Book Read Free


Page 40

by Lauren Landish

  Watching him go, Cody and Carlos shake their heads, having been silent during the whole exchange.

  “Holy fuck, if we could switch places,” says Cody, clenching his fist so hard his massive knuckles pop like small firecrackers. “I’d let either of you go in my place just so I didn’t have to put up with his fake ass. I’m gonna have a hard time not calling him out on his shit. Knowing my luck, I’ll probably come out looking like an ass on camera.”

  Carlos nods, looking like he wants to chase Lee down. “I know. I might be a dog, but that guy is just downright wrong. All sweet and sexy to Emily and when the cameras are rolling, then a crude douchebag any other time.”

  Carlos and Cody both give us a nod, then head off to get ready while Dean and Matt decide to change t-shirts before the barbecue. I hang back, sipping on a Coke and thinking.

  I’ve got to see Emily again, I think to myself. If only there were a way to see her off-camera. I feel like I need to warn her off Lee, but mostly, I just want to get to know her better without the cameras. Suddenly, I have an idea.

  McKayla said we were lucky there were no cameras in her room, so she has to know where the cameras are. She can get a message to Emily for me. It might not be the best idea, but it’s worth a shot.

  Jumping to my feet, I head back down to Hair and Makeup, running into Nate in the hall.

  He looks at me with surprise, blinking rapidly behind his wide-rimmed glasses. “Where you headed, Hayden?” he demands.

  I grin, trying to appear like I’m not up to something. “Oh, just to the kitchen. Our mini-fridge is out of water and I wanted to hydrate before the party.”

  Nate peers at me for a moment before sighing. “Really? Well, I’m sorry about that. I’ll let catering know immediately.” Scribbling something on his clipboard, he scurries off.

  I watch him leave and then continue on my way. I get to the room and knock once before stepping inside and closing the door behind me.

  McKayla, who’s messing with a wig while Brad complains about his feet being too big and wide to fit into Emily’s heels, spins around in surprise. “Oh, hell no!” she snaps, shaking her head. “You can turn your hot ass right back around and get the hell out. Emily isn’t here and you’re not supposed to be either.”

  Brad smirks, kicking the high heel to the side and flipping his hand at me. “Speak for yourself, hooker. I don’t mind at all. As long as he’s willing to show some of his . . . assets. Squats? I bet you do squats, don’t you?” he asks as he tilts his head, analyzing my lower half.

  I’m not sure whether to laugh or not, so I just ignore him and look directly at McKayla. “Look . . . hear me out. You said earlier that there were no cameras in here. That means you know where they are. I need to talk to Emily, no cameras, no production crew, just us. Can you help me with that?”

  If looks could kill, I’d be roadkill right about now, but I stand my ground. “Please.”

  McKayla scowls at me. “And why would I do that? You’re asking me to risk my job. Just wait until the show is over and talk to her all you want . . . regardless of who wins. I’m not going to let you drag me into this mess.”

  “I can do that too,” I say, “but . . .” I pause, at a loss for words. This is frustrating.

  Brad leans forward. “What’s your game plan?”

  “I like her,” I say. “She’s—”

  Brad rolls his eyes. “No shit, Sherlock. That was obvious when we busted in on you two doing the Twister—”

  “She’s smart, funny, and I want to talk to her for a few minutes, not try to play with her emotions just to win the show like some of the guys who are left. Which reminds me, she should probably know a few things,” I continue, talking over Brad. I stop, surprised at how much I said as McKayla and Brad go silent.

  McKayla looks me up and down, then bends her head toward Brad and starts whispering. I stand there uncomfortably, hating how foolish I must look.

  McKayla pipes back up. “Fine, you’ve got balls. I like that. Not a rule follower. I like that, too.” She stops to scowl darkly at me with warning. “But if you hurt her or ruin this opportunity for her, I will take those big balls of yours and snip them off with the dullest pair of scissors that I have. Questions?”

  It takes great effort not to start laughing in her face. This chick is seriously one card shy of a full deck, threatening me with that dark look on her face but then brightening right back up at the end. Mood swings, much?

