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Blade (The Bang Shift Book 3)

Page 12

by Mandy Harbin

  He adjusted a few table arrangements that had gotten knocked over, spread out the sheer curtain things—the ladies had called them something, but he couldn’t remember the term—and signed for the food. He’d even had some gator meat delivered as a surprise for the happy couple. Gauge showed up with the liquor, and Blade helped him set up.

  “You guys done yet?” Roc asked as he walked into the large open space of the main barn.

  Blade whistled low. “Looking sharp, man. Who you trying to impress?” he asked Roc. Although everyone knew the answer to that.

  “Don’t think Hunter will let you dance with his sister,” Gauge said.

  “Fuck you. And you,” he said to Blade second.

  “Not even if your hair was longer,” Blade said. “Have you heard from the photographer?”

  “Yeah, she called twenty minutes ago. Got lost. Should be here any minute.”

  Blade checked the clock on his phone. “Shouldn’t Roxie be here by now?”

  “I am here,” she called out as she pulled a mobile crate behind her. Blade jogged over to meet her and took the plastic bin from her load.

  “What is all that?” Roc asked when she opened the first box by the liquor table.

  “Last minute decorations.” She pulled out photos in various frames of the happy couple. “Help me pick out some places to put them.” She pushed one of the champagne bottles over and it caught on the wood, almost tipping over. Roc grabbed it before it could spill.

  “Don’t get shit on my galvanized sheets.”

  “Bet you say that to all the gals,” Roxie said, and winked at him.

  Gauge chuckled. “You’re good.”

  “And all the guys do say that to me.” She wagged her eyebrows and dug into the box for another photo. “Where’s your date?” she asked him.

  “Don’t have one.”

  “Don’t tell me you couldn’t find a girl to come with you.”

  “The one I asked said no.”

  Roxie gasped and smiled. Blade didn’t understand the exchange, but he had more important things to focus on. He grabbed another picture frame from the box, and just as he walked off, he heard Roxie say, “I’m sure Heather would dance with you if you asked.” Followed by a growl from Roc.

  After putting a nice image of his best friend and his future wife on the table where they’d be eating, he caught Anna walking in, and he froze. Goddamn but she looked beautiful. Short cream-colored skirt, button-up blouse with the few top buttons undone, shiny new cowboy boots. She was rocking this country-western themed wedding like nobody’s business.

  “I need some ginger ale,” she said as she walked toward him.

  “Oh shit, Xan sick?”

  “Well, she’s growing a baby inside of her. Damn sure not something I wanna catch.” She smiled.

  Blade chuckled. “Good thing this wasn’t a sunrise wedding,” he said as he walked over to the drink station. He’d already thought to get non-caffeinated beverages for her and figured it wouldn’t hurt to keep something around to soothe nausea. He dug it out of the cooler and handed it to Anna.

  “This ceremony wouldn’t happen if she had to get up before the sun did. Thanks.” She gave him a quick kiss before darting away with the drink. The reaction had happened so quickly that Blade wondered if Anna even thought about it first or just kissed him out of instinct. He was okay with whatever that answer was.

  “Why is Anna practically running out of here with a soda?” Brody asked.

  “Hey, when did you get here? Ready to say goodbye to the bachelor life?” Blade clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Answer the question.” Brody shoved his hands into his light-colored slacks.

  “Xan’s just a little quea—oh no you don’t.” Blade grabbed Brody’s arm as soon as he tried to retreat. “She’s fine. You will piss her off something awful if you see her before the wedding. If she needs help, Anna will let us know.”

  Brody looked at the door where Anna Sue had disappeared, obviously contemplating going after her.

  “C’mon, man. Don’t make me fail completely at the gig.”

  He pulled out his phone, but Blade grabbed it from him. “I’ll call Anna.” He pocketed Brody’s phone, retrieved his own, and hit Anna’s name in his contacts. As soon as she answered, he asked, “How’s the bride?”

  “I thought we covered this. We’re not really getting married.”

  Blade laughed at her quick wit, but he’d be lying to himself if he thought he was okay with never making her his in every sense of the word. “I mean the one getting married today. The groom is about five seconds away from storming in there.”

  “No! She’s fine. The bad feeling has already passed. Yay, ginger ale! Now keep him away, Brax. I’m serious.” She ended the call and he smiled to himself. He hoped he’d never get used to hearing her call him that.

  “She’s fine. If you try to go in there, I’mma have to take this knife out of my pocket and wrestle you to the floor.”

  Brody narrowed his gaze at him, but attitude Blade could deal with. He seriously didn’t want to take on the Neanderthal…because Brody would straight up kick his ass and leave him mangled on the ground.

  The next thirty minutes flew by in a flurry of final touches, and before Blade knew it, he was standing at the front of the altar next to Brody. He watched as Scott walked his mom down the aisle, but he couldn’t go more than a couple of minutes without looking at Anna. Hell, he couldn’t even say if the ceremony was beautiful because there was only one person who held his attention. When Anna lifted her hand and tucked her hair behind her ear, he couldn’t help but notice just how bare her finger was. He’d been glad she hadn’t tried to give his grandmother’s ring back to him before they got into the car because it wasn’t as if he could have left it at his ranch. He’d put it in the safe at his house, but deep down he knew there was only one place it belonged.

