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Mountain Devil

Page 2

by Sue Lyndon

  “Ella Emerson,” the man said, his voice like a winter chill. “I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth now. If you scream, you’ll be sorry. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, terrified and certain she was about to die. But this man knew her name so maybe…

  Though the stranger uncovered her mouth, his body didn’t move away from hers. Breathing under the pressure of his hold was a challenge.

  “My name is Ed Peters. I’m a bounty hunter. The man who attacked you was a wanted criminal with a $25,000 bounty on his head. Thanks to you, he ran right into the hands of the police.”


  “Quiet,” he snapped, and his eyes hardened.

  “Turns out I didn’t lose as much money as I thought I did because there’s a reward on your head as well.

  Not exactly $25,000, but enough to make it worth my while.”

  Ella’s guts turned to water. A reward on her head! Not only did her family know she was missing, but they’d gone public already. “Please,” she begged.

  “Please let me go.” There were plenty of hours left before 3:00 p.m. If Ed returned her now, she’d have to marry Brandon.

  “Not a chance,” the man said. And with that, he pulled her onto the trail, holding her backpack in his free hand.

  “I can carry my own backpack,” she sneered.

  “It’s a three mile hike down to the parking lot.

  It’ll just slow you down. Besides, it’s heavy with all the items you stole from me.”

  Enraged and panicked, Ella had no choice but to continue. Ed’s grip on her arm was painful, and he kept urging her to move faster.

  “Please…Ed…you must listen to me.”

  “You have three miles,” he said.

  Ella glanced at him and cringed. He was so tall compared to her. And dreadfully muscular. There was no way she could overpower him physically, so she opted to negotiate. “My name is Ella Emerson,” she said, and immediately felt stupid. He already knew her name. “I’m supposed to get married at 3:00

  p.m. today, but I don’t want to marry Brandon Andrews. He’s a big jerk. I can’t stand him. But the wedding plans got out of control…”

  Ed stopped and glowered over her. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-one, sir,” she replied, and then wondered where the sir came from.

  For a moment, his eyes softened and Ella felt hopeful. “That’s awfully young to be getting married,” he replied. “But you’re a missing person with a reward on your head, and I intend to return you to your family and collect that money.” When Ed turned to continue, Ella managed to kick his shin and wrench away. With no sense of direction, she zipped through the forest, her heart pounding in her ears. Less than an hour ago, a criminal had been chocking her and trying to steal her backpack. Now she was being chased by a bounty hunter. There was no way her day could get any worse…unless she had to marry Brandon Andrews.

  Just when Ella thought she was in the clear, Ed snatched her from behind a tree. Somehow, the man had managed to outrun her and hide. Startled, she summoned her remaining strength for the struggle, angry that his hand was again covering her mouth.

  “Stop fighting me!” Ed hissed into her ear, pressing her against the ground.

  Ella struggled to scream, but his hold was firm.

  She was belly down in the forest, with Ed straddling over her, preventing her escape.

  “Hold still right now,” he said into her ear, “or I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.” Although she was outraged, Ella paused.

  Truthfully, she wasn’t sure what teach you a lesson meant, but it sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Good girl,” he said, whispering gently into her ear. “Now, the next time you give me any trouble, you’ll be going over my knee for a sound spanking.” Ella wanted to scream, but logic kept her silent.

  This man—Ed Peters—was the devil. He had no right to touch her, no right to teach her a lesson. It was outrageous, but it was so outrageous that she believed it.

  When Ed lifted her up, the harsh expression covering his face left her shuddering. He was large and handsome, and completely intimidating. A sudden breeze tangled with the short locks of his dark brown hair. But his gold-flecked blue eyes remained unmoving and angry as he glared down at her.

  “Please, Mr. Peters,” she said, as respectfully as possible. “Please listen to me for a moment before we continue.”

  A curious shadow crossed his face, and his hard eyes relaxed gradually. “All right, little lady. Go ahead. Say what you have to say.”