  I shake my head, keeping my tone serious. “Nope. No questions. So, what can you tell me?”

  McKayla taps her ruby red lips with her fingernail. “Hmm, inside the house is tough. There's cameras in almost all the rooms you can access except the toilets. Not particularly romantic. Ah, the pond . . . how do you get there without being seen?”

  I watch as her mind whirls, not interrupting. She’s nuts, but she’s smart and devious. I like it.

  Brad suddenly lets out a squeal, raising his hand like he’s trying to get the teacher’s attention. “I got it!” he exclaims excitedly. “Out the side door to the smoking area, you know that place where you can pop through the big hedge?”

  “Holy shit!” McKayla snaps her fingers, smiling at Brad. “You’re a genius! I would kiss you if I knew it wouldn’t turn you into a flaming hetero who wanted me day and night.” She snaps her finger, strutting around him.

  Brad rolls his eyes, unfazed by her backhanded praise. “Bitch, please, you could be the last pussy on earth with the human race depending on us to procreate and I still wouldn’t get within ten feet of that. You forget, I know where it’s been.”

  “So anyway,” she says after a moment of glaring at Brad. “On the other side, y’all can go down past the back lawn area, to the trees at the back of the property, and then sneak up to the private pond back there. It’ll just be you and the ducks.”

  I grin, happy to find a resolution “Perfect. Thanks.” I pause. “What time will it clear out and be free of security guards?”

  McKayla lets out a hum, thinking. “Guards don’t patrol back that far, but they might catch something on the monitor when you slip through the hedge.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Brad says. “Slip through right at the eleven o’clock shift change, and I’ll swing by to tell Harvey about my date last week. He loves hearing about my escapades. He claims he’s straight, but it’s so obvious. Getting back in won’t be a problem. People always rag on him because he’s asleep at the monitors by two. Just come in separate doors, at least twenty minutes apart, and it’ll look like you’re both just having trouble sleeping and decided to wander if you do happen to be seen.”

  McKayla nods. “I’ll let Emily know when she comes in to get her makeup cleaned off after the group date. But I have to warn you. If she’s not interested, you’re on your own, buddy.”

  I flash a wolf-like grin of confidence. “She’s interested,” I say.

  At least that’s what I have to tell myself.

  I nod my head at them as I prepare to leave. “Thanks, ladies,” I say before quickly adding, “And, uh, gentleman. Sorry, Brad, no offense.”

  Brad laughs, waving me off with a wink. “None taken. I’m more of a lady than Pinky Pie Hooker over here could ever think of being.”

  With a wink, it’s all set. Just hours and hours to go until show time.


  “So, what are those kids you babysit like?” Lee asks me as we go over a bump in the road and I nearly fall into his lap. “From what I could tell before, they seem like a big part of your life.”

  It’s barely an hour after the football game ended and I’m already loaded up in a large SUV with three guys, still feeling nervous about the bungee jumping.

  “Oh,” I say, feeling my worries slip away at the mention of Mindy and Oliver’s kids. I even forget the camera that’s sitting right in our face. “They’re absolutely wonderful! The boy is just like his father, smart and practical. The girl is just like her mother, funny and sassy! And their baby
. . . he’s got the world’s softest little tummy and still loves to cuddle. Together, they can be quite the handful, but I wouldn’t trade being with them for the world.”

  Lee grins, leaning forward. “You really have a strong bond with them, don’t you?”

  I nod. “I do. They’re like a second family to me, the little brothers and sister I never had. We do a lot together.” I start talking all about my past with them, telling funny stories about things they’ve said and how smart they are.

  As we pull into the lot, I suddenly realize that I’ve monopolized the conversation this entire time.

  “I’m sorry.” I blush, feeling ashamed for gushing so much when I was just thinking Lee did the same thing before. “I didn’t mean to go on and on.”

  “Shh,” Lee says softly, placing a finger to my lips. “Don’t do that. Your face lights up when you talk about them and it only makes you more beautiful. You’ll be a great mother one day.”

