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The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4)

Page 34

by Marianne Morea

  Her sight narrowed and her body went slack. She gulped in breaths against the looming blackness, and with the last of her consciousness, she summoned her wolf.

  Every synapse fired, ordering her body to phase despite her pain. Her skin tingled with power and sinew heaved beneath her skin. Daisy dropped her head between her shoulder blades and her back arched, her spine undulating as her arms and legs reshaped into heavy-pawed quarters.

  Thick fur rippled across her chest and back and her nose and jaw elongated. Anger and disgust flew through her mind and she bared her teeth, black lips peeling over razor-sharp canine.

  “What the fuck!” Seth’s eyes bulged at the sight of the large white wolf, his face incredulous, as though he thought Daisy weak and incapable of such fury.

  He recoiled, diving for cover behind Violet, but Daisy was too fast. She launched for his throat, her teeth sinking deep into bone and cartilage. His neck snapped with one swift shake and she tossed him across the room, her white muzzle stained red.

  Violet snarled dropping to a low crouch and the two circled each other. Daisy thrashed her head, snapping and growling, keeping low and her eyes sharp.

  Another howl rang out and Violet jerked her head toward the sound. An immense black wolf with blood red eyes crashed through the screen door. His paws hit Violet point blank, knocking her back.

  Curved, saber-like teeth tore at her body, ripping chunks of flesh from her neck and chest. Gurgling noises bubbled up along with black, heart’s blood, but Violet threw him off.

  The vampire crawled to her knees and tried to stand, but the white wolf knocked her back, thick muscles coiling for a powerful release.

  Daisy vaulted, twisted in mid-air as she phased to human. “Jace!” she cried, dropping into a crouch.

  The black wolf rolled to his feet, his body shaking as bones and sinew snapped and reshaped to human. He ignored Daisy, his red eyes glowing with black rage.

  He locked on his quarry. “I’m done with you, Violet. Your claim on me is over. I abjure you and no one will blame me for ending you here and now.”

  Violet scrambled despite her wounds, wheeling around to strike, but Daisy snagged a piece of jagged wood next to the fireplace and tossed the serrated spike to Jace. He caught it, driving the sharp end through Violet’s chest as she lunged. Her own momentum sealing her fate.

  The vampire stuttered to a halt, teetering on her heel before crumpling to the floor.

  Nostrils flaring, Jace gave her head a vicious twist, ripping it from her shoulders, pitching the headless body forward in a pool of black blood.

  Panting, he threw his head back, his face still mottled with rage.

  Daisy didn’t dare approach.

  Jace dragged in slow, deep breaths and when his eyes finally met hers they were his normal brown with a red-hued ring.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No. Are you?”

  He lifted both hand in disbelief, still shaking. “I’m sorry, Daisy. This is my fault. I brought this to us, though I have no idea how Violet found me. We severed ties over a year ago, but I suppose it’s my own fault for not publically renouncing her.” He exhaled, hard.

  “She ambushed me in my death sleep. She’s old enough to withstand some sunlight, so it’s no surprise she was able strike when I was my most vulnerable. She bled me until I was so weak, I couldn’t open my eyes once the sun finally set. The next thing I knew I was in a grave beneath our tree.”

  He shook his head. “I still have no idea how she knew about our cabin or our tree or especially, Jenny. I kept as much from her as I could, but even I didn’t know we had a daughter until two days ago.”

  “Seth.” Daisy pointed to the broken body on the floor by the wall.

  Jace walked to the prone figure and rolled it onto its back. “Who did you say this was?”

  “Seth Cochran. Supposedly a distant cousin of mine—ours.”

  “I don’t know who he told you he was, but this is Bobby Sooner. He pretended to be your brother’s friend the night of my bachelor party. Bobby sold me out to Violet. He was her blood whore.”

  Daisy sank onto what was left of the arm chair. “Five years.” She exhaled. “She consciously planned all this.”

  “I don’t think Violet planned anything. I think it was Bobby. He took advantage and manipulated the situation for his own gain, convincing Violet it was the ultimate revenge.”

