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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

Page 53

by Amira Bradford

  Relieved, I relaxed my cramping muscles and buried my face in Colin's shoulder. He, however, stiffened and began to sit up.

  "What's the matter, dear?" I mumbled, still a little light-headed.

  "Sunburn," he replied tersely. He stretched and grimaced. "And it's getting far too warm in here. Time to get up, I think."

  I sighed, but realized the truth of his words. The sun had fully risen by now and the day was heating up the tent quickly. And somewhere, in the very back of my mind, I remembered we were actually at the beach...


  The next few hours were long, hazy, and hot...or at least they seemed that way to me, as distracted as I was. Colin was too sunburned to brave the beach again, but as it was our last day to really soak up the sun, sand, and waves, I was determined enjoy what I could of my favorite place in the world. So after breakfast, Rex, Anya, Amanda, Charlie, and I suited up and lathered on the sunscreen before we all piled into Colin's van. Colin did drive us down to the public access point, but he stayed up at the campground store to take advantage of the A/C and free WiFi.

  The rest of us trekked down to the ocean one last time and set up our little site of chairs and towels before making a mad dash for the waves. As I rushed down the beach, I savored the feel of the soft sand shifting beneath my feet. I did not slow down until I reached the more compact sand, and even then, I hit the water at a jog. The cool spray kicked up my legs, but in the heat of the day, it felt refreshing. I pressed on, soon fighting the waves as they rolled over my thighs and crested on my hips. Finally, I gave up and just dove headfirst into a building breaker. I emerged wet, salty, and blissfully happy.

  Swimming a little further out first to get past the worst of the pounding surf, I gave myself over to the whims of the waves. I merely floated on my back and allowed myself to drift along with the current, completely and utterly relaxed. I focused on emptying my mind and just enjoying the ocean...but my subconscious kept wandering back to the tent from this morning. I tried to concentrate on the beach: on the waves swelling and dipping around me, on the sun shining so brilliantly above me that I could see the red of my eyelids when I closed my eyes, on the salt burning my lips, tongue, and eyes. My subconscious, however, refused to be repressed...and I was beginning to get aroused all over again. The waves lapping at my cheek mimicked Colin's lips kissing their way down my jaw line. The warmth of the sunlight echoed the heat of his body as though he was resting on top of me. But the tingly feeling of the salt on my lips could not compare to the burning between my thighs as my desire intensified.

  I heard a sudden splash beside me, and I jerked out of the water. Looking around, I spotted a black curly mop of hair just peeking above the surface a few feet away.

  "Rex!" I groaned. "What do you want?"

  He popped out of the water in another spray of salty droplets, grinning. "Whatcha up to, Jeeeessssie?" he crooned.

  I focused on keeping my face composed, and prayed I wasn't blushing as he continued to smirk at me. I felt like he could somehow sense my thoughts, and it unsettled me. "Nothing," I replied, glad my voice was steady. "Just enjoying the's so peaceful. I can't get enough of it."

  He said nothing for a moment. Just kept grinning at me. I looked away.

  "What do you want, Rex?" I repeated.

  "Why don't you come be sociable?" he finally asked.

  I sighed. Realizing he wasn't just going to let me be, I dove under the waves and kicked off towards the rest of the group in answer.


  Much giggling, joking, and ass-grabbing later, our little group swam for the shore, a little worn out. Amanda, Charlie, and I stretched out on our towels and basked in the sun while Anya and Rex sat in chairs between us. I could feel the warmth of the sun soaking right into my bones as it dried me off, and the hot sand beneath me dried my front rather effectively, as well. I was so comfortable on my towel; I began to drift off to sleep.

  When a fine shower of sand suddenly cascaded over me, I awoke with a start. Amanda had just inadvertently dumped her towel right beside me, and as I came to, I realized everyone else was packing up as well.

  "Leaving already?" I mumbled groggily. "I was just getting comfortable."

  Anya shrugged. "Rex and Charlie are hungry, and I'm getting too much sun. So we're gonna head on back."

  "Come on, Jessie," Amanda whined. "It's hot and I'm getting hungry, too. Let's go find Colin, and go back."

