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Cosmic Cabaret

Page 43

by SFR Shooting Stars

  All through the night, he’d held her, just as he had promised. She vaguely recalled his mumbled words before exhaustion sapped away her will to remain conscious. She smiled drowsily, her eyes opting to hide for a bit longer in the blessed dark. Even though her rational mind warned against getting too comfortable, her heart refused to listen. It was a fairy tale and she knew it. She might be the princess, but her Prince Charming was not meant to be the seductive male pressed against her back.

  Her lips quivered, and the sting of tears squeezed between her closed lids.

  It’s not fair.

  Life had taught her that lesson at an early age. Hope was something afforded to others and dreams were best left on her pillow. She struggled to fold in on herself, cocooning her sadness in his warm embrace. A deep, sensual rumble thrummed against her bare back and rough stubble scratched along the exposed base of her neck. His hips ground into her ass and she gasped, his ramrod cock nestled between them.

  “Now this is my idea of a very good morning.” He tightened his arms, pinning her securely in place. Tingles zinged down her spine, triggered by his playful nips and licks at the tender flesh covered by her loose braid.

  She sniffed and dashed at her watery eyes. Craning her neck as far back as she could twist, she painted on a sad excuse for a grin.

  “Hey,” she croaked. Apparently, her acting chops were on par with her ability to lie. He scooted from his intimate position and rose up onto a crooked elbow. Concern lined his handsome face, and beams of the waking sun danced in his sleep-tousled hair. Reaching up, she cupped his scruffy cheek, the prickly day’s growth poking into her palm centering her. She swallowed hard, forcing back her melancholy, and gazed into his compassionate lavender eyes.

  “What’s wrong, angel? Did you not sleep well?” He finger-combed her knotted tresses with one hand while the other rested on her stomach. Her midsection tensed beneath his light touch. Dammit all. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her one-night stand.

  “Yes. I mean, no. I mean, I did.”

  His skeptically arched brow brought a timid smile to her lips. “You wanna give that another try, Kar?”

  She sighed heavily. “More than you know, Marq.”

  Gold filtered through the quiet room, the brilliant streaks bouncing off every gleaming surface and bathing everything in ethereal light. The rich hues silhouetted his sun-kissed skin and added to his angelic appearance. The only thing missing was a pair of wings to fly her away from all of this.

  He caressed her cheek, his gaze roaming across her exposed skin. Oddly enough, her normal modest streak decided to take a backseat during his perusal. Heat followed the path of his eyes, and her heartbeat quickened a step. His fingertips trailed down the column of her throat, sending electric chills racing through her veins. When he traced the head of her inked dragon with an artist’s grace, she was well and truly lost.

  “Dear gods, Karyna. Do you know how beautiful you are?” he whispered, his hushed voice filled with reverent awe.

  She reached up and threaded her fingers through his soft hair. “Only because you see me as such.” Emboldened by his response, she pulled his head down to nuzzle her aching breasts. More than happy to oblige, he latched on to one hardened nipple and kneaded the other fleshy mound. She bit her lip as the familiar tingling in her core began to rise. His thigh still rested between her legs and she squeezed her knees together, desperate for release.

  He growled, dragging his tongue across the tops of her curves. “Then I guess no one’s ever told you just how delicious you taste after a night of hot sex either, have they?”

  The temperature of her cheeks kicked up a notch, but not enough to encourage him to stop. She shook her head before realizing his eyes were not focused on her face.

  “No,” she groaned. “And I’m sure I probably smell like a wet dog.”

  He chuckled darkly, the heavy rumble falling against her hypersensitive skin nearly pitching her over the edge. “I beg to differ, my dear.” Burying his face between her breasts, he inhaled in an exaggerated manner, and she giggled at the unexpected sound. Up he climbed, his nose pressed against her as he sniffed the hollow of her neck. By the time he had reached the back of her ear, she was laughing uncontrollably. He had maneuvered his hips between her legs and the bulbous tip of his hard shaft rested in her triangular nest of thick curls.

