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Harlow (Society Girls #7)

Page 16

by Crystal Perkins

  “If that changes, or you decide you just want a good sexing up, you let me know.”

  “I will.”

  I know it’s not going to happen, but I do like Noah. He’s gorgeous, smart, sexy, and more importantly, sweet and kind. He knew exactly what to say to make me feel better about my past. Probably because parts of his are similar, but it still means a lot that he put the effort in. I’m looking forward to this fake date with him more than I have a real date in a long time, and that actually makes me smile for the first time in days.



  “He’s agreed to meet with us at the ball,” my father says, skipping a greeting when I answer my phone.

  “Hello to you, too.”

  “Now is not the time for pleasantries, Son. We have a shot at getting this program, and he specifically asked if our whole family would be there.”

  “Are you ever going to tell me this guy’s name?”

  “You don’t need to know that. Just show up, hug your mother, act civilly to Brooke, and stay away from that Harlot woman.”

  “Her name is Harlow.”

  “Same thing. Just steer clear.”

  That shouldn’t be a problem since she won’t speak to me, but Owen helped me with a plan, which means I’m not staying away from her. I can’t stay away from her. I don’t want to, even if I could.

  “Why is Brooke going to be there?”

  “We couldn’t just uninvite her.”

  “Why not?”

  “It wouldn’t be nice.”

  I snort. “You’re not nice.”

  “Listen to me, Bodhi, I’ve put up with a lot from you, but I will not stand for disrespect from my son.”

  “Respect has to be earned.”

  “Your mother said you were on board with this.”

  “I don’t want to see innocent people lose their jobs, so I’ll pretend to be a happy family, but I’m going to be with Harlow, and hopefully one day marry her, so you need to get on board with that.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “No, Father, it’s my life.”

  He’s still sputtering when I disconnect the call. I should’ve said those things to my family when they were here, but better late than never. At least I hope it is. I know I feel lighter, and more confident in myself, but what if it’s not enough for Harlow? What if my plan for the ball isn’t enough? I’m worried enough that I pick my phone back up, and call Owen.

  “What’s up, man?”

  “Are you sure this will work?”

  “Sure? No. Hopeful? Hell, yeah.”

  “I just told my Father I want to marry her.”

  “I knew you had balls tucked up there somewhere.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Nah, I just fuck my wife. Seriously though, I’m glad you stood up to the old man, even if it might be too late. If not for Harlow, at least you did it for yourself.”

  “I did do it for myself, but not having Harlow isn’t an option.”

  “Unfortunately, it’s not up to you.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “The plan’s a good one, so stop worrying.”

  “I just don’t know if it’s enough.”

  “Are you going to give up if it is?”


  “Then stop worrying. You may have to chase her for the next 50 years, and use Viagra if she lets you catch her then, but at least you know you tried.”

  “You’re not helping.”

  “Oh, I know. But, she’s my friend, too, and you fucked up, so you deserve to suffer.”

  “Your own fuck-up was pretty epic if I remember correctly.”

  “It was, and it wasn’t my last. I fuck something up almost daily. It might be that I forget to unload the dishwasher, or tell Candi I’ll be working late. Or I forget to tell her I love her 100 times one day, and she’s counting that day for whatever reason. No matter what, I make it right, and so does she when she fucks up.”

  “I know there’s a point in there somewhere.”

  “The point is that you’re going to keep fucking up, and so is she. What matters is how you handle things from now on.”

  “Didn’t know you were so deep.”

  “Love will do that to you, Asshole.”

  “And he’s back.”

  “I was never gone.”

  “Touché. And thanks, Owe.”

  “You can thank me by un-breaking Harlow’s heart, and protecting it once you’ve done that.”

  “That’s a deal I’m happy to make.”

  We hang up, and I walk into my studio. I have a back-up plan. I’m hoping it will be a bonus after I wow Harlow at the ball, but if it has to be my Hail Mary play, so be it. And if it doesn’t work, I’ll start on that 50-year chase.

  I’m tugging on the collar of my tux as I ignore Brooke tugging on my arm. “Bodhi, do you like my dress.”

  “No,” I tell her honestly. I’m sure the pink dress cost a lot, but the color reminds me of medicine, or bubblegum. Maybe both. It’s sleek, and plain, and molds to her body in a way some guy might like. Just not this guy.

  “I picked it for you.”

  “For the last time, we are not together. We are never going to be together again.”

  “It’s because of her isn’t it.”

  “Yes. A million and one times, yes.”

  “Am I interrupting something?” a man asks, walking up to us.

  He looks like a football player, or an actor. Could be both, with his handsome face, piercing blue eyes, and wavy black hair. His clothes are obviously expensive, and he has the swagger of a confident man.

  “Of course not. How can we help you?” my father asks, shooting me a glare.

  “You asked to see me, but I think I know what you want.”

  “Oh, Mr. James. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us.”

  “Would you care to sit down? Or can we have someone get you a drink?” my mother asks, always playing the hostess, even when it’s not her party.

  “No. This won’t take that long.”