  I grumbled, but heaved myself to my feet. "Alright, alright. Let's go, then."

  I didn't mention that at her words, I suddenly was hungry, too. But I wasn't exactly craving a sandwich...


  Of course, I knew my particular hunger would not be resolved for awhile. By the time we managed to get drag our driver out of the camp store, get back to the campsite, and eat, Amanda and I had to hit the showers before we got ready to go out with Colin to Medieval Times.

  When I went to the bath house, however, I remembered a comment Colin had made from this morning. After breakfast, he had bumped into me and discreetly handed me my vibrator, whispering roughly in my ear, "For your shower later." The way he said it, I felt like he was commanding me. But as I dug out my shampoo and conditioner out of my travel bag, and my hand brushed across a small purple item glinting in the corner, I realized I was only too happy to submit to his control.

  I peeled off my bathing suit and plopped it on the bench before stepping under the refreshingly cool shower. The water rolled down my shoulders, across the swell of my breasts, and beaded on my nipples as they hardened, both from the cold and my arousal. I arched my back, thrusting my breasts more directly into the spray. The feeling of the pelting droplets dancing across my overly sensitive skin drove me absolutely wild.

  I let my fantasies run wild once again as I imagined Colin's tongue tracing the same path from the base of my neck, across my collarbone, and down over my breast that the water slid sensually down. I could almost feel his tongue teasing me, making slow circles around my breast, getting closer and closer to my nipple each time around. My finger mapped out the path in my mind with a feather-light touch, and I shuddered violently when I accidently grazed my erect nipple with my nail. I pictured him flicking his tongue lightly across my nipple and evoking the same reaction. I skimmed my finger across the hardened peak again, and nearly gasped aloud. My mind concocted an image of him gently taking my nipple into his mouth and sucking on it softly. He nibbled with his teeth for a moment, as well, before tormenting my bruised flesh with light, quick kisses. I mimicked the action with the hand cupping my breast. I sighed loudly... and remembered with a start where I was.

  I realized I was seriously neglecting my shower. I quickly shampooed my hair, and rinsed it clean. After I loaded it full of conditioner and reached for my body wash, however, I became distracted again. The luxurious feel of the sudsy lather lubricating every inch of my body only made the fire between my thighs burn hotter. As I soaped up, a gleam of purple caught my eye once more. I grinned. Swiftly, I retrieved my "little friend" and returned to the shower spray.

  I turned the bullet onto the lowest setting at first, and slid a soapy hand down my breast and touched the pulsing toy to my nipple, causing a flare of heat to shoot through me. I followed the flare to the junction of my hips, leaving a sudsy trail in my wake. I relished the feathery feel of the bubbles slithering down my body—over my stomach, down my thighs, across my ass—for just a moment before I set to teasing my clit. Once I slipped the little wonder between my nether lips, my hips bucked automatically. I parted my thighs, pelvis tilting upward slightly to allow myself better access. I continued to hold the buzzing bullet to my tiny nub of nerves and let the glorious sensations build. And build. And build.

  I struggled to control my breathing, trying not to pant audibly in the public bath house. However, I was rapidly leaving my conventions and insecurities behind as pleasure overrode every other sensation. My hips thrust upward without warning, and my hand slipped from my hot littl
e button. The gratification did not cease, though. My vibrator merely slid into a new position, sending a jolt of ecstasy to my core as it entered my hot, wet slit. I clicked it up to the next speed, and nearly lost myself at once. My muscles clenched around the tiny toy, pulling it deeper inside of me. A finger slid back up to my clit and began flicking and rubbing it rapidly, teasing me back to the edge. Soon, my hips rocked back and forth rapidly, and I braced myself against the slick tile wall as I rose up on the very tip of my toes. I inhaled sharply and held my breath, finger working furiously at my clit, until I threw back my head and my vision grew fuzzy and dim. My lungs burned for fresh oxygen, but I ignored the tightening of my chest as my back arched, my hips thrust upward, and my knees shook violently. Finally, the dam broke, and my orgasm flooded through me.

