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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

Page 9

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  Never had she heard his voice so cold. What a good actor he'd been.

  Would she ever have a normal life again, or would she be looking over her shoulder, fearing the worst?

  If that were the case, she could never have a relationship. Why, when at any time, she might have to up and leave? How would that be explained to the person? And forget having friends!

  She couldn't put anyone's lives at risk.

  As much as she hated it, she'd have to find a way to leave Jameson's. She could stay there for now, maybe a week or so, but then she'd have to strike out on her own. Jameson, Avery and Lucas were gracious enough to help her, but they had lives of their own.

  She couldn't take the chance.

  Just being around her was dangerous. None of them knew just who she was dealing with. Hell, she didn't know that much herself. Just what she'd seen that night. That in itself terrified her.

  Melody followed Avery through the inn. They stopped at the front desk, where Avery hugged a woman with silvery gray hair and a warm, friendly smile. "Hi Mom. This is Mary, the woman I told you about, looking for a job."

  The woman turned her gaze on her. "Welcome, Mary. I heard about your situation, and your friend. Is she doing all right?"

  "We're actually going to go see her after this," Melody replied, her hands trembling a bit.

  Everyone here is so nice!

  She hated that she had to mislead them about her identity.

  "What kind of experience do you have?" Avery's mom leaned over the desk.

  "Plenty in customer service. I pretty much used to run a restaurant. It wasn't an official title, but I took care of quite a bit around there. I was there for about ten years." Something just dawned on her, and if it were the case, she would be so screwed.


  She couldn't list Joelle or anyone else. That could lead to another life in trouble. No one back home could know her whereabouts.

  Damn, why didn't she think about this before?

  Crap, crap, crap!

  She tensed, her muscles clenched until they ached.

  "We'll need you to fill out some paperwork, but if you can start in the next day or two, we could really use the help. We always seem to be short staffed and we're in the process of making some remodels so we can sell." Avery's mom pulled out a small stack of papers and handed them to her. "The pay isn't the best, but I hope it'll do." She uttered an hourly rate that sounded more than fair.

  "You know I can come back and manage the desk, Mom. All I'd be doing is sitting," Avery offered.

  "I don't think so, young lady. I abide by the doctors suggestions. No work for you."

  Melody held back a laugh at the loving but firm exchange between Avery and her mom. The woman was as sweet as could be from her impression, but when it came down to being a mother, she held her fort well.

  "I'll get this filled out and back to you right now," Melody promised.

  "Thank you. We're looking forward to having you on board with us."

  Melody and Avery moved away from the desk just as a tall, young man walked up, looking for a room.

  "Here, we can go sit in the dining area to fill that out, if you want." Avery led her through a set of doors. They found a table in the front.

  "Oh, I forgot a pen," Melody muttered, looking over the papers.

  Avery reached into her purse and pulled one out. "I always have plenty on hand. I never know when I want to write a line down for a song or something." She handed it to her with a laugh.

  She smiled, took the pen and started to fill in the blanks. She had to remember to write Mary, and not her real name. She caught herself doing that a few times.

  Deceit, she hated it!

  She would have had to do the same thing in Georgia.


  It was bad.

  The damage to the truck would be costly, big time.

  Jameson's heart sank when he caught his first glimpse at the front of the truck. His mom really had to have hit that tree hard.

  "Damn it."

  Lucas followed. "Jameson, if you need help with this..."

  Jameson faced him. "I don't know how the hell I'm going to pay for this." No shop around here would take any kind of payment plan, and he didn't know anyone that could even begin to fix this, especially without compensation.

  "We'll get an estimate, and we'll loan you the money."

  "I can't take your money, Luke. This isn't going to be cheap. You're already trusting me with your car. I can't keep taking from you two." Not that he didn't appreciate Lucas's offer, but damn it, somehow he had to hold his own! He turned away from Lucas, staring back at the ugly truth that made up the front of his truck.


  He lifted a hand. "I'm serious, Lucas. I feel terrible already."