  I can’t help the smile that forms on my face at his compliment, even if the touching on the lips was a little awkward in front of everyone. Despite my reservations about Lee, I’m really flattered. But as I glance around, I see Cody and Carlos smirking at each other with a hint of eyeroll. Are they jealous that Lee is so sweet?

  I can sense that something is off between the three of them, but I decide to just roll with it since I’m not sure what it is. I’m only getting glimpses into what these guys are like. And it’s possible they just don’t like each other because of the unusual situation we’re all in. I’m sure the competition stuff is hard for them to handle and still be friendly with each other.

  We climb out of the SUV, heading in for the lesson before we can jump. Turns out, Cody was right. He’s both too tall and too heavy for the bungees they have for this jump. Carlos teases him a little bit, but Cody takes it in stride saying he was just along to spend time with me anyway.

  Cody takes my hand. “You cheered for us this morning, so I’ll cheer for you this afternoon. It’d be my honor,” he says, ducking down like he’s bowing, which puts his face roughly at my level. He lifts his eyes to mine. “As long as you scream my name on the way down.”

  I laugh. Cheeky, but polite about it.

  I like him, just enough sarcasm to keep me paying attention without being cruel.

  Meanwhile, Lee says he hasn’t been bungee jumping before, but he seems to be comfortable with the whole setup. Although I’m sure he’d never show any sign that he was nervous. But it still puts me at ease that he’s so confident with something that is quickly turning my knees to jelly. We line up on the bridgeway, the coolness of the height sinking into my bones as a slight breeze makes my eyes water. Or maybe I’m crying in fright . . . I’m not sure.

  Lee makes his way over to me. “Kiss for luck?” he asks with a boyish grin.

  I hesitate for a moment, Hayden flashing before my eyes, but then I remember the rules of the show and what Meredith expects from me.

  Just give him an innocent peck.

  Hiding my anxiety, I smile, raising to my toes to kiss Lee’s cheek, but he turns at the last moment, catching my lips and holding me in a seemingly deep kiss while he presses his hand to the back of my head.

  Caught by surprise, I feel myself pulled into his chest, realizing the camera is right there, almost in the kiss with us.

  Lee smiles down at me, running a thumb across my bottom lip. My lips tingle, and I look up at him, my heart pounding in my chest.

  He stage-whispers in my ear, “I think I’m buzzing more from you than I will be from this jump.” And with a full-wide smile, he lets the instructors lock him into the harness, hooking the bungee to him. He steps up to the edge, and with a countdown of 3, 2, 1 . . . he’s gone with a joyous yell.

  Feeling sick, I peer over the edge, following the line of the red bungee to see him swinging far below the bridge, and I can hear him screaming, “Yeah! Whoo!” with his fist pumping in the air.

  I smile. He survived and seemed to have fun. I can do this too, right?

  Carlos is up next, and after a pleasant kiss to each cheek, his jump goes just as well, although he seems to be screaming in Spanish on the way down. Not sure what he said, I overhear Meredith telling Nate to make a note for subtitles and bleeping for his scene. Carlos is smiling though, and he flashes me a thumbs-up.

  Now it’s my turn.

  I stand on the edge, strapped into the harness and attached to the bungee, looking over the edge of the bridge to the river slowly running below and the trees along the riverbank. It’s a beautiful view and I think I’d be just fine to stay here and enjoy it.

  Cody comes up next to me when he sees me frozen. “You got this,” he says.

  I look at him with wide eyes, nodding. “I don’t know,” I whisper. “It’d be nice to just hang up here.”

  “You can if you want,” Cody says softly, reassuringly. “You don’t have to jumps if you don’t want to. And yeah, I’d enjoy hanging out with you while they reel those two up. But consider this . . . when are you going to get a chance to do it again? If you step down, that fear is just going to grow. But right now, you’re already here, strapped in safe and sound on a perfect fucking day. Take a big breath and jump, enjoy this moment of your life, and inspire all the other folks on the other side of that camera to tackle their fears. But most of all? Inspire yourself to do it . . . bungee jumping and whatever else scares the shit out you. Do it. Chase those nervous butterflies because that means you’re challenging yourself and growing.”

