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1 ‘Cyclone! Christmas in Darwin 1974’, Peter Durish, Bob Howarth, Kenneth Stevens, Sydney Morning Herald Publications.
2 Bill McLaren, DDWC Report.
3 ‘Memories of pre-war Northern Territory towns’, Alec Fong Lim, Occasional Papers no. 19, State Reference Library of the Northern Territory, 1990.
4 Sitdown Up North, Ted Egan, Kerr Books, 1977, p. 61.
5 Ianto Ware, email to the author, 20 September 2013. All quotes from Ware come from this email.
6 NTAS, NTRS 2366, typed transcripts of oral history interviews with ‘TS’ prefix, 1979–ct, HARITOS, Kyriakos (Jack), TS 578.
7 Bill McLaren, DDWC Report.
8 NTAS, Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, E100, Criminal dockets, annual single number series, 1955–79, file 17–30 of 1975.
9 NTAS, NTRS 226, typed transcripts of oral history interviews with ‘TS’ prefix, 1979–ct, REDMOND, George, TS 734.
10 Quoted in Read.
11 ‘Report on cyclone damage to natural vegetation in the Darwin area after Cyclone Tracy, 25 December, 1974’, Stocker, G. C., Australian Government Publishing Service, 1976.
12 Dragged Kicking and Screaming to Paradise [second edition], Suzanne Spunner, Little Gem Productions, 1994. All further quotes from Suzanne Spunner are from this publication.
1 Dog Dreaming, Australian Screen, 2001.
2 Age, 17 November 1977.
3 http://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/473329-cyclonetracy-1974-a.html
4 Quoted in Darwin, Tess Lea.
5 ‘Building Resilience: Animals and Communities Coping in Emergencies’, Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) and World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), 2012.
6 ‘Animal welfare during natural disasters’, Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), 12 November 2012.
7 ‘The Warmun evacuation’, Leanne Hodge, Open ABC, 7 December 2011.
8 NTAS, NTRS 226, typed transcripts of oral history interviews with ‘TS’ prefix, 1979–ct, BROWN, George, TS 572.
9 Quoted in twentieth anniversary Northern Territory News special feature.
1 Don’t Start Me Talking: Lyrics 1984–2004 (2nd ed.), Paul Kelly, Allen & Unwin, 2004.
2 ‘Cyclone Tracy’, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 January 2005.
1 Quoted in Durish, Howarth and Stevens.
2 ‘Australia’s most outrageous newspaper’, 7.30 Report, Susan Everingham, 15 February 2011.
3 7.30 Report, 2011.
4 Ray McHenry, DDWC Report.
5 ‘Darwin today: is there a future?’, Australian Women’s Weekly, Kay Keavney and Keith Barlow (photographer), 17 September 1975.
6 7.30 Report, 1999.
7 NTAS, NTRS 1504, Commissioner of Police sign-on book and journal 1975. Please note that names of the passengers on the Patris have been changed.
8 Citizens: Flowers and the Wide Sea, Eric Rolls, UQP, 1998.
9 ‘After the quakes’, 360 documentaries, ABC Radio National, Kirsti Melville (producer), 9 June 2013.
1 ‘Cyclone Tracy’, Greg Holland and John McBride, Windows on Meteorology: Australian Perspective edited by E. K. Webb, CSIRO, 1997, p. 20.
2 ‘Dr Greg Holland and Professor David Karoly join Lateline’, Lateline, ABC News, 2 September 2009.
3 Quoted in Read, p. 159.
4 Quoted in Tumarkin.
5 Sydney Morning Herald, 7 May 1975.
6 ‘Financial relief and compensation’, part 1, chapter 6: Cyclone Tracy 1974, National Archives of Australia.
7 Women’s Weekly, 1975.
8 The Anglo-Asian bungalow: housing the Commonwealth in the northern tropics of Australia, David Bridgman, School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University, July 2006.
9 Quoted in Tumarkin.
10 ‘Architecture sector mourns a trio of its finest’, Phil Harris, Australian, 19 August 2011.
