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Brides of the West-Part One

Page 47

by Hestand, Rita

  But the way his hand caressed her cheek made her insides turn to jelly. No man she ever knew had been quite so gentle. She couldn't remember any man, but her father treating her so gently.

  Even the look in Cole's eyes caressed her.

  "We don't get many private moments, do we?" He smiled.

  "No…I guess…"

  But she didn't finish the sentence as he was kissing her now, and everything faded into oblivion.

  The first kiss was only an example of his expertise. She opened her mouth to say something, but it was quickly drowned out by Cole's sensual kiss that swept over her as he bent his head and his lips touched hers once more. At first his touch was like a feather dancing over her, but when she melted into him, and gave herself to the moment, he groaned and pulled her closer. He played with her lower lip, feeling the slight tremble there.

  "You're trembling…" He whispered, his eyes shining with surprise.

  She stared into his eyes. "I guess I am…"

  "I'll never hurt you Em." He whispered, his eyes traveling over her thoroughly.

  Like a magnet, he pulled her into the circle of his arms. Before she could object or think of pulling away, he took complete control of her reactions and emotions. His lips caressed her while his arms wrapped around her holding her close.

  As he lifted his head he looked into her eyes and stared. His lips dipped to caress the corner of her mouth, sweeping lightly over her nose, and down once more to her mouth again.

  Lost she hung on to him. Never had she been so swept away with a mere kiss.

  He was making love with his lips and she could do nothing more than respond. She didn't know if she'd kissed him back or not, so swept up in the moment, her response was one of awakening, and of giving back.

  When at long last he raised his head and gently let her go he smiled. "You're a heck of a woman Em…."

  And he walked away without another word.

  How could a man do that, kiss like he meant every word, and walk away as though it meant nothing to him.

  Emily stood staring at his back.

  What just happened? Why had he done that, especially that way. He could have just kissed her and been done with that, but he played with her senses, he awoke the sleeping beauty inside her. Emily drew a long breath, to calm herself.

  But as she glanced around she spotted Beth going back to her wagon. Her shoulders slumping. Apparently it worked. Emily almost felt sorry for the girl, but she really shouldn't play with married men.

  Now she understood. Beth was chasing Cole, and he was doing his best to discourage her without creating some kind of scene. It was almost noble of him from one point of view, but Emily had to re-think him. The man could definitely kiss. In all her twenty-six years, she'd never been kissed quite so thoroughly. When he began only her lips trembled, now her whole body shook from the impact.

  Her lips still quivered where'd he left an angel kiss near the corner of her mouth.

  Never in all her life had any man so controlled a situation. Her breathing was erratic. Her heart was pounding.

  It had been so unexpected.

  She felt her face grow warm. In truth, she didn't know how to react. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing, but she was at a loss. She'd been kissed before, but not with such feeling.

  Acting natural now was impossible. She felt weak, speechless, mesmerized by her husband. In the flash of a moment he had swept her into his world. How could a kiss produce such desire?

  Her husband, she repeated in her mind. She'd married this man. Never once thinking there would be any feelings in the marriage and knowing that it was all for show to discourage Beth. And yet, it was so much more to Emily. He had dragged her out of her cold and unfeeling relationships and into something that consumed her with a fire.

  She had to get control of herself.

  She couldn't afford to have feelings for the man, he'd leave her in Oregon. And quite suddenly that saddened her.

  That was the whole problem. This was a temporary thing and hard to remember when he stole kisses like that.

  Still, it had the effect they had wanted to project, it was a success, so why was she upset? Beth got the message. Wasn't that the important thing?

  Straightening herself, Emily tried to rationalize the whole thing. Cole did what he had to. There was no real emotions involved. She'd do well to remember it. And yet, remembering the touch of his lips, and the way he swept her into his world, she wondered.

  They were doing each other a favor. She was going west, getting away from Carrington Shipyards and her Uncle. Getting away from Robert. This is what she wanted, right?