  “I think you smell like heaven.” She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, giving him permission to proceed. “But.” He paused, sliding off the bed with her in his arms. “I know I smell way worse than a wet dog.” He turned his face toward her. His impish smile made her heart flip-flop, and she clung tightly as he crossed to an inset door across from the floor-length window.

  Her feet dangled during their short trek and soon, they touched down onto the pristine white tiles of the massive bath. She sucked in an awed breath as she stared at the beautiful space. Blonde wood and bright chrome decorated the chamber, offset by deep blue towels emblazoned with silver filigreed lettering. A sunken tub resided in the farthest corner, while the glass-encased shower reached nearly from wall to wall across from it. She spied neither vanity sink nor toilet.

  He must have read her intended search and he directed her gaze to a door off to her left. He kissed her shoulder and headed toward the shower. She ducked inside quickly and relieved herself. As she reached for the handle, she caught a glimpse of her reflection and, pausing, she returned to the mirror. The bags under her eyes seemed fainter today and her cheekbones did look a bit more pronounced. Maybe it was all that smiling exercise over the past few hours.

  She sighed at her silly notions and stepped out into a light fog of fragrant steam. Through the mist, she spied the outline of her lover, and her heart fluttered.

  No matter the costs, she would do whatever she must to hold on to this feeling, and to the man who made her feel like a cherished woman. Squaring her shoulders, she opened the frosted door and stepped inside.

  Coming Clean

  Marqaz scrubbed at his scalp, hoping the furious action would knock some sense into his addlepated brain. In his attempts to lighten her somber mood, he practically overdosed on her intoxicating scent. He was still unsure how he managed not to take her again with one swift stroke. What the hell was he doing? Aside from falling in love with the woman you’re supposed to marry.

  Who would demand his head on a platter when she found out his true identity.

  “I’m thinking she’ll want the head a little farther south, as well.”

  He clenched his teeth at the return of his conscience. “Not helping, Ja’andar.” He rinsed away the soapy lather, considering all of his options. “I have to tell her. Maybe if she hears it from me, she’ll be more forgiving.”

  Cringing at the admonished scoff echoing in his mind, he still clung to the weak hope.

  “Suure. You keep telling yourself that.”

  He dropped his hands to his side, his shoulders drooping at his heavy burden. The warm water pounded against his tense muscles but did little to ease his turbulent thoughts. I’m screwed.

  “Oh, now you realize this.” Silence descended, lasting for one blessed moment. “With respects, Your Highness, while I am grateful you have discovered your feelings for your betrothed, she will not be pleased to learn that you KNEW of her identity from the beginning.”

  He stared at the drain beneath his feet, watching the swirling bubbles disappear. “I have to make this right. I owe it to her.”

  A soft click behind him drew his attentions to the present and the press of her full breasts against his back solidified his footing in the now.

  “I wish you both luck and speed. Remember, our time here is quickly running out.”

  He steadied himself with one hand against the nearest wall while the other landed on her arms wrapped around his waist. He banished his darker thoughts and glanced over his shoulder. “Hey, angel. Come here often?”

  Her long hair had completely slipped loose from its confining plait
and the deep auburn waves cascaded down her back. Only the tiniest tips of the dragon’s wings were visible beneath the thick curls. Transfixed, he stared at the top of her head and almost missed the movement of her hands.

  Yet there was no disguising the fingers toying with his rock-hard cock. He groaned, flexing his hips and sliding his shaft into her tentative touch. Tightening his grip on her arms, he forced his body to give her the upper hand. Her timid explorations pushed him closer to his pleasure threshold. Coupled with the press of her breasts against his back, he clenched his jaw to hold back an unmanly whimper. Her strokes varied in speed and depth, each long and fast pull edging him closer to release.

  Words failed him, lost in sensation, when she slipped around to kneel before him. Awed, his heart hammered as she gazed up at him. The green was gone from her eyes, swallowed up by passion, leaving only the hint of an emerald ring around the dark pupils. She flicked out her delicate pink tongue and tasted the drip of pre-cum on his head. Every muscle in his body locked at the erotic sight, and he growled in hungry approval. Her lips curled into a devilish smile before opening wide and sucking him deep into her hot mouth.