1 ‘Gurirr Gurirr: the contemporary continuum’, Chad Creighton, Art & Australia, vol 50, no. 3, Autumn 2013.
2 ‘Deep weather’, Alexis Wright, Meanjin, 70.2 (Winter 2011).
3 NTAS, NTRS 226, typed transcripts of oral history interviews with ‘TS’ prefix, 1979–ct, DERMOUDY, Peter, TS 833. All quotes from this interview unless otherwise indicated.
4 Quoted in Tumarkin.
5 7.30 Report, 1999.
6 Newcastle Herald, 19 May 1999.
7 ‘The 1972 Larrakia Petition’, Creative Spirits, website.
8 Bunji, May 1978.
9 Bunji, January 1982.
10 Bunji, May 1978.
11 ‘Larrakia native title claim over areas of metropolitan Darwin’, Risk v Northern Territory of Australia (Unreported, FCA, 17 May 2006, Mansfield J), AIATSIS.
12 ‘After the quakes’, 2013.
13 ‘Prosper or perish: a humanist on thin ice’, Tom Griffiths, Griffith Review 29, August 2010.
14 Wright, 2011.
15 ‘Risks from climate change to Indigenous communities in the tropical north of Australia’, Donna Green, Sue Jackson & Joe Morrison (eds), Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Australian Government, 2009.
16 ‘The experience of Cyclone Tracy’, Chamberlain E. R., Doube L., Milne G., Rolls M. & Western J. S., Australian Government Publishing Service, 1981.
17 ‘Australian floods: why were we so surprised?’ Germaine Greer, Guardian, 15 January 2011.
18 ‘The flood: history reclaims the chain of ponds’, Matthew Condon, Griffith Review, 32, May 2011.
19 ‘Why Darwin must have something to say’, Tess Lea, Crikey.
20 ‘John Kerry: climate change a “weapon of mass destruction”’, Arshad Mohammed, Sydney Morning Herald, 17 February 2014.
21 ‘First among men’, Age, 15 February 2014.
1 ‘Triumph of the deluded’, Chips Mackinolty, unpublished paper, 2011.
2 ‘Inpex gas project gathers pace as workers move in’, Penny Timms, ABC News, 14 August 2013.
3 ‘Pub’s closure a loss to Wagait residents, tourists and ferry’, Clare Rawlinson, ABC Darwin, 1 May 2013.
4 ‘Marking time: individual memories, public commemorations and a sense of identity’, Mickey Dewar, paper presented at the Australian Historical Association Conference, Melbourne, 14 July 1996.
5 ‘Greg Hunt uses Wikipedia research to dismiss links between climate change and bushfires’, Esther Han, Judith Ireland, Sydney Morning Herald, 23 October 2013.
Carpentaria, Alexis Wright, Giramondo, 2006.
Citizens: Flowers and the Wide Sea, Eric Rolls, UQP, 1998.
Cyclone Tracy: Picking Up the Pieces, Bill Bunbury, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1994
Darwin, Tess Lea, New South, 2014.
Don’t Start Me Talking: Lyrics 1984–2004 [2nd ed.], Paul Kelly, Allen & Unwin, 2004.
Dragged Kicking and Screaming to Paradise [2nd ed.], Suzanne Spunner, Little Gem Productions, 1994.
How to Make Gravy, Paul Kelly, Penguin Books, 2010.
Is There Anyone Alive in There?, Dr Ella Stack, Historical Society of the Northern Territory, 2013.
Kinglake-350, Adrian Hyland, Text Publishing, 2011.
No Man’s Land: Women of the Northern Territory, Barbara James, Collins Australia, 1989.
Returning to Nothing: The Meaning of Lost Places, Peter Read, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Sitdown Up North, Ted Egan, Kerr Books, 1977.
Telling Stories: Indigenous History and Memory in Australia and New Zealand, Bain Attwood and Fiona Magowan (eds), ‘In the absence of vita as genre: the making of the Roy Kelly story’, Basil Sansom, Allen & Unwin, 2001.
