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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

Page 27

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  He walked around the pole, examined Lucas's handy work and then nodded. "Slap her."

  "What?" His voice rang out, vibrating through the empty room.

  "Do you not understand simple English?"

  "What is the point of this?"

  "Does it matter? Who has the power here?" Ethan aimed again. "Choose, Bennett."

  It was either that or one of them would end up shot. Lucas didn't see any other option. He couldn't find a way to make a move fast enough, to get that stupid gun out of his hand. He squeezed his eyes shut, hesitating before his hand connected with her cheek. A loud smack resounded, playing over and over again in his mind. Blood rushed to his head when Belinda's cry of pain followed.

  He wasn't going to be able to take much more of this.

  "I thought about your pretty little fiancée, and what I could do to her to make you suffer," Ethan started.

  Lucas froze. "Don't you dare think about messing with Avery." I'll kill you.

  "Oh, I don't plan on it. I have a better idea." Ethan's smile was pure evil as he darted his gaze from him to Belinda. "I think you killing her birth mother would suffice. Your sweet happy ending wouldn't be so happy then, would it? Not if you were responsible for ending famous Belinda Wainscott's life."

  No. No!

  Ethan was sick. So fucking, utterly sick.

  "Tough choice, Bennett? Huh? Was it that tough when you changed Sam's life?"

  Blood roared in his ears. Lucas was overcome with dizziness. He needed to gain his composure now, or one wrong move could turn things deadly.

  Please, let this end now. I can't do this. Help me.

  The distant wail of sirens gave Lucas a sense of hope. Maybe the car Ethan shot at got the make, model and plate number of the car and had called the police.

  Ethan heard them too, because he suddenly swore, beginning to pace and curse. "I shoulda planned better, son of a bitch." In a flash, he raised his hand, still holding that stupid gun, aiming it at Belinda.

  "No!" Lucas yelled, making a drive at Ethan. He hit him full on, knocking them both to the ground. Ethan grunted, but lost his grip on the gun. Lucas struggled to breathe, as the wind had been knocked out of him when he fell.

  "You idiot!" Ethan yelled. "We're supposed to be family!"

  "If we were family, you wouldn't be doing this to us right now! You wouldn't have sent threatening letters to me and my family, or to Belinda. You're a sick, twisted person and you need help, Ethan."

  Ethan groaned and raised his knee right into Lucas's stomach. Lucas rolled off him, fighting the alarming amount of pain that consumed him. Ethan crawled away, reaching for the gun. Lucas mustered up as much energy as he possibly could and kicked him in the back. That sent him sprawling on the ground, but the man still had a grip on the gun. He was fast, aimed again and a round of shots rang out. Lucas wasn't sure what they hit until Belinda screamed.

  "You shot her!" Lucas cried out in horror as a bright red stain seeped through Belinda's shirt right on her upper arm. She writhed and cried against the binds, attempting to pull free.

  "You're next!" Ethan yelled, gaining his composure and pointing right at Lucas. The sirens grew closer. Lucas struck with all his might, this time aiming his kick at Ethan's knees. He hit him spot on. The gun went off again as it was pointed in the air. Each and every time he heard the loud sound he was afraid of where that next bullet would hit.

  Lucas wrangled around with Ethan in the dirt, fumbling for the gun. There were punches to the gut, kicks in the shoulder, and body parts tangling every which way. He finally managed to get control of the gun and held it out, pointing it at Ethan, when the doors burst open and a team of police officers swarmed in. "Freeze! Drop your weapon!"

  Lucas did as he was told, but Ethan chose at that moment to pick up the fallen gun. He ducked when Ethan swung his arm out and hit him in the side of the cheek with the cold barrel. He stumbled backward and landed on his back, crying out in surprise. From the corner of his eye, he saw Ethan try to make a run for it. There were loud shouts and gunfire. A few moments later, they had Ethan on the ground in handcuffs.

  "Ms. Wainscott? Lucas Bennett?" one of the officers asked. One helped to release Belinda from her binds, and other was by Lucas's side.