  My shoulders collapsed against the tiled wall and I landed back on my feet with a squelching thud. With a final contraction, I slid the vibrating bullet out of my pussy, and turned it off...and realized I had not even tapped the third and highest speed! Aftershocks wracked my limp body at the mere thought. My legs trembled wearily. It took all my effort just to remain standing as I returned to the stream of water for a final rinse. Even after I cut off the water, I stood dripping in the shower for a moment, still trying to catch my breath.

  It wasn't until after I had toweled myself off, dressed, gathered up my shower stuff, and was walking back to the site that it hit me. The pounding water had not doused my inner fire after all. My pussy contracted sharply as I padded quietly into camp and glimpsed Colin across the site, sitting around the table with the others. I realized that even after that incredible shower, unbelievably, I...was...still...horny!


  But again I had to repress my urges...this time to head into town with Colin and Amanda for dinner at Medieval Times. We had a great evening: laughing and joking and just enjoying the show. Amanda and I screamed our heads off the entire time, cheering and booing appropriately, and we giggled mercilessly as we eyed the handsome jousters. Even as immersed in the show as I was, though, Colin's proximity was just enough to keep me positively boiling just below the surface. In the back of my mind, I could not wait to get back to camp.

  Finally, the show ended and the three of us piled back into my Blazer and headed back to the State Park. Everyone else had gone to dinner elsewhere and had left later than us, so when we got back to camp, we were alone.

  "So Amanda..." I purred, following her into the girls' tent to change into my PJs. "You ready for this?"

  All evening, Colin and I had been joking with Amanda about having a threesome if we came back to an empty camp, and she had seemed pretty cool with the idea, laughing and encouraging us each time we mentioned it.

  Amanda just looked at up at me from her seat on the air mattress. "Ready for what?" As if in response, Colin ducked into the tent behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I grinned wickedly and tugged him down to the mattress beside Amanda. Pulling him close, I kissed him passionately, arching my body into his. As he returned my ardor with a nibble on my lower lip, I nearly groaned aloud and the thought of Amanda entirely fled my mind. It wasn't until he dragged his mouth lower and kissed his way down my neck that my eyes fluttered open and registered the sight of Amanda awkwardly reading beside us and scrolling through her iPod.

  I nudged Colin. "Perhaps..." I began breathily. "Perhaps we should move our party elsewhere."

  He looked at me quizzically and I glanced pointedly in Amanda's direction. "But what about...?"

  I shook my head and squirmed out from under him so I could stand up. "See ya, Amanda." I said loudly in her direction. She waved dismissively in our direction and turned back to her book. "Come on, babe," I murmured to Colin and ducked out of the tent.

  Quickly, I scurried over to the boys' tent, Colin in tow. As soon as he zipped up the door flap, I was ready to jump him. He, however, smartly decided to unzip and unfold his sleeping bag to provide a more comfortable and less sandy bed for us to lie on. With the sexual tension building between us for over twenty four hours beforehand, though, I seriously could not take it any longer.

  As my mouth found his once more, I could feel my inner thighs already growing damp in anticipation. We collapsed onto the air mattresses, and he only inflamed my already burning desire with his insistent, hungry kisses. His lips were warm and firm against mine, slowly parting my lips to dart his tongue forward. He explored my mouth and our tongues wrestled fiercely as I molded my body to his.

  "What happened to our threesome?" Colin asked between kisses.

  Electricity zinged through my body as his mouth once again slid down my neck, kissing and nibbling a trail down to the base of my throat, where he bit and sucked my tender flesh.

  "I don't think..." I replied, fighting to control my voice. "I don't think Amanda actually realized we were serious."

  "That's too bad," he said, grinning mischievously, "but I guess we'll make do." His hand cupped one of my breasts, massaging it through my shirt and bra. I closed my eyes in rapture and my breathing grew shallow. Suddenly, he pulled away and my eyes flew open. "Wha—" I began, confused, only to be interrupted by Colin tugging at my shirt. I almost helped him pull it over my head, when I remembered where we were and decided against exposing myself so readily. Instead, I swiftly unhooked my bra and tossed it aside. His hand returned to caressing my breast through the thin barrier of my shirt for a moment, before pulling my tank top down low enough to expose the bare flesh and covering my nipple with the wet warmth of his mouth.