  Jace straightened, wiping his hands on his thighs. “The whole time I was buried, she used the maker’s mind link to show me what she planned to do to you and Jenny. She left me there knowing I could see and hear everything, but too weak to stop it.

  “What she didn’t count on was my dormant Were genes or my own will to save my family. The full moon rose and I felt your fear, your pain and the combination triggered my inner wolf. The force of everything was enough to heal me, freeing me to claw my way to the surface and get to you.”

  He shrugged. “It’s the only explanation that makes any sense.” He looked at Seth’s body again. “You can’t call the sheriff about him. There’s no way.”

  She shook her head. “There’s no need. Not after what happened today.”

  Jace eyed her. “I’m guessing, but you don’t sound like you’re referring this.” His hand swept the scene.

  Daisy swallowed. “Seth tried to kidnap Jenny from preschool today.”

  Jace’s jaw locked and his body stiffened. He paced, taking vicious strides until he turned with a snarl and ripped Seth’s lifeless arms from his body, flinging them into the fireplace.

  “Jace! Stop! Jenny’s fine. Your father stopped Seth.”

  Jace jerked his eyes around.

  “That’s right,” she replied to his unasked question. “Carson chased him down, phasing on the fly. He took a chunk out of Seth’s leg, but as you see, the douchebag got away.”

  Tension ebbed from the set of Jace’s jaw, replaced by a silly, prideful grin, but one look at Daisy and he sobered. “What?”

  “Your dad suffered a heart attack from the stress and the exertion—he’s fine,” she added quickly. “They took him to the hospital for tests. He had a minor episode and they’re releasing him tomorrow.”

  Jace shoved a hand through his hair, pacing again. “And my mom?” He stopped, his eyes searching Daisy’s face.

  “She’s with your dad, and they both know you’re back.” She watched the parade of emotions play across his face and her heart squeezed. “They love you, Jace. They want you here no matter what.”

  Daisy waited before continuing. “Sam Fisher knows, too, although I don’t think he was quite as receptive.” She chuckled. “Weak as he was, your dad read him the riot act.”

  Jace stood staring until he stalked forward and picked Daisy up, whirling her around before sliding her naked body down the full length of him until his mouth found hers. He kissed her fast and then stepped back, keeping her hands in his.

  “What about you? Do you want me, too?”

  Daisy met his eyes, lacing her left hand with his. “I do.”

  He stepped back with a grin before gesturing toward the attached bunkhouse.

  “Go see if there are a couple of blankets we can use for the ride home. Normally I’m all for driving around with you buck-naked, but we need to torch this place and can’t risk the distraction.”

  She looked at the shambles. “Years of happy memories ruined by one sociopath.”

  He ran a single knuckle over her cheek. “We’ll make new memories.” He swatted her bare ass. “Now scoot. I’ll meet you by the car.”

  “Are you sure the fire won’t spread?”

  “I said, scoot.”


  “We’re out in hell’s half acre, Daisy. It’ll be fine.”


  They sat in the truck far enough away and watched the fire engulf the cabin. The ranch was thousands of acres of private property so the cabin would burn to the ground and no one would know.

“Violet’s body disintegrated before I threw the first match, but we may have to come back for Bobby’s remains,” Jace said, watching the flames against the dark sky.

  “I already called my dad. He’s got it covered.”

  Jace leaned over and kissed her temple. “What are we going to do about him?”

  Daisy cocked her head and looked at him. “What do you mean?”

  “Is he happy I’m back?”

  She blew out a breath and shrugged. “I don’t know, but to be honest, I don’t care. This ranch and its bad blood has cost this family so much already. I’m not willing to sacrifice another thing.”

  He pulled her close and she rested her head on his shoulder. “You still need to introduce me to our daughter,” he said pressing a kiss to her hair.

  She smiled, snuggling in closer. “That means a road trip to the beach. How much sunscreen do you think a vampire might need?”


  Jace watched the moonlight dance on the water. The white sand a canvas of shadow and light as the waves crashed. Voices echoed from the house. Daisy’s in particular.

