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Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Temptress [Men of the Border Lands 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  “She admitted she’d had some close calls already, but she seems to think she’s better off by herself than with a man she doesn’t know.” Brice wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his sleeve.

  “Maybe we should stay with her, Brice. I mean I know we haven’t thought about settling down before now, but what would it hurt? It’s a nice place. She’s a nice woman.” Garrett leaned against the fence without looking at him.

  “I don’t know. I really hadn’t planned to settle down just yet. I mean, we’re not that old. We could still pick a nice place later.”

  “More people moving out this way, we may have to go farther west by then to find a place.” Garrett looked up at Brice.

  “Not a lot of places left out west of here. The earthquake took out most everything around California, and the drought got most of the rest.” Brice shook his head and picked up the hammer and nails. “Let’s keep looking for another few minutes before we turn around and go back.”

  Garrett nodded and grabbed the bundle of wire in his gloved hands. Maybe if Brice didn’t want to settle down, he would. Only she wasn’t as comfortable around him as she was around Brice. She’d accept him with Brice, but he wasn’t so sure she would if it were just him. It bothered him that she was still uneasy around him.

  They walked another twenty minutes without finding any more broken areas in the fence line. Brice called a halt to it and they turned around and headed back to the house. Garrett walked on ahead, eager to get back and see Ronnie. He hoped she was feeling better today. Her wrist still seemed swollen. Brice had said he was worried it had a broken bone in it, but there was nothing he could do other than soak it and wrap it.

  As soon as they arrived back at the house, Garrett hurried and put up the wire and hammer he had so he could go check on Ronnie. Brice seemed to realize what he was doing, because he took his time putting up his hammer and nails. Garrett wasn’t waiting on him. He hurried toward the back door and only stopped in the laundry room to remove his dirty boots, jacket, and hat.

  He found her napping on the couch with her feet up and her left hand over the back of the couch. She had told him it didn’t hurt as bad when she had it up. He didn’t want to wake her up, but he dearly wanted to talk with her. He loved listening to her slight Southern accent. He and Brice were originally from the Chicago area, so they were fascinated by her accent.

  He turned to leave her alone, but she stirred and opened her eyes. At first, she looked startled, but then her eyes softened and she smiled at him.


  “Hi, yourself. How are you feeling?”

  “Better every day, I think. I wish I could get up and walk around some. I’m getting tired of this couch.” She huffed out a breath.

  “I’m sure you are. I could sit you out on the back some in the morning when we’re outside there. I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to sit outside without one of us close by.”

  He watched the light fade from her eyes. He wanted to take the words back that had dulled her excitement. Still, they were the truth. She had to know it was too dangerous for her to sit outside alone, especially when she couldn’t defend herself or run.

  “Maybe when you’re doing chores around the house tomorrow. I’d like that. I’m tired of looking at these four walls.”

  “We fixed a hole in the fence out in the pasture. I don’t think we lost any of your cows, though. They probably just hadn’t found it yet.” Garrett felt tongue-tied around her now that he was there. He didn’t know what to talk about.

  “That’s something I haven’t checked in a while. I just haven’t had the time with getting in the garden and putting things up for the winter. Thanks for checking for me.”

  “Ronnie, Brice told me he suggested that you let us find you a good man to settle here with you. How do you really feel about it?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think I want a complete stranger coming here. I told him I think I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it anyway.”

  “What happens if you get hurt again? You need some help, Ronnie.” Garrett lifted her legs, being careful of her left ankle, and sat down on the couch, cushioning her feet in his lap.

  “Um, I-I don’t know. I just have to be careful and not get hurt. Oh, Garrett, I don’t know what to do.” There were tears in her eyes now.

  Garrett felt terrible for bringing it all up again. He wanted to see how she would feel about them staying with her, most importantly, him.

  “Would you be more comfortable with us?”

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “Yes, I would. I’m used to you and Brice. I trust you two.”

  Garrett slowly let out the breath he had been holding. She had included him in her trust. He’d talk to Brice about it later.

  “Are you saying you might be willing to stay and, and well, stay with me?” Her voice trembled.

  “I don’t know. I thought I would see if you were comfortable with us or not and talk to Brice. I’m not sure how he feels about sticking around in one place.”

  “I understand.”

  Brice walked in with a glass of tea, an odd look on his face. Garrett figured he had overheard. Well, he was going to talk to him about staying anyway. It just meant he didn’t have to bring it up. Brice would do that the first time they were alone.

  “Garrett, can you help me in the kitchen for a minute?”

  Well, it looked like he wasn’t going to wait around until they were alone. Brice was going to make time.

  Chapter Six

  Garrett followed Brice into the kitchen and then back outside. Evidently, he wasn’t going to take any chance that Ronnie would overhear them. This didn’t bode well.

  “Did I hear you right? Did you just offer for us to stay with her—permanently?”

  “I told her I’d talk to you about it. She said she was comfortable with us and wouldn’t be with anyone else, Brice.”

  “We’ve talked some about this, and I thought we agreed we weren’t ready to settle down right now.”

