Book Read Free


Page 17

by Chantal Fernando

  I can’t remember the last time I went to a club. It has to have been years ago, maybe three or four. I was never really into the club scene. I don’t mind hitting a bar every now and again, but a club? Not really my thing.

  “I don’t know, Elizabeth—”

  “We’ll pick you up at seven,” she says, hanging up on me. I stare at my phone and wonder what I’m going to do. It feels so fake to spend the night with her, especially when she doesn’t know the truth about Ranger and me, but she wants me there and she’s trying to get out and about again. I don’t even have a valid excuse for not going, because tomorrow is my day off. I send Ranger a quick text saying I’m going to be out late, so we’re going to have to change our plans.

  What, why?

  Elizabeth wants to go out to a club and apparently attendance is compulsory.

  I hit SEND and continue cleaning my house. What will I wear tonight? I’m sure I have some dresses in the back of my closet, but it’s been a while since I’ve had to get all dolled up. Or do I have to? Maybe I can pull off a more casual look. I go into my room and start rummaging through all my clothes. I decide on a simple black dress, it’s plain but tight-fitting, and a pair of black ankle boots. They have a small heel, enough to be sexy and comfortable at the same time. Nothing worse than having your feet hurt halfway through the night. I lay the dress out and place the boots in front of the bed.

  I have a feeling tonight is going to be very interesting.

  Cop is going clubbing, hey?

  I imagine the amusement in his tone.

  Yes, you got a problem with that?

  Send me a pic, babe.

  I’ll think about it.

  Do you want me to drop you girls off?


  He can’t drop us off. Elizabeth is trying to forget him, and it will just be awkward. What if she brings up their conversation? This whole thing is so fucked-up. I’m such a bad person.




  You know why, Ranger.

  Fine. I’ll send one of the men.

  Not necessary. We’re going to a club, not to war. And I’m a cop, or have you forgotten that already?

  Call me if you need me. And call me when you get home.


  So I know you’re safe.

  I smile at the phone when another text from him comes in.

  And so I can come over.


  I LOOK in the bar’s bathroom mirror, making sure my makeup is still on. The red lip stain is in place and my eyeliner isn’t smudged. I actually look pretty decent. I take a quick selfie, probably my first mirror selfie ever, and forward it to Ranger. My hair is slicked back in my version of a dressier hairstyle, but somehow it works on me. In fact, I look pretty glam. The black dress clings to me like a second skin, showing the curves of my toned body. I nod in the mirror, then return to the bar, where Elizabeth and Helen are sitting, already on their fourth drinks. They keep checking out the bartender, a cute blond guy, one who goes by the name of Ryan. He’s a charmer, that’s for sure, so I can see why they’re interested, but the ring on his finger says he’s not.

  “There are so many hot guys here tonight!” Elizabeth gushes. “None as hot as Cam, but after a few more drinks I’m sure that will change.”

  I look to see Helen’s reaction, but she’s just laughing and drinking along with her sister. Do they plan on going home with someone tonight?

  “There are three hot guys over there,” Helen says, pointing to a group of men in the corner. “We should go and sit with them. I call the one in the blue shirt.”

  “What?” I ask, voice going up an octave. “I’m going to stay here, thank you.”

  “Oh, come on, we’re three single women, we should go and have some fun. We’ve never even been out together before,” Elizabeth says, rubbing her hands together. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Three single women, right.


  Elizabeth leads the way as we approach the men. I hide in the back.

  “Hello,” she beams, turning on her charm. “Is it okay if we join you?”

  “Of course,” one of the men says. He has dark hair and a dimple in his chin. “We’d love for you to.”

  I roll my eyes. I bet they would. I awkwardly sit down, between Helen and a lanky bald man. We all introduce ourselves, shaking hands and in the girls’ cases, giving flirtatious smiles. There’s a man in the corner of the bar who keeps looking over in our direction. I’ve been keeping an eye on him, and I’m pretty sure I’m not being paranoid—he’s not just here for a casual drink. He’s got shaggy light blond hair, almost white, and he’s tall and good-looking. He’s wearing all black, leaning against the wall, and keeps looking over here every now and again. He’s been watching us since we walked into Knox’s Tavern, and of course I haven’t missed it.

