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Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One)

Page 29

by Teresa Greene

  In the kitchen packing some supplies, she heard an ominous voice behind her. She wheeled around and there stood Lewis holding a pistol to Tilley’s head. Blood still oozed from the gash on his head.

  “Did you think you could out smart me, Kate?” Tears streamed down Tilley’s cheeks. A fresh, ugly purple bruise shimmered under her eye.

  In a trembling voice, she asked, “How did you escape?”

  “You should have taken your clothes with you. Tilley had brought some hairpins to arrange your hair. Hairpins are perfect for picking locks.”

  Kate pleaded, “Let her go, Mr. Lewis. I’m the one you want.”

  “I’m going to enjoy killing her right in front of you. You are going to watch while I kill her slowly and painfully. I’m going to make you pay for turning my own slave against me. I’m going to take my time satisfying my needs, and then I’ll kill you just as slowly. I have wanted you for my wife from the first time I saw you, but we both know that’s not happening now. You have been nothing but a great hindrance to me.”

  Unsteady on his feet from loss of blood, Bob swayed. She decided to use the opportunity to try one last attempt at escape. Why not since he was going to kill them both anyway? She locked her arms around her chest and charged knocking him and Tilley both to the floor. The pistol slid across the floor out of reach. She dived for the weapon, but so did Lewis. Hands grappled for control of the pistol. Even though he had lost a lot of blood, he was still more powerful. He shoved her across the floor and came up with the pistol.

  The click of the hammer sounded eerie. “I’m tired of your defiance, Kate. Goodbye.”

  She shut her eyes, and waited for the impact of the shot. Startled, she jumped when she heard the shot, but felt nothing. Blood roared in her head as she waited to feel the pain of a bullet tearing into her body. Opening one eye and then the other, she saw Bob lying on the floor with a gun shot wound in the center of his forehead. Dull, lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling.

  “Hello, Kate.” She whirled around and there stood David in the kitchen doorway. She bounded from the floor and ran into his arms. She hugged him and gave him a sound kiss on the lips.

  “I have never felt anything as wonderful as you in my arms, sweetheart. I was afraid I would never see you again.” His arms tightened almost cutting off her breathing.

  Soft laughter filled the room as she touched his face then kissed his lips again. “Where have you been? Do you have any idea what I’ve been through? What took you so long?”

  He began to laugh. “Only you would be angry with me at a time like this. I just saved your life, show a little gratitude. I’ll be lucky if I’m not court-martialed for leaving my post.” He whispered, “I came for you, Kate.” His fingers grazed over the bruises on her neck before moving to the bruise under her eye. “Did Bob Lewis do this to you?”

  “No, Slade almost chocked me to death because I fed him poison mushrooms.”

  David smiled. “Sounds like an entertaining story. I can’t wait to hear the particulars.”

  Kate thought of Jacob. “Where is Jacob? Please tell me nothing has happened to him?” If he was not with David, there must be a good reason.

  “Jacob was injured the day you were abducted. The man that kidnapped you shot Jacob when he entered the stables looking for you. He is going to be okay.”

  Concerned, she asked, “Are you sure?”

  “I swear, Kate. He was only wounded. Your soldier friend is with Scott. He should be recuperated enough to travel in a few days.”

  Placing both her hands on David’s cheeks, she explained, “Abigail helped Slade kidnap me. While I was trying to regain consciousness I heard the two talking. She was in on it, David.”

  Brows drawn together in doubt, he asked, “Are you certain?”

  “Yes David, I am positive it was her voice I heard when I regained consciousness after Slade knocked me out.”

  His voice full of anger, he promised, “I’ll take care of her when we get back home.”

  Tilley, she forgot all about her. Unbridled fear showed on her face as she cowered on the floor under the table. Kate wiggled away from David. She squatted down, putting herself on eye level with Tilley. “It’s okay.” She pushed the hair back from Tilley’s face. “We’re safe now. You can come back to Richmond with us. You can live with Jacob and me when we are m…”

  “You’re not marrying Jacob. You are going to marry me. I left my post to rescue you. You are mine.” The blunt reply was made before she finished her sentence.

