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Hudsons Crossing

Page 13

by Altonya Washington

  Riley took a deep breath and nodded. “That’d be nice, but it’d probably get pretty uncomfortable with three in here for a lifetime.”

  Asher only smiled, cupping her breasts while engaging her in another slow kiss. Gradually, however, the kiss lost some of its intensity.

  “What did you just say?” He leaned back to frown into her face.

  Shrugging, Riley simply dipped her head to lick water droplets from his chest. “I said the tub is a bit small.”

  “For three?” Asher prompted when she said nothing more.

  “Mmm-hmm…” Riley’s tone was soft and perky. She continued to lap at the water droplets sprinkling his skin.

  “Riley?” Asher firmed his grip on her arms. “Three?” He gave her a tiny shake.

  She winked and, with a saucy smile, tilted her head. “You know, for such a hotshot agent, you’re kinda slow at times.”

  His face was a picture of reluctant amazement. “I’m afraid this is one you’re gonna have to spell out for me.”

  She kissed the tip of his nose. “I have your baby inside me, Asher Hudson. Does that spell it out?” His gorgeous face was stilled by shock, and Riley thought he’d never appeared more adorable to her. Laughing then, she snapped her fingers before his face.

  He caught her hand and dropped a kiss into her palm. The other hand he pressed to her flat abdomen. His eyes were trained there for a time before returning to Riley’s face.

  She grew concerned by his stillness. “Baby? You okay?”

  “I put a baby there?” He was still in a state of disbelief.

  Riley sat back a bit and smiled. “I think you had a little help.” Her lashes fluttered when he stiffened again inside her. Asher tugged her into another kiss.

  The sweet, gentle moment turned into something thoroughly lusty. Riley was more than ready when he took her hips and began to move inside her. When he stilled, she wanted to cry.

  “Is this okay?” he was asking.

  “It’s very okay,” she said, her response clearly reiterating her impatience to have him. “Asher, please.” She took the lead, riding his erection hungrily. Desperately.

  Water sloshed along the sides of the candlelit clawfoot tub. Asher desired his wife more then than in all the time he’d known her. Still, he cautioned himself against handling her too roughly.

  “Don’t do that,” she ordered, wanting all he had to give and laughing in triumph when he answered her demand.

  Afterward, they lay sprawled and naked in bed, with a chilled bowl of sweet fruit between them.

  “Now I understand this health kick of yours.” He laughed and bit into a slice of kiwi.

  “I take offense to that.” Riley searched for another small cube of pineapple. “It hurts to know that you don’t think I could change my evil eating habits on my own.”

  Asher set aside the bowl and covered her body with his. “I’m glad to know the baby is enough to make it happen.”

  Riley smoothed her hands across his flawless skin. “The baby is more than enough.” She arched into his chest and thrust her tongue into his mouth.

  As they kissed, Asher reached for a tiny sliver of the ice that surrounded the chilled fruit bowl. He used it to outline her nipple. Riley shrieked out a breathless laugh in response to the twin sensations of ice cold and passionate heat prickling her body.

  Asher used the ice in a devastating fashion. He drove her near to insanity with the freezing-cold ice before warming her to a sizzle with his mouth. Riley shivered beneath the covers when his hot tongue swirled about a frosty nipple. He changed lanes then, feeding her the sweet fruit, chilling her with brief ice baths and plying her with kisses.

  “Mmm…Asher…Does all this mean you’re happy about the baby?”

  His fierce look softened as the news reclaimed his heart. “I’ve never been so happy. Thank you,” he said and then showed his appreciation.

  Riley sobbed his name when the ice melded with her sex producing pleasure and pain. The silken petals of her womanhood puckered and tensed beneath the manipulation. Her cries of satisfaction mixed with heavy breathing when he soothed the effects of the ice with the ravenous feasting of his mouth. His tongue explored every part of her core—thrusting, rotating, stroking….

