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Cosmic Cabaret

Page 41

by SFR Shooting Stars

  The idea of being fed by a gorgeous man was too decadent to resist. It had been a couple of days since she had eaten a decent meal, and this far surpassed any of the meager provisions she had snuck out from her father’s supply cabinet. Each mouthful brought a new blend of spices to her palate. Sweet and savory mixed with robust and hearty. She washed down the delectable samplings with a light wine, fruity and delicate. He polished off the last few bites with seductive fervor. The empty plates never lingered long, neither did her glass remain less than half full.

  During their meal, he asked polite questions, most revolving around superficial and safe topics. They shared laughs between bites about shared likes and similar experiences in life. She learned he had two siblings, both sisters older than him, and he detested the idea of hand-me-downs for that reason.

  As innocent as his inquiries appeared, she was not oblivious to his practiced seduction. For every bite he offered, his thigh brushed against hers. A stroke on her cheek here. A wipe of his thumb across her bottom lip there. She was certain she was being played, but since she wanted the inevitable outcome as much as he did, she opted to enjoy the princess treatment.

  The table was cleared off, and she wondered if things had finally come to an end. He shifted his hot gaze, locking eyes with her.

  “Are you ready for dessert, Kar?” She flushed, remembering his insinuated final course plans. Words failed her, but she nodded languidly. Her breathing crept up a notch. He signaled to someone hidden in the surrounding dark and took to his feet. Confused, she rose to join him, accepting his hand.

  A boyish smile melted across his handsome face. “I hope you don’t mind if we get it to go.” Leaning close, he pressed his lips to her ear. “As I said, I don’t plan on sharing you tonight.” Grateful to have his arm to support her, she sighed in desirous anticipation.

  “Were you satisfied with your meal this evening, sir?”

  She turned toward the smooth and articulate voice to her right. The man was dressed impeccably, and she wondered how she didn’t notice him until now. With his crisp, white uniform, he stood out in the muted blue lighting. Then again, she was much more focused on the marvelous food and handsome company than the surrounding scenery.

  “Another delicious success, Laurenzo. Thank you, and be sure to extend my thanks to Da’shall and the rest of the staff.” He took the offered bag and draped his arm around her shoulder, leading her back toward the door. She had no idea how much time had passed during her luxurious private dinner, and she found she didn’t really care. There were no scheduled obligations she needed to meet, no ambassadorial duties calling for her immediate attention. This moment was hers and hers alone.

  Well, not entirely hers alone.

  The loping male pressed against her side definitely had a key role to play. Hesitant, yet determined, she slid her hand around his waist and held onto his waistband. Her grip was uncomfortable and unfamiliar. She had only watched others stroll arm in arm with their lovers, but the actual experience was completely new to her. She fidgeted, twisting her fingers, and hoped to find the right resting spot.

  A warm chuckle flowed down her neck. “Just hook your thumb into my back pocket.” His breath fanned her hair, and she bit her lip to hide her hungry moan. Following his suggestion, she realized his directions had a devious ulterior motive. With each step, she felt the tight muscles of his ass flex and bunch.

  “You’re doing this on purpose,” she murmured. Her hand cramped, fighting against her urge to squeeze the teasing target.

  He nipped the top of her ear, his tongue soothing the erotic pinch. “If it’s turning you on, then I plead guilty.”

  She groaned, and her knees buckled. He steadied her wobbly legs, pulling her close, and finally stopped before one of the many turbolifts leading to the passenger quarters. Crap, she almost forgot she had no room, nor would there be a room for her to check in to. The doors slid open, and she dragged her feet, entering the empty chamber behind him.

  She opened her mouth, prepared to confess her secret, when he spun about and slammed his mouth against hers. His passionate ambush carried her across the narrow confines and only stopped when her ass bumped against the wall. He thrust his tongue past her parted lips, demanding and hungry, the broad palm of his hand cradling the back of her head. She responded in kind, throwing her arms around his shoulders and entwining her legs about his. He gripped her backside and ground his rock-hard erection against her dampening core. She shuddered, the sweet friction teasing her to a sudden orgasm.