  “I know pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Cheers jerked Blade out of his reverie, but he felt a pang of sadness at those words. Not because he wasn’t happy for his friend. He was extremely grateful Brody had found happiness. No, it was because he hadn’t realized just how much he longed to hear those words himself.

  He’d never planned on getting married. Ever. And he’d been okay with that. Until now.

  As Blade watched the happy couple descend the stage and walk along the petal-laden path, he knew whatever he’d felt about marriage before had forever been changed. And that made everything worse.

  Because Anna would never marry him, and even if she would, he’d never allow the woman he loved to give up her career in law enforcement just to live her life with a murderer.

  “So, who’s that woman with Bear?” Shelby asked Anna as she scooped out punch and began filling the plastic cups. Brody and Xan had already cut the cake, posed for photos, had their first dance, and were making their rounds while everyone else danced now. Bear and Bachelorette Number Three were currently tearing up the dance floor.

  Anna had seen him walk in with that leggy redhead and had immediately looked for Roxie. Not to see her reaction. Oh no, Anna wanted to make sure the feisty little chick wasn’t about to go ratchet on his date’s ass.

  “I have no idea.”

  “Maybe she’s someone from the city?”

  “Who knows. Probably fixed her car or something.”

  “Gave her a lube job?” Shelby said, and winked.

  “You gotta stop with the dirty mechanic jokes.”

  “Why? The men at my family’s shop would be proud. No matter how much my dad tried to shield me from that, I still grew up around filthy jokes.” She shrugged. “Different era.”

  “No doubt.”

  “Blade looks hot,” Shelby said with a crooked smile. Anna’s hackles rose. She hadn’t forgotten about Shelby being asked to the wedding by him. She’d wanted to ask Blade why he’d asked her. She’d ultimately chickened out, thinking he’d had to come because he was in the wedding party
and probably assumed Anna wouldn’t come with him. But that was just a guess.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Shelby lifted her hands up in a placating gesture. “Just that you’re a lucky woman. That’s all.”

  “How did he ask you anyway?” Because she was a glutton for punishment.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You can stop playing coy, Shelby. I know it was Blade that asked you to the wedding.”

  Shelby gaped at her. Then busted out laughing.

  “Dude, it was not Blade.”

  Anna frowned at her. “You said something about not agreeing because of your teammate. If you didn’t mean Blade who asked—oh,” Anna said, realizing the truth. “Gauge.”

  “Yep. I know Viola is married, and their relationship—if any—was a long time ago, but you still don’t go out with guys your friends have been with. Girl code.” Shelby put her hands on her hips. “I can’t believe you’d think I wouldn’t tell you if Blade asked me out!”

  Anna sighed. “Sorry. You were working at the shop that day and you mentioned teammate…what was I supposed to think?” Anna waved off that question. “Never mind. Doesn’t matter. I’m sorry. You’re totally right.”

  “Good. Now put the ladle down because your boyfriend will be over here in three—two—one—”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” Anna whispered heatedly.

  “Hello, ladies,” Blade said. “Can I have this dance?” he asked, taking Anna’s hand into his right as a slow song started.

  She nodded and he escorted her out onto the dance floor. Blade held her tightly as they swayed to the music, and Anna couldn’t help but wish they could freeze this moment in time.

  “You look beautiful, by the way. I haven’t had a chance to tell you that.”

  “Thank you. Xan said dressy casual, and the wedding was in a barn. I figured that meant cowboy boots were in order.”

  “In the south, we call them shit kickers.”

  Anna leaned back to stare into his eyes. “Just how far north do you think Kansas is?”

  His eyes danced with humor. “Damn yankee.”


  Blade’s head fell back as he laughed out loud, and Anna couldn’t help but join in. When the humor died down, Blade asked, “You like the gator?”

  “Um, is that a euphemism?” She winked.

  “Damn straight.” He clutched her tighter and kissed her forehead. She liked this playful side of him.

  “Tasted like chicken.”

  He scoffed. “That’s sacrilege.”

  “Not if you love chicken.” She smiled.

  He shook his head, but his lips quirked.

  All too soon, the song ended, and Blade leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” she said right before the DJ announced the next song. It was a fast song that was apparently popular because several of the women rushed to the floor. As she tried to leave, Xan ran by and grabbed her arm.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Anna stumbled behind her back to the center of the floor.

  “I love this country shit!” Xan yelled, and started doing some dance that apparently everyone knew. Several people chuckled like there was more meaning behind her words, but Anna just tried to follow along. She was never into the club scene, but she could spot a line dance a mile away.

  Cameras flashed. Champagne flowed. And Anna kept stealing glances at Blade whenever she could as the day turned into night. Christmas lights repurposed lit the barn, casting a warm glow that rivaled the stars. It was truly a beautiful night.

