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Cosmic Cabaret

Page 66

by SFR Shooting Stars

  How was she supposed to gain an inner understanding of BDSM if he was training her to be something she was not? How long was this taste of service submission going to last? It was a complete waste of time and effort. She would put a stop to it. But first she would get dressed. No more serious discussions while she was wearing pajamas.

  Naturally he’s blocking the closet. She slid from the bed and maneuvered her way along him until she reached his feet. His legs were spread wide enough apart for her to step in the puddle of blanket between them. With one foot lifted, she was poised to move when he turned his head and made a snuffling sound. She froze for a moment. Fearing she might lose her balance, she withdrew her foot.

  The minute or two she waited to assure herself he was still asleep were interminable. This time when she eased forward, he remained motionless. She paused in the gap to release the breath she’d been holding. From this angle he looked like a Greek god in repose. If she sank to her knees, she could crawl up his body and be at his cock before he could stop her. Move his underwear out of the way, and she’d take her first taste of him. Her girlie bits tingled their approval. While she stood hovering above him, the sheet that covered his groin twitched. Fascinated, she watched it jerk again. The tip of a burgeoning erection slipped out.

  Feckin’ man is nude. And he’s more temptin’ than the apple in the garden. Stop starin’ and get on with ya. Putting thought into action, she placed one foot between Trey and the closet, standing astride his left leg when he rolled to his right. She lost her footing and attempted to throw herself to the floor beside him. Instead she landed squarely on top of him, her hands planted to either side of his hips and her face in his crotch. Torn between nuzzling him or lifting her head, she pushed to a kneeling position.

  Trey sat and stared at her, wide-eyed. A wicked smile flashed at her. “Did you lose something?”

  “Ya tripped me.”

  “Seems to me, a leanbh, you should still be in bed. I didn’t give you permission to get up.”

  “Your permission is no longer required. I’m usin’ my safe word. Red, red, red, red, red.” She glared at him. “The feckin’ idea that you're goin’ to show me what it means to be a service submissive is addlebrained. I’m no more a service submissive than ya are a unicorn. And stop flickin’ your cock at me. I noticed it. It's big and brawny just like you. Satisfied?” Shifting to stand, she continued. “I’m gettin’ dressed, so we can carry on this conversation fully clothed. I’ll take my clothes in the bathroom, and ya can get—”

  Unprepared for Trey to grab her and pull her back on top of him, Patsy shrieked and scrabbled to escape from him. In a move that left her trembling, he flipped her onto her back and covered her with his body. His face hovering above hers, he said, “I agree.”

  “Ya agree?”

  “I agree. I’ll explain. Later. Now I’m going to kiss you. Use your safe word and I won’t, but the longer we lay here, the harder it will be for me to stop myself from ravishing you.”

  “By all means, ravish away. I’m happy to submit to that.”

  His voice roughened. “Are you?” Instead of crashing his mouth to hers, he skimmed her lips with his, gentle as a soft breeze.

  “Feckin’ man, don’t tease me.”

  “I’ll kiss you how I please, and when I’m done, you won’t have any complaints.”

  “Prove it.”

  Rather than respond with words, he chuckled and returned to his task with greater fervency, delving inside her mouth. She sucked on his tongue, reveling in the taste of sizzling-hot man. His kiss may have begun in the shallows, but now he was taking her to depths she’d never experienced. She was in over her head, but arousal buoyed her, lifting her to float on waves of pure carnality.

  When he pulled back, she drew in a breath and gazed into the face of the stern, dominant man who personified the title of Master.

  “Nothing to say?”

  He waited a beat. “I didn’t think so.” He rose to his feet and stood over her.

  Is that it? Is he going to kiss me like that and then deny me because I’m not submissive enough for him?

  With her heart drumming and her lungs refusing to work properly, she allowed him to pull her to stand.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  Every nerve in her body chose that moment to tingle with an extra burst of energy.

  “Now, a leanbh. I don’t like to wait.”

