Book Read Free


Page 36

by Lauren Landish

  I laugh as I climb in my chair and McKayla makes a face of disgust. “Bitch, please. I’ve seen better asses on a donkey.”

  “Oh, thank you!” I sigh, wiping at my eyes. It’s only been a minute and I’m already feeling better. “I so needed that after last night. It was so stressful.”

  McKayla gives me a sympathetic look as she grabs a flat iron off the vanity. “It sure looked like it, but you need to relax. You’ve got a lot more to go.”

  There’s a couple of moments of silence as she gets started. “Well?” McKayla asks me as she’s messing with my hair.

  “Well, what?” I ask.

  “Spill it, chickadee. Who’s your favorite?” she demands. Before I can reply, she adds, “It’s Lee, isn’t it? When I saw him twirl you, girl, I about swooned myself! I love a man who can dance, and that man looks like he’s got some moves.” McKayla’s eyes are twinkling as she speaks, a look of infatuation on her face. Remembering Lee’s smoothness, I can’t blame her.

  Brad doesn’t share her opinion, shaking his head almost immediately as he uses the a wet wipe to remove any residual makeup from my face and then applies a primer. “Oh, hell, no. That one is a slick willy, and I don’t mean that in the sense that he’ll ease on in. I’d watch him with sharp eyes if I were you.”

  “I’m watching,” I mutter. “Trust me, I’m watching.” I pause for a moment as Brad starts applying foundation with his brush. “Is there anyone else I should watch out for?”

  I watch Brad purse his lips in the mirror. “I think that Matt one is a cutie, but I don’t think it’s my ego talking when I say he might be more interested in me than you. Not sure what that means for you, Miss Em. But if you cut him, I’m making a trip over to the elimination house to see if my gaydar tingles are right . . . at least for the night.”

  I laugh at their antics as we go through the list of remaining suitors, discussing who might be here for real or who might be fake. While we chat, McKayla makes a point of telling me to keep my hands out of my hair and stop messing with her genius work.

  “What about Hayden?” I ask as both Brad and McKayla draw close to being finished.

  McKayla lets out a dreamy sigh as she finishes my hair and gives it a satisfied pat. “That man is hot with a capital Fuck Me, Please. Between him and Lee, they just might burn this place to the ground.”

  “For once, I agree with the witch,” Brad says, putting on his finishing touch, my long, fake lashes.

  Warmth flows through my chest, grateful that both Brad and McKayla are people who are willing to talk straight with me. I know it’s only been a few days, but they already feel like friends.

  “Finished!” Brad announces as he appraises his work, prodding me out of my seat. “Tell me I’m not an artist!”

  I have to blink rapidly before I can see, but when my vision clears enough to see my reflection in the mirror, I can’t help myself, nodding. Once again, I look like a movie star thanks to them. I feel a surge of confidence seeing the change from how I looked just twenty minutes ago. “You do good work.”

  “Damn, girl, you’re drop-dead gorgeous,” McKayla says proudly, smiling at her hair job. “You look even better than last night.”

  I flush at her compliment. “Thank you.”

  Brad smacks me on my ass, causing me to jump in surprise. “All right, we did our part, now get out there and get a hole in one!

  I laugh, correcting him. “Sorry, nasty boy, but we’re bowling, not golfing.”

  With a smirk, Brad sasses back. “Oh, I wasn’t talking about the game, darlin’!”

  I shake my head as I walk out. I just can’t with him, but I still manage to hear McKayla teasing, “Dumb ass, it’s one in a hole, not a hole in one because she’s the one with holes.”

  Brad smarts right back. “Bitch, girls ain’t the only ones with holes. Trust me on that.”

  I’m still grinning when I walk to wardrobe. They quickly dress me in some Grease version of a bowling alley outfit, but I have to admit the black cigarette pants look painted on my curves, and the flirty tie of the shirt at my waist is flattering.

  Feeling myself a bit, I follow Nate to the bowling alley. Yes, this mansion has a fucking bowling alley. Who lives like this? Certainly not me. The guys are sitting around at little cocktail tables and all eyes turn to me as I enter. It’s not like any bowling alley I’ve ever seen, though. Everything is luxurious, and the only thing I’d recognize from a normal bowling alley is the ball return machine. At least, no bowling alley I’ve ever seen has leather padded benches to wait your turn on.