  Lucas sighed. "You are one stubborn guy. Seriously, I know where you're coming from here. I don't talk about this much, and Avery knows this, but my parents were big drinkers, among other things. I can't stand to see you in this position, and I want to help. I guess I understand your hesitation, because if someone had offered this to me, I'd have declined, too."

  He never knew that about Lucas's parents. He didn't talk that much about his past, even though he opened up more now than when they first met him. He knew that Lucas's parents were deceased, but that made up most of what he knew.

  "And it's not like I don't have it. Trust me, I saved quite a bit from when I was staying with Belinda. " Lucas's voice went cold.

  Jameson bent and surveyed one of the headlights. Completely smashed.

  He'd had this truck for years! Something he and his dad had worked on together. Now Dad, he knew plenty about cars and had learned to be a good mechanic, good at fixing things. He would have known exactly how to fix this.

  He rubbed his forehead, willing the pulsing ache to subside.

  "Jameson, you're the first real friend I've ever had. Yeah, that sounds weird as hell, but I mean it. Besides Avery and her parents, you're like my family. And family helps each other out."

  Lucas had the right intentions. What a thoughtful gesture.

  "You know that Avery is going to want the same thing. To help you."

  Lucas wouldn't give up any time soon. Damn stubborn man. Jameson stifled a laugh. And yeah, if the roles were reversed, he knew damn well he'd be using that same stubbornness. He shook his head with a laugh.

  "What's so funny?" Lucas raised his brow, puzzled.

  "I don't even know. I think I'm running low on adrenaline and energy, and as nice as your offer sounds, I just don't know how I can accept it."

  "Easy." Lucas stuffed his hands in his pockets. "You look at me and say, 'Lucas, I will take you up on your offer. Thank you.' And that will be that."

  Easy? Yeah, Jameson didn't think so.

  "If it's a battle of stubborn pride, I have you beat." Lucas grinned.

  He just might. But Jameson would hold out as long as he could. He had to find a way to handle his own problems. Including the truck.

  Hell, he needed money to get it off of this lot and towed somewhere, either to the house or to a shop. That wasn't going to be cheap either.

  It all added up.

  "Hey, actually, I think Laura's husband Ray knows a good repair shop. I think when Avery's parents had that issue about a month ago with their car after someone backed into it, they had it fixed nicely and for a low price, too."

  Jameson sighed. "If I let you do this, I have to find a way to repay you. I don't like being in debt to any of my friends."

  He sounded like an idiot, but he didn't need anyone's charity.

  "We'll figure it out, Jameson. I'm not that worried about it."

  Nice of Lucas not to be, but Jameson wouldn't sweep this off as nothing.

  "We can switch vehicles with Avery, let her have the car, I'll get the truck, we tow it, and then figure out where to go from there. At least if we tow it ourselves, that saves money and hassle."

  Jameson nodded, too weary and worn out
to argue anymore.

  Really, he knew he should be lucky to have Lucas and Avery backing him up like this. He couldn't count on Blaine's help, even though she should be here. Jameson noticed, the more he was dragged down in his mother's downward spiral, the more he seemed to not want to rely on anyone. No matter how much they were there and always offered help.

  Maybe that needed to stop now. He had to open his eyes to the reality of things. Get his mother some help so that he would still have her around. This had been the wake up call. He needed to act now.

  On the way to the inn, Jameson avoided saying a word. He had to much on his mind. Lucas apparently had other ideas.

  "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was going on when we walked into your place?"

  Jameson cringed. Whatever possessed him to do that still boggled his mind. "We were having a conversation, writing some lyrics, and it just happened."

  Lucas chuckled. "I know all about that. I'd advise you to be careful, not to let your heart get in the way, but I won't. So if I say be careful and leave it at that, would you take my advice?"

  "I kissed her against my better judgment. I don't know what came over me. I know she has a world of trouble on her heels. Somehow I attach myself to the damsels in distress, and then have this urge to help them." Mary definitely fit the bill. Vulnerable, lost, but she also had a compassion about her that seemed to help her stay strong.