  She gave him a cheeky grin. “Yes, sir.” She toyed with her top button for a few seconds, waiting for a reaction. Even though she wanted to be naked before this man, to have every inch of herself available to him, she intended to ignore his warning and take her time. When he narrowed his eyebrows at her, she unbuttoned her pajama shirt, slipped it off. The faux silk dragged over her hypersensitive nipples, stimulating them to hard peaks. The heat of his gaze burned a trail along her flesh.

  “You’re trying my patience.”

  She pushed the pants to her ankles with languorous movements, slid one foot from a bunched-up pajama leg, and flicked the other to send the garment sailing past him. “Am I?”

  With a growl he ripped the covers from the bed. An excited shudder coursed through her. His hands clamped around her waist, he lifted her as though she weighed nothing and set her in the center of the mattress. “Stay there.”

  The decision to comply or not was easy. The man was glorious, both fully aroused and smoldering with irritation. Her curiosity to discover what he would do next won out. She lay still, observing his every action, sitting abruptly when he tore a long strip from the sheet. “What are ya doin’? I’ll have to pay for that.”

  He grunted and glared at her.

  “Fine. You're obviously in a state,” she said, waving a hand in the air. “Rip the thing to shreds if it pleases ya.”

  “I intend to.”

  “Don’t let me stop ya.”

  “I won’t.”

  Patsy flopped back down, muttering to herself. “Can’t handle a taste of his own without gettin’ bothered and shreddin’ the linens.”

  After knotting several strips, Trey crawled up the foot of the bed and sat astride her.

  “Ya didn’t wear your underpants last night.”

  “I got hot.” He gripped her arms and brought her hands above her head. It took less than a minute for him to wrap the torn sheet around her wrists and securely tie them together.

  “You’ll notice I’m complyin’. Lettin’ ya have your way with me.”

  “You’re every dominant’s dream submissive.”

  “I live to please.”

  He tugged on the binding. “Is that too tight?”

  “No. I’m as happy as a dog with four mickies.”

  “I’ll take that to mean it’s fine. I’m from Tallav, not Ireland.”

  “Amhail is dá mba d'fhéadfadh mé dearmad.”

  Fingers gripping her face, he bent and kissed her long and hard, biting her lower lip as he pulled away. “Retribution will be sweet.”

  Her stomach quivered, but the rest of her craved another kiss. He slid up her body until his erection was tapping her chin while he secured each end of the strip of sheet to the bedposts. Patsy lifted her head and licked his cock, ending with a swirling flourish on the tip.

  With a groan Trey sat back and gazed at her. She smirked and smacked her lips. “Yum.”

  “Like the taste? Let’s see how good you are at sucking dick, a leanbh.” He tapped the plump head on her mouth.

  She hadn’t been exaggerating when she described his cock as big and brawny. Sure the length was longer than average, but its girth was greater than she’d ever seen. “Ya have a stout tool there, but I’ll do my best.” Mouth wide she swallowed as much as she could. He shifted, held her by the nape with one hand, and pushed deeper with rhythmic thrusts.

  “Take more, a leanbh.”

  Tears formed at the backs of her eyes. She fought her gag reflex, wanting to prove she could satisfy him. The musky scent of aroused male filled her nose. Her
hips rocked. Her pussy was ready for the action to move lower. The salty taste of his pre-cum slipped along her tongue. Above her Trey groaned, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath he took. He pulled from her mouth.

  His voice gruff, he said, “I like your best.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He grunted. “I believe I owe you some retribution.”

  Patsy jerked at the sheet binding her arms above her head. “Do your worst. Ya won’t get me trussed like a Christmas goose so easy in the future.” She’d meant to sound impudent, but her breathing hadn’t yet recovered, so it came out sounding husky and seductive. His chuckle, low and filled with gravel, sent an ache skittering from her nipples straight to her clit.

  “If I want easy, I’m sure I can find it.”