  The blood in my veins felt like liquid fire as my back arched, pressing my breast farther into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the darkened areola, and I gasped when he rolled my hardened nipple between his teeth sending mixed signals of both pleasure and pain racing through my body. When he finally released my nipple, the shock of the cool air made me shudder against him, teasing the hard ridge of flesh resting against my leg. Colin groaned softly as he rolled away from me again. I made as though to follow him, but found myself suddenly flat on my back once more and throwing my head back in exquisite pleasure as out of nowhere, he dragged my vibrator back across my breast. I had completely forgotten I had tucked the little toy in my bra when I changed into my PJs, and I realized he must have discreetly pocketed it when he was busy torturing my breasts.

  I swallowed a moan as he grazed my nipple with the vibrator again. Then he kissed me fleetingly and whispered in my ear, "Flip over."

  I did just as he asked, and then did him one better by pulling my leopard print shorts to my knees and skillfully removing my lacy black underwear and tossing it in the direction of my bra. I could hear him unzipping his shorts behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of khaki top off the growing pile of clothing on the floor.

  He sighed with pleasure as he pressed his rock-hard dick into my ass. My tight little hole resisted his efforts at first, but he wasted no time and merely slipped forward, thrusting into my dripping wet cunt to effectively lubricate his dick. When he pressed the head of his cock against my asshole once more, he slid inside me easily.

  "Ohhh..." I moaned, shuddering uncontrollably around his pistoning cock. Colin grabbed my hips with his hands, pulling himself deeper inside of me. After a few more long hard thrusts, he pulled out of my ass and sunk into my pussy. I gasped and rocked my hips back against him, driving the head of his cock right into my G-spot. Biting back a scream of ecstasy, I focused on the feel of him inside my pussy, completely naked.

  "You good," I whispered shakily. It was as though I could feel absolutely every ridge of his dick as he thrust inside my tight cunt. Soon though, he realized he was reaching the danger zone and pulled out of me yet again.

  "You wanna roll back over and do this a bit more traditionally now?" he asked as he dug in his shorts for a condom and swiftly took care of protection. I grinned wickedly at him from over my shoulder, and rolled onto my back and spread my legs. He leaned over me, lining up his cock with my pussy, and I rea
ched up, took his face between my hands and kissed him fiercely, delving my tongue into his mouth. As he plunged inside me, my pussy clutched tightly around him, and my gasp was lost in our kiss.

  Rhythmically, he glided in and out of me with long, steady thrusts. I bucked against him, driving him deeper inside me than ever before, meeting him thrust for thrust. I clawed at his shirt, yanking it over his head, and relished the warmth of his bare flesh underneath my hands as I held him close. He seemed to notice my urgency.

  "You wanna get on top?" he finally offered. Usually, I turned him down, but tonight...I kissed him hard in response, pushed him up, back, and over on his back, and positioned myself above him. Slowly, I lowered down onto his erect cock. On the air mattress, I had enough room to straddle him comfortably on my knees, which allowed me to ride him in earnest. Bouncing up and down on his cock, I stifled another moan as he stroked my G-spot deep inside me. I leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his lips before I leaned all the way back, threw my hands out behind me to catch myself, and drove him into me at a whole new angle.

  "Oh God, Colin..." I breathed as I rode him feverishly.

  "Dear," he interrupted. "At this pace, you are going to break off my penis." I slowed, smiling sheepishly. I rolled off of him and lay back innocently.

  "I'm sorry, dear," I said quietly. "It's just...I want you inside me so badly. I can't get enough of you."

  He grinned mischievously back at me, kneeling over me again. "Oh? Is that so?" He sunk into my cunt swiftly, and I bucked wildly against him. He plunged into me again and again, sinking in so far that his balls slapped against my ass with each thrust. The intensity of our fucking was incredible; I didn't think it could possibly get any better. That is, until he brought out my little friend to play once more.


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