  “Wait and turn me in tomorrow. I don’t want to get married today, please understand…have a heart!” Ella lowered her head, anxiously awaiting his reply. It was unnerving to be at the mercy of a total stranger, especially one as handsome and rough as Ed Peters.

  “And just what am I supposed to do with you for a whole day?” he asked, clearly not amused by her suggestion.

  A brilliant thought crossed Ella’s mind, as sudden as a flash of heat lightning. “My parents are rich,” she said. “If you wait a few days to turn me in, the reward will only increase.” It was the truth. Both her parents and Brandon’s parents had more money than they could spend. The reward would increase and increase.

  A light crossed the bounty hunter’s face.

  Obviously, he understood and was weighing his options. Thousands of butterflies fluttered in Ella’s stomach as she waited.

  “I’m parked on the other side of the bridge, near the welcome center lot. We will walk, normally, toward my car. You will get inside without fighting me. If you can manage to behave long enough for that, I will consider your offer.” Ed released Ella and stepped back, just daring her to run.

  “It’s a deal,” Ella said, reaching a hand toward Ed. When he reluctantly shook her hand, she added,

  “You won’t be sorry, Mr. Peters. The reward will increase.”

  “Just remember, Ms. Emerson, if you try to escape, I will teach you that lesson we talked about.” His eyes smoldered, and he seemed larger and more intimidating than before.

  Ella shivered but managed to nod. She would keep her end of the deal, for now. Even as other hikers passed them on the trail, Ella kept her cool and walked ahead of Ed. But to her surprise, when they reached his SUV, Ed shoved her into the back—

  behind the same wire caging she’d seen in police cars.

  “The back doors won’t open from the inside,” he said as he settled into the driver’s seat. “Buckle up, Ms. Emerson.”

  “You can call me Ella,” she said.

  “Fine. Buckle up, Ella.” His voice was sarcastic.

  But then with more seriousness, he added, “And you can call me sir.”

  An unexpected wave of arousal coursed through Ella’s center. Ed Peters was the most intimidating, most intriguing, and most handsome man she’d ever met. Though she wished to be miles away from him, another part of her ached to be closer. No man had ever threatened to spank her before, and something about that excited her more than she cared to admit.

  Ed’s hand moved to the ignition, but stopped midair. Ella watched as he moved around the car to open her door. Her pulse raced violently as he moved closer. The air was electric.

  “I understand we can both benefit from this deal,” he said. “So I’ll keep you at my house for a few days to see if the reward increases, just like you wanted.”

  Ella’s eyes became glossy. “Thank you…sir.” Shyly, she looked at her knees, but it was impossible to ignore the large man beside her. His scent was a combination of musk and leather, more manly than Brandon could ever be. Another pang of heat shot between her thighs. When Ed produced a pair of handcuffs she thought she would die.

  “Just in case you decide to back out of the deal.

  I’ll return you to your family at your request, but I won’t allow you to escape me. I don’t take kindly to being cheated,” he said, pushing her forward to lock her wrists into the cuffs behind her back.


  “Quiet,” he snapped, and from nowhere he produced a strip of black fabric—a blindfold! “I don’t want you to have any idea where I live. That way, it’ll be near impossible to escape.”

  Ella nodded meekly as Ed adjusted the blindfold.

  The SUV’s windows were so darkly tinted that she knew no one would see her from the outside. Once he checked her seatbelt, he leaned closer, and his hot breath pulsed against her neck. Her heart had never pounded so fast.

  “I don’t like having houseguests,” he said. “I have rules, and I expect to be obeyed. You will listen to me at all times. If you misbehave or attempt another escape, your bottom will pay the price.” Chapter Two

  Ella wasn’t sure whether Ed Peters lived hours away from the Catoctin Mountains, or if he was simply driving in circles to confuse her. It seemed as if he’d been driving forever. Her wrists ached, and she was generally uncomfortable in the backseat. Just when the urge to scream overpowered her, the car rolled to a stop and the engine cut off.

  Without a word, Ed exited the car, slamming the door behind him. She straightened and waited nervously, wondering just what she’d gotten herself into. After all, she’d allowed this man—this bounty hunter—to put handcuffs and a blindfold on her before driving her to his home.