  "Some can't be saved. Some don't need saving. I get it. I had that same feeling when I caught her trying to take the truck. I won't deny how pissed off that got me. If I hadn't done the things in my own past so similar, I may not have taken a second look. Either way, we all should be on our guard."

  Lucas had a point.

  Damsel or no damsel, kissable lips or not, he had to be aware of every detail. He should have thought about it before inviting her to stay with him.

  Chapter Eight


  A couple weeks into her new job, Melody actually learned to relax. She felt almost normal. The Callimers were very kind. Most nights after work she and Jameson worked on her song, which proved to be an intriguing and exciting experience. The song was nearing completion. They had a few more tweaks to make on it, and every time Jameson played it and sang, Melody got the chills. Those were her words! She could almost get used to that, writing songs with Jameson.

  Meeting new guests at the inn had been a great experience, though at times she always worried that he would find her, walk in and act like everything was okay, until he got to her later. That fear would never go away unless he was dead.

  So don't allow yourself to feel settled here. You can't stay.

  Oh, but she wanted to. Melody enjoyed Harmony's Echo, but the last thing she needed to do was put Jameson, Lucas, Avery or her family in danger. That's exactly what would happen eventually, because she knew her past would catch up to her. It was only a matter of time. Why did she let her brother talk her into running? She had an exact idea what he'd planned to do when he set her up with her new identity. She should have just gone to the police, told them what she saw, and they would have found a way. Why did she have to run and put everything in the hands of her brother, when it had been her fault? She'd been the one to get involved with a man who kept a shady past hidden. She'd been oblivious to what had been going on.

  One could only be protected for so long before she had to stand up for herself.


  A scrawny, tall man looking to be about thirtyish had come up to the desk.

  Oops. She'd been so lost in thought, she never saw him coming. "Hi. Can I help you?"

  "I'm looking to book a room. My girlfriend is staying in town after she had her baby." He sent her a smile. His dark hair tumbled over his forehead. His pale face dotted with freckles.

  "Is your girlfriend's name Shelly, by chance?" Melody asked. She should have just left it alone. All she needed to do was take down his information and give him a room.

  His dark brown eyes widened. "You know her?"

  Melody nodded. "I was the woman on the bus with her."

  "That was you? I can't thank you enough. I have been so worried! When she got on the bus to leave, we'd had a horrible fight. I felt bad and didn't know where she was. She called me a week ago to let me know about the baby. I came down here as soon as I could. Is she okay? Is the baby okay? I just got here."

  Melody's heart went out to him. How nice that Shelly would be reunited with her baby's daddy. The poor woman seem even more lost and scared on that bus than she had been. "I saw her yesterday, and she's doing great! The baby is small, but it looks like as long as he gets the nutrients he needs, he'll be just fine."

  His shoulders relaxed. "That's good to hear. I've been driving nonstop. I can't wait to see them."

  Melody took his information, gave him a key and informed him which room he'd be staying in. He asked for directions to the hospital, so she gave them to him.

  Now Shelly wouldn't have to be so alone. There went one less lonely person in the world.

  Melody gazed around the empty entrance of the inn and sighed.

  She could only play in this pretend world for so long, staying in a kind but troubled man's house. Eventually, she would have to leave.

  She didn't want to.

  "Do you need a ride back to Jameson's tonight?"

  Melody jumped when Lucas's voice pulled her from her thoughts. She snapped back to reality and forced a smile. "I do, if you don't mind." He'd been so nice, and surprisingly hadn't pressured her into talking more. She knew he wanted to ask.

  Twenty minutes later, Lucas pulled into the driveway at Jameson's. Melody pushed open the car door and thanked him again for the ride.

