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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

Page 17

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "It certainly has been rough. I think it's starting to wind down now. It isn't every day one of the locals finds her famous birth mom. At least it worked out. Did you know Belinda called today? She wants to come down for Thanksgiving. And she told us what she was hoping for on New Year's Eve. Do you think Avery will be up for it? We're thinking about taking our first vacation in years. We wouldn't miss Avery singing with Belinda for the world."

  "I hope it isn't too much for her. It's so soon, but it's an amazing opportunity. And we can't just take a newborn with us. I don't know. It's like Belinda is trying to do something great, but of course it's at someone else's expense." Lucas realized how harsh his words sounded and stopped himself before he got too far. "I'm sorry. I don't want to rain on Avery's parade. I try to brush aside my frustration, but Belinda doesn't make it easy."

  "I think you have every right to feel the way you do, and no need to apologize to me."

  That was nice of him to let him vent like that. It felt good to be honest.

  Lucas's phone rang. "Speaking of Avery." Lucas answered the call. "Hi sweetheart."

  Her voice, and her next words chilled him.

  "Luke? Can you come home? I got a really disturbing letter just now." Her voice shook, and Lucas could hear the tears and the fear in her tone.

  "I'm on my way, baby." What the hell could be wrong?

  "Is she okay? It is the baby?" Mr. Callimer shot to his feet.

  Lucas shook his head. "No, not the baby. I'm not quite sure. Something about a letter. She sounds terrified. Do you mind if I-?"

  "Go, go on. You don't have to even ask, especially when it comes to Avery. Just keep me updated, please?"

  Lucas nodded, needing to be with Avery, like now. "If you happen to see Mary, let her know I'll be back for her. I'm her ride," he called out as he briskly ran to the truck.

  Lucas made it home in record time and pulled open the door, hurtling himself inside. Avery sat on the couch holding something in her hand. He could tell she was shaken. "What is it, sweetheart? What's got you so rattled?" He rushed to her side and gathered her in his arms before even looking at what she held. That could wait. Right now he just needed to know she was alright, and to hold her to him. He ran his hand through her thick hair in an attempt to calm her down. "Let me see," Lucas finally said when he pulled away. Still keeping one arm around her shoulders, he pried the paper from her trembling fingers. What he saw made him want to vomit. Now this was going to far. Way too fucking far.

  Somebody had taken a photo of the two of them from their engagement announcement and tore it in two. The halves were glued onto a piece of paper and there was a giant red X over both faces.

  The note had two lines.

  What if one of you were to die? Just like Sam.

  "This has gone far enough!" Lucas roared. He fought like hell to not tear the paper apart, but he needed to keep it just as it was for evidence. He was going to have to report this one to the police. What a shame he'd let Avery toss out the other one, but how were either of them to know this would continue?

  "Now this is scaring me, Luke." Avery's voice quivered.

  "I know, baby. Me too. This is ridiculous. I'm going to call the police and file a report, okay? And then I'm going to put in a rush order to get a security alarm on the house. I don't think we can be too cautious, especially after we had signs the last time."

  Lucas was not about to let some sicko mess with Avery. No way in hell.

  Who the hell was sending this stuff? Why? What do they have to target him for? Yeah, this wasn't just to rile. Someone wanted to really mess with him.

  He didn't get it, and that scared him.

  Lucas held Avery as he made the phone call. The person he spoke to said they'd have an officer over there within the hour. Most cases like this would have taken all day back in California, but this was Harmony's Echo. Good, because he wasn't sure he could wait around all day. Now his nerves were really on edge.

  "Come here, Avery," Lucas prodded gently, reaching for her once he hung up the phone. He made sure to put the note and photo out of sight. He didn't want it in either of their lines of vision right now. All he wanted was to make sure that Avery stayed calm. Hell, he had to find a way to get himself calm. "We're going to figure it out. No one, I mean no one, is going to mess with you or this family." He said that so firmly, but in the back of his mind, Lucas feared something bad. Not that he wasn't careful already, but he would for sure be even more on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary until the person sending these threats was found.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mr. Callimer met Melody just as she clocked out.

  "Hi Mary. I know Lucas drops you off at Jameson's, but something came up and he left early. I can take you over if you'd like." He seemed distracted, but he smiled warmly. Avery? The baby? Was something wrong with either of them?

  "I hate to trouble you," Melody started, but the elder man just smiled and shook his head.

  "It's no trouble."

  "Is everything all right with Avery and the baby?" It was still too soon for her to go into labor, wasn't it? But then again, look what happened to Shelly and she had been a month and a half away from her due date. She hoped that wasn't the case with Avery.

  "Oh yes, they're fine. She's not in labor or anything like that. I don't know fully what's going on yet. Are you ready to get on home?"

  Home. That sounded like a far away dream, but Jameson's house felt like home to her. Almost. At least, when she was with Jameson and they had moments where the world and it's problems slipped away, she could easily get away with thinking about it as home.

  "I am. I appreciate this."

  "No worries. We're all close knit around here. You're doing a marvelous job. Oh! Before we go, I do have your paycheck to give you." Mr. Callimer told her to wait. He came back moments later and handed her a long envelope.

