Riley's Pond (New Adult Romance)

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Riley's Pond (New Adult Romance) Page 29

by Harley Brooks

  Riley wandered the room, touched the sofa pillows, flipped the top of the magazine on the coffee table. He shoved his hands in his pockets, sauntered to the mantle and picked up a framed picture. “Where is your roommate?”

  “He drove to Manhattan to stay with friends. He thought we could use some space.”

  Riley put the picture back and scrubbed his neck, but still refused to sit. I rubbed my hands down the sides of my jeans, anxious at how nervous he seemed. I still held secrets, but vowed to reveal them all…just not in the first ten minutes.

  I walked into the kitchen area, feeling Riley’s eyes follow. “Want something to drink? There’s beer.”

  “No thanks. I seem to like it too much.” Riley stared at the ceiling. I handed him a bottle of spring water.

  “Stick to bottled water then. Don’t drink the tap water. The pipes in this building have to be a thousand years old. Oh, and let the water in the shower run a couple of minutes, too. Cleans out the rust.” I popped the top of my diet soda and eased onto the arm of the sofa. “What is it, Riley? You’re pacing like a caged cat.”

  “I told you, I’m nervous.” He waved his hands aimlessly in the air. “This bothers me. You living with a guy.”

  “Like I’ve said a hundred times, it’s not like that with me and Kai, okay?”

  Riley’s water bottle crinkled he drank so hard. “Taylor, a male can’t be around you and not think about...being with you. It’s not normal. You’re too damn hot.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, I think. Does that mean you’re affected by my presence.”

  “Hell, Taylor, the sound of your voice makes me bat-shit horny. Being here, alone with you is driving me crazy and I’m about ready to jump out of my skin because I don’t know how the fuck to act! I’m scared shitless to get close to you. Babe, my heart can’t take another goodbye, if that’s what this is.”

  “Seriously? You think I brought you all the way to New York to rub your nose in the fact I’m in a relationship with another guy, which I’m not.”

  Riley picked up the picture off the mantel again. “Damn the guy’s sure full of himself, isn’t he? I mean he has his picture in a fancy frame for the world to gawk at. Where’s yours? Next to the bed? Damn, I can’t do this.”

  He tossed the picture onto the easy chair and picked up his duffel bag. I rushed to the door and stood in front of it, spilling my pop down my shirt.

  “Wait. Don’t leave. There’s something I have to tell you.”

  Riley’s arm pressed the door to the side of my head. I could see the anger starting to build in his eyes. “More secrets? God, don’t tell me you’re married.”

  “No, far from it. And that picture isn’t Kai. It’s his old partner. The one who killed himself after he was beaten and raped.”

  Riley’s brows touched. A glint of recognition ignited. “You mean—”

  “Kai’s gay.”

  Riley rolled to the side of me, thumping against the door. He heaved a sigh that fluffed his bangs. “Gay. All this time I’ve been going out of my mind imagining you and this Kai dude hooking up every night. Shit. I don’t know whether to be relieved or mad as hell.”

  He slid to the floor and propped his elbows on his knees, holding his head. Slowly, I eased down beside him, cautious of what came next. Riley shook his head. “Gay,” he repeated quietly. His shoulders started to shake and my stomach dipped. I’d pushed too far and upset him.

  Suddenly, he lunged at me, pushed me to the floor. My soda flew across the carpet when Riley pinned my wrists and hovered over me.

  “You are so going to pay for this, girl.”

  “Riley…don’t you dare…” I’d seen this look only one other time and the revenge inflicted turned my world upside down in a most wonderful way.


  “How long you planning on sleeping?” Riley asked from the doorway. “It’s almost noon. Day’s half over and you’re still in bed…without me.”

  I rolled over and twisted the clock. “Ugh, why did you let me sleep so long?” I stretched and rubbed my eyes. “Hey? Where’s my coffee? And the real question is why am I in bed without you? I halfway hoped to wake with you next to me.” I pushed up against the headboard. “What happened?”