  “So what do you do for work?” Elizabeth asks the gentleman she’s obviously into, Mr. Chin Dimple.

  “I’m an accountant,” he replies, taking a sip of his wine. “And you?”

  I block them out while they exchange pleasantries, wondering what that man is up to. Is he here for Elizabeth? Did we miss someone? What if we did? What if he knows her face, knows that she got away, and wants to take her out? Well, not on my watch. I jump as the bald guy touches my elbow, trying to get my attention.

  “How are you doing tonight, beautiful?” he asks me, smiling.

  I blink slowly a few times before I reply. “Not bad, how are you?”

  “Much better now,” he says, eyes dropping to my boobs. I look down where he’s looking, then back up at him with a raised brow. From the corner of my eye, I see the man leave the bar, so I excuse myself and follow him outside. His back is to me and he’s on his phone, so I pull my gun out of my handbag, wanting to catch him off guard. I walk up behind him and push him face-first into the brick wall.

  “Who are you?” I growl, pressing my gun into his back.

  “Fucking hell,” the man says. “Put the gun down, Jo.”

  I still. “How do you know my name?”

  I hear him mutter, “I told him not to fuck with a cop.”

  “What did you just say?” I ask, losing my patience and digging the gun deeper into his spine.

  “I’m a friend of Ranger’s,” he says. “My name is Talon. Call Ranger and ask him yourself.”


  Ranger’s best friend?

  Wow, this is a first impression he isn’t going to forget.

  “Talon?” I say, taking a step back. I pull out my phone and hit CALL on Ranger’s number. He answers on the second ring.


  “Did you ask your friend Talon to keep an eye on me?”


  Then, “Jo—”

  “Answer me before I shoot him.”

  “Fuck, babe, don’t shoot him. He was in the area, so I asked him to drop in on you after you told me where you were going.”

  “Seriously, Ranger?”

  “I should be the angry one; Talon sent me a text saying you’re sitting at a table with some fuckin’ assholes,” he growls.

  I lower my gun and hang up on Ranger, awkwardly putting away my gun and phone.

  “Hello, Talon,” I say, waving awkwardly.

  He shakes his head, lip twitching. “Nice to finally meet you, Jo.”

  “Sorry about the whole almost-shooting-you thing,” I add. My phone starts ringing again, Ranger no doubt, but I ignore it, something Talon seems to find amusing, because he glances at my bag and then starts laughing.

  “What?” I ask him, clearing my throat.

  “Nothing,” he says, nodding to the entrance. “Do you want to get a drink?”

  “I’d love one.”

  • • •

  I hold my stomach, because I can’t stop laughing right now. “So he lost at beer pong against the women and he’s been practicing for a rematch that no one has even agreed to?”

  I’ve ha
d four drinks with Talon and over those drinks, I’ve learned so much about Ranger. He has three degrees, which I didn’t know but I’m not surprised by, because he’s such a smart man. I’ve heard stories about him and Talon, the two of them getting into trouble and saving each other’s asses, and I’ve also enjoyed getting to know Talon. He’s a nice guy. I should have known that he’d be a nice guy, because Ranger likes him. That makes another nice biker whom I would have otherwise judged.

  “Yeah, he’s a little competitive,” Talon says, taking a swig of his beer. “And speak of the devil . . .”

  I look to the entrance and watch as Ranger stalks inside, a very unhappy look on his handsome face. The white T-shirt he’s wearing is stretched across his broad chest, and drunk me would like nothing more than to jump his bones right now.

  “Jo,” he growls, taking the glass from my hand and putting it down. “Fun time is over.”

  “Fun time is just beginning once I get you home and in bed.”

  When both men look at me, I realize I said that out loud. And this is why I don’t drink much.

  “Talon, you could have brought her to me instead of drinking with her while she ignores my calls,” Ranger says to him.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Talon asks him, downing the last of his beer and placing the bottle on the bar.