The Death of Luigi Trastulli and Other Stories, Alessandro Portelli, State University of New York Press, 1991.
The Furious Days, Alan Stretton, William Collins, Sydney, 1976.
Tracking Knowledge in North Australian Landscapes, Deborah Rose and Anne Clarke, ‘The Year Zero and the North Australian frontier’, NARU, Darwin, 1997.
Tracy: The Storm That Wiped Out Darwin on Christmas Day 1974, Gary McKay, Allen & Unwin, 2001.
Very Big Journey: My Life as I Remember It, Hilda Jarman Muir, Aboriginal Studies Press, 2004.
Winds of Fury, Keith Cole, Rigby, 1977.
‘Architecture sector mourns a trio of its finest’, Phil Harris, Australian, 19 August 2011. (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/architecture-sectormourns-a-trio-of-its-finest/story-e6frg8n6-1226117688632)
‘Australian floods: why were we so surprised?’, Germaine Greer, Guardian, 15 January 2011. (http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/jan/15/australian-floods-queensland-germaine-greer)
‘Bombing toll could be five times higher’, Conor Byrne, Northern Territory News, 19 January 2012. (http://dev.video.ntnews.com.au/article/2012/01/19/284121_ntnews.html)
Bunji, William Day (editor). Issues appeared at regular intervals from 1971 until 1983.
‘“Catastrophic failure” theories and disaster journalism: evaluating media explanations of the Black Saturday bushfires’, Burns, Alex and Eltham, Ben, Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy, 2010.
‘Cyclone Tracy and Darwin evacuees’, G. Parker, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1977 June; 130:548–55.
‘Cyclone Tracy: a story of survival’, a twentieth anniversary Northern Territory News special feature, December 1994.
‘Cyclone Tracy’, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 January 2005. (http://www.smh.com.au/news/National/Cyclone-Tracy/2004/12/31/1104344989839.html)
‘Cyclone! Christmas in Darwin 1974’, Peter Durish, Bob Howarth, Kenneth Stevens, Sydney Morning Herald Publication.
‘Darwin today: is there a future?’, Australian Women’s Weekly, Kay Keavney and Keith Barlow (photographer), 17 September 1975.
‘Deep weather’, Alexis Wright, Meanjin, 70.2 (Winter 2011).
‘First among men’, Age, 15 February 2014. (http://www.smh.com.au/world/first-among-men-20140210-32amz.html)
‘Greg Hunt uses Wikipedia research to dismiss links between climate change and bushfires’, Esther Han, Judith Ireland, Sydney Morning Herald, 23 October 2013. (http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/greg-hunt-uses-wikipedia-research-to-dismisslinks-between-climate-change-and-bushfires-20131023-2w1w5.html#ixzz31WRbaHft)
‘Gurirr Gurirr: the contemporary continuum’, Chad Creighton, Art & Australia, vol. 50, no. 3, Autumn 2013.
‘Historian denies bombing toll was higher’, Conor Byrne, Northern Territory News, 17 February 2012. (http://dev.video.ntnews.com.au/article/2012/02/17/289151_ntnews.html)
‘How accurate are memories of 9/11?’, Ingfei Chen, Scientific American, 6 September 2011. (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/911memory-accuracy/)
‘In praise of characters’, Erroll Simper, Australian, 30 September 2013. (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/media/opinion/in-praise-ofcharacters/story-e6frg9to-1226729469505)
‘John Kerry: climate change a “weapon of mass destruction”’, Arshad Mohammed, Sydney Morning Herald, 17 February 2014. (http://www.smh.com.au/world/john-kerry-climate-change-a-weapon-of-massdestruction-20140217-hvcng.html#ixzz2teSURlqE)
‘Lilypad of the Arafura’, Tony Clifton, Monthly, no. 8, 2005–06. (http://www.themonthly.com.au/monthly-essays-tony-clifton-lilypad-arafuraaustralia039s-last-frontier-society-long-gone-so-what039)
‘Local people “need access to technology to survive disasters”’, Mark Tran, Guardian, 17 October 2013. (http://www.theguardian.com/globaldevelopment/2013/oct/17/local-people-access-technology-survivedisasters)
‘Making disaster pay’, Stephen Fraser, Huffington Post, 4 April 2013. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steve-fraser/hurricane-sandyrecovery_b_3014342.html)
‘Marking time: individual memories, public commemorations and a sense of identity’, Mickey Dewar, paper presented at the Australian Historical Association Conference, Melbourne, 14 July 1996.
