uncomfortable.

  “Nathan. Will you talk to me?”

  “You wouldn’t like what I would say.”

  “You don’t have to do this, we can go back.”

  “What, no.” He changed lane to turn off the ring road, and when on the winding quiet road heading into in Downly, he carried on. “It’s not that. What happened in the shower made me realise something, and you don’t want to hear it.”

  “What? Just say it. Did I go too far, did you think I was going to put my thumb…”

  “I felt something, other than how good it was, it was deep.”

  “It was.” He couldn’t help but laugh at her petulant tone.

  “Emotionally deep. I don’t know how to put into words.”

  “Are you freaked out?”

  “No, but I know what you can and can’t give me. We agreed, but still, it’s hard not to feel things.”

  “You’re not good at keeping things in.”

  “No, I’m an open book, I always have been.”

  She let it drop. She knew what he felt. She felt it too, but there was no point saying it. It was something she couldn’t have.

  She directed him to her parents’ house.

  It was a large double fronted Victorian house, a large paved drive, in a street with similar houses.

  “Nice place.”

  “Yeah, this place would be three times the value on the other side of the city.”

  There were four cars on the drive, and before they were even out of the car, the front door opened.

  Rich, same dark hair as Suzy, and he stood looking like a proper arsehole, in his maroon trousers and overpriced shirt.

  “Suzy, what are you doing here, and who the hell is this, does Zach know?”

  Nathan looked at Suzy and winked, then he turned and walked up the steps, his will stronger than Rich’s, and he stepped back as Nathan stared him out. He had him worked out straight away. He was ruler of his little empire, and was little else beyond it.

  Nathan didn’t say a word, but reached back for Suzy’s hand, and bypassed Rich with a wide toothy grin.

  Suzy led him into the kitchen diner, where everyone would be. The smell of roast chicken and steaming veg struck her, and took her back into her teenage years.

  She wished it had been different.

  Her mum and dad looked at her, Amy hugged her. Rich’s wife, Amelia looked sour, and Amy’s husband shared a pointed look with Rich. Nathan saw it all.

  “Mr and Mrs Martin. We need to have a conversation about your daughter. It would be appropriate to remove the children.”

  No one spoke until Rich stepped forward. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you can’t come in here and threaten us, it doesn’t matter what she said.”

  “Enough.” Nathan’s voice rang out and his tone made Rich snapped his mouth shut as Nathan stared him out.

  Rich finally looked away, and Nathan pulled out a chair at the half laid table, and sat down. He smiled at Suzy and gestured for her to join him. He addressed no one in particular, but managed to talk to them all, when Amy returned after putting the kids in the lounge.

  “Right. I met Suzy in a professional capacity. At first I didn’t quite understand her.” Suzy cocked her head as he spoke, using his
business voice. “I didn’t understand how such an intelligent capable woman, who essentially ran her department, was not respected as she should have been. This has since been rectified. I know her to be a gifted, strong lovely woman, good at her job, unafraid of who she is, and yet, she lives with a terrible weight hanging over her, and it affects her life wholly.

  “She has explained to me how that came to be. In fact I had two incidents myself with her stalker.”

  “Stalker?” Amy looked horrified.

  “Yes, I believe you all know him, her ex-boyfriend, and former boss. I know how you all feel about her, how you’ve been manipulated into thinking a certain way about her. You are mistaken. You think that she is weak, incapable, attention seeking. Zach is a violent thug who hates her. He was arrested recently for masturbating while he watched her in her flat. He sends her abusive and threatening text messages. Then he went after her, and it’s only her presence of mind that saved her from God knows what. He attempted to attack me, and a police officer.

  “There is now an order in place to prevent him from approaching her. And here we come to the crucial part, and I wish to be perfectly clear, you are wrong about Suzy. She is not lying, she is in real danger. So, Rich,” his voice dripped with contempt, “we will be informing the police that it is you who keeps giving him the number, but let’s be real, you are all responsible. Amy, Suzy gives you her number in confidence, and you betray that trust. As her parents, you know the strained relationship between Rich and Suzy, yet you give him her number, and he gives it to the scrotum.

  “Not anymore, not again. Not one of you will entertain the piece of shit that threatens her.”

  “You need to stay out of this, Zach is her boyfriend.”

  “Is he Suzy?” Nathan asked sweetly.


  “Then that is good enough for me, and if it isn’t good enough for you, then you are manipulated and deluded. What has Rich and Zach said, specifically?”

  Mr Martian looked at Nathan. “That she lies, is weak, needs to be kept in line.”

  “Which ties into the bull that Rich has always fed you, things that Suzy did wrong. One question, has anyone actually witnessed Suzy doing anything wrong, or been on the receiving end of any drama, not including her attempting to defend herself against Zach or Rich. Or are you all brainwashed?”

  No one said anything. He laughed. “Mrs Martin, your son is as dangerous as Zach, you might want to keep an eye on that.”

  Nathan stood, and Suzy silently followed, Nathan caressed her hand as they left the stunned house.

  She slammed the car door shut and fumed.

  Nathan looked at her pale face, and set mouth. She held her tears back and started to shake.



  He nodded and started the car. She held it together until they got to her flat. In her safe place, she started to sob. Nathan caught her up and soothed her hair while she cried.

  It seemed like she couldn’t stop, all her anger, stress, and anxiety poured out of her. He gently rocked her, he wanted to make it all better, to take it all away. Long buried resentment, things that went back in the past, all came out.

  He kissed her forehead, and down the side of her face.

  She leant back, her face was blotchy, and tears tracked down her face, her lips were wet. He kissed them. She moved her lips to his. He kissed her gently, and tasted the salt there. She deepened the kiss. She grabbed the back of his head and dug her fingers in.