  Riley lowered onto the side of the bed and handed me the mug. “I figured the couch was safer for both of us. I don’t want to risk messing this up. Right now, I think we should take things slow, although Riley Jr. may argue. Hope you’ve got aspirin.” He looked over at the twin bed across the room. “You guys really share a room?”

  I nodded, allowing a warm swirl to slip down my throat.

  “Kai ever seen you naked? If so, I may have a problem with that.” Riley took the cup and swigged back the last of the coffee.

  “Saw me in my bra once. Trust me, even my “church worthy” lacies do nothing for him.”

  Riley moved me back into the pillows, pressing his body to mine. “Trust me, he’s lying. I’m laying on top of you with a blanket between us and just knowing you own thong underwear is causing me serious physical issues.” He reached under the blanket and pinched my side.

  “Ouch! What’s that for?”

  “You’re not wearing green. It’s St. Patty’s Day. Wear green or scream.”

  A tickle-pinch fest ensued and soon we were tangled on the floor in the bedding pulled from the bed. I fisted his T-shirt and pressed it to my nose.

  “I’ve missed your smell...the way it filled my hair and clothes after being with you.” I curled onto his chest, his heartbeat fast against my cheek. “I love you, Riley,” I whispered. “Say you’ll take me back?”

  “I never did let you go.”

  “Does this mean I’m still in your picture?”

  “No one else could ever fit beside me in that frame, you know that, don’t you?”

  His expression held an innocence that made him appear vulnerable. I traced the outline of his mouth, moist…warm. Gently, I fit mine against it, testing. Our lips locked and the world disappeared, taking all the bad memories. Riley kissed me like old times, his hand snaking over my body and bringing the dead girl inside me back to life. I melted into the angles of his body, swept up in scent of his cologne, the familiar taste of the cinnamon he sprinkled in his coffee still on his tongue.

  All things “Riley.”

  I struggled against an unexpected wave of emotion and pulled back. “I thought I’d lost you.” He flipped the waistband on my panties and I slapped his chest. “I’m serious, Riley. I really believed I’d screwed things up for good.”

  Riley twirled tiny circles on the back of my neck. “I think we lost each other. I listened to everyone tell me to be careful, not push you…not touch you, but I didn’t listen to my heart. I’m sorry.” He nuzzled my neck, breathed against my skin and turned quiet.

  “Everyone treated me different after the rape, like I’d break or something. My parents bugged me, but when you acted weird, it really hurt. I needed you to stay the same, Riley. When you wouldn’t touch me and even kissed me differently, I saw it as your feelings had changed—that you didn’t really love me as much as I thought. Your coolness made me believe I’d done something wrong.”

  Riley kissed away a surprise tear dripping from the corner of my eye. “You know that’s not true. You did nothing to deserve what happened. You’re right, after I saw how fragile you were, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to freak you out and make you hate me, too.”

  “Kai said it was something like that.” I stroked the side of Riley’s sudden pained face. “Tell me you’re still not blaming yourself.”

  “Of course I am. I failed you and to be honest, I’m scared as hell I could do it again—not be there to save you when you need me.”

  “Babe, you’ve always been my super-hero. You didn’t fail me. You just got caught in your cape.”




  The sun bore a hole through my head. The hottest day of the year and
I was trapped inside a heavy gown. Why did I decide to go through with this graduation crap, anyway?

  “Smile!” Mom clicked her gazillionth picture of me in the silly red satin getup.

  Dad scratched the back of his neck. “Enough, Bev. Let Riley say his goodbyes. I’m starving.”

  “Well, let’s just interrupt one of the most important days in your son’s life to satisfy your constant hunger, shall we?” she snipped.

  I laughed “Mom, ease up already. You guys go on ahead to the restaurant. By the time Dad’s had a couple beers, I’ll be there.”

  She shook her finger. “Thirty minutes, mister.”

  Dirk pointed to an imaginary watch on his wrist, miming Mom. Dad cuffed his head.

  “You had a sister once who made fun of your mother. She disappeared the next day.”


  Dad delighted in making up a new “long lost sister” story every time we got caught teasing Mom. By the time Jax and I were Dirk’s age, we actually believed we had a sister walking aimlessly around the world.

