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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

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by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "You should see her now. She finally knows her past, and she's able to move on. Her birth mom is a famous singer, and we're going next month to open up for Belinda Wainscott. Avery became a mother just a few days ago. She found love with a good man. I'm happy for her, even though it took me awhile to get there. And I found someone new, too, although I don't know what's going to happen. Melody gave me hope, and she's like a breath of fresh air. I love her, but I'm afraid I lost her."

  Lucas was right. This helped, in an eerie way.

  Jameson heard footsteps behind him. He turned his neck to see his sister and Avery peering at him. Heart racing, Jameson jumped to his feet and hugged Blaine. "I'm sorry I flipped out on you this morning."

  Blaine wrapped her arms around him. "Don't. It's okay, Jameson. You're allowed to get upset. You don't have to apologize."

  Maybe not to Blaine, but he owed many to Avery. Releasing his sister, he reached for Avery's hand. She hesitated. "Come here, Baby Stetson." She gave in and Jameson pulled her to him. "I am so damn sorry. You'll never know how much. I can't believe I yelled at you like that, and almost- God, Avery, I am just so sorry."

  "Jameson. I wish I had known what you were really going through. Why would you not tell me something like that?" Avery whispered. She pulled away from him to meet his eyes. Hurt flashed in hers.

  He kept an arm around her and sighed. "I guess again I was trying to protect you. And I just- I couldn't deal with it. Something in me closed off, and it wasn't until recently that I've been able to open up about it."

  "I guess we both made a mess of things with our last few months of our relationship." Avery leaned on him.

  "Yeah, I'd say we sure did. We both have this need to want to make someone else happy, to protect them from what we really feel, and in the end run, it messed things up. We're damn lucky it didn't affect our friendship."

  She sniffled. "I agree. You know I'll always love you, right? You're my best friend, and I'm always going to worry about you. I only wish for the best for you, Jameson. I wish I had known I was holding you back."

  "Don't say that, Avery. You weren't. I was trying to make Dad understand that. I chose to stay. I could have left Harmony's Echo, and you, to pursue music of my own, but I didn't want any of that without you. Why do you think I came back here? I thought I could forget what I felt about you when I moved with Mom and Dad, but it didn't happen. Even now, we're not together, we both found love, we still have our musical dream and we're ready to take it to the next level. You needed to go through what you did to finally find that nerve to go forward. I'm thankful that Lucas found a way to help you. I can't think of a better person to suit you."

  "Damn you Jameson, you're going to get me all emotional again." Avery wiped away her tears. "That means everything coming from you."

  "Sometimes we have to admit that maybe things worked out for the best, even when we don't understand it." Jameson squeezed her shoulder. "You were my first love, and I'll never forget what we shared."

  "Neither will I. I've had some great memories with you."

  "So you forgive me?"

  Avery hugged him again. "Of course I forgive you. As long as you get better. Deal with your anger and find a way to release it."

  Jameson ruffled her hair. "I already planned on it. I don't ever want to feel so out of control again. That scared the hell out of me."

  "Me too."

  "Thanks for coming to find me. Geez, Avery, you just had a baby. You shouldn't be running around after my crazy ass. I don't mean to take you from Lucas, Emily and Belinda."

  "They understood. I just had to make sure you were okay."

  "That's what I love about you. You give so much to others, even when sometimes, those others aren't the nicest to you." He was lucky. How he ended up with an understanding friend like Avery was beyond him, but Jameson wasn't going to complain.

  "I don't do grudges. You know that." Avery took his hand. "If you need to finish up here, I'll wait."

  "No, come with me. Then Blaine and I can drop you off at home. Thank you again." Jameson led Avery over to Blaine.

  "Are you two okay again?" Blaine asked. "I hate when you guys fight."

  Avery laughed. "As okay as possible. Thanks for letting me tag along."

  Jameson, Avery and Blaine left the cemetery. He wasn't sure about them, but he felt a little better.