  He responded, he felt what she needed, it wasn’t loving or gentle, she was angry, she wanted angry.

  He pulled her top up and off, and undid her jeans. He looked at her for a second. She pulled off his t-shirt, and pushed him backwards. He hoisted her up onto the work surface of the island.

  “What do you want?” he held her face in his hands.

  “Take from me.”

  He took a breath, she watched his pupils dilate, he grabbed her jeans and pulled them off. He threw her boots down. He almost tore her knickers off. He pulled the straps of her bra down, leant over her and kissed her breast. She growled.


  He let his teeth graze her as he pulled at her nipple, his fingers pressed into her, he opened her legs, and undid his jeans. She hooked her toes into the waistband of his boxers and pushed them down. He jolted her forward, his tip brushed at her entrance, and he felt how wet she was. He held her hips tightly, and thrust into her. She cried out at the force of it, and lay back.

  He took her, hard, roughly, her legs squeezed in on him around his waist, he grunted with every thrust.

  She relaxed as she let him take her, part of her let go of everything, she was his to be used.

  He stopped, panting. “Suzy?”

  She opened her eyes, he was red faced, and she was crying, she hadn’t even realised.

  “Nathan, please.” She sat up and held him, his muscles were taut. He pulled out of her, and stepped out of his clothes.

  He picked her up from the cold marble, and carried her to the bedroom.

  He lay over her and kissed her, he was gentle, sweet.

  “I don’t want to be loved.”

  “You want to be fucked, even though you’re crying?”


  “I can’t fuck you while you cry, I’ll go soft.”

  He smiled his big brilliant smile and she laughed.

  She pushed him back, and turned onto her hands and knees. She leant down onto her elbows, and opened her legs a little.

  “Do. It.”

  “If you say so, one more tear, and I will stop.”

  “Consider me warned.”

  He knelt up and entered her quickly, making her call out. He held onto her hips as he fucked her, hard and deep. She kept her head turned back to him, his balls slapped her, he closed his eyes, lost in the feel of her.

  “What are you thinking about?” he smiled as he thought of the conversation he overheard of her with a guy when he first moved in.

  “What you feel like inside.” He opened his eyes. “How good this feels, and everything filthy thing we’ve done. The blow job earlier.” His voice was sounding strained and he thrust hard into her. “Being tied up, coming all over you.”

  She shifted and put a hand on her clit. “What else?”

  “Every time you come, eating your pussy, fucking you slowly. Fucking you like this, up the wall…” His voice trailed off and he became frenzied, she loved how he came in her, but he pulled out and fisted himself as he came all over her arse and back.

  Seeing him come again, the feel of it on her skin made her come, he pushed back in as she crested, feeling the pulse of her around him.

  He cleaned her up, he was quiet and gentle as he wiped her skin clean.

  She lay on her side looking at him.

  “Are you…”

  “I’m really okay. I just needed…” she managed to stop herself from saying ‘you’, but his eye flickered in the silence.

  He kissed her forehead. “What do you want to do, about tonight?”

  “I hadn’t got that far.”

  “Stay with me.”


  “It would make me feel better, I don’t like the idea of you being in here alone tonight. Not after what happened with your family. Just to be careful. Leave your phone, come upstairs, get ready in the morning with me. The moment we step outside, it’ll be per our rules. Let me take care of you tonight.”

  She nodded, and he held her tight.

  Seven. Deeper into the rabbit hole

  It wasn’t late, but she was so tired. She dressed and grabbed her things for work, and followed Nathan upstairs. They were quiet, but she felt his presence, and comfort. He picked her up, and took her to his bed. He sat next to her, stroking her hair.

  “Get some sleep. I’ll order some food later.”

  “Stay with me.”

  He climbed into bed next to her, and held her close. He didn’t understand her family. The
idea of leaving her, of moving on didn’t sit well with him. He wanted to keep her close. It was strange he wasn’t frightened of his feelings, it was new but familiar, it felt right, and he was ready for it, finally. But she wasn’t, but he hoped.

  It was a little awkward in the morning, when they got up, the weekend weighed heavily on her mind. But when they were in the lift going out he turned and spoke.

  “I’m going to avoid you at work, not because I want to avoid you, it’s the opposite, I’m not going to able to not look at you want to kiss you, and take my clothes off so, there’s that.”

  “It’s probably wise.” She looked at his mouth. “I feel the same.”

  She pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

  They were busy in the office, and Suzy dove into it the moment the meeting ended, she hid at the back of the room, but she could still feel him on the other side of the room.

  At lunch, she sat at her desk and worked through. Mia brought her a coffee.

  “Ooh, you’re a life saver.”

  Mia leant down. “You’ve got that, ‘I’ve been shagging all weekend’ look about you.”

  Suzy looked up. “Has anyone else noticed?”

  “Kelsey says you’ve become a bitch, and Malcolm thinks you have a man.”

  “Good to know. Funny how I’m suddenly not a doormat, I become a bitch.”

  “Isn’t it.” Mia left her with two homemade shortbread fingers and Suzy got back to work.

  She wasn’t like Carol, she wouldn’t use people, and she wouldn’t take advantage. She looked around the floor and glimpsed Nathan as he went into the kitchen. He looked so good, she’d had more sex over the weekend than she’d had in years.

  She understood what sexed up meant. The more they did, the more she wanted. The image of him in nothing but the apron came to mind, his tanned backside, and those dimples flashing her as he cooked.

  “Who is he?”


  Poppy, a sweet young admin assistant looked over from the printer. She whispered it again. Suzy didn’t smile, but shrugged. Poppy rolled her eyes.

  One does not fuck where one works. She’d have to have it tattooed on the inside of her arm. Nathan went out of the kitchen, Suzy carefully didn’t look over, and she let him wander out of her periphery.


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