  Sweet fucking gods. His eyes slammed shut, and he shook, his arm trembling as it pushed against the solid wall. This was her lead, and he struggled to give her complete rein. He cupped the back of her head, drunk on the wet heat of her swirling tongue. His ass clenched but he kept his rebellious body as still as possible. His cock swelled, begging for release. She stroked the base of his shaft while she walked her fingers up his tight stomach. At this rate, she was going to get a surprise she might not enjoy.

  Granted, she did seem quite enthusiastic. Yet for some reason, he felt as if it would be disrespectful. So, poised on the edge, he did the unthinkable.

  He stopped her.

  “Hang on, Kar.” He groaned, gently gripping her shoulders. She lifted her gaze and gave one last, hungry pull on his weeping shaft.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Her sad expression tugged at his heart. “I’ve never really done … this before and—”

  He led her to her feet, shaking his head fervently. “Trust me on this, angel. You couldn’t have been more right.” With a loose hold on her waist, he guided her to face the wall. “It was fan-fucking-tastic.” He punctuated each syllable with a kiss along her neck and placed her palms flat against the cool tiles. “But I have something I want to show you.”

  He slid one hand down her toned stomach and caressed her hooded nub. She gasped and arched her back, driving her ass into his primed cock. One arm moved away from the wall to reach between their bodies, and he chuckled.

  “Not yet.” He tenderly replaced her hand on the wall and continued to tease. With his free arm, he searched behind him, extending his fingers as far as he could until they brushed the cool head of the hand-held nozzle. He unhooked the slender device and aimed the soothing flow along her shoulders.

  “You like?”

  She sighed and curved her back, leaning into the warm spray. “Do you really need to ask?”

  He moved his arm from side to side before shifting the pressure. The pulsing jets focused into tight streams, and she moaned. His mouth latched onto the curve of her neck, and he brought the nozzle to pummel her breasts. He watched as she arched and writhed, her hips grinding against his questing fingers.

  Sensing her impending climax, he slipped his hand free and drove his cock into her quivering channel. She cried out, her arms trembling yet still locked as he thrust into her welcoming heat. One final piece to add to her pleasure, he directed the pulsing water to the apex of her thighs.


  His name rang out in the narrow chamber, and her tight sheath rippled and clenched around his cock. Powerless to resist, he came hard, flooding her with his seed. Time ceased to exist in this perfect moment, the world outside meaningless. The only thing that mattered was her.

  I love you, Karyna.

  He wrapped his arms around her, struggling to regain his breath as he held her close. She clung to his steadying embrace and dragged in shallow gulps of air.

  “Karyna?” He cleared his throat to reengage his vocal cords. He would find the strength to say the words, as well as his other truths, soon. Soon, he promised himself.

  “You still alive there, angel?”

  She nodded slowly, taking her time to stand upright. “I think so.” She giggled, sputtering and coughing. “Except for the fountain trying to drown me.”

  He smirked, reaching down to retrieve the slinky hose. “How rude.” With a wink, he rinsed her body and replaced the nozzle into the large shower head. Enjoying the post-orgasmic peace, he lathered her long tresses, savoring the silky strands slipping through his fingers. Kisses and sly smiles were exchanged as they showered. In the light of day, he studied her true and unadorned beauty. She was absolutely divine, from her deep auburn hair to the tips of her delicate toes. Every lush curve and toned muscle wrapped in sweet caramel skin, and the radiant hues of her inked protector only added to her perfection.

  His mind continued to wander into the realms of what ifs as he shut off the water and offered her a large towel. With one bath sheet wrapped around his waist, he placed a final kiss on her lips and gave her the room. His cheeks cramped with his joyful efforts, and he quickly yanked on a pair of slacks.

  “How about room service for breakfast?” he called out. A series of short raps on the door caught his ear. He recalled his request for a new garment for her and moved toward the sound. “Oh, and my friends at the bar last night gave me tickets to go see a show tonight. What do you say?” Without checking the peephole, he opened the door to retrieve the package.