  When the door finally opened, Ella almost screamed. Almost. Ed slid close enough to unlatch the seatbelt and pull her out of the SUV. The feel of his hands on her was dangerously enjoyable. She struggled to breath and tried to ignore the traitorous longing between her thighs. He was the enemy…the devil!

  “Um, Ed?” she found herself asking. “Why won’t you take the cuffs and blindfold off?” Her feet crunched over gravel.

  His grip tightened as he marched her forward. “I thought I told you to call me sir.” Something about the way he spoke terrified and aroused Ella at the same time. She’d never met a man so in control, so terribly certain of himself. What have I gotten myself into?

  Only once Ella was inside, the deadbolt locked and the alarm set, Ed removed her cuffs and blindfold. Her gaze darted around. The house was huge, but her gaze immediately wandered outside the windows. Trees swallowed the land as far as the eye could see, though her efforts to be nonchalant about looking outside were a failure.

  “There’s not another house for five miles in all directions,” he said, moving into the spacious kitchen.

  Ella followed, her heart beating louder with each step. “I’m not going to run off, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Although she was lying. What if the reward shot up to $25,000 overnight? She had no intention of returning to her family and Brandon that soon. Not when so many out-of-state guests were still in town.

  Ed shot her a scorching look, but didn’t reply. He moved about the kitchen with purpose, pulling items out of the fridge and cabinets. Ella lingered in the hallway, and realized she’d never felt more out of place in her life. She was supposed to stay here with Ed for a few days? Just the thought of being his houseguest for so long caused her stomach to flutter.

  “Sit,” Ed commanded, gesturing toward a breakfast nook between the kitchen and the dining room. Ella obeyed, and watched as he carried two plates forward. He placed them on the table. It wasn’t anything fancy—turkey and cheese sandwiches and an apple—but she was starving. Those granola bars weren’t very filling, and the drive to Ed’s secretive house had lasted hours.

  “Thank you,” Ella said as Ed returned with two glasses of juice. He sat across from her with an unreadable expression. They ate in silence, and Ella fought tears throughout the whole meal. She was shy by nature. Ed was a stranger and she was completely in his hands in an unfamiliar environment. What have I gotten myself into? she wondered again.

  * * *

  Ed Peters checked on Ella occasionally from her place at the window. Each time he entered the room, she glanced at him with obvious fear before returning her gaze to the trees. It wasn’t his style to intentionally intimidate a woman, but Ella Emerson wasn’t just any woman. She was a runaway with a $10,000 reward on her head. Normally, Ed wouldn’t chase after anyone for an amount so small, but after losing the anticipated $25,000 reward for Chuck Dearing, he wasn’t about to turn down an easy opportunity to earn a little extra money. If the reward money didn’t increase in a couple of days, then he’d settle for the $10,000 and return Ella to her family.

  He had no sympathy for her situation. Randy had e-mailed Ed a dossier about Ella and her family. She came from money, had a topnotch education, and had a job lined up with her father’s lucrative construction company. Ed tried not to stereotype people he’d just met, but it was difficult not to label Ella as a spoiled brat. Correction, he thought, a heartless spoiled brat.

  She’d run off without leaving her family a note.

  She’d run off just to escape a marriage to Brandon Andrews, a well-liked young man in the Catoctin area. Ella had done a selfish thing, and Ed had no plans to make her comfortable during her stay.

  Besides, Ed didn’t trust Ella. Her type would take advantage the moment he let his guard down. Ed walked the house, checking every window and door.

  The alarm would go off the second she attempted escape, and he would be on her in a moment. A woman as rotten and spoiled as Ella wouldn’t necessarily hold to any deal. If she tried to cheat him, he wouldn’t hesitate to teach her a hard and painful lesson over his knee.

  When Ed reached the living room again, he stood quietly along the wall, spying on Ella. She was young and very pretty, but he vowed not to allow her attractiveness to cloud his judgment. He noticed her wiping a tear away, and for a moment—just a moment—his resolve weakened.