  I stare at him slack-jawed. It’s by far the most words he’s said while on the show, and here I was this whole time thinking he was a giant airhead. “You’re pretty good at pep talks,” I say. “Experience with that, I take it?”

  Cody nods. “I’ve given more than a few when I played ball, and I’ve heard some that have inspired greatness. Em . . . you’re gonna do this and do great.”

  “Hurry up!” Meredith yells, uncaring how scared I am of jumping off this bridge and landing flat as a fucking pancake.

  “Looks like that’s your cue,” Cody says as I bite my lower lip. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to throw you off.”

  With a smack on the ass that somehow feels more friendly than sexy, I turn to the wind.

  I can do this.

  From far away, I hear the countdown . . . 3, 2, 1 . . . and I’m flying! The trees suddenly look more vivid, the river looks faster, and the wind is howling through my hair as I plunge down below, screaming my lungs out. The rebound hits and suddenly, I’m on the way back up before floating weightless for a second and dropping again, the process repeated four times before I settle down at the bottom of my cord.

  When it’s over, I’m shaking like a leaf, adrenaline rushing through my blood. It was absolutely awesome and the scariest thing I’ve ever done at the same time.

  They wind me back up, and when my feet touch down on the bridge, Cody is whooping with me, grabbing me in a big bear hug that lifts my feet a foot off the ground as he jumps around with me.

  I’m laughing, delighted at his reaction.

  After a few more yells, he sets me down and looks me in the eye. “Hey, I forgot to get my good luck kiss!”

  I look back at him and he lowers way down, giving me a warm kiss that makes me smile. He pulls back with a smack and grins. “And don’t think I didn’t notice that you didn’t yell my name. Guess I’ll have to make you yell it another time.” He winks at me, letting me know that he’s joking . . . a little.

  The drive back to the estate is full of laughter, everyone talking about their jumps and how their minds were racing with fear and excitement.

  When we get back, Meredith and the camera crew are waiting for us to step out of the SUV.

  “Okay, say your goodnights,” Meredith orders, “and then you’re done until early morning.” She looks at me pointedly. “Except you, Emily. I need a confession from you before you turn in.”

  The guys wait their turn to tell me goodnight, Carlos giving me a hug an
d a light kiss on the cheek and Cody picking me up in his strong arms to bring me to his level for a quick smattering of kisses, and then I’m alone with Lee.

  Of the three, Lee is the most aggressive, moving in close and crowding me up against the SUV.

  “I had a great time today, gorgeous,” he says, his voice a soft growl. “You were brave, jumping off the bridge. it looked like you were flying. It was so sexy to see you be such a badass.” He stares at me with such intensity, and I’m not sure what to make of it.

  Before I can reply, he kisses me passionately, his tongue slipping in to tangle with mine as he fists my hair in his hand, moving me where he wants me. I feel the length of his body against mine and feel his cock surging against my belly. He grinds against me for a moment, groaning, and it’s such a sudden onslaught that it takes me a moment to process.

  I push back against his chest lightly. “Lee . . . slow down.”

  Lee breaks the kiss, breathing heavily. “Sorry,” he rasps. “You just drive me crazy. I want you so much.”

  Off to the side, I hear Meredith furiously whisper to the cameraman, “Did you get that? Please tell me you got it!”

  “Of course I did.”

  I quell the irritation that surges in my stomach, hating that nothing is private. It’s been days, and it’s still hard getting used to the cameraman always being there. He’s just around so much that I sometimes forget he’s even there until afterward.

  I’m too preoccupied with my thoughts to reply to Lee, so he lays one more kiss, this time to my cheek, before pulling away and walking toward the house. “I’ll see you tomorrow, babe.”

  I stand there like a statute, feeling all sorts of emotions going through me.

  Holy shit. What just happened?

  Lee just overwhelms me and I don’t know how to feel about it.

  “Bungee jumping was amazing,” I say with a smile as I look into the camera. “I don’t think I could’ve done it without Cody. He really stepped up to cheer me on when I was terrified and doubting myself. He was such a good sport about not being able to jump himself, too.


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