  Before I can even see it coming, his fist connects with my jaw, and I go down hard. “What the hell was that for?” I ask, rubbing my jaw as I get back on my feet.

  “My cousin. Her name is Harlow, and you’re not worthy to even breathe the same air as her.”

  “But…but…you’re a family man. Everyone says that,” my uncle sputters.

  “Yeah, I am. My son, and my cousin are the two most important people in my life. They’re more important than anything else.”

  “Harlow is Bodhi’s girlfriend,” my mother says, totally trying to sell it even though he punched me.

  “No, she’s not. She’s brilliant, kind, and beautiful, but she’s not with your son.”

  “X, you promised you wouldn’t hurt him!”

  I turn at the sound of Harlow’s voice, and then I forget to breathe that air I’m not worthy to share with her. She’s got her blonde hair in a sleek and high ponytail, minimal makeup, and no jewelry. Her dress is black, red, and white with an asymmetrical, off the shoulder neckline, a cinched waist, and a tight skirt that flares out into loops of draped fabric on the bottom. She’s classy, and sexy as hell at the same time.

  “One punch. I only punched him once.”

  She sighs dramatically, then looks at me. “Are you okay?”

  No. Not at all. I’m dying inside as I look at her standing in front of me. “I’ll live.”

  “About your software,” my father says, and I turn to stare at him in disbelief.

  “Never,” Xavier tells him.

  “But our company...,” my mother implores him.

  “Will be fine without it. Not great, but you’ll manage. I’ve seen your books, and you’re good for at least another two years before you have to come begging again. My answer will be the same, but I look forward to the ask.”

  “Harlow, are you ready to take our seats? I believe dinner will be served soon.”

  Brooke sucks in a shocke
d breath as I see some royal guy placing his hand on Harlow’s back. I don’t know who he is, but he came in with Jenysis, Wayne, Darcy, Darcy’s husband, and their King. And unless I’m misunderstanding things, he’s also Harlow’s date, because of course he is.

  “Oh. Sure, Noah. I’ll see you soon, X, and please keep your fists to yourself.”

  This Noah guy takes a slip of paper out of his pocket, and holds it out to Brooke. “As you can see, I’m taken, so I’ve no need for your phone number.”

  I don’t want to like him, but right now, I kind of do. He just did what I didn’t, and stood up for Harlow. Just a small gesture, but the smile she gives him as they walk away, tells me it meant a lot to her.

  “You told me the company would fold without the program,” I spit out, turning back to my parents. “That everyone would lose their jobs.”

  “We may have exaggerated a little.”

  “A little? Are you kidding me? No wait, you’re not. This was just another way to get what you wanted. To get me to do what you wanted. God, I’m so stupid.” I turn and walk away. I’m not sure where I’m going, but I have to get away from them.

  “You really thought that?” Xavier asks me. I didn’t notice him following me, but he’s here now.

  “Yes,” I tell him, looking him in the eye.

  “I’m assuming you have a plan.”

  “I do.”

  “You love her?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Whatever you need is yours. I won’t help your family, but I believe if Harlow knew your reasons, she’d understand.”

  “I tried to tell her.”

  “She wasn’t ready. I still don’t know if she is, so you need to keep trying, even if nothing seems to work.”

  “I’m not going to give up.”

  “Good,” he tells me, holding out his hand. I shake it, and sigh in relief. I need all the allies I can get. “Oh, and by the way, I’m your boss for the new video game. I liked how you made my cousin so badass in the other one, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.”

  Wow. “I wasn’t expecting that, but I can’t say I’m unhappy to be working for you. I started working on the game already, and I can send you some of my mock-ups.”

  “Worry about Harlow for now, and we’ll talk about the video game later.”

  He walks away, and I think about how many people love Harlow, and want to protect her, me included. I’ve just got to hope she’ll give me the chance to make everything right.



  “You ready to be auctioned off?” Noah asks me with a smile.

  “Maybe,” I tell him with a shrug.

  “I wish I could bid, but even if I was wealthy enough, it’s not really something I should do as a member of the royal circle.”

  I place my hand over his, and give him a smile. “It’s okay, and you can have a dance without bidding, if you’d like.”

  “I’d definitely like that. Are you afraid Bodhi is going to bid?”

  “What? No! He wouldn’t do that. I’m worried that one of my former lap dance clients will win, though.”

  “Not going to happen,” X says from my other side. “You just squeeze my arm if you recognize someone, and I’ll bid. Not many here could outbid me, so you should be good.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I don’t have to, but I want to. The money goes to a good cause, so why not help you out?”

  “You’re the best.”

  “I know.”

  I shove his shoulder, and he leans in to kiss my forehead. “You know I’d do anything to help you find your happiness, right?”

  “Punching him didn’t exactly help.”

  “You never know.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask, picking up something in his tone that no one else would notice.

  “Oh look, they’re starting.”