  Not wanting to have such a personal conversation with David in front of Tilley, Kate stated gruffly, “This is a private matter. We’ll talk later.”

  “I’ll get rid of the body and all the evidence. You two prepare to leave. I have no intention of hanging around and answering questions, or explaining why I killed Bob Lewis. I have to get back to my men.” David hoisted Bob’s huge, lifeless, body over his shoulder and carried him out the back door.

  Kate and Tilley cleaned up all the blood and any evidence that might incriminate them. David gave May and her two sons all the cash he had brought with him. They promised not to ever mention what had transpired. As far as anyone knew, Bob Lewis disappeared.

  Chapter Twenty

  Deep sadness engulfed Kate as she took in the view of her small farm. David, Kate, and Tilley sat on their mounts overlooking the cabin and burned out barn. A lot had happened since the day she left her home. She wasn’t the same naïve young woman who stood in the very same spot six short months ago and looked at the same scene.

  David had not slept in days so the three were going to stay at her family farm until Scott caught up with them. He seemed to be brooding. Little had been said after they left Bob’s plantation.

  When Kate stepped across the threshold, she couldn’t hold back the tears. She remembered all the special times she shared with her family. David held her as she let go of all the pain their deaths had brought her. He held her until she had no more tears left.

  An hour later David and Kate were lying on a quilt in front of the hearth, basking in the warmth of a roaring fire. Tilley was sound asleep in Kate’s grandmother’s bed.

  “Kate, I know you are carrying my child. You have to marry me. The baby changes everything.” He took her hand and kissed the inside of her palm causing tiny pulses throughout her body.

  For several seconds she stared into the blue flames of the fire unable to speak. She wanted to gather just the right words for what she had to say. With as much conviction as she could summon, she stated, “David, I gave my word to Jacob.” The grim thought of the promise she made to Jacob caused her heart to ache. “Isn’t that the reason you told me you couldn’t marry me? You gave your word to Abigail’s father, so you felt obligated to marry her. Well, that’s the way I feel. I promised Jacob my hand in marriage.” She battled with the tears. “I will return to Richmond and marry him.”

  “Kate, I love you. I don’t love Abigail. As soon as mom telegraphed, informing me of your abduction I came immediately to save you.”

  Rather than believe him, she snapped, “You came because I’m carrying your baby.”

  “Roy did not inform me about the baby until I arrived in Richmond.” He shook his head, his eyes steady on her face. “I planned on rescuing you and marrying you before I knew you were carrying my baby. I swear Kate. When mom told me you had been abducted, I was frantic with worry. I knew then I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Tears in her eyes, she spat, “What do you expect me to do about Jacob? He was going to marry me knowing I was carrying your baby. I can’t just leave him in the lurches. He was there for me when you were not.” She sat up and stared into the fire. “All you offered was for me to be your mistress. He offered me marriage and promised to accept your baby as his.”

  “Kate, you have every right to be angry with me. I deserted you in your time of need. I wish I would have been honest with Abigail in the beginning and told her I was in love with you. It would
have saved everyone a lot of heartache.” Taking her hand, David pulled her into his lap and whispered, “Do you love Jacob?”

  Kate pondered the question as she took comfort in the beating of his heart. Hesitantly, she answered, “Not the way I love you but I do love him. I plan on doing every thing in my power to make him a wonderful, devoted wife. He deserves my love more than you.”

  Voice firm, he replied, “I love you, and I’m going to marry you. You don’t have a choice in the matter. If I have to kidnap you, so be it, but you will be my wife.” His arms tightened possessively around her waist. “When we return to Richmond, I’ll tell Jacob. I’m sure he will understand.”

  For months she had yeaned to hear those words. Instead of joy she felt depressed. If only David would have said them to her before she promised to marry Jacob. The thought of breaking her engagement to Jacob caused her unspeakable pain. Conflicting emotions spinning inside her, she took a long breath. “I’ll tell Jacob when we return. He deserves to hear it from me.”