  Time would tell what happened next.

  As they headed back to Avery's, his phone rang. Lucas's name showed up on the caller ID.

  "Hey, Jameson. I just got a call from the inn. Someone's here looking for Melody. According to Alice, the guy says he's her brother."

  Fifteen minutes later, after Blaine dropped Avery off at home, she pulled into the inn's parking lot. Before the wheels stopped rolling, Jameson shoved open the door and ran toward the inn. Standing in the foyer was a man that resembled Melody. He turned when Jameson neared.

  "You're Chris?" Jameson asked.

  "That's me. Where's my sister?" His eyes narrowed into little slits.

  "I'm Jameson. Why don't we go sit and talk? I've got a lot to fill you in on. Your sister left a couple days ago."


  "I don't know why I didn't look her name up earlier. I was the one that created the identity." Melody's brother shook his head with a sigh. "I have to get home to her. I just hope it's not too late."

  They'd been talking for awhile, sitting outside at the inn's courtyard. Blaine shot Jameson a worried look.

  "If you don't mind, I'd like to go with you. Melody left before I could convince her that I would take her home. I- I love your sister." Jameson met Chris's stare. "I might have a way we can get to Colorado pretty quick. I just have to make a phone call and hope they'll agree."

  He didn't like the idea of bugging them again, but Jameson remembered Belinda had her own plane available. It was a long shot, but the idea of making sure Melody was safe and even back in his arms gave him the motivation he needed. She'd be so happy to see her brother again.

  Jameson made the call, his fingers shaking as he spoke rapidly in the phone. When he hung up, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to Chris. "It's a go."

  I'm coming, Melody.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Home sure as hell didn't feel like home anymore. Twelve hours ago, Melody stepped foot in the town she feared coming back to and wanted to turn around, never looking back. She knew she couldn't do that. She'd come this far. She had a mission, and she wouldn't leave until she settled the ghosts of her old life. Joelle had been waiting for her with a smile, tears in her eyes and the biggest bear hug. Then she whisked her away and demanded every single detail Melody had to give. The day flew by, each hour more emotional than the last. She'd been by the land where her house once stood. Her heart leaped in her throat when she stared at what was left of the house.

  So many times she wanted to reach for her phone to text Jameson, or call him to hear his voice. Then she remembered the phone had been left back in Harmony's Echo. She'd give anything to have Jameson's arms around her.

  You left like a coward. You could have waited. You know damn well he would have brought you here himself.

  But then he would have been susceptible to Anthony's wrath, something she never wanted to bring upon anyone else if she could avoid it.

  "What are you thinking, girly?" Joelle touched her shoulder gently, forcing Melody from her thoughts. She faced the woman she'd worked for and come to consider family with tears in her eyes.

  "I've made a mess of things," she said softly, staring once more at the house.

  "Don't you go thinking you caused this. Who knew that man had such terrible secrets? He had me fooled for awhile too. Then all hell broke loose when you left. I understand why you, Chris and your daddy came up with that plan, but you sure as hell scared me, young lady," Joelle scolded, but the love in her eyes made Melody realize just how much pain she'd caused by leaving.

  "Please tell me someone has an idea on Daddy's whereabouts, or

  Joelle shook her head with a sad sigh. "None. I try and stay out of Anthony's way, but I did hire someone else to keep watch. The man sure knows how to hide."

  That's what scared her the most. Anthony could find ways to do the things he did and not be seen. That kept her on the edge. She wouldn't sleep well tonight, that's for sure.

  "I'm ready to go. I can't look at the house anymore right now. It kills me." Melody snapped her eyes shut, wishing the image she had in her mind would fade away. Nothing would make that go away, not any time soon.

  On the drive to Joelle's, Melody asked the question she so desperately needed the answer to. "Where is Anthony? I keep waiting for something to happen. I probably shouldn't have come back, but lately I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

  "I think he's laying low. I have no idea where he is or what he's up to. It scares the hell out of me, child. I never did like that man, but you seemed so happy."