‘Memories of pre-war Northern Territory towns’, Alec Fong Lim, Occasional Papers no. 19, State Reference Library of the Northern Territory, 1990.
‘Military man became Darwin’s hero’, Damien Murphy, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 October 2012. (http://www.smh.com.au/comment/obituaries/military-man-became-darwins-hero-20121030-28hht.html?skin=textonly)
‘Oral history: facts and fiction’, Patrick O’Farrell, Quadrant, vol. 23, no. 11, November 1979.
‘Picking up the pieces after a big blow’, Chips Mackinolty, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 December 1994.
‘Prosper or perish: a humanist on thin ice’, Tom Griffiths, Griffith Review 29, August 2010.
‘Psychological disturbance in Darwin evacuees following Cyclone Tracy’, G. Parker, Medical Journal Australia, 1975 May 24; 1(21):650–2.
‘Pub’s closure a loss to Wagait residents, tourists and ferry’, Clare Rawlinson, ABC Darwin, 1 May 2013. (http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2013/05/01/3749366.htm)
‘Tempests, thunderheads and trepidation’, John Birmingham, Brisbane Times, 12 January 2011. (http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/environment/weather/tempests-thunderheads-and-trepidation-20110111-19mue.html#ixzz2T9q0nf9G)
‘The flood: history reclaims the chain of ponds’, Matthew Condon, Griffith Review 32, May 2011.
‘Triumph of the deluded’, Chips Mackinolty, unpublished paper, 2011.
‘Why Darwin must have something to say’, Tess Lea, Crikey, 3 April 2014. (http://blogs.crikey.com.au/northern/2014/04/03/why-darwin-musthave-something-to-say/)
‘Australia’s most outrageous newspaper’, 7.30 Report, Susan Everingham, 15 February 2011. (http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2011/s3139724.htm)
Dog Dreaming, Australian Screen, 2001. (http://a
‘Dr Greg Holland and Professor David Karoly join Lateline’, Lateline, ABC News, 2 September 2009.
‘“Learned helplessness” leaves people in major cities unprepared to cope in natural disasters’, Margot O’Neill, Lateline, ABC News, 23 October 2013. (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-10-22/city-slickers-unable-tocope-with-disasters/5038800)
‘Tracy—facing the storm’, Genevieve Hussey, 7.30 Report, 24 December 1999. (http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/stories/s75061.htm)
‘Animal welfare during natural disasters’, Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), 12 November 2012. (http://www.australiananimalwelfare.com.au/news-m/native-and-introducedwildlife/animal-welfare-during-natural-disasters)
‘Building resilience: animals and communities coping in emergencies’, Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) and World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), 2012. (http://www.australiananimalwelfare.com.au/app/webroot/files/upload/files/Building_Resilience_Workshop_2012_Report.pdf)
Consumer Price Index, Australia, June 2013. (http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/6401.0Jun%202013?OpenDocument) ‘Cyclone Tracy’, Greg Holland and John McBride, Windows on
Meteorology: Australian Perspective edited by E. K. Webb, CSIRO, 1997.
‘Disruptive weather warnings and weather knowledge in remote Australian Indigenous communities’, Dr Douglas Goudie, Research Associate Centre for Disaster Studies, James Cook University, for Australian Bureau of Meteorology, May 2004. (http://www.jcu.edu.au/cds/public/groups/everyone/documents/technical_report/jcutst_056224.pdf)
‘Final report of the Darwin Disaster Welfare Council’, Harry Giese (ed.), March 1976.
‘Gender and health’, World Health Organization Report, 2002.