  Lucas swallowed, finding it hard to do so. His cheek stung from the pain and it felt like the whole side of it was swollen. He simply nodded in response, his head spinning from everything. He sat up, making sure Ethan was detained before closing his eyes. "How did you find us?" he nearly whispered.

  "The young man's girlfriend followed him here," the officer said. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

  "All over." He felt as if he'd just been trampled on by a pack of wild animals. "Belinda. She's been shot."

  "We've got her taken care of. The paramedics are right here. We're going to have a lot of questions, but from what I hear, you're about to become a daddy."

  Lucas snapped his eyes open. "Avery? She's in labor?"

  He was going to miss the birth of his first child? Lucas lost it. He hadn't cried in years, not since he was very young, but he felt the first round of tears stinging his eyes at the reality of everything that had just happened.


  "We need to keep the media out of here. We're trying to keep this as hush hush as possible, but you know how they get," Jameson overheard one of the bodyguards say to the hospital staff. He stood with Mr. Callimer, Blaine, and Melody as they awaited news on how Belinda, Lucas and Avery were. With Shelly's help they'd been able to find her boyfriend, but not before Belinda had been shot and Lucas was hurt. They'd rushed Belinda in quickly, followed by Lucas, who wanted nothing more than to be with Avery instead of having his injuries checked out.

  Jameson sank into a chair, getting hit with a feeling of deja vu. When would this end? Melody came to sit beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and resting her head there.

  "How are you holding up?" she asked softly, lifting her head to meet his gaze. Her eyes were filled with heightened emotion, only enhancing the blue to a deeper level.

  "I just want to know that everyone is going to be okay," he mumbled, sliding an arm around her, thankful for her presence. Was the ordeal really over? They had the guy in custody. Shelly was being questioned by the cops and it would only be a matter of time before they started asking everyone else.

  "So do I." Melody kissed his cheek, her lips leaving a tingly sensation in the spot. "This isn't the best time to talk about this, but I've got something to say and I know you're not going to like it."

  Jameson's gut clenched. He had an idea what it was about. He slid his gaze over her, finally meeting her eyes again. A tear slid down her cheek as her full lips fell into a frown. "What is it, baby?" He caressed her neck with his hand, sliding up into her tresses and combed his fingers through them.

  "After tonight's events, it got me thinking." Melody's voice was hoarse, choked by emotion and tears. "I don't want my past to catch up to me like that. I need to go home and face it. I can't stay hiding here anymore. When they took Avery back and wouldn't let me in with them, I ran across the man that was following me. It turns out he isn't working for Anthony. A woman from back home who has been like a mother to me hired him to find me. That's why he's been lurking around. He's a private detective. She worried when I disappeared and she didn't trust Anthony. I have to go home and tell the police what I know."

  "But you'll come back, won't you? Can't you?" His unspoken words wouldn't make their way out of his lips.

  I want you here. I need you here. I love you.

  The words seemed to get stuck in his throat. He opened his mouth to speak again a couple of times, but nothing came out.

  She blinked away her tears, her long lashes fluttering, glistening with the drops that she quickly wiped away before speaking again. "I don't know, Jameson. I have no idea what it's going to take. I could get in trouble for not reporting what I saw. I just know that this life is a lie- my life is a lie, and I don't want that kind o
f weight on my shoulders anymore." She held back a sob, pulling out of his grasp.


  She put a finger to his lips. "It's only a matter of time before my lies catch up to me, and I can't be that person anymore. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. I learned so much from you."

  "This sounds like a forever goodbye," Jameson muttered. "It doesn't have to be. If you wait, I'll go home with you. Help you. We'll find your family, I'll-"

  "Oh Jameson. You have a heart of gold. You give so much to everyone. But I can't let you do that. Your life is here. You have a promising music career. You have your family back."

  "You're a part of that now," Jameson protested softly.

  She shook her head sadly. "I can't be a part of anything until I come clean. I don't want this to be a forever goodbye. I think I love you, Jameson."

  "I'm falling in love with you too, Melody."