  Sure enough, before I can press him for answers, Reina is at the microphone with Matt at her side. She thanks everyone for coming, and bidding on the silent auction, and starts the live portion of the evening. It’s no surprise when Joel is the highest bidder for Sierra, Dylan nabs Nev, Ken purchases a dance with Matisse, and Knox is going to take Waverly for a spin. There is a little bit of a bidding war for Rhieve, but an angry looking Calum finally wins, earning him a kiss from her. Wayne glares around the room before bidding starts for Jen, and he’s uncontested. I guess being a rock star scares the competition into silence. Rose is stunned when Ares outbids everyone for her, but no one else is, and the same goes for Kali and Theo. All of them would have gotten dances for free, so that makes it even more romantic.

  Camari was the only one of us who was allowed to opt-out, and that’s for some reason none of us but her and Reina know about yet. I’d pry if I thought it would get my anywhere, but both women are like vaults. I know they’ll tell us all when we they think we need to know, so we’re all trying to be patient.

  I paste a smile on my face, and stand, as Reina calls my name. The bidding starts, and so far, it’s no one I recognize. And then it is.

  As one of the bidders outlasts the others, Bodhi’s voice rings out. Without thinking, I squeeze X’s shoulder, but he doesn’t bid. I chance a glance at him, but he won’t meet my eyes. Traitor!

  I don’t know where he gets the money, because the bidding somehow gets into the eight-figure range, but Bodhi wins. “I squeezed your shoulder,” I hiss at X when I sit down.

  “Oh, you said you’d squeeze my arm.”


  He doesn’t bother denying it, and I can’t help but feel betrayed. “I thought you were on my side.”

  “Always, Har. I live on your side.”

  “Then, why?”

  “I think Bodhi could make you happier than you’ve ever been.”

  “He already has, and then it all went away.”

  “Give him a chance to explain.”

  “What do you know?”

  “It’s not for me to tell you.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “I wouldn’t have given him the money to win if I wasn’t.”

  I jerk back, shocked that not only is X supporting Bodhi, but he gave him money, too, and then he’s there. Bodhi’s standing in front of me with his hand held out. I swallow hard, and place my hand in his. The jolt I always feel when we touch is alive and well, causing me to squeeze his hand as I let him lead me to the dance floor. He squeezes back, and I feel it in my heart, even as my head rebels against it. I’m still hurt and angry, so I don’t let him hold me too close, and I don’t hold my tongue.

  “Won’t your date be upset you bought a dance with me?”

  “I don’t have a date, Low, and if you mean Brooke, I don’t have two fucks to give to her feelings.”

  “Your parents? Your uncle?”

  “No fucks for them, either.”

  “They won’t be happy.”

  “That’s not my problem. They need to find their own happiness.”

  “You weren’t thinking that way when you told Owen you couldn’t take me here as your date.”

  “You didn’t stay to let me explain.”

  “What would you have told me?”

  “That my mother said they’d have to close the company if they didn’t impress some guy who valued family over everything else. They thought that meant conservative ‘family values’ and not just family itself. If our company goes under, thousands of people will lose their jobs.”

  That startles me, and my body shows it, but he’s holding me tight enough that no one else will see anything wrong. “You agreed because of those people?”

  “Yes. I was planning to tell you, explain it all to you, but you ran out.”

  “So you bought a dance with me.”

  “It was Owen’s idea really. A big gesture of claiming.”

  “You can’t claim something that doesn’t belong to you.”

  He’s the one to visibly start at my words this time. “I
just explained to you what happened.”

  “Yes, and I understand that part. You still didn’t stand up for me when I needed it.”

  “I told my father I want you in my life, and I don’t care what they think.”

  The music picks this point to stop, and I move away from him. “It’s too late, Bo. I’ve made up my mind to move on from you.”

  “No. Please,” he begs, not letting me go. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, but I’m not sure it’s enough. Before you didn’t stand up for me, you tried to use my past to hurt me. I don’t want to keep being hurt.”

  “I’m not giving up on you, Low. On us.”

  I don’t answer him as I pull away, and fight to keep the tears at bay. I had to do what I just did, to protect myself. It’s breaking my heart all over again, but I had to do it, because I couldn’t take it if I believed him, and he hurt me once again.


  “What happened out there?” Owen asks, cornering me as I leave the dance floor.

  I don’t look at him, focusing instead on Harlow dancing with Noah. “It didn’t work. She said she loves me, but she’s afraid of being hurt again.”

  “Shit! Did you tell her you were claiming her in front of everyone? Showing her you’re not ashamed of her?”

  “Yeah. She said she’s not mine to claim.”

  “Double fuck, man. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not over.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  I turn to look at him. “I have a plan of my own, and I’m going to need your help.”


  “I’m going to need help from the other guys, too.”

  “Our first Studkateer mission,” he says, nodding. “I like it.”

  “How’d you fuck it up, Bodhi?” X asks, coming up to us.

  “She’s still not ready to listen, and I’ve realized it’s not words I need to win her back.”

  “Plan B?”

  “Plan B,” I agree.

  “I’m in.”

  “Everyone else is, too,” Owen says, looking up from his phone.

  “Who’s everyone?” X asks.

  “The Studkateers.”

  “The Studka whats?”

  “I can get you in.”


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