Harlow (Society Girls #7)

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Harlow (Society Girls #7) Page 11

by Crystal Perkins

  “Okay. Were you trafficked?” Maybe I should’ve expected the question, but somehow I didn’t and the shock must show on my face. “I think that’s an unspoken ‘no’.”

  “I wasn’t trafficked. Why would you think that?”

  “You said you were involved in BDSM, but didn’t like it. Was it just curiosity on your part?”

  Oh. Now I understand where he was coming from, but it doesn’t make my story any easier to tell. “No, it was future survival that motivated me to do it.”


  He’s so adorable when he’s confused. I missed him putting his glasses back on, and with his nose all scrunched up, he looks like an absent-minded professor. I can’t help but kiss him before I tell him the rest.

  “I was afraid the people who are after X would come for me one day, and I wanted to be strong enough to withstand anything they did to me. I didn’t know about the Society yet, so I wasn’t aware that I knew people who could teach me about torture. BDSM and the pain that can be inflicted when you agree to it, was the best option I had.”

  “You’re not scarred,” he tells me, still confused.

  “I was still dancing, and scars would lower the tips, so I went to people who knew what they were doing, and wouldn’t leave permanent marks. I covered the temporary ones with makeup, scarves, and anything else that would look like a part of my costumes.”


  I can’t tell much from that word, so I ask what I need to. “Does it turn you off?”

  “Yes, because I hate that any kind of pain was inflicted on you. But no, I’m not turned off by you because you did it. There’s nothing wrong with two consenting adults doing whatever they want to do, as long as they’re not hurting others. I’ll admit I’m glad you didn’t like it, because while I may slap your ass, bite you, and pull your hair, I’m not going any further than that. Even if you were to ask.”

  “No worries there.”

  “Glad we’re on the same page,” he tells me, not hiding his wince when he turns towards me.

  “Your back! I almost forgot you need a massage.”

  “You don’t really have to give me one.”

  “I know, and when I said I was going to, I kind of lied.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah. I should’ve said I’ll take you to a massage.”

  “We can’t leave the complex.”

  “No, but we have a massage room with water tables, and stuff. If you want someone to do it instead of a machine, I can call for one of the therapists, but we’re allowed to use the machines on our own.”

  “A machine sounds great,” I tell her, getting up and going back into the studio with her. Her clothes are there, and while she puts them on, I grab clean stuff for myself from my closet in the connecting bedroom.

  “Okay, but let me know if you change your mind. I can squeeze your shoulders, but I’m not trained to do the rest.”

  “I’m pretty sure if you’re squeezing my shoulders, it will feel better than anything another woman could do.”

  “I wasn’t going to call another woman. I know they’re professionals and all, but if you need hands on you, I’m calling one of the guys.”

  “Possessive much?”

  “I told you I was going to be clingy.”

  “And I told you I was going to love it, which I do.”

  “Glad we’re on the same page,” she says, using my words, and making us both smile.



  The text comes too early in the morning, but I still practically jump from the bed, waking Bodhi in the process. “What’s wrong?”

  “Sorry! Nothing’s wrong. I’ve just got to go to C&C for some training.”

  “I don’t suppose I could go with you, and meet your cousin?”

  I shake my head. “Once this is over, we’ll all hang out, because he wants to meet you too, but for now, you’re unfortunately going to have to stay apart.”

  “I knew that would be the answer, but I had to ask.”

  “I’ve really got to go, and I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I’ll be thinking about you.”

  “I’ve got a painting to finish, and then we’ll celebrate.”

  “Eat, and take breaks, please. I’m going to worry if you don’t promise you will.”

  “I promise. Now go kick some spy girl ass.”

  If he only knew. Today’s the day for torture. The biker got released, and we got him. I know it’s wrong, but I kind of hope he doesn’t give in too easily, so we’ll all have a chance at him. We need to learn, and I’d rather do it on a bad guy than on each other, although that’ll be coming soon, as no one except me and Waverly have had experience with pain. I shudder to think about hurting a friend, but I know that in the long run, it really is for their own good.

  Aiden texts to say he’ll meet me in the lobby again, and I hurry through my shower, throwing on a black top and colorful leggings before running out my door. I’m out of breath, from literally running, when I get to the lobby, and Aiden laughs when he sees my wet hair.

  “You could’ve just told me you needed a few extra minutes, you know.”

  “You’re taking the time to chauffer me around, so the least I can do is be on time.”

  “I have to go into work anyway, Miss Harlow, so it’s really not a problem.”

  “Even so, I appreciate you, and your Secret Service detail. Can I buy them lunch, or something?”

  “They’re eating, and hanging out in the C&C cafeteria, so trust me, they’re more than fine with this assignment.”

  Our cafeteria is even more legendary than the one at Google. In addition to juice bars, coffee bars, and at least ten food stations operating from early morning to late night, we can also put in orders for anything we’re craving. Around the perimeter of the main dining area are game rooms, study rooms, nap rooms, a poker room, and a large patio with a meditation garden, several fire pits, telescopes for anyone working late who wants to look at the stars, and outdoor game areas. It’s crazy, and it’s only one of the benefits that make Matt’s company one of the most sought after to work at.