  “You said you didn’t think you were. And if you’re not, I understand, but I’m seriously thinking about it, if she’ll have me. I guess there’s a chance she won’t as she’s so uneasy around me anyway.”

  “Dammit, Garrett. We’ve been together since college. You’re talking about splitting up.” Brice stuck his hands on his hips and looked up as if studying the sky for an answer.

  “I don’t want to split up. I want you to stay here with us. She’s more comfortable around you, anyway. You like her. I can tell. You can’t tell me you haven’t jerked off in the shower any more than I can.”

  “That doesn’t a true relationship make, Garrett. It’s just sex.”

  “Which we’re not getting now anyway, and we both still care about her. She’s interesting to talk to and is obviously a hard worker. She’s got a body that keeps my dick hard all day long. Why wouldn’t you want to at least think about it?”

  “I have thought about it. Fuck, Garrett. I just don’t know if I can settle down or not. We’ve been on the road for too long.”

  “I think you can. You’ve settled here for this long and haven’t acted like it’s been a hardship. Why not stick around for a little longer and see if you can?”

  Garrett watched Brice for any clue as to what he would do. He gave nothing away on his face. He rarely did.

  “I’ll think about it, but that’s all I’ll promise right now.”

  “That’s good enough for me. But, Brice, if she’ll have me, I’m staying.”

  “Fuck.” Brice headed for the barn. “I’m going to get started on that fucking cow.”

  Garrett watched him go and sighed. He didn’t want to lose his friend, but he was afraid he was falling in love with Ronnie and didn’t want to leave her. He just hoped she would learn to care about him and not be so skittish around him.

  He turned around and walked back into the house. He hesitated before walking back into the living room. He wasn’t sure wh
at to tell her. Coward that he was, he decided to start supper instead. He would think on it a little longer and then talk to her again. Maybe Brice would have decided something by then as well.

  Brice didn’t come back in until he had supper ready and on the table. He decided to bring Ronnie into the kitchen to eat tonight. She wouldn’t be up for long, but it would be a change in scenery for her.

  While Brice cleaned up, Garrett hurried into the other room to see about carrying Ronnie into the kitchen. She was staring at the fire when he walked back into the room. She jerked her head up and smiled at him. His heart stuttered in his chest.

  “Thought you might like to sit at the table for supper tonight.”

  “Thanks, that would be great.” She pushed off the couch with one hand and stood on one leg.

  “Whoa, there. You’ll hurt yourself.” He quickly picked her up and carried her into the other room and settled her at the table.

  Brice walked over and checked her wrist. “Looks better. In fact, you look better sitting up.”

  “I feel better sitting up.” She smiled at him.

  Garrett watched them, hoping Brice wouldn’t say anything to dim her smile. It brightened her face despite the bruises still evident there. He gathered up the dishes and served them. Brice kept up a running dialogue about little things going on around the farm and even had her laugh at his daily battle with the cow.

  As soon as she was finished, Garrett gathered her up in his arms and carried her to the couch again. He didn’t want her to wear herself out.

  Brice didn’t say anything when he walked back in. He gathered up the dishes and helped Garrett wash them then put them away. He couldn’t tell what was going through Brice’s mind. His friend had clamped down on his expressions so that he didn’t have a clue.

  Damn, he hadn’t wanted to drive a wedge between them. He only wanted to look at settling down. He should have talked to Brice about it before now. He’d shied away from broaching the subject for just this reason.

  “I’m going to go ahead and take a shower. I’m nasty.” Brice headed up the stairs, leaving Garrett alone with Ronnie.

  “Where was Brice going?” she asked with a puzzled expression.

  “He went to take his shower. He said he was so dirty he could smell himself.”


  “Soon as he finishes, I’ll help you get in the tub if you want.”

  “I’d love that. I feel so nasty just taking sink baths.” She picked at her shirt.

  “Well, your stitches are out of your head, so Brice said you could get your head wet now. You can even wash your hair if you like.” Garrett enjoyed seeing her face light up at the idea.

  They talked about things around the ranch. She explained that she had a garden each year. She lived off the canned goods she could find and what she put up from the garden.

  “I don’t grow much because I can’t dig up much ground for planting. I wanted to try and get a garden tractor, but I’m scared to drive to one of the abandoned towns around here. I’m scared someone will catch me.”

  “It’s best if you don’t do anything like that alone. You really don’t need to be out and about alone anyway.”

  “It’s so unfair!” she exclaimed.

  “What’s unfair?” Brice walked back down the stairs into the living room.

  “That I can’t go anywhere alone. I feel like a convict on a chain.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish it wasn’t like that, but the world is different from how it used to be, and there isn’t anything we can do about it.” Brice laid a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed it.

  Garrett watched how he touched her. He had to feel something for her. He touched her too often and got all quiet with her. Brice was only fooling himself if he thought he wasn’t affected by her. His friend might not realize it yet, but he would. He cared about her just as much as Garrett did. All he had to do was figure out a way to prove it to him.

  * * * *

  Ronnie enjoyed talking with the two men. Both of them were interesting and could be funny. Brice was obviously highly intelligent. Garrett was a big teddy bear. He looked all rough and scary, but he really wasn’t. She liked both of them for different reasons. With Brice, she felt cared for and knew he could figure out any problem. With Garrett, she felt protected and safe. He would fix anything he could.