  Why was it that men could kiss a woman and walk away, and the woman stood there stunned? Why did new and exciting feelings rush her now.

  She was losing her edge.

  Their marriage was a sham, not meant to be consummated in any way. Not even by a kiss. Only this thing with Beth…that's what started it all.

  She'd have to do her part to discourage Beth and her own feelings that were growing for a husband she barely knew.

  After all, she and Cole were practically strangers.

  And yet, she had to admit she felt somehow connected to him in some way. When he kissed her it was like a piece to the missing puzzle had been found. As though that puzzle piece completed her somehow. As though they belonged together. Whether it was the vows she took or just his manipulations that caused those feelings, she had to try to squash them.

  It wouldn't happen again. She wouldn't let him get a foothold in her heart. Kissing was not allowed.

  Yet his reasoning for the kiss was real. He was a man in a position. He was responsible for the entire train and he had to keep his head and stick to business. He couldn't allow Beth to fantasize about him. And Emily couldn't allow her emotions in this marriage.

  She went inside the wagon, took off her clothes and dressed for bed. She snuggled under the covers and tried her best not to think about that kiss any longer. But she had dreams of it. It opened a whole new world to her. A world she had never been a part of before.

  In reality, she wasn't a young girl with hopes and dreams of the future. All of this was temporary. Once she reached Oregon she'd be on her own. That's what she told herself, but deep down, she wanted to explore this new territory. She wanted to know more about it, and him.

  The thought scared her a little. She'd never been on her own before. She'd been with her parents until they died, and then whisked away to her Uncle's. There had always been someone that took the responsibility for her life. Now things were changing.

  She silently scolded herself for letting Cole get to her. He wouldn't be around in the end, she kept telling herself. But what confused her more, he gave in his kisses. He gave a small piece of himself. And she coveted it.

  Now she had to form a plan of her own, that is if she was sensible. How to survive in Oregon...alone.

  For a long time escaping had been her biggest plan. Well, now she had escaped, what was she to do? She had a husband that was temporary. And somehow…she felt cheated that nothing along the way would ever really be hers.

  Dear God, she'd done the one thing she vowed she'd never do. She let her emotions into a hopeless situation.

  How could a man turn a woman's head so easily? Or manipulate her heart? That was it! He touched her heart.

  This would never do. She couldn't afford to let her feelings get the best of her. She was a sensible person, always had been.

  But so far, Cole had done the one thing no man had ever done with Emily….he found her heart.

  He wasn't rough nor mean, but gentle and caring.

  She had purposely protected herself from the hurts of a real relationship by not letting her emotions rule her. As a Carrington, she couldn't afford to fall in love with anyone. But this man didn't care that she was a Carrington.

  Just because he kissed her didn't mean she had to fall apart did it?

  Determined to make this arrangement work, she vowed
she wouldn't let him in her heart. It would ruin everything.

  In the meantime, she needed some kind of plan for when she did get to Oregon. It was time to think about it.

  She reached inside her small trunk and pulled out a small pouch of money. She'd saved most of her life, and it would be enough to get her started out west if she didn't spend any until she got there, that is.

  She'd never have to rely on Carrington money again. That was a relief. She had escaped her Uncle and Robert. So why did she feel as though something in her life was about to change? Why did she feel as though a secret part of her had been released, opened to the world?

  She shook herself. "I just need sleep. I'm tired…" she mumbled and closed her eyes once more.

  Beneath the wagon, she heard Cole bedding down for the night. What a mysterious man she'd married.

  And a slight smile creased her lips and what a kisser!

  Chapter Nine

  Nebraska was a plain territory, with little cover from heat and wind, and Indian attacks. Trees were sparse, and you could hear the wind blow for miles. It was a lonely tune.

  There were signs of Indians about, and Cole had both the scouts on double duty. Hawk was the first to report that he'd seen Indian activity twenty miles to the north.

  Smoke signals in the middle of the day alerted them all that they weren't far away.

