Harlow (Society Girls #7)

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Harlow (Society Girls #7) Page 12

by Crystal Perkins

  “I’ll admit they’re good, but not that good.”

  “You stop with those blasphemous words right now, Harlow. Next to you, these are the best things I’ve ever put in my mouth, and I won’t have you sullying their reputation with your hate speech.”

  “I don’t even know how to respond right now, because you both complimented me, and insulted me in the same breath.”

  “I’ve dreamed of these tacos.”

  “I can get them for you any time you want, or you could come visit me at work, and eat them.”

  “I can visit you at work? You are the best girlfriend ever.”

  “Because of tacos? Wow, and here I thought it was me you loved.”

  I drop the bag back down, and stalk over to her. “I know I said you were better than the tacos, so I’m not sure where this jealousy is coming from.”

  “You said it, but I’m not sure you meant it.”

  “I guess I’ll just need to show you,” I say, tossing her over my shoulder and taking her to bed. Yeah, I love those tacos, but I love this woman so much more.


  “Tacos in bed taste better than they do at work.”

  We’re lying in bed after Bodhi enthusiastically showed me that I’m his favorite thing to eat, followed by me riding us both to oblivion and back. He rescued his beloved tacos from the living room, along with a couple of beers, and I’m finding a new appreciation for the damn things.

  “We’ve been over this already Harlow.”

  “I am not disparaging your precious tacos.”

  “It sure sounds like it.”

  “You have an unhealthy obsession with these tacos, Bodhi.”

  “Says the woman who worships my arms.”

  “Do I need to leave you alone with your food so you can become civil again?”

  “Ouch! No, I’ll behave.”

  “I didn’t say you have to behave, just accept that tacos aren’t my favorite food.”

  “What is your favorite food?”




  “What kind of potatoes?”

  “Pretty much any of them. I like mashed, au gratin, baked, boiled, fries.”

  “Who knew?”

  “Not many people, actually. Potatoes are a staple of most meals, and fries are a popular snack, so I don’t think anyone notices that I eat them more than anything else.”

  “Well, thank you for sharing that with me.”

  “There’s so much we don’t know about each other.”

  He looks away from me when he responds. “Yeah, there is.”

  “Is there something you need to tell me?”

  “Nothing important.”

  He says that, but I think it must be if he won’t tell me. I want to push him, but even though we’ve said the three magic words, our relationship is still new, and I don’t want to spoil anything. I’m going to want answers one day, but I can wait.

  “Is there anything else you want to know about me?”

  “How did you get started with dancing?”

  “I always loved to dance, but we never had money for anything formal, so I just danced around the house. When I started college, I had my scholarship, and that covered my dorm, and my meal plan, but it didn’t cover clothes, or anything else. Even without the surgically enhanced girls, I got noticed by boys when I walked by, so I thought I could use my looks to my advantage somehow. I’m not saying that to be vain, just to explain this to you.”

  “I know,” he says, lacing one of his hands with mine, and kissing my knuckles.

  “Anyway, I saw a notice for dancers, and went in for an interview, which was basically where I moved a little, and took off my shirt and bra. I talked to the girls working there, and they were making more money in a week than I’d ever seen. The rest is history.”

  “You said you had a good surgeon, so your breasts must have cost a lot.”

  “They did, but my tips also got bigger when my boobs did. And besides, I didn’t pay for them.”

  “You didn’t?” he asks, not hiding the jealousy in his tone.

  “My cousin paid. He wanted to pay for my last year of expenses, because he could afford it by then, but I wanted to see things through on my own. I’d wanted the surgery, so I asked him to pay for that instead.”

  “Why do I feel you wanted it for more than the tips?”

  “Because I did. Models make it look so glamorous to be tall and thin, but it’s not always that way. I was called so many names, and made fun of for my flat chest, and although I never got complaints at the club, I always felt like I was less sexy than the girls with great racks.”

  “I’ve only known you like this, but I can pretty much guarantee I would’ve found you sexy before your surgery, too. It’s who you are, and not how big or small your chest is.”

  “Thank you for that.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  I fight the urge to ask him something about his past, and settle for something from the present. “Can I see the finished painting?”

  “Yes, but you need to tell me if you hate it.”

  “I loved what I saw of it yesterday, so why would I hate it?”

  “I don’t know, but I want you to be honest with me, no matter what, okay?”


  He takes my hand, and leads me to the studio. My breath catches as I look at the masterpiece before me. It’s so beautiful, and I wish it was going into a museum, and not someone’s house, because the world needs to see what Bodhi can do.


  “It’s stunning.”

  “You’re not just saying that?”

  I turn, and take his face in my hands. “I’m not just saying it.”

  He smiles, and I can’t help but kiss him. We stand there, kissing and holding each other, and I know I’m beyond lucky, because not everyone finds what I’ve found with this man; love, acceptance, and a person who is the very definition of home.