  I have to agree with him.

  Ranger throws some money down on the table, probably for the bartender having to deal with us all night, and practically drags me out of there with Talon following behind us. Elizabeth and Helen thought I met Talon and liked him, so they were excited for me, and left with those guys’ numbers. I’m glad they didn’t go home with them on the first night because it’s less worrying for me to do.

  “Leave your bike here,” Ranger says to Talon. “I’ll text one of the men and ask them to come and pick it up.”

  Talon stares at his bike longingly but then nods and gets in the backseat of the car while Ranger puts me in the passenger seat and closes the door for me. I glance in the back and share a grin with Talon.

  “Who will come and get your bike?” I ask him.

  “Vinnie and Ronan will probably come in one of the cars and then one of them can ride it back,” Talon explains as Ranger gets into the car and starts the engine. The music comes along and I start bopping to the beat.

  Drake’s “One Dance” comes on the radio. “I like this song,” I think it’s important to announce as I shimmy in my seat.

  “I can see that,” Ranger muses in that deep sexy voice of his. He sounds like he doesn’t agree with my choice of music, but I couldn’t care less.

  “Isn’t this the song Faye is always playing?” Talon asks, sticking his head between our seats.

  “Yep,” Ranger replies, shaking his head. “Can’t get away from it.”

  “Who would want to?” I ask, doing a little dance.

  “The cop dances.” Talon chuckles, finding it hilarious. “And listens to R and B.”

  “What am I supposed to listen to?” I ask, scowling. “Police sirens?”

  Ranger glances at me, blinks, then concentrates on the road. When I realize we’re not going in the direction of my house I ask, “Where are we going?”

  “To the clubhouse,” he says simply.

  “What? Why?” I ask, panic starting to set in. “I don’t want to go there. I want to go back to my house and have hot sex and live in denial.”

  “Denial from what? That your man is a biker? You’re going to have to deal with that, Jo,” Ranger says, reaching over and taking my hand. “We’ll be fine. Everyone is going to love you just like this idiot in the back does.”

  “How do you know he loves me?” I ask, glancing at Talon, who simply smirks.

  “Because I know him. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have spent hours drinking and talking with you, he would have sent me a text telling me that he’s sick of the babysitting gig and is going to bail.”


  “Yes, oh.”

  I guess I’m going to the Wind Dragons clubhouse. I’m glad I’m drunk.



  I WATCH in amusement as she walks into the clubhouse, glancing around like she has no idea what or who to expect. It’s 2:00 a.m., so everyone has gone back to their own houses; it gets pretty empty here after dinnertime. Some nights it’s just me and Ronan, but other nights some of the members sleep over. Vinnie and Ronan left to get Talon’s bike, so now the whole place is empty.

  “No one’s here, Jo,” I tell her, my hand on the small of her back, leading her to my bedroom.

  “Good night, you two,” Talon says, slapping me on the back. He turns to Jo and says, “Was nice meeting you, cop.”

  “Right back at you,” Jo says, smiling at him. “Thanks for saving the night.”

  It seems like she had more fun with Talon than her cousins. Sounds like an interesting night, one that I wasn’t invited to. When we get to my room, I open the door for her, turning the light on, then nodding my head for her to enter. She walks in and looks around, not that there’s much to see. There’s a king-size bed, and on it black sheets and a black blanket. A wardrobe and a desk, and the door that leads to the bathroom.

  “This is where you live?” she asks, sitting down on the bed and removing her cute little boots.

  “Yep. Why? You don’t like it?” I ask, curious as to what’s going on in her tipsy little mind.

  “It has no personal touches at all,” she says, staring into my soul. “It looks like no one lives here, or maybe someone who isn’t planning on staying here long. You don’t even have anything on your desk.”

  I take off my own shoes and sit down next to her. “Maybe I don’t know how long I’m going to be here.”

  She looks confused, her brow furrowing adorably. “This is who you are, isn’t it? Or who you want to be?”