  If either one of them volunteered to stay, she’d take them up on it and try her best to relax and handle the sex part. Since her body seemed to think it wanted them, then maybe she could hold back the fear and discomfort from them.

  “You about ready for your bath?” Garrett asked, standing up.

  “That would be great, thanks. I’m getting tired.”

  He picked her up and carried her up the stairs.

  “I’m going to make sure all the doors are locked, and I’ll be right up,” Brice called up to them.

  Garrett sat Ronnie on the bed and hurried to run her water. She hoped she could wash her hair without too much trouble. It would feel so much better to have clean hair. The men had worked hard at getting the dried blood out of it earlier in the week, but nothing felt better than a good head scrubbing. Then she remembered her bum wrist. Damn. What was she going to do?

  “Okay, I have the water ready. Let’s get you undressed and in the tub.” Garrett helped her by unbuttoning the shirt, then had her lie back so he could pull her panties off. Then he picked her up and carried her to the tub. He let her slowly get used to the water with her feet before settling her back in the tub.

  “It’s a little cold. I’m not sure I can wash my hair.”

  “I’ll run down and heat up a bucket of water on the stove. It’s too bad the hot water heater isn’t gas. Maybe we can find one and switch it out.”

  She latched on to that statement as a positive indication that he was thinking about staying. She began to wash using her good hand and managed to get most of her washing done by the time he returned with a bucket of hot water. He added it slowly to the water at her feet until she felt warm all over.

  “Thanks, that is so much better.”

  “Would you like me to get your back?” Garrett asked her.

  “Um, thanks, that would be nice. I can’t reach it.

  “Lean up.” He lathered up the cloth and scrubbed her back in a brisk wash. It felt delicious.

  “Okay, why don’t you lean back and get your head wet while you rinse off your back. I’ll scrub your hair for you since you only have one hand.”

  Ronnie let him lean her back and submerged her head up to her ears. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see him staring at her breasts. He seemed to try not to stare, but he still did at times. He was a man, after all.

  When he helped her sit back up, she kept her eyes closed to keep the water from getting in them. He poured some shampoo on her head and began to gently message it into her scalp and then all down the rest of her hair. He shampooed it a bit awkwardly at first, but soon got the hang of it. By the time he had finished, she felt like a new person.

  Once she was finished rinsing off, Garrett handed her a small towel to wipe her face then helped her stand on one foot once out of the tub. He took a towel and dried her off from head to toe. He rubbed her hair until it was no longer wet, only damp.


  “Yeah, baby.” He patted her dry over her breasts, obviously trying to keep from being too personal.

  “I don’t think I can stand up long enough to dry my hair all the way. Can you carry me to the bedroom?”

  “Of course.” He wrapped the towel around her chest before he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, where he sat her on the foot of the bed.

  He used a dry towel to rub at her hair. She kept her shoulders forward and let him work on her hair. With only one hand, she wouldn’t have been able to dry it herself. It would have had to air-dry, and that might lead to pneumonia. She couldn’t afford that on top of everything else.

  “Want me to spell you?” Brice asked from t
he bed, where he’d been reclining.

  “Sure. I’ll move the light closer.” Garrett grabbed the kerosene lamp from the bathroom and sat it on the dresser.

  She noticed that Brice worked differently from Garrett. Where Garrett rubbed on a large area, Brice took small sections and dried them before moving on to another small area of hair. Between Brice and Garrett, her hair was essentially dry within a matter of an hour. It normally took her a good two or so hours to dry her hair alone.

  “I bet you feel better with a clean head,” Brice commented.

  “I really do. I was beginning to feel like a mud puddle. Thanks for helping me dry my hair.”

  “I didn’t mind. You have lovely hair. It’s soft and thick.”

  Garrett ran a comb through it as they talked.

  “Have you tried to walk on your foot at all yet?” Brice asked.

  “No, I move it around every once in a while, but I haven’t tried to stand on it. I didn’t think I should try it alone.”

  “No, you don’t need to do that alone. We’ll check it out tomorrow. Give you one more night to rest it up. Your wrist is still not well, though. It’s too swollen. Can you wiggle all your fingers okay?”

  “Actually, I can move them pretty easy without too much discomfort. It’s just when I try and make a fist or grab for something before I remember that it’s hurt that it really gives me trouble.”

  “Don’t irritate it. I’m leaning toward you having a broken bone in there somewhere. I just don’t have a way of telling, and there’s nothing we can do anyway.” Brice stood up and walked back toward his side of the bed. “I’m going to turn in. You two going to talk all night, or come to bed?”

  Garrett chuckled and picked her up to ease her into the bed beneath the covers. She felt Brice’s leg next to hers, but she willed herself not to move.

  “I’m going to take my shower now,” Garrett said, taking the lamp with him.

  When he closed the door, it threw the room into darkness. Ronnie could hear her own heartbeat in her ears and felt as if Brice could hear it as well. She tried to slow it down, but it rushed on anyway. Was she afraid of the dark or uneasy with Brice in the bed and the lights out?


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