  Good. Another paycheck down. She could buy some clothes and things, give Jameson some money and save the rest.

  It sucked that she had to keep asking for rides. Maybe she should start walking. The inn wasn't that far from Jameson's and on days like this, she wouldn't have to have someone drive her out of their way. Whether it be one of the Callimers, Lucas, or Jameson for that matter. She needed to gain her independence and figure these things out. She'd come to rely on and like these people too much.

  Melody waved goodbye to Mr. Callimer as he dropped her off. The door opened just as she put her hand on the knob. Blaine walked out, followed by Randy. The two had been spending some time together.

  "Hey, Mary. We're heading off for a late dinner. You can join us if you want." By the sound of it, Blaine only offered to be nice. She probably wanted to spend more time with Randy. That suited her just fine. She couldn't wait until Jameson came home. What did he have in store?

  "No thanks. You two have fun." Melody gripped the handle, eager to get inside.

  "Okay. If you're sure."

  "I'm sure. I appreciate the offer. I'm just ready to chill for a bit." And hope that you haven't figured out what your brother and I have been doing.

  Not that it mattered. She and Jameson were both adults, of course, but the thought of someone else knowing right now bothered her more than it should. Maybe it was due to the fact that she wasn't planning on sticking around. She wouldn't be here to hear it, but the talk wouldn't be nice. She could picture it now.

  "Oh yeah, that girl that breezed through town, had a few good times between the sheets with Jameson, then took off. She broke his heart."

  Only Melody knew it was more than that.

  Blaine shrugged her shoulders as if to say "Your loss". The door squeaked shut behind her. The sound of a car driving off followed soon after.

  Time for a hot shower and a little relaxation before Jameson got home. She noticed the flowers immediately when she flicked on the light to her room. They sat right there on the desk. Melody put a hand to her heart and smiled at the gesture. There was a card right next to the flow
ers. She picked it up, thumbed the envelope open and pulled the card out.

  Opening the card and reading Jameson's words gave her a heartwarming feeling.

  She read and re-read the words. Just a simple sweet note that made her heart swell with a mixture of happiness and sadness. Happy because someone so kind had reached out with this thoughtful gesture. Sad because no matter how much she wanted it, they were both going to end up hurt in the end run.

  Living for the now just wasn't working. If it were just physical feelings, it wouldn't be as bad.

  Thinking of you. Can't wait to see you tonight. Thank you for all your help and support.


  Melody set the card down gently and wiped a tear away. Could he get any sweeter?

  She dropped her purse on the bed, gathered some decent clothes to change into after the shower and headed for the bathroom.


  Jameson ushered inside the house with the bag of goodies he'd brought, eager to see Melody and find out what she thought of the roses. He couldn't get her out of his mind all day. This morning had been a surprise. The last thing he'd expected was for them to make love. If anything, he thought she would have freaked out on him after they'd fallen asleep together.

  The never-ending battle of not getting attached wasn't going in his favor.

  Why did the first woman he had feelings for in a long time have to be someone that had no idea of her future? Damn that fate for messing with his heart once again. But he couldn't seem to stop himself. Not when it came to Melody.

  "I'm home!" he called out. He had to catch himself before he said Melody. It was difficult to keep it straight, and honestly, he should just always call her Mary before he slipped up. He loved the sound of Melody so much better though.

  The last thing he wanted to do was blow her cover.

  He listened, hoping for a sign she hadn't gone to sleep. That's when he heard the sound of a guitar. Was she in the garage playing?

  Jameson set the bag on the table and followed the sound. Not only was she playing the guitar, but she was singing, too. She sat on the stool in the middle of the garage, wearing a white half sleeved shirt that showed enough skin to drive him crazy. She had her legs crossed and her hands gracefully strummed the strings.

  She was beautiful. She seemed at ease, her eyelids half shut as she played her heart out with the song. Jameson made sure to stay out of sight. She hadn't caught on that he was there yet, and if he made her aware of his presence, she might stop. He wanted to hear more. Good God, her hands on his guitar. He wanted those hands back on him.

  When she finished playing, Jameson had to catch his breath before popping in, clapping and grinning. She practically jumped from the stool and put that guitar down quick. "That was beautiful. I didn't realize you played!"

  "Oh! Jameson, you startled me. I'm sorry, I had no idea you were home already. I couldn't help but pick up the guitar. I just, I felt compelled." She was blabbering and apologizing for nothing. Jameson crossed the room, closing the distance between them and gathered her in his arms.

  "Melody, why would you apologize? You keep doing that, and I can't understand why." Jameson kissed her forehead, then threaded his fingers through her hair. She looked up at him with wide eyes. "I'm not mad at you, angel. I loved what you were playing." He dipped his head and took her lips again, nibbling on the bottom one. When he pulled away, he smiled. "Not to mention how hot it was to watch your hands move on my guitar. It made me think of a not to distant morning when your hands were doing something else."

  That got her to laugh as she leaned against him. "You crack me up, you know. Thank you for the beautiful flowers and the card."