  I watched my family wander toward the parking lot, stopping every few feet to acknowledge someone. Thirty minutes would pass before they ever reached the car.

  “I’m going to miss your family when I move to California.”

  “But not me? I’m hurt. Wounded deeply. I may never recover.”

  Warm, soft lips pressed mine quickly. “You’re pure drama.” I pulled her close for another kiss. “I’ll miss you, too.”

  A freshly manicured hand tugged the zipper down on my gown. Her fingers ran under the silver chain lying at the base of my throat, and caressed the tiny key. Not moving from my arms, her head tilted the direction of my truck, parked under the trees. A willowy silhouette moved our direction.

  “Is this the key to her heart?”

  “Sure is.”

  “She’s a lucky girl.”

  I couldn’t help myself. “Yes, she is.”

  Taylor linked her arm through my other elbow. “I’m what?”

  “Damn lucky to have me.”

  “It appears I’m sharing at the moment.”

  My arm dropped from Leila’s waist. “Taylor, this is Leila Brown. The girl I told you about who’s engaged to Barney’s stepson. I’ve been sort of—”

  Leila offered her hand to Taylor. “Babysitting. My fiancé left two weeks ago for Southern Cal, but I stayed behind for graduation. Barney assigned Riley as my guardian to keep other boys away, and me out of trouble.”

  “He assigned Riley to keep you out of trouble? Is there another Riley that works for Barney?”

  I kissed Taylor’s full lips, feeling her smile. “You’re the only girl who gets me in trouble, and I can’t wait to create some mischief.”

  As if on cue, Leila’s boyfriend appeared. Introductions were made and he whisked her away, leaving me alone with Taylor.

  “Should I be jealous?” Taylor asked. “You didn’t tell me how pretty she was.”

  “Nor did you tell me how pretty Kai was either. I think you were due some payback.” Taylor’s lips slowly brushed mine. “Damn girl, stop that.” She shook her head and slid her arms around my waist inside my robe.

  “When will you be done with dinner?” she asked.

  “I’m thinking of skipping dinner and going straight for dessert. Wonder what your lips would taste like covered in whipped cream?” Her tongue tapped my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to taste her long and deep. Her fingers curled into the belt loops of my jeans and her leg eased around my thigh.

  “Damn, Taylor, this gown’s going to look like a pup tent if you don’t stop torturing me.” She threw her head back with a deep laugh and I lavished the silken length of her neck with my mouth. Her laugh changed to a soft moan.

  “I wish we were leaving tonight. I can’t wait to get away with you.”

  “Come to dinner with me, please?” I begged, not wanting to let go of her, even if we were starting to turn heads.

  “I can’t. I promised Grammy I’d go with her to a movie at the old Electric Theatre. They’re showing that old western, ‘Paint Your Wagon’, she’s always loved. Arriving so late last night, didn’t give me any time to spend with her and today’s been busy getting things ready.”

  She stepped back, checking to see if my “tent” assumption manifested. I followed her not-so-subtle glance to my lower region. “Speaking of, are you ready to go?”

  “You’ll have to be more specific.” She slapped my chest. “Ouch! Yes, I’ve been packed since the day I got my acceptance letter. Colorado here we come.”

  I tried reeling her close, but she resisted, her arms slowly pulling through my hands.

  “Go eat with your parents. I’ll catch up with you in a couple hours.”

  I watched my dream slowly disappear into the sea of people scrambling for cars. My cell phone buzzed in my pocket, scaring me near death. Dirk’s simple text read “Save me.”

  When I climbed in the front seat of my truck, my foot kicked a package wrapped in plain brown paper, tied with a bright red ribbon. I pulled the bow apart and ripped the paper, wondering how and who got into my truck. Enveloped in black satin, I found flip-flops and a silver picture frame with a hand written “invitation” appearing from the other side of the glass.

  Meet me at the pond. Nine o’clock sharp. Wear these.

  I held the black fabric up to the sunlight, quickly rolling it into a ball when I discovered the silky cloth to be a pair of boxers! The five course dinner planned would consist of appetizers only. I checked my watch. Six o’clock. Three torturous hours until my official “graduation,” I hoped.