  I swear, my heart pounds a mile a minute and I almost turn and run out of the room as anxiety grips me. You’d think I’d be used to this by now, but apparently not. There’s one face my eyes fall on almost immediately, but I drag my eyes away as Hayden’s eyes meet mine.

  God, he looks even hotter than he did last night. His bowling shirt fits him like a glove, and the sparkle in his eye when he sees me is thrilling.

  Meredith ushers me in, unaware of my anxiety, already ranting. “You’re late. Hop on your mark.” Then she turns and hollers louder to everyone else. “All right, people, take turns bowling and talk to each other. Needs to look like a big bowling party. Top two scores will be in the running for a solo date with Emily for lunch.”

  With a clap, she settles in to watch the monitors.

  I shove down my anxiety and wave, putting on a bright, fresh smile. “Hi, guys. Who’s ready to show me how to bowl?”

  There are some smiles and laughs, and a few hands shoot up in the air.

  “Anyone good at this?” I ask. “I haven’t bowled since I was a kid, so go easy on me.”

  Somewhere in the back, I hear a deep voice. “I never go easy on my dates. They take it the way I give it or not at all.”

  It sounds like Mark, and I see Luke laughing a bit as he nudges him and nods his head like it was a good joke.

  Uh, yeah . . . asshole alert.

  It’s one thing for a guy to boss me in the heat of the moment but a whole other thing to be frat boy, locker room mouthing about it in front of everyone. On fucking camera.

  Pretending not to be annoyed, I beam at the men as if I’m so excited to be here. “Let’s get started, shall we?”

  The staff’s already set up the computers, so all we have to do is have me push the big green button on the console to start everything. I do okay, knocking down a few pins in my first two frames. A couple of the men are actually really good, and some hit gutter balls every time, but most are somewhere in the middle.

  One of them, Shawn, is getting visibly frustrated at his continued lack of success and seems to be on the edge of a temper tantrum. Seeing his behavior really turns me off and ruins the mood. If he can’t control his temper for something like this, how mad would he get at something actually important?

  Nope. He’s gone as soon as I get the chance. As the game continues, I find myself surprised at how I’m actually getting into this, watching the guys and being analytical about their behavior, what appeals to me and what doesn’t. And whom I’d like to keep around for a while longer to find out more about.

  I know some, Meredith included, may not like my choices, but at the end of the day, there can only be one final Match. So hopefully, there are no hard feelings. My next time up, Hayden approaches with a smile that makes me weak in the knees. I smile back as he speaks, not letting him on to how attracted I am to him.

  “Hey, Emily,” he says in that sultry voice that can melt chocolate, “Can I show you something?” He points at my hands. “Not hating on your skills, but I noticed that you turn your wrist as you let go of the ball. That’s why it keeps going left, and you could really hurt your wrist. Do you mind?” He’s gesturing toward me and I realize he’s going to show me. I smile and nod. He steps behind me, nestling my ass in his crotch as he puts his left hand on my hip. He wraps his right hand around my wrist, holding it straight as he leads my arm back and forth a few times, making sure I get the feel of the

  My cheeks burn scarlet at the proximity of his body and my temperature rises a few degrees. Fuck, I’m feeling something, all right, but I’m not sure it’s my bowling skills improving.

  He steps away, our eyes meeting, and he gives me another heated smile. It’s contagious, and I smile back, wanting to yell for someone to bring me a damn fan!

  Considering the setup, Hayden could’ve played that much dirtier, but he seems like a gentleman and I appreciate that.

  Taking his advice, I consciously swing my arm back and forth, letting go and watching with delight as the ball rolls straight down the alley and slowly knocks every pin down.

  “Woo-hoo!” I scream joyfully, clapping for myself. I jump up and down, turning to give Hayden a hug. “Thanks! You were right!”

  Hayden hugs me back for a moment, then releases me, raising his hand for a high-five. From there on, we continue bowling, and after the tenth frame, Lee and Hayden are the top two. I’m not really surprised. They both seem eager to win and are pushing each other to the max.

