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Blade (The Bang Shift Book 3)

Page 10

by Mandy Harbin

  He bent down and kissed her forehead. “If anything, her findings could help justify an increase in our land value. Put us in a better position to get a loan against the property to increase income other ways.”

  “That’s true. If I can determine they should offer more and up their offer, the market value increases.”

  Barbara sipped her mimosa before saying, “I guess there’s no harm in looking. It’s not as if you can make a decision without the rest of the family.”

  Blade’s lip twitched, but it was apparent he quickly suppressed the smile he was about to show. “Great. I’ll run into town this afternoon and talk with their realtor. Let him know we wanna look at the books to determine the viability of their offer. Tomorrow, I’ll pull our financial statements for Anna. She can start going through everything.”

  “And how long do you think this will take?”

  “Hard to say,” Anna said.

  “We have to go back soon for a wedding, but if we get electronic copies of the information, we can take it with us.”

  “Yeah, it doesn’t take long to read reports, but I like taking my time when I analyze fiscal data.”

  Barbara sighed. “Fine. Just keep me updated.” She looked at Bernadette. “How soon until we eat? I didn’t eat dinner last night.”

  Bernadette chuckled. “Out with that fine man again?”

  “A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  “For the love of God, please don’t,” Lauren said.

  “C’mon, let’s go into the dining room.”

  “You did good,” Blade murmured to Anna as the followed the group to the feast spread.

  “You too.” She smiled at him. “This looks great,” she said to his mom.

  “Wish I could take credit for it. We have full-time cooks.”

  Blade pulled her chair out for her, but she barely noticed. Her gaze was locked on what looked like cream cheese and berry stuffed French toast. She might have even groaned. When he chuckled beside her, she figured it was likely.

  Light conversation carried on around her, and she did her best to add to it when possible, but for the most part, she was too occupied with devouring her decadent meal. Soon the conversation died down while delicious food was consumed and tipsy beverages flowed. Blade only drank coffee, deciding to skip on the mimosas. Come to think of it, she hadn’t seen him drink since she’d been back. Not that he drank much before, but he had done so occasionally. Anna had a mimosa, but Bernadette made them strong, so when she finished her drink, she switched back to coffee. When they finished with brunch, they walked into the great room and said their goodbyes. Lauren seemed antsy to get back to the woman he’d taken home last night, which of course, Blade and Justin ragged him about a little, all in good nature. Barbara pushed him about meeting her, and Lauren couldn’t seem to hide the smile this woman gave him, saying if things keep going like this, she’d be introduced soon. Right after he left, the others quickly followed. All the while Anna played the perfect little fiancée, all smiles and charm. The sugar rush she just inhaled helped.

  “That went well,” his mom said once their guests left.

  “Yeah. I need to run into town. Mind showing Anna the sights this afternoon while I’m gone?”

  Anna’s gaze shot to Blade, but he focused on his mother. What the hell was he doing? He should know they were partners, which meant she’d be going with him. If he went without her, she could miss vital information. And why would he want to go out without her? What the hell was he up to?

  “Of course, dear.”

  “I don’t want to put you out,” Anna said quickly.

  “Oh, it’ll be fine. We can talk weddings. Men don’t like dealing with all the details.”

  “Great.” Blade kissed his mom on the cheek and her on the lips. “I shouldn’t be gone more than a few hours, babe.”

  She narrowed her gaze at him, but he pretended not to notice. Oh yeah, he was definitely up to something.

  After he walked out, Anna’s mind raced. She needed to figure out a way to follow him. Their time here had suddenly been cut short because his mother had the foresight to get everyone together. Anna wasn’t going to have many opportunities to dig into Blade and his life.

  “I have a friend who owns a dress shop. Give me an hour to get changed and we can run out to the city.”

  No way in hell was she trying on wedding dresses, but this was the opening she needed. “That works. I’m going to do some sightseeing while you’re getting ready.”

  Bernadette frowned. “I can show you around.”