  Breaking the seal of their kiss, he dragged his lips along her jawline as she sucked in air between needy moans. “I … I don’t have a room.”

  He tugged down the zipper just enough to reveal the tops of her aching breasts. “I do.” He laved the sensitive flesh, and she cried out, digging her fingers into his shoulders. She bowed her spine, resting her cheek atop his tousled pale blond waves as she rode, still fully clothed, toward the next peak.

  “Deck, please?” A sultry voice shocked Karyna quicker than an ice water bath. Her eyes flew open, and she squirmed in his embrace.

  He raised his head from her neck enough to be clearly understood. “Nova ten.” Undeterred, he licked and teased his way up the column of her throat, pausing to nip her lobe. “It’s just the computer, Kar. Remember, I’m not sharing.”

  The speed of the ascending lift and the heat of his kisses combined created a heady mix that scrambled her already spinning mind. Drunk on a myriad of emotions, she clung to his arms and fantasized about what awaited her when they arrived at his suite. Excitement and panic ran neck and neck, and her heart raced to keep up.

  Was it too late to put the brakes on this sensual trip?

  Would she stop him if he suggested it?

  Yes, to both.

  The line between her worries and wants blurred, and this time, the high ground was going toward her need to feel. This was real, if only for one night. Life was meant to be lived, and she was tired of watching on the fringes.

  “I’m sorry.” Her standard phrase fell from her lips. The questioning crease on his brow encouraged her to elaborate. “I’m just not very good at these sorts of things.”

  He curled a stray section of her hair around his index finger, lightly teasing her cheek as he coiled the locks until the strands hid his sun-kissed skin. “Don’t think of good or bad, angel. The only bad is not expressing what you truly desire.” His gaze scorched a trail from her barely exposed cleavage up to her wide eyes. “Tell me what it is you desire, Karyna.”

  Her heart spoke before her mind could intervene. “Make love to me.”

  Colorful Surprises

  “Your wish is my command.”

  Never before had the words held more truth to Marqaz than in this moment. If she asked him to jump off the top of the capital spire, he might seriously entertain the idea. As long as she continued to smile at him on the way down, he would enter the gates of the Here After a happy man.

  He thought he detected a hint of ink under the high collar of her jumpsuit. Eager to satisfy his curiosity, among other urges, he quickened his pace along the corridor to one of his many rooms. During his previous entanglements, he wasted the few hours of need to slake his needs in the suite of his female companions. It was simple enough. He used the excuse of sleeping in the employee dorms and not having a space of his own.

  But with Karyna, he wanted to treat her to the best. His penthouse suite would have raised far too many questions, so he opted to utilize one of the smaller state rooms. The view would still be spectacular and the bed would be just as soft.

  “Wow. Had I known crew quarters were this nice, I would’ve gotten a job here, too.”

  He chuckled, kissing the back of her hand. “Trust me; we don’t sleep in places this nice. I’m actually borrowing a friend’s room tonight.”

  It wasn’t a complete lie. Ja’andar did stay in this particular suite and there were moments when he considered the walking arsenal his friend. He continu
ed to ponder the nature of his relationship with his guard as he keyed in the entry passcode.

  “Oh.” The sound held an air of despondent resignation. “That friend wouldn’t happen to have been the female at the bar, would it?”

  He paused, rewinding the pre-elevator events in his mind. “Huh?” A bolt struck his memory, and he turned to face her. He stared at the top of her head as she studied the intricate carpet beneath their feet. A short beep and soft click at his back caught his ear, and he held the cracked door open with the sole of his boot. He encouraged her gaze upward with a gentle nudge of his knuckles against her chin. “Hey, I may be an ass, but I’m not a complete ass.”

  His admission gained a weak, but unconvinced smile. He pressed on. “The room belongs to the guy sitting next to you at the bar. We go way back and he lets me use the place when he has business to attend.” Again, there was a shred of truth, so he waved off any burgeoning guilt. “And the woman at the bar was a customer who has been trying to get in bed with me for the past couple of days.”