  It’s two days before Reina calls me back to C&C, and I can’t hide my excitement from Aiden and Ellie, who’s joining us on the ride today. I’ve spent the last 48 hours studying, practicing computer programming, eating Chines takeout, and loving my man. It was wonderful, but I want to see X and Micah, and I want Bodhi and I to be free to leave, and have a real date out in the world.

  “Are we attacking them today?”

  “Reina will tell everyone what we’re doing when we all get there,” Ellie tells me, shaking her head.

  “Do you know?”

  “Yes, I know, and no, I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Am I going with everyone?”



  “Go easy on her, Doll.”

  “Mind your own business, Hawk.”

  “As Miss Harlow’s chauffer, her plans are my business.”

  I burst out laughing as Ellie rolls her eyes. “Why am I not surprised you two have bonded during your drive times?”

  “Because we’re both made of awesome?” I ask.

  “Yeah, buddy.”

  “Please don’t encourage him. He’s hard enough to live with as it is.”

  “That’s not what you were saying this morning.”

  “Do you have a death wish?” I ask.

  “She won’t kill me; she likes my dick too much.”

  “Shut up, Aiden Ford, or you’re on the couch tonight.”

  He swallows hard, and looks contrite. “Sorry, El. I’ll stop.”

  I look between them, and laugh again when she turns to wink at me. “That’s all it takes with any man.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  The first thing I notice when we pull into the C&C employee parking lot are the military vehicles. There are two Hummers and a black sedan that looks similar to the one following us. Aiden and Ellie exchange a look, and both shake their heads. Ellie turns to me, a scary look in her eyes.
/>   “I don’t know for sure, but I believe Elizabeth Mason is here, and it’s probably not good. Just go along with whatever any of us says or does, okay?”


  I’ve only seen the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in person one time, and it was upstairs in the cafeteria. She came for Nev, and Reina sent her away. Since Jake is her son, I’m pretty sure he’s the only reason she left that day. None of us believed it was over, but I don’t understand how her being here could be connected to me.

  As we walk into the Foundation lobby upstairs, I see she’s with Kelsey, and it almost stops me in my tracks. I’ve had enough training to keep moving, and smiling like I don’t have a care in the world, but inside I’m freaking out. What are these two women doing here together?

  “Harlow, we were just talking about you,” Reina says, a fake smile on her face.


  “Yes. The General thinks you can help her friend here find her son.”

  “Me?” I ask, continuing to play dumb.

  “I know you’re with him,” Kelsey practically screeches at me.

  “Bodhi has a son?”

  “Who the fuck is Bodhi?”

  “My boyfriend.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “No, I’m really not.”

  “Do something,” she says to General Mason, who looks like she’s about to explode.

  “I demand you turn over Xavier James, and his son to me right now.”

  Reina doesn’t give in, which surprises absolutely no one. “As we’ve already established in the past, your demands mean nothing to me, Liz.”

  “I will take down this building if I have to.”

  “Not without taking yourself down too, and we both know that’s not going to happen.”

  “Are you denying me access to your husband’s building when I believe a kidnapped child is being kept here?”

  “First, this is our building, and second, until the President himself calls and asks us to let you and people who don’t have your clearance, loose in classified areas, you’re not welcome here,” Matt tells her, moving to stand by Reina.

  “But the child?”

  “Is not here, Mom.”

  “Jake?” she asks, turning to face her son, who looks just as angry as she does.

  “This is low, even for you. I cannot believe you would risk everything you’ve worked over a vendetta against Reina.”

  “This woman has lost her child.”

  “This woman is the sister of an arms dealer, and doesn’t give a fuck about her child.”

  “What? I didn’t…who is your brother?”

  “That’s not important.”

  The General’s face goes white, and Jake rushes forward to catch her as she faints. Her guards look like they don’t know whether to help her, or arrest her, but before they can do either, Faith and Jade inject them with something, and lower them to the floor.

  “Who are you people?” Kelsey asks, trying to back away.

  “People your brother and you should never have messed with,” Reina tells her as Ainsley and Audrey hold Kelsey on either side.

  “Just let me go. I just want to go.”

  “You’re going to sign away your rights to Micah, and then we’ll see what happens from there.”

  “He’s here? My baby’s here?”

  “Save your theatrics for someone who might believe them.”

  “I’m not signing anything.”

  “Oh yes, you are. My girls need some more practice in torturing people, so if you want to fight this, we’re certainly prepared. I suggest you do something smart for once in your life, and just do what I tell you to, but it’s your choice.”

  Elizabeth Mason stirs, and Kelsey tries to appeal to her. “You have to help me! They’ve threatened me!”

  “You lied to me.”

  “I just want my boy, but they’re trying to take him from me!”

  “She’s yours. Do what you need,” she says to Reina, as Jake helps her to her feet. “If you take care of my men’s memories, I’ll call us even.”

