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Tempted by the Wrong Twin

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by Rachel Bailey

  Mistaken identity leads to suddenly expecting...only from USA TODAY bestselling author Rachel Bailey!

  Harper Lake can’t believe she bedded her boss after a wild night at a masked ball. But then she finds out it was actually his identical twin, Nick Tate! And she’s carrying his babies!

  With his own set of twins on the way, Nick knows that proposing to Harper is the only next step. Yet the former navy SEAL is battling some deeply buried demons. Welcoming Harper back into his bed is the easy part. Finding true love and wedded bliss will be the ultimate test...and temptation.

  “I’m not Malcolm.”

  Harper didn’t take her eyes from the man as she said, “I know.”

  He might look like her boss, but there was an intensity in every part of him—from his gaze to the way he held himself—that easygoing Malcolm had never had.

  Then she remembered a little-discussed feature of Tate Armor Ltd.—it was jointly owned by Malcolm and his brother.

  “You’re twins,” she whispered and he nodded.

  All the pieces finally fit into place. She’d been confused about why she’d never been drawn to her boss before the night of the masked ball, and why he hadn’t stirred a reaction in her since.

  But she’d made love with Nick that night. Things between them had happened so fast that even though she’d thought she’d sensed something different about him, she hadn’t had time to stop and question it. He’d kissed her and she’d melted and all coherent thought had ended.

  And it was also why Malcolm had been able to act like nothing had happened when she saw him the next morning at work. Nothing had happened with him. Nick, on the other hand... Well, he’d rocked her world.

  * * *

  Tempted by the Wrong Twin is part of the series Texas Cattleman’s Club: Blackmail—No secret—or heart—is safe in Royal, Texas...

  Dear Reader,

  I’ve always been fascinated by the masks we wear. You know, the ones we put on to show people the image of us we want them to see. The ones we wear to hide the things we don’t want to share.

  Harper Lake works hard to appear—and to be—calm, self-sufficient and in control. She doesn’t like anyone getting under her skin. But Nick Tate is wearing an even more impenetrable mask—one that pretends that he’s okay after surviving the horrors of war.

  It was interesting to see these two guarded people cope when they’re thrown together. After meeting at a masked ball (of course!) three months earlier, they’re now in a situation where they’ll have to remove the masks they wear for other people if they want a chance at a future together. The question is, are they brave enough to be vulnerable with each other?

  If you’d like some behind-the-scenes glimpses into this book, drop by my website,

  I hope you enjoy Nick and Harper’s story!


  Rachel Bailey

  Tempted by the Wrong Twin

  Rachel Bailey developed a serious book addiction at a young age (via Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddle-Duck) and has never recovered. Just how she likes it. She went on to earn degrees in psychology and social work but is now living her dream—writing romance for a living.

  She lives with her hero and four dogs in a piece of paradise on Australia’s Sunshine Coast, where she loves to sit with a dog or two, overlooking the trees and reading books from her ever-growing to-be-read pile.

  Rachel would love to hear from you and can be contacted through her website,

  Books by Rachel Bailey

  Harlequin Desire

  Claiming His Bought Bride

  The Blackmailed Bride’s Secret Child

  At the Billionaire’s Beck and Call?

  Million-Dollar Amnesia Scandal

  Return of the Secret Heir

  Countering His Claim

  The Hawke Brothers

  The Nanny Proposition

  Bidding on Her Boss

  His 24-Hour Wife

  Texas Cattleman’s Club: Blackmail

  Tempted by the Wrong Twin

  Visit her Author Profile page at, or, for more titles.

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  This book is for Amanda Ashby, who is most excellent at brainstorming, can both cheer and cajole (often simultaneously!), has good taste in TV shows, makes a mean bliss ball and writes amazing books.

  Bunches and bunches of thank-yous to the awesome Charles Griemsman for, you know, pretty much everything. Also, thank-you hugs for Barbara DeLeo and Sharon Archer, who read early drafts of this book and had fabulous suggestions. And to my fellow TCC authors—it’s been fun!


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Excerpt from The Texan’s Baby Proposal by Sara Orwig


  When his twin brother’s name flashed on his cell phone screen, Nick Tate accepted the call—it was pretty much the only number he didn’t let go through to voice mail these days.

  Before he could even offer a greeting, Malcolm’s voice thundered, “Goddammit, Nick. You slept with our lawyer, didn’t you?”

  The blood in his veins froze. There was only one woman he’d slept with since he’d returned from his last tour of duty, and they hadn’t stopped to share life histories. They hadn’t even stopped to exchange names. And now it seemed as though that had been a mistake.

  “She’s our lawyer?” he asked. Maybe he’d misheard.

  “Harper Lake has been Tate Armor’s company attorney for just over two years.”

