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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

Page 23

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "Oh Avery," Mom said, casting her a glance. "You're an amazing woman. You have so much to give, and I know that you'll do it all well. I know that Lucas is fully supportive of your music. Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about."

  "I agree with your mom," Laura said softly. "I know it's scary. Trust me, I was afraid, and I don't have a big career I want to pursue. You're going to fly. You have a talent that shines, you have the best band to back you up, and you have family and friends that love you."

  That did it. Avery burst into tears. They were happy ones, but they flowed down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm so damn emotional right now."

  "You're allowed," Mom said, patting her shoulder. "It's going to be a great rest of the year. The arrival of my grand baby, and seeing you on stage with Belinda."

  "I don't know how I'm going to do that, either! I can't take a newborn with, and..."

  "I'll keep her, Avery. You go to Dallas, get on that stage and sing your heart out. I want to be there, but I can't leave with Micah, so how about I keep the baby for a night or two? You know you can call as much as you want," Laura offered.

  "Are you sure?" The offer sounded amazing.

  Maybe all her fears were just heightened from having pregnancy hormones. She knew very well her friends and family would be behind her one hundred percent. It was nice to get that affirmation.

  "Of course I'm sure!" Laura tossed waves of dark hair over her shoulder and sent a reassuring smile at her.

  "I love you. All of you. I don't know where I'd be without any of you." Avery tugged on a tissue, wiping her eyes.

  "So who's ready for some baby shower games?" Laura's eyes lit up.

  Avery groaned. "Aha. Here comes the same torture I played on you, right?" She'd planned Laura's shower. She knew exactly what was coming. When Laura promised revenge, she certainly delivered. All the embarrassing things she'd done to Laura and thought were cute and fun now were heading her way.

  "Absolutely. You're in trouble now!" Everyone laughed.

  An hour into the fun and games, laughter, and food, Avery got a phone call from Jameson. Why would he be calling her right now?

  "You're not coming to crash this party, Jameson," Avery teased when she answered.

  After few seconds of hesitation, Jameson took a deep breath. "Avery, someone threw a rock through your window. Luke's gotta get stitches."

  Chapter Twenty

  "Everyone says it could have been so much worse, but don't they realize that's not making anyone feel better?" Jameson pounded the wheel as he drove them home. After a long few hours of talking to the police, they'd finally left.

  Melody reached for one of his clenched hands and gently pried it open to hold it. He glanced over at her while stopped at a light. She fought for the right words to say, but came up with nothing. This wasn't something meant to understand. Someone threw a rock through Lucas and Avery's living room window with another screwed up message, and the person managed to get away. The glass had shattered all around them. Lucas took the brunt of the damage and ended up needing stitches in his hand and arm. Jameson suffered no injuries. According to him, Lucas shielded him from the flying glass.

  The police were brushing it off. This is exactly why Melody feared trying to go to them about Anthony. And he had influence. It seemed no one could be trusted these days.

  "Sometimes it takes the worst possible scenario for a wake up call." The words slipped from her mouth before she could stop them. Stupid thing to say! Of course, it was the truth. She knew that, Jameson knew that, but it didn't help.

  "I know. That's what bothers me. We've had so many worst case scenarios lately. It's like we can't catch a break around here anymore." Jameson sighed. A few tense moments later, he pulled the truck in the driveway and killed the engine. "I'm so ready to go inside and hold you close to me," he whispered, running a hand down her thigh.

  She couldn't wait either. A content sigh rippled from her throat.

  The last few weeks had been great. Jameson ended up getting her a phone on his plan so they had a way to get a hold of each other better. She paid the bill, but he'd put it under his name so she didn't have to lie about her identity. He knew how much that bothered her and when he made the offer, she couldn't turn it down. They'd been doing a lot of texting when they weren't together. At night, they fell asleep in each other's arms. Jameson had finally convinced her to move into his room with him and let Blaine have the spare room. Melody almost felt normal.

  Speaking of Blaine, she hadn't come home yet.