  "You're going to really get upset with me, but I think I might be pregnant." She whispered the last words. "And I can't just sit around pretending to be someone I'm not. The tests I've taken are coming back inconclusive."

  What? Pregnant? Why hadn't she told him this before?

  "You can't just leave, especially if you are," Jameson bit out, feeling a surge of helplessness and budding anger. His shoulders sagged with tension.

  "None of this is easy on me, Jameson. But I have to do what's right." She started the tears again.

  He immediately felt bad for snapping. But he had a right to get upset, damn it! Melody tried to call all the shots again. She didn't get to do that if a possibility of a baby was at stake. He wasn't about to just let her walk out of here like that. Not if he didn't know whether she planned on coming back. No. It wasn't going down like that. Jameson shot to his feet, not caring that he'd startled people around him, including Melody.

  "Excuse me. Sorry. I need to take a breather." He shot Melody a look that suggested she follow him. She understood the message and trailed behind him as he burst through the sliding doors of the hospital, taking in the chilled air. He whirled on her when they were far enough away. "Why, Melody? Why tell me that now and then leave? I'm trying to understand, but I can't wrap my mind around it. I'm probably being selfish, stubborn and plain old dumb, but how do you expect me to just let you go? And carrying my child?"

  "You're making this harder than it has to be, Jameson!" Melody cried. She pointed back at the hospital. "That could have easily been us. I thought he'd found me! Anthony could still find me, and try to do or even succeed at what Shelly's boyfriend came out here to do. I don't want that kind of thing hanging over me. I can't run forever. Isn't that what you, Lucas and Avery have been trying to tell me from the beginning? I don't want to walk away from you and this town Jameson, but this is something that must be done. Why can't you understand that?" With each word, her voice raised a little more each time. "People that care about me in Colorado went to extremes to find me. It's not fair to lie anymore. I can't just ask you to leave your life to follow me when I have no idea what's next. If I am pregnant, I'm not going to keep you from your child, but don't you think I need to put things behind me if I'm responsible for another life?"

  God, he hated fighting with her. All he wanted was to hold her and make her stay. But he couldn't keep her if she had every intention on running. That hurt. An uneasy emptiness settled in, and she hadn't even left yet. Why did it have to hurt so much? And the anger, holy crap, that began to make it's way to the surface like a hungry shark ready to attack a boat. "It's not that I don't understand Melody, because I do. I just- I need to know where that leaves us. It's not like you can't come back. You have a home here, if you want it. You and I- we can see what happens. We can write songs. You can sing in the band. You fit, Melody. I can't get you out of my head, or my heart, and frankly, I don't want to get you out. It's like you were meant to be here. I want to be with you, with or without you being pregnant. I just wish you knew you don't have to do this alone."

  She covered her face with her hands and he could tell it was all she could to do not fall apart right now. He reached for her, but she stiffened and pulled away. "Don't. Don't do this right now, Jameson. Just let me go. Don't make this harder for both of us. I never meant to get so attached, and it's killing me. God, Jameson, you are amazing, and if it were any other time, I would jump in without even looking, but I can't." She sucked in a breath, turning away from him.

  He stood there, torn between wanting to reach for her or slamming his first into a wall. Both of the options were about equal.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  For the millionth time since she was born, Avery counted her daughter's tiny fingers and toes, marveling at how soft, small and adorable they were. The baby made soft whimpers as she was being rocked to sleep. Avery's eyes filled with tears, a mix of happiness and relief.

  "She's perfect." Avery met Lucas's eyes and he shot her a smile as he stumbled to sit on the bed beside her. His cheek looked a little better. The swelling had come down a little bit.

  "I can't believe I almost missed it," Lucas whispered. "I'm thankful for these small town procedures, and that they actually let me in here when they did. Geez, Avery. I'm so sorry."

  "You have nothing, and I mean nothing to apologize for, Lucas," Avery said firmly.

  They were interrupted by a nurse walking in. "Sorry to disturb you, but we have a few tests we need to run. Hearing, and a few other things. I know this must be scary and difficult for you, especially with what you've been through tonight, but we want to assure you that your precious angel is in good hands, okay?" The nurse looked about their age, and had been in and out throughout the evening. Avery felt comfortable enough around her, despite her unease.