  “That does make me feel a little better.”

  “Good, because this is not an inconvenience for anyone but you, so I don’t want you thinking it is. Just consider it a part of the Studkateer service.”

  “I knew you were going to love that title, even if you have to share it.”

  Bodhi told me about all the guys wanting to be part of it, and I’m sure once this is all over with, the other women and I will have a lot to say about it to each other. For now, I’m just happy to roll with whatever ridiculous things my male friends come up with.

  “We all know I’m the best, but I can let the other guys have some glory, too.”

  “I think each of us women would choose our own man as the best, but you just keep being you.”

  “Always have, and I always will.”

  “Which is why we get along so well.”


  This time, we don’t separate in the C&C lobby, since we’re both going to the same place. We descend to the prisoner holding area in silence, although he does reach over and squeeze my arm. This floor isn’t used often, but it’s well equipped for whatever we might need, and there’s no chance of escape. Well, I mean, X could possibly escape, but there’s no one else I can think of who would have a chance at it.

  We’re the last to arrive in the interrogation viewing area, but Reina merely nods at us, before turning to the man shackled to the chair in front of her. “We need some information, and you’re going to give it to us.”

  “I ain’t giving you nothing,” he says, spitting at her. He’s lucky none of it hits her, because I’m pretty sure she’d hurt him just for fun at that point.

  “You’re going to give me everything, but it’s up to you how much pain you’ll be in by the time we’re done. And if you have all your body parts and teeth still intact.”

  His eyes widen, because the
re’s no doubt or hesitation in her voice. He pulls against his restraints as she just stares at him with a deceptively indulgent smile on her face. “Who do you work for?”


  “I’ve seen you on TV.”

  “Probably,” she tells him with a shrug.

  “You’re not going to let me live, not if you’re telling me all of this.”

  “I might. If I do, I’ll just make sure you don’t remember any of this, and won’t that suck? Not knowing how you lost a finger, or something else?”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “No, I’m just good at my job.”

  “Go to hell.”

  She turns to the two-way window, and crooks her finger. “Aww, girls, he wants to play.”

  All ten of us recruits rush from the room, joining her to surround our torture test dummy. He’s got to be dumb to not realize how much trouble he’s in, but it’s good for all of us. He looks at us, and I can see his fear, even though he’s still trying to hide it. I doubt he’ll be hiding it much longer, but that’s just my opinion.

  Two hours later, I’m proven right. We’ve all had a turn on him using different tools and methods. I’ve learned that burning flesh and breaking bones make me a little queasy, but cuts and blood don’t. He’s lost two teeth, a finger, and part of his ear before he’s ready to give in.

  “Okay. I’ll answer your questions,” he slurs, blood dripping from his mouth.

  Reina looks him in the eye. “You’re sure, because once I let my girls clean you up, I’m going to be very angry if they have to do it again.”

  “I’m sure. Please.”

  She nods, and we get to work. We’ve already had basic training from Kendrick on how to clean wounds, and stitch them up. I’ve never seen so much gauze being used—or soaking with blood—as when we’re done. I was wrong in thinking BDSM could prepare me for something like this, because this is a whole other world.

  “We won’t be doing this to you,” Reina says to us as we’re washing up in the corner sinks. I think she saw how freaked out we were, and I’m glad for the reassurance. “We’ll do some minor things, and some pain trials, but I only want to make you stronger, not break you.”

  “Thanks,” Jenysis tells her, and we all nod in agreement, and relief.

  “You’re welcome. Now, let’s get some answers before he loses consciousness.”

  I stifle a laugh, because how can she say that so calmly? It’s like just another day for her, and I guess on some level it is, but it still makes me once again glad we’re on the same side. I stand next to her when she motions to me, and the questioning begins.

  “Why were you and your friends after my friend?”

  “Mando needs someone she knows.”


  “He messed up all the club’s computers, and shit. Our business is pretty much gone now, unless he fixes it.”

  “What kind of business is it?”


  “Do you have inventory you can’t sell, or are you not able to buy new ones?”

  “We have a warehouse full of guns. They’re just fucking sitting there because Mando’s bitch of a sister couldn’t keep her panties on.”

  “She wants the boy?”

  “Hell no, she doesn’t! She wants a pawn to control that man she tricked into helping us. She probably wants to keep fucking him too, but she doesn’t give a shit about the kid.”

  Which is exactly what I thought, although I really want to hurt her, because who couldn’t love Micah? Reina must be having similar thoughts. “I need her to sign something, giving away her rights. How would you suggest I get close enough to her to make that happen?”

  “If she thinks she can get to blondie here, she’ll come running. She doesn’t like knowing another woman’s sleeping with her man, especially when she looks like this one does.”

  I want to tell him I’m not sleeping with X, because eww, but I know it doesn’t matter, so I hold my tongue on that matter. “We need to make sure no one comes after me, or him and his son again.”