  With a shake of his head, Ed tried to banish the temporary weakness. The beautiful young woman crying at his window was nothing but a spoiled brat with a reward on her head. It was just business. Just business.

  Ella was still dirty from her struggle against Chuck Dearing, Ed realized as he continued to spy.

  Her shorts were grass and mud stained. Her tight T-shirt was ripped in the back and as dirty as the rest of her. The hiking boots she’d removed rested against the wall under the window.

  A thought suddenly occurred to Ed. He couldn’t hold Ella Emerson—the daughter of a wealthy and influential family—for several days without meeting her needs, as trivial as those needs might seem. She would need fresh clothing, makeup, and toiletries.

  Ed checked his watch. 2:15 p.m. He explained the situation to Randy over the phone. Randy, in his eagerness, said he’d stop by in three hours with everything Ed required.

  “Oh, and the reward hasn’t increased yet, Mr.

  Peters, but it will. Give it a full day or two. Those Emerson’s are swimming in money,” said Randy.

  Ed smiled. “I’m afraid I might have to give you a raise after this.” Until now, Randy had only provided Ed with information over the phone. The kid had never run errands for Ed.

  They hung up and Ed found himself standing in one of the guest bedrooms. It was directly across from the master bedroom, and he figured it would serve just fine for Ella. There was a bathroom inside, and attaching a deadbolt outside the door wouldn’t be difficult. Ed could lock Ella in each night and sleep soundly knowing the alarm was set as well.

  A short while later, after Ed had installed the deadbolt, a strange noise drew him back to the living room. He lingered against the wall in the hallway, spying and listening. Ella’s shoulders heaved and silky sobs escaped her lips. She was crying. A warning bell went off in Ed’s head. No way did he wish to keep Ella Emerson here against her will.

  “Ms. Emerson,” he said as he strode into the room. To his surprise, Ella flinched and wiped at her face. The crying had stopped as quickly as it had begun. “I’ve no intention to keep you here against your will. I’ll take you directly back to your family this instant if that’s what you wish. This arrangement of ours will not include me holding you against your will. I want that to be clear.”

  Ella stood up, anger replacing her prior sad

  “I’ve made no attempt to escape, Mr. Peters. And I don’t wish to negate our agreement, thank you very much.” Her tone was challenging, purely insolent.

  Ed’s blood boiled and he moved closer, towering above like a giant. “You are a guest in my house, Ms.

  Emerson,” he reminded her sternly. “You will refrain from speaking to me in a disrespectful tone.” Her eyes flashed. “I promised I wouldn’t try to escape,” she said. “Nothing more. And right now I’d prefer to be alone. So if don’t mind…get out.” She nodded toward the hallway, dismissing Ed from his own living room.

  “I won’t warn you again,” he said, closing the space between them.

  Ella seemed unaffected by Ed’s warning, and took her seat at the window again. “It would appear that we don’t get along, Mr. Peters,” she said, staring out into the trees. “I suggest you leave me the fuck alone for the next several days. You stay out, of my way and I’ll stay out of yours.”

  Infuriated, Ed grabbed Ella up, holding her arms between both hands. “I warned you, Ms. Emerson,” he said, his voice cold and sharp. “And now I’m going to teach you that lesson we talked about earlier.”

  Ella’s eyes bulged. “Get your hands off of me!” she yelled, struggling against his firm hold. “If you want to collect that reward, you won’t touch me!”

  “And why is that?” asked Ed, his lips curling in amusement.

  She fumbled for words, but eventually said, “My father won’t pay a man who beat me.”

  “Not beat, Ella, spanked,” he corrected. “And your father will have no choice. Legally, he’ll have to pay the reward money. And besides that, I seriously doubt anyone will believe anything you say for a while. Think about it: you just ran away without leaving a note, right before your wedding to this well-liked Brandon fellow.”

  To Ed’s surprise, fresh tears gathered in Ella’s sky-blue eyes. “I…I want to leave then. Right now.

  Just take me home.” She looked down and the tears followed her gaze.

  “Fine,” Ed said, “I’ll take you home—with a very sore bottom.”


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