  I clap my hands together and smile as if they’re all my Prince Charmings and I’m their princess. “That was a lot of fun today, guys! Thanks for mostly being good sports and making this fun.” I pause, taking a deep breath and drawing out the moment. Meredith told me that whenever I’m making an announcement or a decision, be as dramatic as possible.

  “Well, I’m supposed to pick from the top two for lunch. I’d like to invite Hayden,” I say finally, my heart pounding in my chest. More than a few faces drop, even though according to the rules, they’d already been disqualified.

  Hayden’s face breaks out into a grin as he starts walking toward me, his arms open wide. But I’m shocked when Meredith interrupts from the sidelines, shaking her head. “Wait! I’m sorry, Emily, but you weren’t supposed to just pick like that. The crew was supposed to bring out the button for you to push. Don’t worry, we’ll edit that out.”

  I look at her, confused. “What button?”

  As if in response, the crew quickly rushes forward and sets up a prop button and the score displays change above us. The names Hayden and Lee flash back and forth on them, and apparently, when I hit the button, it’ll freeze on one of their names.

  Please let it be Hayden.

  I stand and watch the names flash, concentrating. When I think I got a lock on the name I want, I smash the button and it freezes on . . . Lee. My heart drops in my chest and it’s a struggle to keep the smile on my face.

  I’m surprised when Hayden steps forward and gives me a hug, whispering in my ear, “It’s all right, beautiful. Thanks for picking me when you had the chance. I’ll look forward to our date.” When he steps away, I have goosebumps on my flesh.

  Before I can say a word, Lee virtually prowls toward me, appearing irritated and practically radiating power and sex. He takes my hand, kisses it softly with his lips, and then takes a little bow like I’m a princess. There’s a challenge in his eyes when he straightens and looks at me. A challenge I don’t think I want to accept.

  “Shall we?”



  I look at the cameraman, sitting back in the high chair, feeling a bit of nerves tightening my stomach.

  “Are we on?” I ask.

  The cameraman, Joe, nods at me. “Talk whenever you’re ready.”

  I pat my hair, hoping nothing is out of place and that my makeup isn’t crazy, but I see McKayla over on the side give me a thumbs-up. I take a deep breath, thinking about what I’m going to say, and then draw myself up.

  “Ahem.” I clear my throat and begin speaking. “Never in a million years did I think I’d wind up on a show like this. I mean, I’ve watched enough of them to become an expert, but my experience being the first Matchmaker, thus far, has already been an eye-opener. The men seem nice, and it’s been tough cutting some of them. There’s a few I feel a spark with, so I guess we’ll see how that goes. I appreciated Hayden’s help with the bowling. There’s a few I’m not as invested in, and some have even turned me off a little. I work a lot with children, and I’m not looking for immaturity in a man. But who knows? Anything can happen.”

  The comment gets a chuckle out of McKayla, and I continue. “I’m off to lunch with Lee, who seems very charming and confident. Other standouts? Matt . . . something in his eyes says he’d be fun to get to know more. Cody . . . uhm, he seems like a huge teddy bear and I kinda wanna cuddle up with him. Dean . . . kinda an All-American boy next door. Carlos . . . he promised to teach me how to dance, and that sounds fun. Yeah, there are some standouts.”

  After a quick touchup to my hair, makeup, and wardrobe, I settle in at an intimate table for two on the back porch. Well, it would be intimate if there weren’t ten people around doing the set work. It’s kinda funny when Meredith tells us that this is supposed to be a bit more revealing, more connection. She wants some kind of fireworks to happen.

  Apparently, that’s my job, like I have any idea how to create the ‘camera magic’ she’s demanding. Lee, who’s sitting across from me, is unaware of the turmoil wracking my mind as he smiles warmly at me. “I’m so happy to have lunch with you today, Emily. Finally, all to myself.”

  I return his smile, trying to relax and nodding my head. “Yes, I want to get to know all of you better to see who I might be a match with.” I pause. God, I sound so awkward, so forced. It gives me a newfound respect for the women who seem so natural at doing these things.

  “So, uh . . . tell me about yourself,” I say, flashing a smile.