  Nick winced. That was the problem with being a silent partner in their business—he missed out on all the details. And it turned out that their lawyer was one hell of an amazing detail. It had been three months since their night together and he still hadn’t stopped thinking about her, but he’d had no way to track her down. Until now.

  “And,” Malcolm continued, “it seems you didn’t tell her who you were. She thinks she slept with me.”

  Nick swore under his breath. Most people couldn’t tell them apart at the best of times, but add a half-face mask—since it had been a masked ball—and his pretending to be Malcolm, and the task would have been virtually impossible. They hadn’t switched identities since they were kids, but when Nick had heard that a disgruntled customer had threatened his twin and would be stalking him at the ball, he didn’t hesitate to step in and make things right. It had been going on for several weeks, and enough was enough. He might not be good for much anymore, but this was something he could fix for his brother. Even if it had meant dragging his sorry ass out of seclusion.

  So, yeah, since Harper knew Malcolm, she must have mixed Nick up with him that night. He just hadn’t realized it at the time. Their connection had been instant and explosive, and there hadn’t really been time to explain. Or even make it to the bed.

  Despite the annoyance emanating from his brother on the othe
r end of the phone, Nick smiled at the memory. He’d never met anyone remotely like Harper Lake.

  But now wasn’t the time for reminiscing. He pulled himself together and addressed the problem at hand. A rare night of letting go had created consequences for his brother, the twin who’d always had enough finesse and charm for them both.

  “I’ll handle this, don’t worry.” Now that he knew her name and where she worked, he’d be able to talk to her. Maybe he could wait for her after work tomorrow. Or perhaps he could drop in at lunch and offer—

  “This isn’t some simple glitch that you can ride in on your white horse and sort out, Nick.”

  Something in Malcolm’s voice had Nick’s SEAL training kicking in, and his entire body went on alert. “What do you mean?”

  “Harper’s pregnant.”

  The power of the word hit him square in the chest. Pregnant? Only his training kept him on his feet as the world tilted around him.

  Harper was pregnant with his baby.

  And then a second wave hit him with even more force than the first. Ellie. His three-year-old daughter—the only reason his heart still beat after the horrors of war had pummeled it—could suffer the fallout of his behavior. His ex-wife’s lawyers would use this to further their case that he was an irresponsible and unfit father. Especially if they knew the circumstances of how he’d swapped identities with his brother. His temples throbbed, and he rubbed them with his free hand.

  Dammed if he was going to let them take Ellie from him. He’d fix this. Fix it for all of them.

  He jerked his wrist over to check his watch. It was almost seven. “Are you at work? Is Harper still there?”

  “She just left,” Malcolm said. “She waited until everyone else had gone for the day and came into my office. She said she wanted me to know and offered to do a paternity test if I wanted.”

  He could see the scene playing out in his mind, and he hated it. Hated that he’d put his brother in that awkward position, but mostly hated what he’d done to Harper. What must she be feeling? Cursing him—or the Malcolm version of him—at the very least. She was probably overwhelmed.

  He had to swallow hard to get his voice to work. “Did you tell her you weren’t at the masked ball? That it was me?”

  “I said I had to go, apologized and promised we’d talk about it in the morning. She seemed taken aback, but I figured it was your job to tell her.”

  “You figured right.” This situation was complex enough without her getting the details from his brother.

  “You know how dangerous this is, don’t you?” Malcolm said, his voice a note lower than it had been. “You’re an owner of the business, and sexual harassment cases are no laughing matter.”

  “Yeah, I get it.” Nick had always been responsible, even when he was a kid, so he’d never thought he’d be the guy his brother would have to give this talk to, and it sat uncomfortably.

  “Plus, with this Maverick guy going around town spilling everyone’s secrets, don’t count on this situation being private for long. He might already know.”

  Nick frowned. He might have been out of the loop, but even he had heard about the blackmailer causing headaches and heartaches for people all over Royal. Still, it was a little premature to be thinking about interference here.

  “How could he possibly know when I only just found out?”

  “How did he know that Wes Jackson had a kid with Isabelle Grayson? How did he know about Cecilia Morgan’s background? He’s obviously got some serious hacking and investigative skills.”

  “True,” Nick said on a sigh. Local businessman and manufacturer Wesley Jackson was a friend of Malcolm’s and Nick had met him a few times. Wes and Isabelle were decent people who hadn’t deserved what Maverick had put them through.

  “Also, all Maverick’s targets seem to be in the TCC, and since you and I are both members, we can’t discount the risk.”

  “Hell.” Malcolm had a point. And the new proposals he’d been working on for the supply of body armor were all for security agencies. Given the nature of their business, handing Maverick ammunition to use on them in the form of a scandal like this would make them look like amateurs.

  He blew out a breath. “Our clients need to know that any information they give us about their organizations is secure and not susceptible to a hacker.”