  “That’s enough talk for tonight.” He unbuttoned her shirt and dropped it to the floor. Though the thin fabric of her chemise, he fondled her breasts. “You have no idea how much you mean to me.” Her nipples puckered at the touch of his fingers. With one swift movement he divulged her of her chemise and rolled her breasts in his hands. Her body purred beneath his hands. She rolled off his lap and lay on her back studying him as he stripped out of his clothes. She let her gaze skim over his hard muscular body. It had been too long since she had felt the lust and wanting.

  He stooped to one knee and pulled her skirt over her hips and last her underwear. His hand moved to her thigh and he caressed her lightly. “I have missed you, Kate. No other woman makes me feel the passion you do.” He kissed her with all the warmth and love he felt for her, while his finger dipped into her moistness. His lips moved to her nipples and he kissed each one before his attentions became urgent.

  She arched her back and gave into the sensations of having her breasts sucked and groped. “I’ve missed you also, David. I have missed this.” She tangled her fingers into his hair and pulled him to her lips for a deep kiss, a kiss that left her head spinning. Inch by methodical inch he slipped inside. Her body quivered as she lifted her hips to meet each thrust. The two made love with a burning intensity they both felt all the way to their hearts. As she screamed her orgasm, tears slipped over her cheeks, but this time they were tears of happiness.


  Outside, Kate heard the sound of hoof beats. She stepped out on the front porch as Scott and Terry’s horses trotted into the yard. Scott dismounted and she almost knocked him down when she ran and jumped into his waiting arms. After a few moments, he held her at arm’s length and looked her over. With gentle hands, Scott cupped her cheeks and peered into her eyes. “Did he hurt you, Kate?”

  “No, Scott. David arrived in time. It’s all over. Slade and Bob Lewis are dead.” When he saw David glaring at them from the porch, his expression changed.

  Standing off to the side silently watching, Terry smiled at Kate. She went to him and hugged him gently not wanting to hurt his injured shoulder. He wrapped his one good arm around her and squeezed.

  “I’m so sorry you were injured because of me, Terry. It was a great relief when David told me you survived.” She rose on the tips of her toes and kissed him on the cheek.

  “I’m glad you are safe. I have been worried about you.” Kate took Scott and Terry by the arm and led them toward the cabin with a huge smile on her face.

  Instead of going inside, Scott pulled away from Kate and sat down in the chair on the porch. “I’ll be right in, Kate. I need to speak to David in private.”

  Apprehensive, she knew they would be discussing her.


  After Kate and Terry disappeared into the cabin, Scott motioned David to sit in the chair beside him. He raised an eyebrow and asked sarcastically, “Are we playing house?”

  Ignoring his remark, David said, “Thank you for helping find Kate. You are one hell of a tracker, and I probably would have never found her without your skills.”

  “I helped because Jacob asked me to find Kate. She is his fiancé. When we get back to Richmond, they will be married.” Scott pulled a rolled cigarette from his shirt pocket, struck a match against the bottom of his boot, lit it, and blew the smoke out with a loud frustrated breath.

  A frown creased David’s brow. “I’ve asked Kate to marry me and she said yes. I have been a fool and should have admitted my love for her in the beginning. I’m sorry for all the trouble I have caused.” He stood. “Both you and Jacob have been great friends to Kate. I appreciate the fact you were there when she needed friends. For that I’ll always be eternally grateful.” He turned and walked into the small cabin leaving Scott sitting on the porch.

  He dropped his hat into the chair David just vacated. Stomach aching with dread, he raked his fingers through his thinning hair. Jacob was going to be devastated.


  David and Kate peered through the window of the train as it came to a stop at the station in Richmond. The last two miles she hadn’t said two words. By her demeanor she was not looking forward to her confrontation with Jacob. “Are you sure you don’t want me to speak to Jacob?” He squeezed her hand. “I know how much you are dreading breaking off the engagement.”

  Before leaving Durham, David telegraphed Roy letting him know Kate was safe and they would be arriving on the noon train. Without a doubt, Jacob would be waiting for her when they stepped off the train.