  Eating dinner with my family took forever. We discussed my departure for Denver in the morning. I’d follow Taylor in my truck, loaded with her furniture from her grandmother’s. We told no one we were only taking my bed. Supposedly, the two bedroom apartment we rented already had a bed in the spare room, but after spending St. Patrick’s Day in New York with Taylor, I hoped we never cracked the door to the other bedroom.

  Halfway through dessert, Jax called my cell and offered congratulations. He’d signed up for another six month tour of duty, much to my mother’s disappointment. My dad expressed his “pride” for Jaxson finally turning his life in the right direction. Mom and I knew his decision had more to do with a certain invitation to Ally’s wedding than patriotism.

  By the time I broke free of my strangling family ties and suffered through a dozen more pictures, the sun had dipped behind the western hills, leaving long golden fingers stretching to a darkening sky. A few brave stars twinkled in the deep lavender overhead.

  I managed to make my trek along the creek bank without breaking an ankle as I hurried over the uneven terrain to reach the pond. To avoid suspicion or unwanted guests, I parked my truck back at the house and walked along the far side of the property. I was about to break through the thick shrubbery when a voice called out from somewhere in the trees.

  “Take your clothes off. This is a ‘black boxer’ only affair.”

  “Can I keep my flip-flops on or are dirty feet part of my attire?” I called out to the hidden voice.

  A small giggle turned my insides mushy. “Yes, but no shoes. You’ll spoil the image.”

  Wouldn’t want to do that!

  My imagination went into overdrive creating images of its own. I stood at the bushy entrance, feeling the evening breeze bluster up my new flimsy shorts and a frightening thought entered my mind.

  Could this be some twisted joke…an embarrassing payback? Heaven knows I’ve played more than my share of horrible practical jokes and the victims…well, the list was long. For all I knew, me standing in the clearing wearing only billowy silk boxers could be the lead-in story on the local news. With the breeze blowing up my hind side, the cover picture would leave little to the imagination.

  “Okay, I’m not walking into some trap, am I? Mom and Dad aren’t waiting with a video camera, are they?”

  Laughter gurgled acros
s the way. “Trap? Maybe. Guess you’ll just have to trust me.”


  Cautiously, I pushed away the last branches concealing my half naked body. Candles in every color of the rainbow flickered from perches on various rocks. Small glass jars holding white candles rimmed the pond from where I stood, to where the stream flowed into the far corner. A fiery fairyland surrounded me, setting the densely covered clearing in a colorful glow.

  Across from me, a lithesome figure emerged from behind a pine tree, wearing only black lace panties. Her church worthy underwear guaranteed I may be in for a truly religious experience, taking “worship” of the goddess coming closer, to a much higher plane.

  Long blonde curls covered my favorite “hand holds” and lips stained the color of blood parted, flashing a brilliant set of perfect teeth.

  I couldn’t summon a drop of saliva to ease my sudden dry throat or push down the lump closing my airway. My reaction to the glorious creature inching toward me mirrored the same one I had the first day I spied her swimming in the dark waters shimmering at my feet. Multiplied by ten. Silky boxers held no secrets.

  Taylor’s red painted fingers, barely touched my skin as they trailed up each arm and slowly over my chest, sending a flurry of gooseflesh pebbling from my toes to my chin. I attempted a swallow, the gulp loud enough to echo three states away.

  Her eyes dropped to where Riley Jr. saluted proudly, a wicked smile of satisfaction drawing up the corners of her mouth. I gasped when her index finger playfully poked my navel and slowly twirled the line of curls coming from further south, dragging a sensual line to the dangling key bobbing against my chest. My heart threatened to break free any second.

  An antiqued heart-shaped locket lay against dewy skin begging for my lips to touch. I parted the curtain of golden strands and tossed them over her shoulder, delighted in the delicate gasp when I reached for the locket.

  “Tell me, baby, whose heart is locked inside?”

  “I don’t know yet,” she answered breathy. “You’ll have to use that key to find out.”

  “But if I do,” I presented against lips barely touching mine, “I will set yours free. I’m not sure I want to do that.”


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