  “Oh, I’d love for you to show me all the cool things. I was just going to drive around to kill the time. It’s so beautiful out here.”

  She nodded slowly. “Okay. I shouldn’t be more than an hour. Would you like to take my car?” A motorcycle started outside, signaling she didn’t have much time to get out there before Blade drove off. “Sounds like Blade’s taking the bike.”

  Even better. “Then I’ll take Brax’s.” Anna quickly grabbed her purse and keys and rushed outside. She saw him head down the driveway, so she bolted to the vehicle and followed. She knew she was acting suspiciously, but hopefully Bernadette wouldn’t think anything of it.

  Letting her FBI training kick in, Anna stayed far enough behind Blade that he wouldn’t notice her. Thankfully, the road was winding enough and there were a few cars spaced out between them that it made it easy for her to stay hidden. On the straightaways, she allowed a couple more cars between them to help camouflage her. Thank God Blade didn’t speed because no way would she be able to weave in and out of the little traffic and stay incognito.

  Once they reached town, Blade pulled up to a large building beside a strip mall that housed several businesses. As she got closer, she pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant on the opposite side of the street, but parked facing the building Blade parked in front of. He got off his bike and glanced around as if he was looking for anything out of place before he turned his attention to the front door.

  What the…

  Surely he wasn’t going into that large building. Oh, but he was. Anna watched silently as Blade walked into what looked like the law office of Ward and Associates.

  And just why the hell was he going to see a lawyer? On a Sunday. She couldn’t ask him, so she did the only thing she could. She pulled out her phone and called a member of her team.

  “Childers,” he answered.

  “Carson. I need you to pull data on a law firm for me. Ward and Associates.”

  “Well, hello to you, too. Oh, I’m fine. You know, same ol’, same ol’.”

  Anna rolled her eyes. “Hi.”

  “Now was that so hard?” He chuckled. “So what’s this about?” he asked, all business.

  She paused, quickly thinking how much she wanted to share at this point. She hated lying, so she’d be vague instead. “Not sure yet. It’s a name that’s come up. Could be nothing.” And that was the truth. “I want this to stay between us, at least until I figure out if it’s relevant.”

  “Go against protocol?” He tsked, but with obvious humor. “You got it.”

  Oh the irony. She didn’t have it. Lately, it felt as if she didn’t have a handle on anything at all.

  Besides, Anna had a sinking feeling that whatever Carson found on the firm would only complicate things more.

  She glanced at the clock as she ended the call. She hadn’t killed enough time to avoid the whole wedding dress fiasco. Anna groaned and backed out of the parking lot, heading back to Blade’s property.

  To try on wedding dresses for a pretend wedding to the man she loved for real.

  Fuck, complicated indeed.

  Chapter Eight

  Blade knew he was in deep shit.

  Ever since the afternoon he bolted and left Anna Sue home with his mother, she’d been distant with him, and he had a feeling it had nothing to do with his mother’s impromptu bridal session. Although, he’d love to have been a fly on the wall watching how uncomfortab
le she got trying on dresses, but he had a feeling that would’ve just added to her irritation with him.

  He wasn’t sure if it was something he did or said or if maybe Anna had reached her fill of lying to his family. He’d stayed by her side most of the time, trying to make it easier. The only time he left was when he went into town to talk to his sometimes lawyer about past transactions the development company looking into buying his family land had already completed, hoping to find clues based on the areas they were focusing on.

  And he hadn’t taken her for a very specific reason. His past.

  Colton Cormier wasn’t just a real estate lawyer. He’d also been a close friend of Blade’s growing up. He, along with Mason Showalter, ran around with Blade and his cousins all the time. Colton played football with Justin, but also loved video games like Lauren. All four of them loved to hunt and fish. Blade and Colton had confided in each other a lot over those early years, and there was a time Blade trusted him with just about everything. The one thing he’d never told Colton was what really happened to Jeremiah. Hinting at it with Anna was the closest he’d ever gotten to telling anyone.