  "You're welcome. I just wanted to let you know how much I was thinking about you. I can't stop. You're in my head. I've got Melody in my head. Hey, that's a good song title. The Melody in my head." She blushed and ducked away, but Jameson pulled her closer to him. "I love it when you blush. It's sexy."

  "You are determined to get me all flustered, aren't you?" she questioned with a smile.

  Jameson shrugged, playing coy. "It's working quite well, I'd say. My master plan to woo and seduce you is playing out just fine."

  She raised a brow at him. "Oh, is that what it's all about?" Melody extracted herself from his arms and wagged a finger at him. "I should have known. You want me for my skills. I think I'll be taking them and going now..." She slowly backed away, watching him with a mischievous grin as her eyes lit up.

  Jameson caught her at the door, pinning her to the wall. "You didn't get very far, did you?" He lowered his head, ready to devour her again. He teased her neck with kisses until she moaned. "Looks like I won this round."

  "You're evil."

  Jameson laughed. "No I'm not. Come on, I have something for you." He took her hand, leading her out of the garage. "Have you ever had a moonlit picnic?"

  "Can't say that I have."

  "Well, there's a first time for everything, right? It's a little chilly outside, but if you're up for it, I'm game." Jameson pointed to the bag he'd brought. "The roof top, the stars, and this food awaits us."

  Melody nodded. "You make it so easy. You, the stars, and the roof. I don't know how I could say no."

  "That's what I was counting on."

  She put a hand on her hip and tried her hardest not to smile. "So you think you know what I'm going to say now, huh?"

  "Not always. But see, I've worked my magic before with you and won, so … I had this hope."

  "Oh, now it's hope. Before it was counting on. You keep changing your story, Jameson." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. Soft laughter escaped her lips.

  "Wanna grab those blankets and the light? I've got the food and something to drink."

  Melody picked up the items and followed him out the door. This would probably be the last decent night for awhile, before the air turned cold and more winter-like. Might as well take advantage of it while they could.

  Up on the roof, Jameson set a blanket down, smoothing the edges. He reached for the lights he'd brought up and put one on each corner. It was close enough to candlelight. It would have to do. He gestured for Melody to sit and get comfortable. When she shivered, he took off his sweatshirt and handed it to her with a smile.

  "You won't get cold?" She hesitated.

  "I don't mind the cold." After a few seconds, she finally took it and slipped it on over her head. He had to tear his gaze away. She looked good wearing his sweatshirt. "So, how hungry are you? It isn't much. Just a few sandwiches, fruit and chips. It's nothing fancy."

  "Jameson, it's great," Melody reassured him. "Really. You are being so wonderful."

  For awhile, he had a flicker of hope that things would work out. Things finally started going up instead of down. The fact that she'd been here with him for some of the most recent things helped him to bond with her. That bond grew more each day. If only he knew what to do to bring peace in her life as well. She was tormented by this man from her past, running, not sure about her own family. That didn't seem right. Melody deserved to be herself.

  He had to find a way to convince her to let him help her. Who knows where things would go for the two of them, but at least he'd be able to say he tried. He knew very well she planned to walk away as soon as she could, and that left him feeling a little empty inside. Melody filled the void in his heart that he closed off after everything that had happened last year with his dad and the downward spiral he'd seen coming between him and Avery.

  He could forgive and forget. He could open his heart to a new possibility. It had been a slow process, but Jameson could say with assurance that he was getting there. Melody knew most of what happened. She didn't seem to be affected by it. What were their chances at starting something?

  He was getting way ahead of himself, but the thought of holding her at night, taking midnight picnics on the roof, playing guitar together … they all sounded so great. For once, he didn't feel the loneliness.

  Melody had found a way to g
et under his skin. Now if he could find a way to get her to really open up.

  Jameson opened the bag and pulled out the contents, sitting across from her. "Okay, here we go. You get to pick first. I wasn't sure what you like, so there's a little bit of everything. There's always leftovers." He started to hand her the items for choosing.

  "You got quite a bit!"

  "And, I remembered the drinks this time." Jameson held up the 2 liter of soda and displayed it proudly. She chuckled.

  "You thought of everything!"

  Not everything.

  "I haven't found a way to convince you to stay."

  And there it was. The silence. Now why did he go and ruin the mood by saying that out loud? He hadn't planned on speaking the words. They just had a way of tumbling from his mouth before he thought about it.


  "I'm sorry. I spoke before I could think."

  "You don't know how much I wish I could stay." She reached for his hand and twined her fingers with his. "I never meant to get so comfortable here. With each passing day, I love it more and more."

  "You could start over here, Melody. What's the difference between Harmony's Echo and where you were going? I care about you. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop wanting you. All you have to do is tell me how I can help, and I'd be on it in a heartbeat. I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of that dreary tunnel, and I see you there. I know it's crazy, but that's what I feel."

  Melody squeezed his hand, her eyes meeting his. Her lips parted and she moved them, like she was attempting to find the words she wanted to say.

  "You don't know how perfect that sounds. I dread the day I have to go. I don't want to leave, but I have to." She set her jaw firmly, her tone matching the expression on her face.

  "Or maybe you don't. Can you really run the rest of your life? Just tell me what I can do, and we'll make it to where you never have to run. Stay here, write songs with me, see where things go."


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