  Every inch of Trey’s skin was alive with sensation. The merest touch or brush against it stirred the desire pulsing through him. He’d gone longer without a woman than the three weeks since he’d last played at the Whip Hand. It wasn’t the lack of sex that had need coiling tight in his core, ready to spring and take until he found release. Patsy O’Shaughnessy brought something out of him that wanted more, that believed more was possible with this redheaded vixen.

  Wasn’t it like a lady fox to lead him on a merry chase before allowing him to have his way? If that’s how she liked to play the game of dominance and submission, he could oblige her, because ultimately he’d have her right where she was now, bound beneath him.

  He slid down her body so they were face-to-face. “A leanbh—”

  “I’m not a child.” Her eyes glittered.

  “No, you’re not. And I’m not your instructor.”

  A smirk played around the edges of her mouth, the precursor to saying something pert, but the time for banter was at an end. When his lips touched hers, a breathy sigh met him. Then he was claiming her. Heat and fervor encountered an equal measure of passion. Male musk from his groin clung to her, mingling with the sweet, flowery fragrance that was pure Patsy.

  The slip and slide of her tongue along his incited his need to penetrate her in every way possible. If his cock had been closer to her entrance, he would have thrust into her, but their difference in height spared him. Control now would lead to a greater reward. He wasn’t a young man unable to restrain himself. Besides, there was a small matter of retribution to be meted out.

  He ended the kiss and waited until she opened her eyes. “No more words unless they involve begging.”

  “What if I feel the consumin’ urge to shout out ‘yes, Master’ or extol your godlike abilities?”

  A half smile slipped past his guard. “That would be permissible.”

  “Oh, ya smiled. Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “That kind of remark will only add to my vengeance.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “I am. Now hush.”

  Not waiting for a response, Trey eased down, spreading her legs with one knee and trailing kisses and nips along her neck and collarbone. When he reached her breasts, he rose on his elbows and palmed both. “Beautiful.”


  Trey glared at her and growled. “Hush. They’re perfect.” He swept his tongue over her nipple, sucking it into his mouth as it tightened. Patsy’s mewl of satisfaction was all the affirmation he needed to continue his ministrations to one and then the other of her breasts.

  “Trey, please.”

  Exhilaration swept him. She was already begging. He pulled the nipple he’d been lavishing attention on taut and released it, watching it jiggle, and grinned. “Please what?”

  “Ya know what.”

  “I don’t believe I do.”

  He alternated between breasts, making each shake in turn.

  “Stop playin’ with my tits and get on with it.”

  “But I like playing with your tits. Stop squirming. You’re interfering with creating the perfect bounce.”

  “Feckin’ man.”

  “Now, now, now. You wouldn’t want to add to the retribution you’re receiving.”

  “You’re punishin’ me by keepin’ me waitin’?”

  “I said you wouldn’t like it. If you keep talking, it will get worse. I expect to be obeyed.”

  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and all the saints besides!”

  “Won’t help you. Hush and try to remain still. I’ll move on when I’m ready to and not a second before.” He sucked her nipple in and flicked his tongue over the tip inside his mouth.


  Over the next few minutes he concentrated on lavishing attention on Patsy’s breasts, which really were quite exceptional, rosy pink and so responsive. Their hue was a perfect match for the scent that inundated his senses. Roses were one of the few flowers he could identify. It was another measure of how flawless she was that her nipples made him think of scented rose petals, increasing his need to discover the color, taste, and smell of her pussy.

  He moved his other knee between her legs and lifted back on his heels. Spread before him, Patsy was an exquisite sight. Her hair was mussed, lime-green tips pointing in all directions. She stared at him from a haze of arousal that brought a pang to his chest. His fingers tracing patterns over the soft skin of her abdomen, he said, “You’re everything a man could ever want.”

  She dragged the tip of her tongue over her lower lip. Without speaking a word the woman could tax his restraint. But first she had a reckoning to face. After scooting farther down the bed, he bent and kissed every inch of Patsy he touched, avoiding the feast that awaited him at the juncture of her thighs, until she was undulating beneath him.