  His presence did nothing but exacerbate the situation, so he went for a walk leaving the rest to argue.

  “You are so pig-headed! If mama were here she’d make you see reason.” Daisy threw one hand in the air.

  “Your mother, God rest her, would agree with me, and I will jerk a knot in your tail if you push me on this.”

  “You’re being unreasonable, Jeb,” Elinor interrupted. “Daisy’s a grown woman.”

  “She’s not your daughter, Ellie, so I’d remind you to butt out.”

  “Hey! Don’t talk to my wife that way.” Carson winced on the couch.

  “Daisy is the mother of my grandchild, so I’ll speak my peace regardless what you say. If she wants Jace, then you will have to accept it or face the consequences alone.”

  “Consequences? What are you jabbering about?” Jeb asked.

  Daisy stood her ground. “It’ll break my heart, but Jenny and I will leave if you don’t accept Jace.”

  “And you will be alone, Jeb. Carson and I have every intention of going with them, wherever that may be. Search your heart. If the shoe were on the other foot, you’d move heaven and hell to keep Daisy with you.”

  Jeb exhaled. “For the last time, this has nothing to do with Jace staying or going. The boy can stay until the rapture for all I care.” He got up and stalked to the kitchen counter for a beer, tossing the cap into the sink. “It’s Daisy’s wellbeing that concerns me.”

  “For God’s sake, why?” Daisy interjected, trying not to lose her temper again.

  “Why?” Jeb stared at her incredulously. “Forget the obvious logistics of keeping him sated and out of the sun, unless someone drives a stake through Jace’s heart, he’s going to live forever.”

  Daisy slapped her forehead. “And? I would’ve thought you’d be happy at the idea the ranch and the surrounding land were protected in perpetuity. You never have to deal with finding an heir to inherit. Ever.”

  Jeb turned to them watching him. “Daisy, you’re not thinking this through. Brazos may be a large valley, but people still know people. Do you honestly think no one will notice that Jace never ages? How are you going to explain when you’re eighty and he still looks twenty-five?”

  She shrugged. “We’ll keep to ourselves. Weres have managed to keep our dual nature hidden from the general human population for centuries. Jace and I will manage.”

  “How?” he questioned.

  “We haven’t figured that out yet.”

  Jeb rubbed his forehead. “I don’t pretend to understand vampire politics, but I do know murdering one’s maker is a huge no-no. How is he going to defend himself to their adjudicators?”

  Carson gestured toward the Fed-Ex package on the table. “Darlin’, will you bring me that box, please?”

  Daisy carried the flat rectangle to the couch and Carson took it with a wink. “Thank you, honey.”

  He sat up and peeled back the stiff cardboard seal “Sam Fisher sent this overnight.”

  Inside was an aged file, cracked and faded from the protection of the inside plastic.

  “These are the original pack archives documenting every death and the circumstances surrounding each case, including eyewitness accounts of the vampire Violet rubbernecking her handiwork.”

  Daisy slid in beside him, and Carson handed her some of the papers to scan.

  “These are beyond belief. Aimee will need these documents sent ASAP. As soon as Francisco César takes one look at them, Jace will be in the clear for killing Violet. He’s justified.”

  “Francisco César?” Jace’s voice carried from the doorway, uncertainty shrouding his face.

  Daisy looked up from the pages on her lap. “Yes. Aimee introduced us. Do you know him?”

  Jace shook his head. “Only by reputation.”

  “I’m gathering the man’s got pretty big boots, then,” Carson mused.

  Jace stepped through the threshold. “You could say that, Dad. Francisco César is not one to mess with. His word is usually final, and for him to offer his help, means he holds Aimee in high esteem.”

  Daisy got up and moved to the loveseat. “Sit with me, Jace.” She patted the cushions. “You need to be part of the conversation. My father is going to mind his manners.” She eyed her father.


  “Should I call Aimee to send a courier for these?” Daisy asked, turning her attention back to the archives.

  Carson shook his head. “I said these were the original documents. Sam already forwarded the photocopies to Aimee.”