  As if on cue, her car pulled up behind them. Melody had been about to open the door to climb out when she noticed a shadowed figure running across the yard, illuminated by Blaine's headlights. She gasped and grabbed Jameson's hand. "Did you see that?" she squeaked out.

  "I sure as hell did," Jameson muttered. "Stay right here. Don't go inside until I come back."

  Before she could protest, he pushed open the door and ran off, yelling. Blaine rushed out of her car and jumped into the driver's side of the truck. "What was that all about?"

  "I don't know. We saw a shadow. Someone was lurking around here. Your crazy brother went after them. I don't see Jameson. What does he think he's doing? Should we call anyone?" Right, because that would do anything. They'd already had enough conversations with the police. If they were to call right now, they'd probably get laughed at for being overly paranoid.

  A few minutes later, Jameson came into view again. He huffed as he ran to the passenger side of the door. Melody pushed it open and he swept her into his arms. "I didn't catch the person. I have no idea who it was, either. Are you okay?"

  "I'm a lot better now that I know you're here. You scared me when you ran off like that, Jameson." She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into his hug. She never wanted to let go.

  "I'm sorry, baby. I had no idea who that was. I didn't think. I just acted. Blaine? You okay? Did you happen to see anything?"

  Blaine had already climbed out of the truck and stood in front of it, searching around the yard. "No. I saw the shadow and that was about it. Startled me."

  "Okay, we should check the outside of the house first before we go in, and we need to all stay together," Jameson instructed, letting go of Melody. "Got it?"

  She nodded. Blaine uttered a response.

  Staying close together, the three of them walked around the house. Two times, to be exact. Whatever the person had been doing, it looked like they never made it inside. Nothing had been broken or stolen. Where had they been hiding when Jameson pulled in? If Blaine hadn't come home when she did, what would have happened?

  Panic threatened to seize her. Had she been found? Anthony could be lurking around here!

  She hadn't received any messages from him lately, but that could have been a ruse. Melody had no idea how badly she'd been trembling until Jameson's arms slipped around her and he gently turned her to face him.

  "Hey, it's okay," he whispered into her hair. "Come on, let's go inside and have a cup of hot tea or something. No one is going to hurt you." Melody nodded in response. She knew Blaine must have wondered why she freaked out so much, but then again, maybe not. She willed herself to sneak a peek at Blaine. Her own frown and pale complexion matched Melody's feelings.

  Once inside, Jameson let her to go double check the doors. He assured everyone that they were locked.

  "I don't like this," Blaine muttered. "I've got a total creepy feeling right now. I'm not sure how much sleep I'll be getting tonight."

  "Maybe it was someone just going for a run." Jameson didn't even sound that convincing.

  "I don't know. After today's events..." Blaine dropped her purse on the table. "I think I'm going to shower. Be careful, okay?"

  Once Blaine closed the bathroom door and the running water began, Melody leaned on Jameson. "What if it's-?" her voice cracked.

  Jameson surrounded her with his arms and kissed her temple. "I don't know, Melody. But whoever it is won't get to you without me putting up a fight.

  She loved his fierceness and the way he wanted to protect her. But she would never in a million years let anything happen to Jameson if the lurker was Anthony. This had been her biggest fear since becoming so involved with him.

  "This isn't the first time someone's been lurking around us, either," she mumbled.

  Jameson's eyes darkened. "What are you talking about?"

  "The day I went out with Avery and Blaine, someone was tailing us. Avery pointed him out as we were about to go into Swap's. I think she feared the person sending the notes, and of course, I feared something to do with Anthony." Her voice shook. Jameson tightened his arms around her.

  "Why didn't you say something before?" He quieted his tone.

  "It slipped my mind. I got caught up in the fun we had that day, and honestly, the idea that someone had been following us just faded in the back of my mind." Melody met his stare. She pressed a hand to his cheek. "Every once in awhile, I forget how I landed in this town. I can't keep doing that. I have to-"

  Jameson dipped his head and kissed her. His lips were soft and gentle. The rest of her words caught in her throat as she kissed him back. Why did he have to go and steal her breath away like that? Not that she was complaining.