  Brody whisked Xan away before it got too late, either wanting some alone time with his bride, or wanting his pregnant wife to get some rest. Either way, they’d stayed a lot longer than Anna had figured they would. Soon after, some of the guests left, and no matter how well Roxie hid her jealously, Anna still caught her looking after Bear as they left the party. Seeing how happy Xan was with her new husband, and how unhappy Roxie was that her love was with someone else, made Anna want to reach out and hold onto Blade for as long as she could. She watched the two extremes tonight, and if she had her choice, she knew which one she’d pick.

  Once the party started winding down and all that remained were the Bang Shift guys—Bear had returned after taking his date home—Roxie, Anna, and Shelby, started helping Roc clean up. It took hours, and by the time the last candle was extinguished and napkin recycled, Anna was practically dead on her bare feet. She’d long ago lost track of her boots.

  “C’mon, babe,” Blade murmured right before he wrapped his arm around her, her shoes in his other hand. Anna let him guide her to his SUV, belt her in, and when the pulled up to his place, she hadn’t even been quick enough to unhook the seatbelt on her own. Blade scooped her up and carried her into the house. She’d expected him to take her to bed, so she was a little surprised when he put her down in the bathroom. She looked at him, but he silently began pulling the bobby pins from her hair. Once he was done with that, he turned on the shower, undressed her and himself, and nudged her in. He washed her hair, scrubbed her body, and took care to rub her back a little as he did so. He was so tender with her, she had to fight tears. Why couldn’t she just tell him what was going on? Why did she have to lie to him about what she was really doing here? She wanted nothing more than to come clean emotionally just as she was coming clean physically.

  When the water started to run cold, he quickly washed himself, turned off the faucet, and dried them. Neither of them bothered with the pretense of any nightclothes. He eased her onto the bed and spent what felt like hours worshiping her body. She’d and Brax had had sex a few times now, but this was different. For the first time in her life, she was made love to.

  She would forget about the pain this reality would cause for now, and just be with him. Be with him like she wanted. Like she wished she could forever.

  Chapter Ten

  What is that noise? Anna groaned when the insistent sound wouldn’t stop and rolled over to try to distance herself from it. It took her about two seconds to realize there was something big and warm right beside her and she snuggled into Blade for about half a second. Then she realized what that sound was. Cussing softly, she gently rolled back over, grabbed her phone, and accepted the call before she left the room to silence the ringer.

  “Hello?” she whispered as she walked down the hall, hoping Blade hadn’t been disturbed enough to wake up fully.

  “Good morning, sunshine!” Carson said. “Know what day it is?”

  “I don’t even know what hour it is.” She glanced at her smart watch. “Just past dark-thirty. Why are you calling so early?” They’d only been in bed a few hours. Jesus, her feet still hurt from those new cowboy boots.

  “It’s the twenty-fifth. I figured with all the festivities yesterday, it’d slip your mind.”

  Oh crap, it totally had. She knew the date was coming up, but as soon as she and Blade returned to town, the wedding preparations had taken precedence over everything.

  “We don’t know when Mason Showalter will be making his monthly call. I need you to be on the ready.”

  “I will be.” Although spying on Blade was the last thing she wanted to do. “Any word on Ward and Associates?” She’d asked Blade that afternoon where he’d gone, but he’d given her some story about errands and left it at that. He was hiding something from her, and she didn’t like it. She’d been irritated with him for days after that. And yes, she knew it was a double standard. She was hiding something from him, too. The real reason she was working with him.

  “Yeah, and you’re not gonna like it. Shit is suspicious as hell.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Ward and Associates looks to be a large law firm. Like one of the top three largest in the state. There’s tons of info on all the partners and associates. Not that it helps much because everyone knows everybody from small towns anyway. But the last living founding partner, Fletc
her Ward, has a lot of bad luck…or extremely good luck, depending on your perspective. The other three founding partners died earlier in their careers, leaving Ward with controlling interest in the firm. Want to tell me what I’m looking for specifically?”

  No way was she telling him Blade had gone into that law firm. She didn’t want his name attached just yet. “Just a company that showed up in the paperwork”

  “Mmm-hmm,” he said like he didn’t believe her for a second. “Well, looks like Mr. Ward also had a son. Found birth certificate and death certificate. Cause of death for one Jeremiah Ward is listed as in absentia, but no specifics were identified.”

  “Missing,” she breathed, dread filling her as she remembered verbatim what Blade had told her in Louisiana…about his sister.

  “She was killed.” His grip eased, but she refused to pull her hand away and shake feeling back into her fingers, afraid of breaking the spell. “She was found beaten and stabbed. Autopsy showed she’d also been raped.” He made a sound of disgust. “Or at least had rough sex prior to the murder.”

  Her heart hurt for him, but that didn’t stop her investigative instinct from kicking in. “They catch him?”


  “Any semen?”


  “Have a boyfriend?”

  “A douchebag.”

  “Was he cleared?”

  Blade’s gaze slid to her. His eyes hard, challenging. “He disappeared.”

  “Yep, but it looks like Ward pulled the right kind of strings to get the death certificate issued prior to the regular waiting period. All signs point to him being a powerful man. So powerful in fact that he has many companies. One that’s very important to our investigation. Bartholomew Acquired Development.”


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