  I change the subject, because I don’t know how to answer that. Yes, this is who I am, but I feel restless here, like something isn’t right. “You hung up on me today.”

  “You had me followed,” she says, lifting her chin stubbornly.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were safe,” I tell her, raising my hands in surrender when she’s about to object. “Yes, I know you can protect yourself, but I’m still your man, and I just wanted to make sure. Is that the worst thing in the world? Bad shit happens every day, and I don’t want any of it touching you.”

  “I was in a public place and not alone. You’re being paranoid. Talon didn’t need to waste his night just making sure I was okay,” she says, licking her lips. “And the girls wanted to talk to those guys, not me, before you decide to bring that up. I don’t have eyes for anyone else, Ranger. I’m not a woman you have to worry about whenever I go somewhere. I only want you.”

  Everything in me softens, except for my dick. That hardens. Fuck. The shit she says. “I know that, Jo. I trust you. You wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t.”

  She places her hand on the center of my chest. “Good, I’m glad. I mean I almost shot Talon today, but I didn’t know it was him, so I don’t think that really counts.”

  I grin. “You’re going to have to tell me that story from the beginning.”

  She gives me a quick rundown of the night, and I can’t help laughing, picturing Jo with a gun pressed up against Talon’s back. “You’re something else, babe.”

  “Are you going to kiss me now?” she asks, her teeth running along her lower lip. “Ever since you walked into that bar, I’ve just wanted you to be inside of me. Stop making me wait, Ranger.”


  I lift her onto my lap and start kissing her.

  She doesn’t need to tell me twice.

  • • •

  I wake up with her wrapped in my arms. I love having her here in my bed, and even though it hasn’t been mine for very long, it’s still good to have her in what I consider my domain. Not wanting to wake her, I slide out of bed and throw on some sweatpants. I head into the kitchen
, wanting to make Jo breakfast in bed, since I’ve never really done anything like that for her. I make some pancakes and fry some bacon and eggs, then pour orange juice and coffee, and take it all back into the room, setting it on the side table closest to her. Then I climb back into bed and start kissing her neck. I wonder if she’s going to be hungover today. One thing I do now know is that she’s much louder in bed after she’s had a few drinks, something I particularly enjoyed.

  She’s amazing.

  “’Morning, babe,” I say, sucking on her neck gently so it doesn’t leave a mark. “I made you breakfast. How are you feeling?”

  “’Morning,” she whispers, voice thick with sleep. “What did you make?”

  “You hungry?”

  “Yes,” she says, opening her eyes and wincing. “Do you have any aspirin?”

  “Yes,” I say, kissing her forehead. “I’ll get you some with some water. The food is next to you.”

  She glances to the table next to her, her eyes widening. “Oh wow, Ranger.” She sits up and takes the orange juice first. “You made all this?”


  She finishes the whole glass. “You’re the best ever.”

  “Dehydrated, are we? Is there anything else you want from the kitchen?” I ask, getting out of bed and waiting for her response.

  “No, that’s it, thank you.”

  She takes a piece of bacon in her hand, takes a bite, and groans. “So good.”

  Nothing like the noises she was making last night, but my dick still twitches. Fuck—it’s like he’s enslaved to her.

  I smile and head to the kitchen, grabbing the pills and water and giving them both to her when I get back to my room.

  “Thank you,” she says, swallowing two of them with some of the bottled water. “I can’t believe I pointed a gun at Talon last night.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “Babe, that and the picture you sent me were the best things of the night. I know I didn’t tell you, because I was too busy fuming, but you looked so fuckin’ beautiful.”

  In fact, that’s kind of why I sent Talon. I didn’t want any assholes hitting on her, and I knew they’d try because look at her. I was being a little possessive, I couldn’t help it, but she’s mine and any other man can fuck right off. Do I trust her? Fuck yes. Do I trust men? Fuck no. Whenever there’s a pretty woman about, men turn stupid, and if anyone tried to touch her inappropriately, like that amazing round ass of hers, I’d want to murder them with my bare hands.


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