  Now he was going to need to choose his words very carefully. One misstep and he would be fucked. Or more appropriately, unfucked and left with a set of blue balls worthy of song.

  “But you’re not interested?” Dear gods, how could someone be so drop-dead beautiful and not realize it?

  He trailed his fingers down the length of her arms and shuffled backwards into the awaiting dark of the suite. “Definitely not.”

  The door shut behind her and the lights gradually bathed the room in a soft glow. The floor-to-ceiling picture window was shuttered, leaving only the standard artificial bulbs to create the mood. He took a nervous glance around, praying his sentry didn’t leave any underwear on the floor. Thanks to the highly paid and efficient housekeeping staff, the massive bed was sharply made, complete with two delicately wrapped wafers placed on the pillow. He dimmed the overhead lamps and triggered the shutters to recede. The silent drive whirred as the galaxy appeared beyond the thick, convex glass.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” He crossed to the small cabinet tucked into the corner and gestured to the modest selection of liquors.

  She stood just inside the room, using the vast mattress as a buffer. A coy smile curved her lips. “Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?”

  He hooked his fingers into two glasses and snagged a bottle of chilled sweet wine. “Oh, hell no.” He stalked toward her, keeping his gaze locked with her intoxicating emerald eyes. “I want you fully involved in tonight’s activities.”

  She glanced away, but not quick enough to hide the tempting blush on her caramel cheeks. He grinned and poured her a touch more than a simple sip. His piss-poor planning had him stuck until she accepted his offer. Either that, or he would need to put down the bottle on the bed. Luckily for him, she didn’t leave him hanging for too long. With a nod, she took the rock glass and cradled it patiently in her hands. He exhaled in a slow sigh and filled his own glass. Setting the unneeded bottle onto the closest shelf, he returned to stand in the warmth of her body.

  “Here’s to the sunrise.” He smiled, lifting his glass in a toast.

  Her eyes flared wide, the clear clink of the pure crystal reverberating through the silence. “Sunrise? Why are we toasting to that?” He watched hungrily as she sipped on the pleasant dessert wine.

  He tossed back the drink in one gulp. “Because that’s the next time I plan on letting you out of my sight.” Not caring where it landed, he dropped the empty cup on the floor and devoured her mouth. The lingering honey liquor on her lips tasted far sweeter than the teasing shot. Never before had he hungered so desperately for one female.

  And if he played his cards right, she would be his for the rest of his days.

  Her glass thudded behind him, empty and unnecessary. She responded to his every touch, her back arching and pressing her confined breasts against his chest. He snaked one arm around her back as she dug her fingernails into his shoulders. With a firm grip on her lush ass, he ground his raging erection between the apex of her thighs. Growling, he swallowed her needy sighs and rocked his hips.

  “Dear gods, Kar. You are so beautiful.” He came up for air long enough to refill his lungs and returned to his exploration. He dragged his tongue down the column of her throat, savoring her flowery flavor. Her heady scent was stronger than the alcohol he just guzzled. He needed more.

  He remembered the flash of bright colors under the collar of the garish yellow outfit. Time to see if it was just a trick of the light. He backpedaled toward the bed and sat down, placing her lush and straining assets directly at eye level. Impishly, he bit down on the zipper pull and dipped his chin.

  “No, wait.”

  Her panicked and breathy voice dragged his gaze up from his current task. “What’s wrong?” Her eyes were shut and her chin quivered. Did he misread her? He took her hands in his and rose to his feet. “Karyna?”

  “There’s … I mean, I have…” She stammered, unwilling to meet his gaze. Needing to test the waters, he inhaled deeply. The corners of his mouth tilted up. He slowly undid the buttons on his shirt.

  “Three nipples?”

  She shook her head, the hint of a grin on her kiss-swollen peach lips. After releasing the last closure, he reached for her hips and sank back onto the mattress.