  "Post guards at both the point and drag of the train, Sam. Every man armed. First sign of trouble we need to get the wagons in position. How many have you seen?" He asked Hawk as he grabbed a cup of coffee and remounted.

  "Just a hunting party. Not over thirty bucks at most. But the way they are sending up smoke signals we need to be on the alert. It looks to me like they are planning some kind of pow-wow between them. Maybe even get the Cheyenne to go in with them."

  "Has there been trouble at the forts, or do you know?"

  "It's the same old story, broken promises."

  "As long as we can get out of here, before they do, is all I care about. Alright. Thanks, Get a little rest."

  "Not sure rest is what I want to do right now. Not as long as that hunting party keeps skirting us. Not sure I like that. Usually they wouldn't bother with us. But the trouble's been stirring for a while. All those so-called treaties the white man doesn't live up to, the Indians are keeping track."

  "Keep your eyes open, and send me word."

  Before lunch, he caught up with Emily's wagon. "Let's make lunch short today, we could make sandwiches of that brisket," Cole suggested.

  Emily eyed him carefully. "Expecting trouble?"

  "Yeah, be ready, in case we have some. Make up some extra sandwiches and keep the coffee hot." Cole warned her, he shot her a quick glance.

  She blushed from his swift appraisal.

  Only a few miles from Ft. Kearney the train was hit by a stray Sioux party. There had been rumors that the Indians were in a hostile mood for some time, but no word on wagon train attacks so Cole thought they would be safe.

  Perez spotted the hunting party too and watched them for a while. He immediately reported it to Cole. Cole shook his head. "I had hoped we could sneak by them. The army has done more to cause bad relations with the Sioux than we have. I'd think they would go after the blue coats. After all the bad treaties, they've suffered. But I guess if they wipe out a few wagon trains the army might do something."

  "I'd say they are testing their wings right now amigo. Taking out small parties of whites will build their morale and confidence in an all-out war. It's not a big hunting party. Even if they do attack. We can probably hold them off. But I'd get them in a holding position to be safe."

  "Good idea." He only hoped the troops might hear the ruckus and come running.

  Cole ordered the wagons to form a circle and the men to arm themselves. The women put away their tables and food and gathered the children in the wagons. Fear at this point was running high, most of these people had never come up against Indians before. Cole had many times. He knew one of the major things was to have plenty of food and water and keep a tight circle.

  Barricades helped too. The men would take trunks and boxes and crates out of the wagon to use for cover.

  Cole made sure each area was fortified with men, and women that knew how to shoot.

  "Em…" He called as he neared the chuck wagon.

  "Yes?" Emily scrambled down from the wagon. "Something wrong?"

  "Yeah…Indians, Sioux. Stay close to me. Do you know how to shoot by any chance?"

  "I've handled a rifle before." She smiled.

  "Good, get under the wagon and stay there." He ordered her. "Put some of those bags of flour and salt around you to protect you." He hollered.

  He was busy directing everyone to their places. But now would show her metal, as an Indian attack was breathing down his neck.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her working frantically to get the bags under the wagon, and then she slid under with her rifle that he gave her. Not once did she stop to ask questions or rebel against his orders. He liked that about her. She was a woman that knew when to obey, and that would prove valuable to him.

  Not once did she argue or balk at his orders, but she worked hard at doing exactly as he told her. How could a woman have so much sense, he wondered.

  Cole checked on the others. The ones with children he directed them inside the wagon and staying quiet. Unless they could handle a gun, he didn't want any women or children in sight.

  His scouts reported to him several times and he had his men staggered among the wagons to help protect them.

  Sam was on the other side of the wagons, to help fortify them.

  The Indians attacked from out of nowhere it seemed. They weren't in full dress, didn't even have war paint on. But a young buck seemed to lead them. One minute the prairie looked barren, the next they were yelling and attacking the train, like a herd of wild buffalo.