  “If you take out Mando and Kelsey, you’re golden. They’re the only two who care. The rest of us are tired of all this shit, and just want to go back to business as usual.”

  “I don’t think so,” Reina tells him. “We’re not going to let you go back to running guns.”


  “Please don’t group me with Kelsey. Call me any other name, but not the same one you use for her, because we just got you cleaned up, and I don’t want to make a new mess.”

  “Sorry. I mean it. I’m sorry,” he says, starting to cry, and beg. “I didn’t mean to call you that.”

  “Yes, you did, but it’s nice to see you’ve learned not to mess with me. Someone will be down for you when my team is ready for the next step in your journey with us.”

  She turns and starts to walk from the room, all of us following in her wake. Once we’re outside and the door is closed, I ask her about something I think she forgot. “Don’t we need to know the layout of their compound and warehouse? And how they found me at the boneyard?”


  “But you didn’t ask.”

  “By the time Tegan and Isa go get him, he’ll be begging to tell them anything, and everything he knows. What I do is sometimes about causing pain, but fear is a much more potent motivator.”


  “Just another thing we don’t know,” Rose says, looking annoyed. When Reina opens her mouth to speak, Rose holds up her hand. “I know, I know. We’ll never know it all, but you’re going to prepare us to be ready for as much as you can.”

  “Exactly. It’s nice to know you actually listen when I talk to you sometimes.”

  “I’ll take your advice on work matters, because you’re my boss, but as for other things, silence is golden, Rei.”

  The other girls and I look at each other, with raised eyebrows. I don’t think any of us knew Reina was campaigning for Ares Dixon, although it’s really not surprising since he’s always helping the Society out. I think she may even consider him a friend.

  “Message received, although you know with my ‘pregnancy brain’ I’ll probably forget it.”

  “Selective memory is more like it,” Rose mumbles.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing, Rei.”

  “I didn’t think so.”

  I’m now understanding the whole fear thing, even though Rose doesn’t look scared. Maybe she’s gotten used to Reina since she’s her mentor, or maybe she’s just too stubborn when it comes to Ares. Either way, kudos to her for standing her ground.



  I take the breaks I promised to Harlow, and eat a couple of meals, but I still lose myself in the painting again. When I paint the last brushstroke, I sit back and smile. If the client doesn’t like what I’ve done, I’ll keep it for myself, because even thought I don’t know the woman in the picture, this painting is something special.

  I snap a pic on my phone, and send it off in an email to the client before cleaning up. Wanting approval for my work is a trait I share with other creative people all over the world. We put a piece of ourselves into everything we create, and knowing it brings someone joy means more than money. The anticipation of wondering what someone will think can make us crazy, but I’ve learned that if I send the emails first, and then handle the mundane cleaning tasks while I wait, it makes things a little easier.

  I wash each brush carefully, running my fingers through the bristles, and watching the paint wash away down the drain. Next, I oil and rinse my hands. Today, I wore a shirt, but my arms got a little splattered, so I tend to those next, smiling as I think about how much Harlow likes them.

  It's not until I’ve showered and changed into clean clothes that I check my laptop for a response. Sometimes, it can take hours for someone to see my email and respond, but today isn’t one of them. I breathe a sigh of relief when the client tells me he loves it. I let him know I’l
l get the frame made, and ship it out in the next week, and then I close the laptop, and drop my arms and head on top of it.

  “Bodhi! What’s wrong?” I barely lift my head before Harlow’s next to me, kneeling on the floor, and looking at me with concern in her eyes. “Did you eat? Is it your arms?”

  “I ate, and my arms are just fine. I was just taking a moment to relax in relief because my client loved the finished painting.”

  “How was that a surprise?”

  I chuckle at her bewildered expression. “There’s always the worry that someone won’t like what I’ve created. It’s normal, and I try not to obsess about it too much, but I’m human, and I worry.”

  “I’d punch anyone who said something bad about your work!”

  “I appreciate that, my love, but it happens, and you don’t need to worry yourself with it.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “No one likes it, but when you’re putting your art out into the world, you learn to accept it.”

  “I guess.”

  I pull her to me, and kiss the top of her head. “You are so cute when you’re grumbling.”

  “Making fun of me is not going to get you the tacos I brought you from work,” she says, lighting punching my stomach.

  “Tacos?” I ask, looking to the bag she sat on my coffee table when she ran over, and hoping they’re what I think they are.

  “We’ve only ever eaten sandwiches together, but a little birdy told me you went crazy for the C&C cafeteria tacos when you visited there one day.”

  “Oh God! I love Owen. Don’t tell him I said that, but I love him right now!”

  I went with Owen to the building once to help him work out a problem he was having with a design for an office, and I got to eat there. I didn’t know there was anything like that place before then, and after tasting the tacos, I seriously considered putting my computer degree to use. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get invited again, because they are the second-best thing I have ever tasted. I lift the bag, and inhale the smell, letting out a moan of pleasure.


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