  “No, David. He deserves to hear it from me. I have to admit I don’t relish the thought of ending our relationship.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “My heart hurts at the pain I know it will cause him. He is an honorable man who I greatly admire.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you an hour and then I am coming to your grandfather’s townhouse, preacher in tow. I have to get back to camp so that does not give us much time to get married and consummate our marriage.” Kate smiled and his heart fluttered.

  “Are you forgetting I’m pregnant? I’d say we have already done some consummating.”

  The comment caused him to laugh. Not only was he marrying a beauty, she also had a big heart, and a sense of humor. Yes, he was a lucky man.

  When the four weary travelers exited the train Myra, Roy, Jacob, and Abigail were anxiously waiting for them. Abigail was the first to run ahead when she saw David exit the train. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried, “David, I have been so worried. I feared you would not return to me.”

  Unable to tolerate her show of affection, he stiffened and pushed her away. “Abigail, I need to speak to you in private.” All the color drained from her beautiful face. It was obvious she feared he knew what she had done.

  The train conductor escorted them to one of the private cars. He led the way as Abigail followed close behind. The moment they were alone he unleashed his anger on her. “I know you helped Slade kidnap Kate. When she was regaining consciousness, she heard you talking.”

  Abigail stumbled back putting her hand to her throat. A look of pure innocence on her face she whispered, “David, you know I would never hurt anyone. Kate is making up accusations. She is jealous because she wants you. She is lying. How can you believe…”

  Cutting her off, David glared at her icily. “Shut up, Abigail!” She tried to embrace him, but he slapped her hands away. “The authorities are going to arrest you for your part in Kate’s abduction.” The urge to snap her evil neck was so strong he had to grip his hands into fists.

  As her world began to fall apart around her, her pitiful cries continued. “You promised you would marry me! You promised my father!”

  The steel in his eyes scared her causing her to back away trembling. “How did you know I gave my word to your father I would marry you? You probably put him up to it. You are the most deceitful bitch I have ever known, Abigail. I can’t believe I almost made the mistake of marrying you. Thank God I discovered your true
nature before it was too late.” He circled the room to relieve some of his anger. “You will pay for your crimes. Go home and wait. I am going to bring kidnapping charges against you.”

  Abigail crumpled to the floor wailing as if she were in terrible pain. He turned and strode away feeling no pity for her.


  The moment Kate emerged from the train Jacob was waiting. She fell into his arms taking comfort in his warm embrace. He whispered in her ear, “Every hour I prayed for your safe return.”

  It hurt to see how much weight he had lost. Dark shadows under his eyes led her to believe he was still in considerable pain. He had been injured trying to save her and now she was going to end their relationship. Swamped with guilt, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him gently on his cheek. “I’ve also missed you, Jacob.”

  Both Myra and her grandfather waited for their turn to embrace her. “It feels great to be home. I wondered if I would ever see you again.”

  A tear slipped over her grandfather’s cheek as he held her for several seconds. He pushed her at arm’s length. “I knew you would find your way back to me.”

  She remembered Tilley still standing in front of the train watching them. She reached out, took her hand, and pulled her to her side. “This is Tilley. She saved my life.”

  A little apprehensive, she stood tense and stiff as her eyes studied her grandfather and Myra. Kate squeezed her hand. “It’s going to be okay. I promise you will be treated well.” Some of her reservations melted away.

  The moment the entourage arrived at Roy’s townhouse, Kate immediately asked to speak to Jacob in private. It wouldn’t do for David to arrive with the preacher and she had not broken her engagement to Jacob. By his grave expression he suspected bad news.

  Shutting the door behind them, Kate took both of Jacob’s hands into hers. So many lives had been saved by his strong hands. She knew of no better, decent, honorable man. He did not deserve the words she was about to say to him. “I’m sorry you were shot because of me. I feel terrible about everything that has transpired. You almost died trying to save me. I love you, Jacob. I think you know how much I do, but I also love David. I’m torn between the two of you.” What she saw in his eyes made her heart ache.


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