  “Are you hideously scarred?”

  Karyna rolled her eyes as he guided her between his legs. He smiled and lifted her easily. She braced her arms on his shoulders and straddled his lap. He groaned hungrily, her sweet weight on his hammer-worthy cock only a teasing taste of what was to come.

  “No. It’s not that. It’s just … I was a bit of a wild child when I was younger and…” She pinched her bottom lip between her pearly white teeth. His heart ached to see her having such a hard time with her words.

  “Is this about your tattoo?”

  She flinched, her legs tensing around his thighs. Sweet gods, he was about to shoot his load before he even saw her naked. Her gaze locked on something just beyond his right shoulder.

  “May I?” He reached for the zipper pull once more. She swung her face toward him.

  “You’re serious?”

  Marqaz stared into her darkening jade orbs. “Oh, hell yeah. I thought I saw some ink in the lift.”

  She blinked and relaxed in his embrace. “You mean, you don’t think it’s … ugly?”

  His jaw hung agape. Who the hell would say something like that to her?

  “I guess that all depends on a few things.” Slowly and deliberately, he dragged the innocent fastener farther down. “The skill of the artist, the quality of the artwork, and of course, the placement on the canvas. Just tell me it isn’t something cliché, like a butterfly or a rose.”

  Inch by inch, he revealed more of her light cocoa skin. The valley between her ample peaks begged for him to sample each glorious curve. But what had his curiosity was the brightly colored muzzle peeking out from the opening edges. Vivid purples and blues twisted in delicate artwork, creating a fierce reptilian protector.

  “Holy mother of the stars.” He had seen tattoos on many a female body in the course of his escapades, but never before had he witnessed such a true work of art. One breast popped free from the form-fitting confines, but he was more intrigued by the emerging multi-colored image. The lucky beast rested its head just above her collarbone, its nose pointed directly at her heart. He peeled the garment down, exposing her shoulder and watched, entranced, as the rest of the beast slithered beyond his sight line. The seam opening hit its base, and there was still much to uncover.

  He raised his gaze, awed by the small taste.

  “Show me.” Their eyes locked, and he glimpsed directly into her soul. “I want to see it all.”

  An Inky Secret

  Karyna swallowed hard, stunned by his rapt attention. In a fit of anger toward her father, she’d gotten the massive tattoo. She believed the offending ink would deter his efforts to use her as nothing more than a bargaining t
rophy for some rich, old enemy. She recalled his rage at the desecration of her pristine flesh, and at the time, she didn’t care.

  Too bad her decision had unexpected consequences. When other males saw the giant beast across her body, they were repulsed by it. One of her partners even refused to screw her unless she kept a shirt on to cover the creature.

  She was prepared for the same with her playboy.

  Confused, she crossed her hands over her naked breasts and reached one foot backwards toward the floor. A quick frown creased his forehead, and his hands caught her hips. She blinked, her brain struggling to process the look on his gorgeous face.

  He did not want her to leave. His actions screamed it, and it empowered her. She sat taller in his lap, buoyed by this newfound pride, and cupped his cheek. The prickly day’s growth on his jaw sent needy chills through her veins. Her smile gradually warmed, and she slid her legs off the edge of the bed.

  “I can’t show you the rest without turning around.”

  Striptease was new to her, but she was determined to be a quick study. She held his gaze for as long as possible while she spun ever so slowly away from him. She shrugged the skintight jumpsuit off both of her shoulders and revealed the sprawling body of her inky protector. She took a moment to survey the darkened room, but a moment was all she was to get.

  An undecipherable phrase poured over her back, followed by a pair of strong arms snaking around her waist. She lolled her head forward as he dragged his tongue across the tip of her dragon’s outstretched wings. The kiss of his bare chest against her back sent her spiraling closer toward sweet ecstasy. Add to that the press of his bulging shaft into her backside and she nearly came on the spot. Only her tight grip on his strong arms kept her upright.

  “Do you like it?” She forced the words out in a needy whisper.


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