  Daisy grinned, and she turned to peck Jace’s cheek. “You’re that much closer to being vindicated.”

  Jace inhaled, lifting one shoulder. “I don’t know, Dais, but I certainly hope so.”

  She linked her hand with his. “I’m sure of it. Francisco was very upset when he learned the length and breadth of the crimes Violet committed against the Matthews pack.

  “He said if there was proof to corroborate the claim, you would be within your rights to act, especially if Violet’s threat endangered your natural child.”

  Jace leaned back against the couch cushion letting his shoulders relax. “Well, one good thing about being undead is once a thought is shared via a mind link, it’s binding. I have Violet’s sick intentions scorched into my brain, so much so I may never let Jenny out of my sight again.”

  “Even when I go to the potty, Daddy?” Jenny asked, rubbing her eyes as she padded in from the bedroom in her pajamas and crawled onto Jace’s lap.

  He pressed his lips to the top of her head, her tiny, trusting hand in his as she curled up against his chest. She was asleep again in seconds, the soft rise and fall of her chest mesmerizing every adult in the room, especially him.

  Eyes warm, Daisy pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “See? You’re a natural.”

  Jeb nursed his beer, eyeing the little family. “It’s clear y’all love each other, but I still don’t get how you plan to make this work.”

  “So this is about me and not about the ranch,” Jace remarked.

  Jeb blew out a breath. “Forget the ranch and all that business for now. With you back, the pact is honored one way or the other, but yes, my issue is with you. There’s no question you would kill to protect my girls. You’ve proven that. It’s the day-to-day that baffles me on how you’ll manage.”

  “Let me just say this.” Carson cleared his throat. “I worked every day at the refinery while Ellie worked the night shift at the hospital. We managed, and so will they, and Jenny will be as right as rain as long as she knows her mama and daddy love her.” He winked at his son.

  “He’s right, Jeb. The rest are just details, and the kids will figure it out as they go along, like everyone else,” Elinor added.

  “Please, Dad?” Daisy asked. “All I ask is you give Jace and me the chance to try.”

  Jeb let his breath out slowly, all eyes on him. “If you’re that s
ure, I guess I don’t have a choice.”

  With a happy shriek she got up and threw her arms around her father’s neck. “If you were going to dig in your heels, I was ready to give it all up. The ranch, everything—even you, but I don’t have to. Who says you can’t have it all?”


  Summer in New York was muggy and the air hugged the concrete saturated with a complex mix of scents.

  Daisy wrinkled her nose as Jace held open the door to the club’s private entrance. “This city is ripe in the summer and you can’t stir people with a stick, it’s so crowded. I’m glad we’re only here for a pre-wedding getaway, although I’m not sure why we had to do this now. I have so much to plan.”

  “Relax. My mother is rivalling Martha Stewart these days. All you need to do is show up with Jenny for your fittings.”

  They went inside and Jace led her through the crowded tables toward the VIP section. The bouncer saw them approach and unhooked the velvet rope cordoning the stairs.

  “Welcome back,” he murmured, giving Jace an approving nod and wink before stepping aside for them to pass.

  “What was that all about?” Daisy asked.

  “The vampire world is very small, and I suppose word has gotten around that Francisco cleared me of all charges based on the Matthews pack records. Violet wasn’t well liked, even among our own. A lot of people are relieved she’s no longer an issue.”

  “Amen to that.”

  “You look beautiful, by the way,” Jace said, admiring the sway of Daisy’s ass in her little black dress. He reached out, sliding his arm around her waist, letting his fingers dip to cup one curvy cheek. “Juicy enough to bite.”

  “You know it,” she chuckled.

  “That I do.”

  A dark haired woman waved from a back table and Jace grinned, giving her a quick chin pop.

  “I invited some people to join us for drinks. Friends I want you to meet.”


  He steered her toward the back bar. “Now.”

  The woman smiled, her short black bob gleaming as bright as her fang-tipped smile. “You must be Daisy,” she said extending her hand. “I’m Bette. It’s nice to finally meet the woman Jace hasn’t shut up about for the past five years.”


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