  She was in the throes of a strong climax when she felt him inside her. Her arousal was turned inside out. When he gathered her close, Riley was torn between wanting to drift off into a content slumber and wanting to delve into one of the many important conversations they needed to have. Things had been left so unsettled between them. Now, for the first time ever, things felt all too right. A myth? Yes. But she’d take it. She’d relish the dream and deal with the reality later.

  “So if you’re cool with Vic goin’ with the five-year, five-dollar deal, then we can have him sign the papers today and be back in Phoenix by supper time.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Talib set his chin against his palm and waited, wondering what had Asher so unfocused. They’d met for a working breakfast at Red Sun, but Talib had soon realized he was the only one with work on the brain.

  Eventually, Asher’s pen swirls on his pad slowed, and he frowned over at Talib. “Did you say five-dollar?”

  Talib reached for another pat of butter. “I did, and if I were as clueless as you seem to be right now, we’d have Vic runnin’ his ass off for peanuts.”

  “Sorry, man. Guess I am a little out there today.”

  “You mind telling me about it?” Talib couldn’t hide the concern on his face as he watched Asher down a glass of juice in one gulp.

  “Riley’s pregnant.”

  Concern turned to disbelief and then to delight. Talib’s handsome face beamed as brightly as the grin he sported. Standing, he offered his hand to shake and drew Asher into a tight hug. “Did you plan this?” he asked and laughed.

  “Not at all.”

  “But you’re happy as hell?”

  “Damn right.”

  “And how’s she?”

  “She—she’s great.” Asher spoke as if it were a surprise for him to admit it.

  Talib took note. “So what’s up?” He reclaimed his seat at the table.

  Asher followed suit. “I always figured I’d have to battle with her over havin’ kids when the time came.”

  Talib tugged on his ear and winced. “Well, you did say it wasn’t planned, mate.”

  “It’s still a surprise to me.” Asher topped off his coffee. “She doesn’t seem upset by it at all. She’s already settled into the idea.” He flashed Talib a wink. “Even changed her eating habits.”

  “Get out.”

  “I’m serious. She acts like she really wants it.”

  “And that surprises you? She’s about to have a baby with the man she loves.” Talib raked a hand through his thick hair and shrugged. “That’s every woman’s dream, isn’t it?”

  “Not every career woman’s dream,” Asher said sourly.

  “Ah…and what’d she have to say about that?”

  Asher shrugged then. “She didn’t say a thing. Why would she?”

  Talib leaned closer to the table they shared. “What are you thinking? What?” he said when Asher shrugged. “You think she’s so thrilled about a trip to mommy land, she’ll forget about career world?”

  “That so hard to believe?”

  “No, but this is Riley we’re discussing.” Talib reached for the pot of coffee then. “That career is her life.”

  “And this is a child.” Asher leaned back and spread his hands. “I’d say that trumps career.”

  “Mmm…So that means you’re letting go of the career world as well?”


  “Child trumps career, remember?”

  Asher smiled.

  “What?” Talib challenged, his dark eyes sparkling wickedly. “We can’t choose family over a job?”

  “That’s not it.” Asher shook his head and focused on sweetening his coffee. “There’s no way to compare our careers.”

bsp; “They’re both careers, mate.”

  “You can’t compare what I do to that little column of hers.”

  Talib didn’t join in Asher’s arrogant chuckling. “A lot of people put a lot of stock in that little column of hers. Don’t forget, she almost put us out of business once.”

  Asher’s confidence dwindled a tad. “I haven’t forgotten that. Doesn’t mean I view our jobs as equal, though.”

  “Ah.” Talib noticed their breakfast partners arriving and waved. “Just make sure you don’t say that to her.”

  Asher stood to greet their approaching associates. “I’m pretty sure I’ll never have to,” he said softly to his partner.

  “This’ll be a perfect night for it Miss Cassell. We don’t have anything planned…mmm-hmm…okay—all right, see you then.” Riley cleared her throat and set down the phone once the connection was broken. She’d just ended a call with Cassell Hudson, Asher’s mother.