  “Please, Trey.”

  “Please what?”

  “I need ya to touch me.”

  He slipped his thumb over the crease between her thigh and hip. “I am touching you.”

  “Ya know what I mean.”

  “Tell me.”

  A sound of complete exasperation was quickly followed by a raspy retort. “My pussy. Touch my pussy.”

  “Here?” He dragged his finger in a line, parting her red curls. No lime green down here.


  With a smirk he stroked her again, ending with a swirl over her clit. “Like this?”

  “Yes.” The word hissed through her lips.

  “All right.” Watching Patsy wind tighter, her whole body straining toward climax, was an erotic sight that gratified him to his core. He was giving her what she needed, but on his terms, in his own way. And then he pulled his hand back. Patsy slumped into the mattress.

  “That’s one.”

  “One?” Her voice cracked.

  “I’m going to bring you to the peak five times. I think that should satisfy my need for retribution.”

  “You’re a sadistic feckin’ man.”

  “And you’re an impertinent feckin’ woman.”

  Over her head, she waved her fingers. “Get on with it then.”

  He placed his hands on his hips. Patsy stared at him for a few seconds before understanding dawned. “Get on with it when you’re good and ready, Master.”

  Trey released a deep, gratifying sigh. “I’m not your Master. Yet.” He dropped his legs off the end of the bed and buried his face between her thighs, inhaling the scent of her arousal. Her sex was as rosy pink as he’d hoped. Taking his time, he traced along each side before slipping his tongue inside her vagina. Her flavor was full of feminine tang. He inserted two fingers, curling them against her inner wall, searching for the spot that would spiral her excitement higher. Her hips thrust up, and a whimper escaped her lips. Found it. He applied himself until she was taut as a loaded rope. Then he pulled away and pinched her thigh.


  “That’s two.”

  Patsy writhed and yanked at the sheets that held her wrists above her head.

  “Settle down. You’ll hurt yourself.”

  It was probably better that Trey couldn’t understand what Patsy muttered back at him. He might not be able to handle an additional
round of orgasm denial. His erection was rock-hard and leaking drop after drop of pre-cum.

  With his fingers and mouth Trey brought her to the edge twice more. By the time he’d said that’s four, his libido wasn’t brooking any more delay. He moved up her body, the sensation of her soft breasts sliding beneath him tightening his nipples into stiff buds. After a short pause to plunder her lips with a deep kiss, he slid higher and thrust into her. One thought penetrated the fog of physical lust that was close to overwhelming him. Five. I said five. I can’t come until she does.

  Rallying his self-control, he eased slowly in and out of her, moving his hips in a circular motion to give her the full benefit of each penetration. She responded with cries of satisfaction, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  “Trey, ya really do have godlike abilities.”

  He was beyond words and intended to get her to the crest once again. Space and time shrank to this tiny microcosm where his body moved into her. The smell of sex permeated his senses, and the slap of slick bodies punctuated the sound of lungs panting.

  Her body tensed beneath him. He croaked out one word. “Five.” And she was coming around his cock, sending him over the edge. With his hands planted firmly on the bed, he reared back and came in an explosion that made his head reel while his body pulsed in ecstasy.

  Somehow he threw himself to the side so he wouldn’t smother her. But it was a near thing. She’d done him in. His heart still hammered, and his lungs insisted he suck in huge drafts of air. But at his core he was warm and light. Generosity oozed from his pores. When movement became possible again, he rolled to his hip and explored her skin with his fingers, not to arouse her. It just felt right to skim the softness that was Patsy O’Shaughnessy.

  When her own breathing returned to normal, she turned her face to him. “That was lovely.”

  He ran a finger down her cheek. “More than lovely.”


  They lay still for a moment. “Are ya plannin’ on untyin’ me or havin’ your way with me again?”

  “I’ll need a break before I try that again.”


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