  Lee grins, leaning back in his seat. “Well, I used to be a major gamer geek, doing live gameplay voiceovers. I moved on to a multi-media platform reviewer who gets early releases from the studios. As an early reviewer, my videos could make or break a game release. I’ve got about fifteen million subscribers.”

  I arch an eyebrow, impressed. Fifteen million and I’ve never heard of him? I have to wonder if he’s pulling my leg, heavily exaggerating. But then again, I don’t play video games or even get on social media much. “Fifteen . . . million?”

  Lee smiles proudly, nodding. “Yep, my last E-Sports convention sold out within minutes. I had people lining up to watch me play and talk about the game.” He goes on to tell me about how much he’s made from endorsements and how he’s headed for even bigger things.

  I’m a bit flabbergasted, both in that I didn’t even know such a thing existed and that he’s talked for about fifteen minutes straight with barely a sound from me.

  After a while, he must see something on my face, because he stops. “I’m sorry, I’m talking your head off. I’m just passionate about my work and can get carried away sometimes. You get the picture. Tell me about you.”

  I stare at him for a moment. I can appreciate that he’s passionate, but I admit I’m comfortable steering the conversation away from something I know so little about.

  At the same time, I’m hesitant to tell him about myself. I’m boring, certainly not popular. I could embellish a little, but I remember Meredith saying that I need to be truthful. She and the producers feel that viewers connect more with leads who are authentic.

  “For the past few years, I’ve been working as a nanny. I was going to school for an education degree, and this was a way for me to spend time with little ones,” I finally say. “I didn’t expect to enjoy it so much, and while I’m still taking classes, it’s on a more part-time basis so that I can take care of my kids when they need me there. They’re like my family now, their parents too.”

  Lee grins. “So you’re a babysitter? I think that’s awesome. I’m sure you’re great with the kids and they love you. Besides, who doesn’t love kids?”

  I shift in my seat. He’s smiling, but for some reason, the way he called me a ‘babysitter’ almost feels like he looks down on it. I do so much more than that, but maybe it’s just semantics. He probably just doesn’t know the difference. I would probably botch video game lingo too. With a smile, I try to let it go, choosing
to focus on the compliment he gave me instead.

  We continue our lunch, talking about the show a little bit and what we dream about for our futures. When he says he wants a big family, I can’t help it, my ovaries tingle a little as I like the sound of it. I don’t know if he’d be the one to have that big family with, but if I were only a little more forward, I might just let him take me to bed to see if we’re compatible.

  I mentally laugh at myself. Like that would ever happen . . . yeah, that’s not me.

  Despite the wrong foot we got off on, I can’t really find anything bad to say about Lee. He’s been interesting, smooth, and he’s even made me laugh a little. It doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes. It’s been a lovely first date. Still, babysitter. The way he said it won’t leave my mind. I think it wasn’t the word that irked me so much. It was that his tone sounded a bit condescending. But nothing else has sounded that way. He’s been quite charming and sweet, in fact, so maybe I should just let it go? Especially considering the stress of the awkward situation we’re in.

  As we stand up, Meredith pops up from the sidelines. I swear, that lady is a ghost Jack-in-the-box, popping up at the most inopportune moments.

  “Great job, guys,” she says, giving me a thumbs-up and a smile. “Just need the kiss and we’ll call the scene.” My heart jumps and my mouth goes dry.

  Did she just say kiss? On the cheek, right?

  I look at Lee, who’s grinning like he expects to do more than just kiss me on the cheek. I don’t know if it’s because I’m being watched or what, but I feel unsure. I mean, I expected to be kissing multiple men. That’s what the show is about, finding your perfect match. And you’re sure as hell not finding him without getting your lips wet.

  “Uhm, I don’t usually kiss on the first date . . .” I reply. Shit, did I really just say that on camera?

  Meredith smiles tightly at me like I’m a toddler, clearly not caring. “Prep for the kiss scene!”

  I’m nearly shaking like a leaf as Lee steps up to me. He takes my hand, smiling at me. “I don’t usually kiss on a first date either, but then again, we’re both here for the same thing.” He leans in and I close my eyes.


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