  She had been happy. Blissfully happy. Anthony had treated her perfectly. She thought she'd found the one … until that night.

  Funny how just a few months changed things. She knew the deadly truth about Anthony, and then had lost her heart to a man that really would have given her everything. Then she ran, leaving him behind. As much as she convinced herself it would be better this way until things were taken care of here, she cursed herself for walking away from Jameson.

  "What is it you're thinking about?" Joelle asked with the most gentle voice.

  Melody wiped a tear away. "I fell in love with someone." And I left him behind.

  "Fell in love? With a man in Texas where you ended up?"

  She nodded. "The one that helped me with Shelly that night. Jameson. I- I don't know what I would have done without him. Eventually, I told him who I really was and he accepted it. I wish you could meet him." I hope one day soon you'll be able to.

  "He was good to you?" The question remained unasked, but Melody knew what Joelle really wanted to know. How she could be so sure after Anthony's deception.

  "He's amazing. And I know my word isn't as credible, since I said the same things about Anthony when I first started dating him, but Jameson is different. I spent time around him and the friends and family he grew up with. He plays in a band, and he took my lyrics and brought them to life. They invited me to sing on stage with them. And- I, there's a possibility-" She had to tell someone else about her worry of being pregnant, no matter what Joelle would say to her about it. "I might be- I" Her hand flew to her stomach. Joelle understood the gesture and let out a gasp.

  "Oh child. What a mess."

  Melody nodded again, the tears falling again. "Yeah, I know. I tried so hard not to let myself get too attached to him. He did the same. He's just getting his life on track after losing his dad, and things fell apart for him right after."

  "Well, we'll get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow, I'll take you to the station and you can tell them everything."

  "I'm scared. I should never have run. I don't know why Chris thought it was a good idea." Funny how one mistake could lead a person to something better. If she hadn't run, she never would have known Jameson. But now, if things went wrong- she'd never see him again. There were no perfect choices right now.

  "What's done is done, child. You're home now, and we'll get things settled. Then we get you back to your Jameson."

  It wouldn't be that easy, and both of them knew it.

  Melody jerked to attention when they arrived on Joelle's street. A car she didn't recognize sat in the driveway. Her heartbeat quickened, thudding with a fierceness she couldn't contain. She grasped the door handle and slumped in her seat. "Who's that?" she whispered.

  "That's the PI I hired to look for you. It's all right, Melody," Joelle reassured her. "I have no clue why he's here, but that's him."

  She relaxed, but only a little. Would it have been better to just call from Harmony's Echo instead of coming up here? How stupid was she? This wasn't the safest or smartest thing to do.

  What could this guy want?

  As they hurried up the walkway to the house, the guy climbed out of his car and approached them. Melody rushed inside, not wanting to stand and wait impatiently on the porch. She heard him say hello to Joelle before she questioned his reasons for waiting at the house.

  "I'd like to speak to Melody, if that's all right."

  "What for?" Joelle asked with a firm protectiveness that Melody loved, which only made her feel even worse about running and not letting her friend know she was all right.

  Stop dwelling on it. You're here. Make it right and move on.

  "I'd like to get her help with finally getting Anthony locked up."

  Melody whirled around and ran back to the front door. "What do you know about him?" She folded her arms across her chest.

  Two sets of eyes turned to her.

  "To be honest, ma'am, I thought you were a part of his schemes until Miss Compton hired me to find you. I'm working with some undercover cops to try and track him. If you'll let me, I'll fill you in on the plan and we'll make sure you're safe. We just need YOU to lure him in."

  "You want me to help you get Anthony put behind bars? How?" This didn't sound like a good idea at all, but was there a better choice?

  "May I come in so we can discuss this?" He looked at Joelle for an answer. At her nod, they filed into the house and closed the door.