  "I know you still have so much to figure out, but know I'm here with you. I'll do whatever I can, okay? If you see or hear anything strange, don't hesitate to tell me." He landed another soft kiss on her lips.

  Melody nodded. Being in his arms seemed to take the edge off the day's events.

  "I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep, but maybe we should try. What do you think?"

  "Probably a good idea." She wasn't tired at all, but the idea of turning out the lights and taking comfort in Jameson's arms sounded like heaven. They both prepared for bed in silence. Jameson turned off the light and climbed into bed next to her. Melody sighed in content, sliding closer to him. His breath tickled her neck. "This is so nice." She hadn't meant to say that out loud.

  Jameson slid his hand beneath her pillow. "Great minds think alike."

  "Mmm." Melody buried her face in his neck, grazing his stubbly cheek with her lips. Jameson curled his fingers over hers.

  "I love that you can't keep your hands off of me." Jameson chuckled.

  "Oh really now?"

  "That's right. I remember a time you flinched every time I touched you, even accidentally. I hated to think that someone hurt you. Did he physically hurt you, Melody?"

  She'd been just about to kiss his mouth when the question stopped her. She reeled back. Why did he have to bring all that up now? Not that she could blame him for being curious, especially because he'd been right. She freaked out every time someone got physically close. Of course he would wonder.

  "Not during our relationship, no. But the last night he confronted me before Chris and Dad rushed me out, Anthony got physical with me." Her breath hitched as she recalled that night. "He tried to be calm and wanted me to reason with him. The last thing he did before my brother ran into the room was grab me by the arm and held me by my neck. The look in his eyes- I'll never forget the rage I saw there." Melody shuddered at the thought. She'd believed that was the end, that he would kill her then and there.

  "Oh my God, Melody. What a bastard. You don't have to tell me anything else if it's too hard to think about. I'm sorry I brought it up. My thoughts got ahead of me. I'm sorry."

  "It's okay, Jameson. Yes, it's hard to talk about, but I'm glad I have someone I can trust enough to tell." And that was the truth. She wanted to tell him these things. She wanted to fill him in about all the details of her life, good and bad. And she most definitely wanted to know everything about him.

  "You don't know how glad I am to hear that you trust me. I always feared when I found someone I cared about that they would get scared off by my history." Melody heard the sadness in his voice and it broke her heart. He had to have been referring to his one night with Lea.

  "Anyone that spends even a few minutes with you would know you are a caring man," she said softly, brushing her palm against his cheek. "I have been a naive woman, especially when it comes to men like Anthony, but I have no doubt about the kind of person you are, Jameson." The kind of person she could fall in love with.

  "I don't know where I'd be without you. The past few months have been one thing after another, and you have been right here with me. I know you've got troubles of your own, but you've helped make things easier."

  What could she say to that? She'd never meant to fall for Jameson, or for him to want her the way he did, but there it was. They had bonded over a fragile and broken past, but it had definitely gone deeper now. Funny how one mishap could change the course of her future. If Shelly hadn't gone into labor, Melody wouldn't be here with Jameson. She'd have gone on to Georgia, and with what Chris said in the message, who knows what would have happened?

  The only way to set any kind of life here in Harmony's Echo would be to own up to what she saw. She'd have to tell the cops what she knew, then find her family. Things were never meant to spiral out of control, but if she'd done one thing differently, finding Jameson wouldn't have been possible. He brought out a side of her that she loved. The music, the confidence, the way he made her feel like everything would be okay.

  Melody wanted nothing more than to have all of this. A life with Jameson.

  "Are you awake?" he asked softly.

  She nodded, then realized how silly that was. "I'm just thinking."

  "Care to share?"

  "I'm thinking that even though most of my life here is a lie, all my feelings for you are true and real. I have to find a way to come clean with my past before I can begin a new future."