  “Yeah,” Malcolm said, sounding weary. “Now is the time to have everything aboveboard. No secrets that could make us vulnerable.”

  “I’m on it.” Nick grabbed his Kevlar riding jacket and slid his arms in, one at a time, switching the cell to his other hand as he went. “I’m going to need her home address.”

  “It’s in Pine Valley. I’ll text it to you.”

  “Thanks. And Malcolm?” he said, glancing up at the ceiling.


  Nick drew in a long breath and held it for a moment before replying. “I will handle this. I’ll make everything right.” There was no other option. He’d make things right for Ellie, for Harper, for Harper’s baby, for Tate Armor—for everyone.

  “Good luck.”

  Nick disconnected the call, grabbed his wallet and keys and headed out the door. Hell would freeze over before he’d ever let down someone he was responsible for again.

  But by the time he’d reached Harper’s place—a “country cottage” that was far too impressive to deserve such a description—he was having doubts. How was he even going to convince her that he, not Malcolm, was the father of her baby?

  Hi. You might be interested to learn that Malcolm has an identical twin brother.


  Hey, Harper. Remember that night you thought you were with Malcolm and conceived his baby? Well, it was me. Surprise!

  Not even close.

  Harper, I have something to say and you might want to sit down. My name is Nick, and I was impersonating my twin brother when we met. I should have told you before things got out of hand, and I apologize.

  He’d need to find much better words in the next thirty seconds or risk having the door slammed in his face.

  He knocked on her front door, still having no idea how he could possibly explain everything. Then the door swung inward and she was there and he had no air left to form words anyway. Her almond-shaped brown eyes widened at the sight of him, and he knew he had to say something. Anything. But her haunting beauty overwhelmed him. He’d barely been able to stop thinking about her since that night, and now here she was in real life. Filling his vision. Smelling like heaven.

  “Malcolm?” she said, her voice breathy, and instead of explaining, he found himself mute, reaching out to feel the silky-soft skin of her cheek. His palm cupped the side of her jaw, his fingers feathering over her cheekbone, and he was lost.

  Her eyes widened in surprise and she took a small step back, out of his touch, but her gaze didn’t falter. He waited a beat, waited in agony, waited until she swayed back toward him, and then he reached for her again. Her lips parted as she tilted her head into his palm. The world around them faded, and he took an infinitesimal step closer, being drawn by the magnetic force that had been there since he’d first laid eyes on her three months ago.

  He was supposed to say something, tell her something, but there were no words in his mind, only Harper and the way her eyes had darkened as she looked at him. Breathing ragged, he lowered his head and speared his fingers through her long, glossy hair. This was wrong, so wrong, yet the rightness of it overwhelmed him, crushing all other thoughts.

  She lifted herself on tiptoes and met him halfway, her mouth finding his, her lips soft, welcoming, wanting, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and gripping tight. With a groan of surrender, he slid his tongue along hers and hauled her flush against him.


  This was what had driven him crazy the night they’d met. Th
is was what had kept her in his waking dreams since. This was what was making him dizzy now.

  Of course, a little voice at the back of his mind whispered, this was also what had led him into trouble in the first place.

  He had to stop kissing her. To find the strength to pull away and explain everything. Oh, but her mouth and what it was doing to his was divine...

  Reluctantly, he eased back a little, then brushed his lips over hers one last time before straightening. She dropped her hands—all contact was broken—and he blinked hard to make his mind work. She gazed up at him, her eyes unfocused and her lips rosy from their kiss, and previous thought deserted him. In that moment, all that mattered was that Harper Lake knew she’d kissed him. Knew she’d made love with him. Nick Tate.

  So, with his voice as rough as gravel, all he heard himself say was, “I’m not Malcolm.”

  * * *

  Harper gripped the edge of the door for balance but didn’t take her eyes from him as she said, “I know.”

  If there was one thing for sure in the world, it was that the man in front of her was not the man she’d spoken to less than an hour ago. He might look like her boss, but there was an intensity in every part of him—from his gaze to the way he held himself—that easygoing Malcolm had never had.

  And now that she was paying more attention, his hair was shorter, and there was a tiny scar in one eyebrow. But how was that possible? Then she remembered a little-discussed feature of Tate Armor Limited—it was jointly owned by Malcolm and his brother, Nick. A brother none of the staff had met and many of whom wouldn’t know existed.

  “Twins,” she whispered, and he nodded.

  All the pieces finally fit into place—her world made sense again. She’d been confused about why she’d never been drawn to her boss before the night of the masked ball, and why he hadn’t stirred a reaction in her since. But she’d made love with Nick that night. Things between them had happened so fast that even though she’d thought she’d sensed something different about him, she hadn’t had time to stop and question it. He’d kissed her and she’d melted and all coherent thought had stopped.


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