  This was it. Jameson and Chris landed in Colorado. He wished Melody hadn't left her phone back in Texas. She could have taken it. It didn't matter, as long as they could find her.

  "Damn it. Joelle isn't answering her phone either," Chris swore, clutching the phone in his hand. "Well, I suppose we'd better get over to her house and hope Melody is there."

  At a loss for anything to say, Jameson just nodded in agreement. All he wanted to do was find her and hold her. He'd do everything he could to convince her to come home with him. He'd have to apologize for going off on her when he knew this was something she felt she had to do, even if she was putting her life in danger by coming here alone. She'd said she had to come clean, but that didn't mean she should have been reckless. But then again, the events of Thanksgiving were enough to send anyone's thoughts out of control. He hadn't been in the right mind himself when he yelled at everyone he loved and cared about.

  On the way, Melody's brother had called some people he knew to make sure things were okay, and to ensure someone would leave a vehicle there for them. This whole thing was crazy. Jameson felt like he'd entered an action movie or something.

  Chris found the car that had been left for them. He ducked low and felt underneath. What was he doing? Seconds later he stood, holding a key, which he displayed proudly to Jameson. "Let's get this show on the road."

  On the way, Jameson texted Blaine and then Lucas to let them know they'd made it and that he would keep everyone updated.

  "Thank you for taking care of my sister," Chris said again.

  "She's everything to me."

  "I can see that. I'm glad she found someone that really does love her."

  Now they just had to find Melody and keep her out of the grasp of the crazy ex.

  Jameson's fears heightened when they found no one home at their friend's house, the one Chris said Melody would be with. He masked his face into a calm expression, but inside, he was scared out of his mind.

  "Where the hell could they be?" Chris slammed the dashboard when they climbed back into the car. "This late? What the hell. Something isn't right."

  He thought the same thing, but had nothing to add.

  Melody, where are you?

  "I have one idea. Let's hope," Chris muttered, gunning the engine and pulling out of the drive.


  Melody bit her lip. She'd been wired with a hidden microphone. She knew that the cops were staying hidden and that she'd be fine. Nothing to worry about. But the acidic taste in her mouth, the goosebumps breaking out up her arms, and the hairs standing up on the back of her neck only a
gitated her even more.

  They'd told her to call Anthony and bait him. When she heard his voice, she wanted to throw up. He'd talked so calmly to her, acting like nothing had happened.

  The park nearby the house had always been a great place to roam. Now, this would be the moment of confrontation. She used to walk late at night here with Chris when things got rough. She'd bring her notebook and write out words into song lyrics and poetry. Things would never be the same again.

  The light above her buzzed with a slight flicker. For a moment she feared it would go out and leave her in darkness. But it didn't. She let out a silent plea for this whole thing to be done and over with before she lost her nerve. Too late for that. She couldn't back out now. She had to stick to exactly what she came here to do. She'd promised, and in return they would make sure nothing happened to her. They wouldn't press any charges against her for fleeing, and as long as she testified against him when it came time, she would be free.

  She just had to face a cold-blooded killer, a man she'd loved at one time. One that could have killed her dad. She had to know the truth.

  "I think I liked you much better as a natural blonde." His voice was low and quiet. The sound rolled over her skin and made her shudder.

  This was it. Melody sucked in a breath, hoping the muscles in her shoulders and legs would calm down. She'd tensed up at the sight of Anthony walking up to her. How long did she have to do this again? When would they come out and grab him?

  "You're really going to say that to me after the last thing I saw you do?" she squeaked. Damn, she should have had more water. Her throat felt so dry. She wanted to look around for everyone, but she couldn't, otherwise she'd alarm Anthony that she wasn't alone after all.

  "Why'd you run?" He raised his voice and moved closer. As he stepped into the light, Melody stared into his cold eyes. This wasn't the man she'd met over a year ago and fallen for. How could he have hidden it all so well?


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