  As the shooting started Cole went back to the chuck wagon and stood beside the back of the wagon. Unloading crates he shielded himself and Perez as they began shooting. Hawk joined Sam and helped the other side. The Indians used bow and arrows, but they were good marksmen. A woman screamed when an arrow breezed by her. Cole glanced down the line and saw that she had fainted.

  "Take care of her." He hollered.

  For nearly an hour, they raided them, trying to steal their horses and cattle. One man had been severely injured and Cole told everyone to reload because they'd be back.

  Cole checked on Emily and was glad she was doing alright under the wagon.

  The second round came quickly and ammunition was running low.

  Arrows soared through the air and made a whirring sound. They managed to kill a few, mainly Cole wanted the young buck that started it. Perez got him in one practiced shot.

  "Good shooting," Cole smiled.

  "They won't be back, they'll have to elect a new leader." Perez laughed.

  At one point Cole glanced under the wagon and then he saw it. Emily had been hit with an arrow. She hadn't said a word. She didn't scream like most women, she was trying to get the arrow out of her shoulder, but it hurt too bad and she was bleeding.

  He climbed under and held her in his arms.

  She looked glassy-eyed at him. "I think I’m hit." She managed.

  "Hold still, this is going to hurt." He advised her as he looked into her eyes.

  She nodded.

  The arrow was lodged in her shoulder.

  "I didn't hear a whimper out of you." He comforted her.

  "You're a strong woman Emily," Cole said as he pulled the arrow out of her shoulder. She winced, then lost consciousness. He lifted her up and put her in the wagon. Perez was standing beside him.

  "Get the doc over here, will you."

  "Si." Perez moved like lightning. "She is a brave one."

  The doc, as everyone called him was an older man with bushy brows and a bent over back. He traveled by the train almost every year to be helpful. He'd retired years ago and liked the
fact that he could still be useful.

  He doctored Emily and bandaged her shoulder. "You take it easy young lady. It's a clean wound, it should heal well."

  "Yes sir…" She smiled weakly.

  "I'll get Mrs. Meriwether to help you," Cole said.

  "Oh, no…don't bother her. I'll be okay, just need a little rest right now."

  "I'll get her." Cole frowned at her. "You rest up."

  The doctor patched several of the people up then was on his way to his own wagon. "How many doc?" Cole asked him as he caught up with him.

  "Three men, and your wife." He answered.

  "Not too bad. As long as they don't come back."

  "Are we moving on to the fort?" The doc asked.

  "Yes, we'll camp near the Platt," Cole told him.

  "Good. Say, your wife is a pretty strong lady, she didn't make as much noise as some of the men." The doc smiled at him.

  "She's pretty remarkable alright," Cole answered.

  As soon as the Indians gave up Cole pushed onward. He wanted to be close to the fort. The Indians wouldn't bother them that close to the soldiers. Their armies weren't big enough or strong enough yet.

  Perez sat down with a pot of coffee Emily made and talked to Cole.

  "I didn't see this attack coming. I mean, they were a hunting party. I had no idea they would attack. That young buck, he wanted to make a name for himself, I guess. But the pressure is building. By next year, this area will be unsafe to travel." Perez apologized. "Unless peace is declared."

  "Let's just be thankful they were just a hunting party." Cole smiled. "We aren't well equipped to handle a bigger party of them. We need to try to stock up our ammunition while we are close to the fort. Can you take care of that?"

  "Si…I will get the supplies."

  They both gazed out at the Platt, then Cole said goodnight.

  Instead of crawling under the wagon as was his routine, he went inside.

  She wasn't asleep, in fact, she looked wide-eyed at him.

  "How do you feel?"

  "I guess it's gonna be pretty sore, huh?" She questioned as she tried to move and winced.

  "For a few days, yes. Now don't you fret. I'll have Mrs. Meriwether come over and do the cooking. She won't mind." Cole explained. "She can look in on you, too. I'd do it myself, but I’m going to be a little busy until we get to the fort."


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