  When Colton decided to go to law school, Blade was relieved he’d never confided in him about that night. And then when Colton went to work for Jeremiah’s father, Fletcher Ward, he was even more grateful he never spilled the beans. Not that he blamed the guy for going to work for that man. Mr. Ward had the largest practice in several surrounding parishes and employed a lot of associates and partners, specializing in just about every area of the law. It wasn’t as if there were many other professional options for Colton outside of private practice, which he’d just end up competing against the powerhouse firm. Honestly, Blade didn’t expect Colton and Mr. Ward to have any relationship beyond a cordial, professional one. Hell, the old man probably didn’t even know Colton’s name, but it would be stupid of Blade not to expect the worst. They lost touch over the years, so there was no way for Blade to know how much time Colton spent around Mr. Ward, a powerfully persuasive man. Unless he felt confident that Colton’s loyalty hadn’t shifted, Blade didn’t want to bring him around Anna. For all he knew, Colton had started believing Mr. Ward’s version of events…which were much closer to the truth than Blade’s. He needed the guy’s real estate expertise, but he didn’t have to bridge that gap between his past and his present to get it. Anna was too fucking smart for her own good. A fact he’d normally be very prideful of, but it was too dangerous of a trait where his past was concerned. Once he sussed him out and analyzed whatever information Colton had, he could then introduce Anna to him—if necessary—and bring her up to speed.

  Not that the trip produced much intel. BAD was buying up land all over the place, without what seemed rhyme or reason. Plus, the company itself had been created through several trusts, so it’d take time to dig into the actual people behind it. He and Anna spent the next several days gathering financial documentation, meeting with BAD’s own real estate lawyers and company liaisons—low level paper pushers on the company food chain—to go over everything. That time together had been about the only time the two of them spent in each other’s company. Anna hadn’t ventured out with him when he spent the afternoons trekking over the rest of the estate. Not that she was really free to go along. His mother kept her busy with wedding preparations, probably fueling her anger toward him even more and more with each passing day. No matter how early he tried to turn in each night, she was already in bed. By the time they’d left late Thursday, staying not quite a week, and with Anna practically throwing his grandmother’s ring at him as soon as they got in the car—he was sure he had a place on her shit list.

  “You’re getting oil all over the floor,” Brody said matter-of-factly, and Blade cussed, yanking the nozzle back. They’d gotten back really late last night, and he knew with everything going on with the wedding, the guys were behind at the shop. Rather than sleeping in like he’d wanted, Blade dragged his ass out of bed and came in.

  It wasn’t as if he had a luscious, warm female body cuddled up next to him. Oh no, Anna hadn’t even let him help her carry her bags into the FBI safe house when they’d returned. Shelby had come out all sleepy-eyed and assisted, which meant Blade couldn’t even try to talk to Anna without raising her teammate’s suspicion. All attempts in the car on the way back had quickly been shot down. She’d donned earbuds and scanned documents on the ride back. He was worried he’d ruined his chances with her, but he was bound and determined to clear the air. He just needed to get her alone and away from the excuses of work.

  He glanced to the side and watched as Anna’s colleague, Shelby, bent over the hood with a crescent wrench. She was a beautiful woman, that was for sure, but she didn’t hold a candle to Anna. From what the guys said, the girl knew her shit when it came to cars. He’d bet his right foot that Anna had never changed oil herself. Or a tire. He almost laughed at the recent memory…something he could do now after spending half the morning chewing Roc out for taking his jack. He’d taken some of his frustration out on Roc because he hadn’t been able to do it with Anna yet. He knew it wasn’t fair to his coworker, but all he had to do was remember Anna walking those few miles with her bum ankle, and any caring for Roc’s feelings fled.

  “Want to know why this car can’t go over sixty-eight?” Roc asked no one in particular.

  “Because at sixty-nine, that bitch flips over and blows a rod,” Shelby replied without missing a beat.

  Yeah, she apparently not only had the skills of a mechanic but the mouth of one, too.

  Brody snickered.