  "No problem. Have a good night!" he called as she closed the door. She heard him back out of the drive as she made her way to the door. Jameson wasn't home yet. He'd been working late shifts for the past couple of days. The nights that he didn't work late, he had the band over, working on the music for the demo cut. Each time, they invited her to stay and listen, which she loved. Between their practice and the song writing with Jameson, Melody had quite a bit of music to enjoy. She couldn't wait until Jameson arrived so she could find out how the recording session went.

  Melody gasped as she stepped inside. She dropped her purse and keys, running to Mrs. Grant's side. The woman was laying on the floor, perfectly still. What happened?

  Then the overwhelming scent of alcohol hit her. Oh, she'd been drinking ... heavily! Jameson's mom had been doing so well, too! She'd actually been out of her room and even talking to her. She noticed the dark, angry goose egg on her head, and panic seized her. Melody called an ambulance right away, then once she got off the phone with them, dialed Jameson's number. When his voice came through the line, she rushed her words. "Jameson, I just got to the house. Your mom is passed out drunk on the floor with a pretty nasty bump on her head. I called an ambulance, and they are on their way." Her voice trailed off.

  "I'm on my way." Jameson's voice filled with concern, then he ended the call.

  Melody sat by Mrs. Grant and waited, hoping that Jameson would arrive soon. She had no idea what she'd tell the paramedics if they arrived before Jameson. She didn't know enough about his mom to give them any details. Her legs wouldn't stop shaking.

  Jameson beat the ambulance only by a few seconds. Relief washed over her when he bolted inside.

  "Mom? Mom! Oh, what did you do?" he asked softly, Melody moved away so Jameson could be closer to her. The wail of sirens grew closer. Jameson talked to the paramedics as they swept through the door and surrounded his mom.

  As Jameson took a step back to let them help her, he met Melody's gaze. His eyes were so full of fear. Without thinking, Melody reached for him. She took his hand in hers at first, suddenly aware of her boldness when it came to him and how it made her feel. He pulled her to him. She tensed, but then relaxed in his arms.

  "If I'd come back sooner..." Melody started, pulling back and staring into his eyes.
  Jameson put a finger to her lips. "No, don't do that. Who knows how long she's been there like that? Honestly, I should have realized. Today was their anniversary. She'd been doing so well, I- I thought nothing of it. I'd been spending the day at the studio. I should have been here." At the sound of his voice cracking, Melody's heart ached. She tightened her arms around him.

  "You can't blame yourself either, Jameson. I think this is beyond what one man can do," she said softly.

  He nodded. "I know. You're right, and it isn't anything that I haven't told myself."

  Jameson released Melody when he spoke to the paramedics. She overheard something about alcohol poisoning.

  Jameson didn't seem to be in any condition to drive. He trembled while the ambulance drove off with his mom. He handed her the keys and thanked her countless times. Melody drove them to the hospital, the silence between then growing. What was there to say?

  At the hospital, Jameson paced. He kept pulling his phone from his pocket like he was either checking the time, or debated calling someone. Then he dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. Melody heard the defeat in his voice when he spoke next.

  "Blaine, it's me. You need to call me, or get here. Mom's in the hospital. I can't do this on my own anymore, Blaine. I could really use your help and support. Just- call me, come home." Then he snapped the phone shut and sank into the chair beside her, palming his head in his hands.

  She wanted to badly to reach for him again. Every time she touched him, she felt the sparks, the awareness that began a slow fire in her gut.

  Jameson raised his head, turning his gaze on her with an intensity that made her shiver. "Thank you for being here with me."

  "Of course," she said in a low voice. The only problem she found was the way her thoughts went haywire when it came to Jameson Grant.


  Lucas opened the door and came to a stop at the sight before him. Avery had fallen asleep in the recliner, her guitar leaned against it, with a notebook tucked up beside her. She had one hand resting protectively over her belly, and Lucas could only stop and stare, marveling at how lucky he was to have this life. To have Avery in it. It had been around five months since he asked her to marry him, and to this day, he wondered how a guy like him got so lucky. He would never take this chance for granted, that's for sure. Avery was his better half, and he never, ever let her forget it.


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