  “Very well. Jake can take you to a room where you can wait, but this needs to be the end of the craziness, Liz. I will not stand for your continued interference. The fact that you didn’t vet her before joining forces should tell you how far past reasonable you’ve taken things.”

  “I don’t like it, but you’re not really giving me a choice, so you have my word.”

  “And you have mine.”

  Jake leads his mother down the hall, and Kelsey starts to cry. “I need X. My brother needs X.”

  “But X doesn’t need you,” I tell her, standing in front of her, and staring her down.

  “I hate you.”

  “Believe me, the feeling’s entirely mutual.”

  She’s still crying when they take her away. Aiden and Matt take care of General Mason’s guards, loading them into the elevator I know is going down to the medical ward. Kendrick, Audrey, and Ainsley developed a combination of a serum, and visual stimuli, that can wipe specific memories, and replace them with others that never happened, when necessary. The recruits all had it done to us as part of our training, but we were told about it after the fact. We didn’t feel like we were missing anything, which is damn scary.

  “Once she signs, are you going to wipe her, too?”


  “Really? You trust her to not say anything?”

  “Definitely not.”

  “But…oh,” I say, getting it. Kelsey is going to die.

  “I was afraid I was going to have to spell it out,” Reina says with a smirk.

  “I got it eventually.”

  “That you did, and I’ll give you a pass this time because none of us expected this craziness.”

  “Liz is always crazy,” Isa says, and I remember that she tried to have Isa killed when Jake fell in love with her. I don’t know she can be in the same room with her now, but I guess she loves Jake enough to endure it.

  “This should keep her in line for a little while. We don’t have time to dwell on her, though. Everyone else is waiting for us, so let’s join them, and go over the plan.”

  We follow her into the room, where X grabs me, and holds me tight. “It’s almost over,” I remind him, hugging him back.

  “I know.”

  The plan turns out to be simpler than I expected. The guy we tortured gave Teeg and Isa everything they asked for, and more. There’s a meeting tonight where every member of the club not guarding the warehouse will be in attendance. That building is going to have some natural gas problems, causing major explosions that will leave nothing—and no one—standing, or breathing. Of course, that’s just what the media and public will believe, but it’s a good cover for what’s really going to go down.

  At the same time as the explosions at the compound, the ATF will be seizing the warehouse, with our help. It sounds easy, but I know the amount of planning and second-guessing that went into it was anything but. Every possibility has been explored, and is currently being laid out for us as assignments are made. I want to be out in the field with my girls, helping provide back-up, and after a moment’s hesitation, Reina agrees.

  The meeting breaks, and the team I’m in heads down to Ainsley’s lair to get outfitted. Other teams are going over the plans over and over until they memorize them, or loading up on healthy food and water to prepare for battle. My team will do those things, too, just in a different order. There’s a process and procedure for every mission in the Society, and they are what help to keep us all alive.


  I’m attaching the frame to my painting when my phone buzzes with an incoming text. I don’t get many texts, so I put the piece of wood down, and check the screen. It’s from Harlow, and there are just three words…I love you. She’s never texted me before, and I know she was called in for a reason, so I start to freak out a little, and I do something I probably shouldn’t.

  “Hello, Bodhi,” Alex Corrigan says when she
answers my call.

  “Um, hi,” I say back, a little freaked out that she called me by name.

  She laughs, letting me know I didn’t hide my surprise very well. “We have Caller ID, which is why you didn’t get my normal greeting. How can I help you?”

  “I know I shouldn’t call, but I just wanted to make sure Harlow’s okay.”

  “You’re right about not calling, but I get it. I can only tell you she was fine the last time I saw her, and that I expect her to be fine when I see her again.”

  “Can you not tell her I called?”

  “Your secret’s safe with me.”

  “Thanks, Alex.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I hang up, and realize I never answered Harlow. Shit! If something’s going down, I need her to know I love her, too. I text, and breathe a little easier when I see she’s read the message. She doesn’t write back, and I have to be okay with that, because I’m pretty sure it will happen again. Dating a spy is not for the weak.



  My team is spread out a few blocks from the warehouse, along with one of the other groups. We’re watching for anything unusual, and preparing to jump in if the ATF needs help. Everyone else is near the compound, making sure no one gets too close unless they’re part of the club, because we don’t want to kill any innocents. Nothing will start here until it’s finished there, since one of the men might try to call the compound for help once they’re attacked, and we can’t allow people to leave before we take it down. A part of me feels like I should be upset about the loss of life that’s going to occur, but the lives we’ll save by taking them out is worth it.

  “What part of all of this are you thinking about?” Ellie asks me from where she’s leaning against the wall at my side.

  “Killing people.”

  “Ah yes, the big one. It can be hard to wrap your head around.”

  “Does it bother you?”

  “No, and honestly, it never did. Once you start looking around, and realizing the people you pass at the mall, or sit next to in a restaurant, are safer because you helped make hard decisions they’ll never even know about, it will get easier. At least that’s what some of the other have told me.”

  “Does anything scare you?”


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