  Hunter guffawed.

  Bear growled something about sexual harassment.

  “Aw, c’mon. It’s just a joke,” Roc defended.

  “Dude, my brother used to tell jokes like these all time when he was a teen. Used to make my dad so mad.”

  “He still a mechanic? Work keeps up like this, we might need to hire some help,” Bear said. Blade figured he was only partly serious. If they ever extended their workforce, the guy would have to be as comfortable with a gun as he was a torque wrench.

  “Nope. Went into the military after high school. Though he’s been talking about retiring soon. Not sure if he’d leave the corn fields of Nebraska for the rice fields of Arkansas.”

  “Screw your brother, you should leave the feds and join us. You’ll make a hell of a lot more money,” Roc said.

  “Just because I’m in Arkansas doesn’t mean I’m screwing my brother, hotshot,” Shelby said as she continued working.

  Blade cracked a smile for the first time since getting back. Hell, probably one of few times in the last six months. It felt good to get lost in work. Really, it felt good being near Anna again. Even if she was probably pissed at him about the whole wedding dress shopping thing.

  The door chimed, and he took his focus off Shelby and glanced at the door, meaning to only look briefly before cleaning up the mess he’d made, but when he saw it was Anna and she was already staring right at him, he couldn’t take his gaze off her. He started to move toward her, but he noticed the smile she had plastered on her face looked forced. Maybe now wasn’t a good time.

  Roxie walked in right behind her, and without even looking, he could sense Bear stiffening. Yeah, the two of them had a history. How much, no one was sure. Not that anybody asked, nor did the two of them volunteer. After shit hit the fan that night at the old train depot, Blade briefly wondered if they’d move passed whatever was keeping them apart. After all, Bear had held her, comforted her, and had chewed everybody a new asshole who’d come within ten feet of her that night. She’d not only been kidnapped, but she’d been taken and held against her will by her own cousin. A man who’d also been Bear’s best friend not that long ago. But whatever truce they’d called, it had been temporary. The two of them had avoided each other like the plague ever since.

  “Oh, sweetie, you’re getting grease under your nails,” Roxie said as she made her way to Shelby, not even looking in Bear’s direction.

>   “I ran into Roxie at the gas station,” Anna said, shoulders still tense.

  “Yeah, and I told her we need to have a girls’ night. So that means, you need to finish up what you’re doin’ here and come with us. Xan’s gonna pick us up in a couple of hours, and you need to be ready.”

  Shelby glanced up from under the hood of the 1970 El Camino she was working on. “That sounds like it involves alcohol. Can’t drink while on the job.”

  “You won’t be on the job once you clock out,” Roxie said.

  “Not as if you’re working a case,” Brody said. “Besides, my future wife can’t drink.” He smiled, but it slowly went away. Yeah, that man was still getting used to the idea of being a new daddy.

  “She’s the designated driver,” Roxie said. “The rest of us are getting shit-faced.”

  “You’ve been working hard here. You deserve a break,” Anna said, but Blade could tell her response felt forced. What the hell was wrong with her? Anna wasn’t much of a partier and probably wasn’t looking forward to going out, but that didn’t seem like it would bother her that much. She must really be pissed at him.

  He took a step toward her, but she lifted her hand, effectively stopping him.

  Looking toward Shelby, she said, “Finish up what you’re doing and let’s go. I think after this week, we all need some drinks.” Her gaze cut to Blade, but didn’t stay long enough for him to motion her to the side to talk.

  “Oh, I should call Heather and see if she wants to come,” Roxie said.

  “Y’all driving into Little Rock?” Roc asked at the mention of Heather.

  “Hell no,” Hunter said. “My sister has finals.”

  “Then I’ll call Maya,” Roxie said.

  Hunter narrowed his gaze, knowing he wouldn’t say his girlfriend couldn’t go out with the girls. That was a sure-fire way to get his balls kicked…and by his girlfriend.

  “We’ll let them study,” Xan finally said. “But we’re still going.”


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