  In hindsight, that probably was not the smartest decision he had made all day.

  Standing at the threshold was a quartet of his grandfather’s royal guards, with Ja’andar sheepishly pulling up the rear. Without invitation, they stepped inside the room. Marqaz backpedaled to stay on his feet, his head on a swivel as he glanced between the unexpected guests and the still closed bathroom door.

  “My apologies, sir.”

  Marqaz opened his mouth, prepared to order the man to get the fuck out, but he was too late. A surprised gasp from off to his left chimed a death knell.

  The man shifted his focus for a second, nodding to her briefly, before returning his indifferent gaze to Marqaz. “But Highking Xerxian requests your presence. Your Highness.”

  Shattered Dreams

  “What is going on here?”

  Dressed in only a towel, Karyna scanned the room full of silent men. She vaguely recalled the face of the towering giant hugging the wall, confused by the apologetic glint in his gray eyes. Her brain struggled, battling with the facts gleaned from the short exchange.

  The soldiers were dressed in the colors of her family’s lifelong enemies, the ornate and regal silver stitching on the deep blue uniforms marking them as royal echelon guards.

  But the knowledge that tore her apart was two short words.

  Your Highness.

  Her heart sank as reality spilled viciously into her perfect dream. Her sexy bartender was none other than Marqaz VI, Highprince of the Lavourne Dynasty, the man she had been promised to against her will.

  Stunned, she turned her gaze to him. Her chin quivered, and angry tears welled in the corners of her eyes. “You?” He reached for her, and she stepped away. “You knew?” She stared at his face, reading the obvious pain in his regretful eyes. “You knew who I was?”

  She had no desire to soften her accusatory tone. Just as it had earlier, the world around vanished, leaving only the two of them. But this time, her heart was inconsolable, shattered by his manipulative betrayal.

  “It’s not like that, Kar. I—”

  “Not like what?” She gripped the flimsy fabric tighter around her and tried not to be violently ill. The things she did with him. The things she let him do to her. All the tenderness. What it all just a sick, cruel game?

  “I never meant to hurt yo
u—” He slunk toward her, his arm still outstretched, but she refused to give an inch and remained out of reach.

  “Really? So you decided to hurt me along the way by accident?” Her ass bumped against the wall, and she lifted her chin, daring him into her lethal space.

  “Please, angel. Let me explain.” His arms opened wide, beckoning. Only hours ago, she believed herself to be in love. Now, she realized life would never have a happy ending for her.

  “No.” Unshed tears choked her voice, and she sidestepped, moving out of his welcoming embrace. “There is nothing for you to explain.” Fueled by her breaking heart, she snatched up her discarded pack, praying her makeshift dress stayed in place. She shouldered through the silent guards with ease and stopped only when she reached the open door.

  Spinning around, she took one last look at the man who had taught her heart to beat in one instant and shattered it in the next. Pain devastated his handsome face, but her anger would not be assuaged.

  “Prepare for war, Highprince. I will see your home world destroyed before I allow myself to be given as a prize to a dog such as you.”

  She slammed the door and raced down the hall, her tears blinding her stumbling steps. How could you do this to me?

  Needed Surrender

  Marqaz stared out through the thick windshield of his battle cruiser. Disconnected and distant, he watched the sleek fighters zip past, bright jets of deadly fire lighting up the dark universe around them. Sirens blared in the background and cannon blasts rocked his armored vessel. He shielded his eyes as violent explosions in the surrounding black signaled losses on both sides of this latest skirmish. Below him was Karyna’s home planet, its vast deserts visible even from this height.

  He gripped the nearby railing, still trying desperately to figure out how things could have gone so wrong. Weeks had passed since his one night of pure bliss. Even now, far from the peace on board LS Quantum, he could picture her face. His eyelids slipped shut as he pulled up the worn memories of her scent, the feel of her hair, and the heat of her body. He focused on the loving moments, and not the final images of her. Those, he struggled to bury. The venom in her words and the rage flashing in her vibrant green eyes. The vast emptiness in his soul at the slam of the door.


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