  Riley smiled, her thoughts returning to the call. Cassell was as excited as a girl about to have her sweet-sixteen party. She’d prepared a great evening to celebrate her son’s homecoming.

  Misha waited in the office doorway. She caught the last seconds of the call and winced.

  “Boy, I’ll bet you’re not lookin’ forward to that.”

  Riley spared a fleeting glance toward her friend. “What?”

  “Please, girl, an evening with your in-laws? Yuck.”

  “It’s not like that, Misha.”

  “Right, and how often do you see them, anyway?” Misha lay back on the sofa and crossed her legs at the ankles. “They live in Connecticut. Asher’s in Phoenix….”

  “Which is why we probably get along so well.” Riley joined in when Misha laughed.

  “Well, I hope you don’t go vomiting all over the place.”

  Riley waved off the prediction. “Near or far, I’ve always gotten along with them. Besides, Miss Cassell can cook her butt off.”

  Misha kicked off her baby-blue pumps and flexed her stockinged feet. “Do they know about the baby?”

  “If they don’t yet, they will tonight.”

  “You told Asher….” Misha sat up straight on the sofa. “How’d he take it?”

  Riley twisted a wayward lock around her finger and shrugged. “I think he’s pretty happy, but we didn’t, um…talk much about it.”

  “You do look pretty satisfied….” Misha’s glee mingled with something smug. “I gotta hand it to you, Rile. Not many women could have their man, baby and career fall in line that way.”

  Like a shade drawing down against the sun, Riley’s mood dimmed. “Don’t crack open the champagne yet.” She smoothed suddenly damp hands across the seat of her salt-and-pepper slacks. “I haven’t told him about the job.”

  Misha nodded. “Rationing out the news, eh? Any reason why?”

  “A damn good reason.” Riley was pacing her office then. “The minute I tell him, he’ll ask if I’m turning it down, and I’ll have to tell him no.”

  Asher savored the view as he leaned against the doorjamb of Riley’s office, hands hidden in the pockets of his olive trousers. His cool appearance belied the fact that he was seething. In spite of the fact that he’d been propositioned six times since he’d passed the hallowed doors of Cache Media, the sight of another man perched so comfortably on the side of the desk nearest his wife’s chair was enough to make him envision all sorts of delicious tortures he wanted to inflict.

  Until she caught sight of him in the doorway. Then her lovely face lit up, with an expression completely unlike and completely better than the one she’d held while speaking to the gentleman perched right next to her.

  Indeed, Riley’s heart was in her throat. Such was the case whenever she glimpsed Asher anywhere she wasn’t expecting him. Thrilled to have him there, she laughed and left her chair, thus ending her discussion with Bastian Grovers.

  She wasn’t shy about throwing herself into Asher’s arms and kissing him with an eager fire. When they hugged, Asher’s observant eyes narrowed toward Bastian.


  “Good to see you, Ashe. Lotta talk around here about Vic. Congratulations.”

  Asher kept one arm linked about his wife’s waist when the hug ended. “Just doing my job.”

  Bastian’s hearty laughter filled the room. “I’ll say. Sports Beat’s gonna do a piece on Vic. We’d like to have you give a few quotes as well.”

  Asher was diplomatic to a fault when it came to his clients. “I’d suggest we wait round for the contract to be signed before we start to announce it from the rafters, but you feel free to talk to Vic.” He shrugged. “Can’t hurt to have a little prepress.”

  Bastian nodded. “Gotcha. Thanks, man.” He sized up the couple and then grinned and headed for the door.

  “Finally,” Riley breathed once they were alone. Standing on her toes, she provided her husband with a more thorough kiss. Asher didn’t waste time accepting, as he cupped the back of her neck and took charge of the kiss. Riley was seconds from locking her office door but knew they couldn’t count on the time needed to really enjoy one another. With a sigh, she pulled out of his loose embrace. “So what brings you by?”

  “Ma said she called you about tonight. Thought we could leave from here, unless you need to go back home first.”

  Riley was already heading back to her desk. “Leaving from here’s fine. You might be bored stiff, though. I can’t leave for another twenty minutes or so.”