  "Okay," Avery said simply, looking down at the tiny bundle in her arms again. She reluctantly let the nurse take her and place her in the little bassinet. Then she handed Avery a few papers.

  "This is just to consent that we are taking her for the tests. We shouldn't be more than a half hour." The woman's tone was soft and understanding. She held out a pen and Avery scanned the papers quickly before signing. She handed both the papers and pen back to the nurse.

  She noticed Lucas's gaze followed the nurse, and by the nervous frown on his face he was weary, but didn't say a word.

  "Do you happen to know how Belinda is doing?" Avery still hadn't been able to see her since she'd been admitted, and she just needed that reassurance that she'd be okay.

  "She's stable. No serious damage. She's been wanting to come see you, but we'll have to find another way. She can't come up here at the moment. We can only bend the rules so much." The nurse smiled down at the baby. While Avery knew she was safe, a moment of panic hit her and she had to remind herself to breathe. The nurse wheeled the baby from the room.

  "Are you angry with me?" Lucas asked, staring intently at her.

  "Lucas Michael Bennett, why would you say a thing like that?"

  He stifled a laugh, then grimaced. "Damn that hurts. By the way, you sound like a natural mother already. Using middle names. You never started doing that until you got further along in your pregnancy."

  Avery giggled, loving that Lucas could still crack a joke, even though she knew he had to be scared out of his mind. "I had to start practicing. Seriously honey, why would you ask me if I'm angry with you? I don't understand where that comes from."

  "I don't want you or Belinda to hate me. I did what I had to do." Lucas exhaled sharply. "She's going to hate me. As much as I've been angry at her, I was working hard at putting that in the past. He made me-"

  "Shhh." Avery reached for him. "Come here."

  "I can't come up there. I don't want to hurt you."

  "Lucas, come here," she tried again, opening her arms. Yes, she hurt. What an insane day, and the labor! She was tired, sore, and scared out of her mind, but she wanted Lucas to be comforted. She'd never seen him so scared. This was far worse than what happened the night Nick Tate took her out in that storm.

s time he didn't argue. He carefully rested his head on her shoulder. Avery stroked his hair gently.

  "No one is mad at you. Not me, and not Belinda." She bent and kissed his forehead. His hand rested on her chest.

  "But I had to … I hurt her, Avery. I felt sick the whole time. I had to take the rope, and then-" Lucas shuddered, his entire body tensing up. "He wanted me to- I can't even-"

  She'd heard the entire story, and it scared the hell out of her, but both of them came out of it okay. That was the most important thing. Shaken up, scared, a little damaged, but both of them were alive. Lucas was already traumatized, and honestly, she didn't know how he would handle things. Maybe in the next day or two she would suggest he talk to someone about the ordeal. So many times tonight she saw the tears in his eyes, and that broke her heart.

  "Lucas, you were forced into a nasty situation. He provoked and threatened you. I don't think Belinda is going to hold any of that against you. She knows you didn't want to hurt her. I know it, too. You're going to be okay. We all are. I love you."

  "I love you, Avery. More than anything. I was so scared that I'd never see your face again or hear your angelic voice. I didn't know if I'd be around to hold our sweet little girl-" His voice broke. Her hospital gown was a little damp from where he lay. She wanted to cry with him! What could she to do console him? Only time would help him get past this.

  "Oh, Luke." Avery fought back her own tears. She laid there with him in silence as they both sorted out their emotions, taking in the events of the day. She wasn't sure how long they stayed there like that until Lucas lifted his head again. Avery wiped away the few tears that ran down his cheek, careful not to get too close to his bruised cheek.

  "I was always afraid of this." He broke the silence, speaking in a hushed tone. "I never expected it to be someone from my past like Ethan. And that he'd take advantage of Sam's sister. What a twisted coincidence. I need to talk to her, Avery. I hope she knows I never meant for anything to happen to Sam."


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