  "You think there's a future for us?" He sounded hopeful.

  "I don't know honestly, but it's something I'd love to consider."

  "I'd love that, too." Jameson planted another kiss on her lips, let out a deep sigh and snuggled closer. The feel of his skin on hers made everything tingle. His breathing deepened. He must have fallen asleep.

  Melody's heart raced, still unable to fall asleep. She closed her eyes, keeping an image of Jameson fresh in her mind. How long she stayed like that, she didn't know. Jameson stirred and mumbled. He talked in his sleep. She laughed quietly. How fun it had been to learn his quirks along with all the good things she'd learned about him. He had so much passion to give- with music, with his family and friends, and with her. Whether it be making love or just the way he did everything he could to make her feel secure. They'd been intimate that way for a few weeks now and it was like nothing she'd ever experienced before.

  A thought occurred to her, striking her mind like lightning. Melody sat up, moving out of Jameson's arms. Her heart thudded against her chest as she counted backward. She should have started by now, and hadn't. Shit, not good. She tried to recall her last cycle. No way would it be a good idea for that to happen now. She couldn't be pregnant. She just couldn't.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Thanksgiving Day arrived with all of its normal chaos. This was the second Thanksgiving without Dad, and it hit even harder this year without Mom around too. At least she was getting the help she so desperately needed. Last year's Thanksgiving, she'd been a drunken mess. That was a memory he didn't care to think about.

  Melody had become distant, and Jameson wasn't sure how he could get through to her. He couldn't figure out why. Their schedules didn't match the past few days, so he saw very little of her. By the time he got home most nights she'd already fallen asleep and he didn't have the heart to wake her, so he had just climbed into bed next to her thinking about things in the dark until sleep found it's way to him.

  "Here, let me get that." Jameson took the large turkey platter from Mrs. Callimer's hands. She smiled warmly. He found an open spot on the serving table in the dining hall and set the platter down.

  "What can I do?" Avery had come up behind them.

  "You, my dear daughter, can sit down and rest," Mrs. Callimer told her firmly.


  Jameson laughed. "Ahh, Baby Stetson, quit arguing and do as you're told. We've got it covered."

  She was going to argue with him. Lucas walked up then, taking Avery's hand in his. "I have to agree. Come on. You've been overdoing it all day. Now it's time to relax."

  "You two are always teaming up on me," Avery grumbled, allowing Lucas to lead her away.

  "What a stubborn one." Jameson headed back to the kitchen to find something else to bring out.

  "I think you have your own stubborn ways too, Jameson," Avery's mom said with a shake of her head. "I'm so glad you, Blaine and Mary came to have dinner with us today."

  "So am I. It's been too long since I've spent some time here with y'all."

  "I agree. Is your mom is doing well?"

  Jameson nodded. "I called her earlier to wish her a happy Thanksgiving. She sounds a little down today but other than that, she's doing well."

  "I'm happy to hear it. Once she's out of the facility, I'll make it my priority to get more involved with her again. I miss the days where things weren't always so touch and go. When we used to have time for everything." A sad smile spread on her face. Jameson leaned over and hugged her.

  "We're all together now and that's what matters. We're getting through another year and even though things looked rough for awhile, they are getting better." He kissed her cheek. "Thank you for always treating me like family, despite everything."

  "Jameson, you're always going to be family even though you and Avery aren't together anymore. You were family before you two dated, and nothing will change that you're one of us. I'm just glad you and Avery were able to work things out and keep your friendship alive. You two had always been close."

  "I think being stubborn helped." He laughed and picked up another side dish. The mouthwatering aroma attacked his noise. Everything smelled and looked so good. As he set that one down, someone began to play on the piano. He smiled when he looked up. Avery perched on the bench, her hands on the keys. Melody stood nearby and it looked like the two were about to sing together. Lucas and Blaine sat in folding chairs nearby. The Callimers stopped behind him and everyone stood around waiting. Jameson recognized the song as something Melody and Avery had been working on together.


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