  Asher watched her shuffle through the file folders littering her desk. “Take your time,” he said and went to set up shop in the tiny alcove at the rear of her lovely office.

  Asher studied Riley. He was totally absorbed in watching his wife handle her job. She never lost her focus or her cool, not even when a harried young reporter rushed in, claiming to have deleted her entire documents folder. Riley took care of the crisis without ever leaving her desk and gave the worried writer a quick tutorial in case the problem should ever reoccur.

  Asher whistled when she set down the phone. “Impressive.”

  Riley graced him with a wink and a wave. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks.”

  Asher stifled his next remark when someone else rushed into the office, needing Riley’s assistance. Inside, he was wondering if she’d ever walk away from it all. In spite of the confidence he’d shown during his discussion with Talib, Asher realized he was in no way certain of her intentions. They hadn’t gotten around to talking about their living situation since she’d told him about the baby.

  Moreover, they hadn’t spoken of the ultimatum he’d issued before she left Phoenix. Things were in a somewhat sublime tailspin, and he had no clue where they’d all land.

  Riley’s thoughts had veered in the same direction as Asher’s. Once the next crisis was averted, she returned to her desk slowly, contemplating telling him everything and judging his response.

  “Something you want to say?” Asher kept his attention on his PDA. He could feel her alluring brown stare focused his way.

  “Casey?” Riley buzzed her assistant and waited for a response. “Run interference for me, will you? When we leave, you can take off for the day.”

  “Thanks, Riley! You guys have a good night.”

  “Memories of your ultimatum come to mind,” she said, watching him pocket the small device and stand.

  “Forgive me.” He said it so simply, so humbly.

  Riley was floored.

  “I never should’ve put that on the table,” he said.

  “Would you be saying that if the baby wasn’t in the picture?” She leaned back against the desk and watched him, with challenge in her eyes.

  Asher shrugged and shook his head. “I can’t say. But either way, I wouldn’t have meant it.”

  Just then the theme music from the eighties television series The A-Team filled the room. Asher smirked adorably while pulling his phone from the inside pocket of his suit coat.

  “Hudson.” His expression and voice went softer
, and he smiled. “Hey, Ma.”

  “I can’t tell you how good it feels to hear your voice and know you’re only a couple of hours away.”

  Asher turned and strolled back across the office. “I know, Ma.”

  Cassell dwelled on the fact a moment longer before she got to the point of her call. “Would you two mind terribly if we went out for dinner and came back home for dessert? I’ve been in meetings with my charity committee all morning, and I haven’t done a thing with dinner. I only made dessert.”

  “I don’t see a problem with that.” Asher eased a hand into his trouser pocket and watched Riley resume scanning the paperwork at her desk.

  “We’ll have to get a move on, I’m afraid. Your dad made reservations at Neale’s.”

  Asher checked his wristwatch and grimaced. Since the elder Hudsons lived in Connecticut, that meant he and Riley would definitely have to hustle.

  “We’ll see you soon, Ma.” Asher wrapped up the call, told his mom he loved her and then explained the accelerated plans to his wife.

  With the “ultimatum” conversation tabled for the moment, Riley set aside her editing and headed for her private washroom.

  “No, Asher,” she warned when he marched in behind her and proceeded to relieve her of the tailored black shirt she wore. “Asher…”

  “Just a second.” One hand had already ventured inside her shirt; the other was making its way into her trousers.

  “No. Mmm…” Persuasive fingers were inside her panties and weakening her legs….

  “Hey, Riley! Congrats, girl!”

  With an airy wave, Riley kept a firm grip on Asher’s arm as she practically dragged him to the elevator bay. Asher assumed the well wishes were in reference to the baby, when, in actuality, they were related to his wife’s new job offer.

  “So have you told your mom yet?” he asked while they descended to the lobby of the New Chronicle.

  “She’s really impressed with you.” Riley leaned against the opposite wall of the elevator car and smiled at Asher’s confusion. “She told me about the promise you made about making her a grandmother.”


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