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Page 29

by William Shakespeare

  22 run … base play the rural children’s game of “prisoner’s base,” where players run between two opposing camps or bases and try to capture players on the other team

  24 masks worn by women to protect their delicate complexions from the sun (preservation), or for modesty’s sake (shame)

  26 Made good defended

  27 harts male deer, plays on “hearts”

  28 To … backwards to hell, damnation with those swift (fleet) souls who flee

  29 that i.e. a fight

  30 Like beasts with beastlike ferocity

  30 beastly cowardly

  31 frown i.e. anger, resolved to fight

  32 Three … many as confident as if they were three thousand, and having the effect in their actions as if they were

  33 file entire force (from front file to rear)

  35 Accommodated aided

  35 charming spellbinding

  37 distaff spindle used in spinning wool, i.e. a housewife would have turned soldier at their example

  37 gilded pale looks restored color to pale, cowardly faces

  38 Part it was partly through

  39 But by example only by imitating the first beginners (those who first began to flee)

  40 ’gan … did began to turn and face the way they (Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus) did

  41 grin i.e. bare their teeth, snarl

  41 lions … o’th’hunters cornered lions, kept at bay with (rather than skewered by) the hunters’ spears

  43 stop i’th’chaser halt on the part of the pursuer

  43 retire retreat

  43 anon at once

  45 they … eagles they flee like chickens along the same path they swooped down (stooped) as eagles

  45 slaves … made like slaves along the same path they strode as victors

  47 Like … need like scraps of food, gathered up as a last resort on tough voyages at sea, which become the source of life in a time of desperate need

  48 having … hearts i.e. the Romans had dropped their guard, making it easy for the British cowards to attack them (possibly literally means stab them in the heart through their backs) as they ran away

  50 Some … twenty i.e. Britons who earlier were cut down, dying, trampled, cowardly (ten being chased by one Roman), are now all the killers of twenty Romans each

  50 some … wave some of their friends knocked down in the previous attack/some who their friends knocked down in the previous retreat

  53 or ere resist before they would fight back

  53 are grown have now become

  54 mortal bugs deadly terrors

  54 o’th’field of the battlefield

  57 wonder at it be amazed by it

  59 work any perform any (wondrous deeds)

  59 upon’t upon the subject, about it

  60 vent utter, proclaim

  60 for a mock’ry as a joke

  61 twice a boy proverbial, “old men are twice children”

  62 bane ruin

  64 ’Lack … end? Alas, why should I get angry?

  65 stand stand up to, face

  66 made naturally inclined

  67 fly my friendship run from my friendship (so I won’t have to put up with him anymore)

  70 going running away

  70 O noble misery what a miserable specimen of a noble/what a miserable state for one who is supposedly noble

  72 honours reputations/titles

  73 Took … do’t ran away to do it

  74 too anyway

  74 in … charmed protected, kept safe (as if by a magical spell) by my own misery

  78 ministers agents

  80 For … Briton Because he (death) now favors the Britons, I’ll no longer be a Briton

  82 part role/side

  83 veriest hind merest timid creature

  83 hind female deer

  84 touch my shoulder i.e. arrest me

  85 made committed

  85 Roman Romans

  85 answer retribution, retaliation

  85 be will be

  87 either side i.e. dying for either the Britons or the Romans

  87 spend use up/waste

  88 keep preserve

  88 bear again bear away again

  92 silly habit simple rustic clothes (referring to Posthumus)

  93 th’affront attack

  97 seconds reinforcements

  98 answered him supported him/acted as he did

  100 A … return i.e. not even the smallest part of Rome shall return there

  102 note high rank

  103 You … pasture pastured animals had weights tied to one leg to prevent them escaping or being stolen

  105 stomach appetite

  109 Groan … perpetuity i.e. put up with the pain forever

  111 T’unbar to unlock

  112 shanks legs

  113 The … bolt the means of penitence to release my conscience

  114 Then … ever then (I shall be) free forever, i.e. in death

  115 temporal worldly, as opposed to “heavenly”

  116 Must I if I must

  117 gyves fetters, chains

  118 constrained forced (on me)

  118 satisfy atone for my sins

  119 If … part if it (atonement) is the most important element in freeing my conscience

  120 render repayment

  121 clement merciful

  121 vile men general humanity, specifically, usurers, moneylenders

  122 of from

  122 broken debtors bankrupts, those who can no longer repay their debts

  124 their abatement i.e. the little that’s left over by the creditors for the debtors to go on living

  126 coined created, stamping it like a new coin

  127 stamp coin

  128 light underweight/morally deficient

  128 pieces coins

  128 figure’s sake the symbolic sake of the figure stamped on the coin

  129 You … yours i.e. you should accept mine since yours is the image stamped onto it

  130 audit account

  131 bonds legal/mortal/literal, i.e. his fetters

  133 thou thunder-master Jupiter, king of the gods, believed to have thunder and lightning at his command

  134 flies i.e. people, whom the gods squash like flies

  136 That who

  137 rates scolds, berates/reckons

  138 aught anything

  141 Attending nature’s law i.e. staying the full nine months in the womb, according to nature

  145 earth-vexing smart suffering that afflicts earthly, mortal men

  146 Lucina Roman goddess of childbirth

  147 took i.e. to death

  147 in my throes while I was in labor

  148 That so that

  148 ripped i.e. born by cesarean section

  152 stuff substance

  155 When once when the time came that

  155 mature for man i.e. grown to manhood

  158 fruitful gifted, promising/producing love’s fruits

  160 deem his dignity judge his worth

  161 wherefore why

  163 Leonati seat ancestral home of the Leonati (Britain)/family seat of the Leonati (family honor)

  166 suffer allow

  167 Slight worthless, contemptible

  168 taint infect

  170 geck dupe

  172 stiller seats quieter resting places, i.e. the fields of Elysium (in classical mythology, a paradise inhabited by the good after death)

  176 fealty loyalty (to a lord)

  176 Tenantius’ right duty owed to Tenantius, Cymbeline’s father

  178 Like hardiment similar deeds of valor

  181 adjourned deferred, delayed

  182 graces rewards

  183 dolours sorrows

  184 crystal transparent, like crystal

  184 ope open

  186 race breed/family

  190 marble mansion i.e. the heavensr />
  192 synod … rest assembly of the other gods

  194 appeal i.e. to the other assembled gods, as in a tribunal

  196 region low Elysium, which was below Jupiter’s palace on Mount Olympus

  199 Sky-planted rooted in the heavens

  200 Elysium classical equivalent of heaven

  202 mortal accidents human events

  205 delighted (the more) delighted (in)

  207 well are spent are very nearly over/have been undergone to good effect

  208 jovial star the planet Jupiter, supposed to bring good fortune, which was in the ascendant when Posthumus was born

  212 tablet a single sheet, richly bound

  213 confine enclose, contain

  218 sulphurous it is very likely that small fireworks were used to create lightning effects which would have left a sulphurous smell

  219 Stooped … us swooped down as if to seize us in its talons

  220 sweet calm/sweet-smelling

  221 Prunes preens, uses his beak to trim his feathers

  221 claws his beak scratches his beak with his talons

  222 As when because/whenever

  224 marble pavement the floor of the heavens

  226 behest command

  229 O scorn what a bitter joke

  230 so as

  232 greatness’ favour the favor of powerful men at court

  233 swerve digress/go astray

  234 dream … deserve don’t dream of finding anything, and neither do they deserve to

  237 A book i.e. the tablet

  237 rare exceptional

  238 fangled foppish, novelty-obsessed

  239 effects contents

  241 As … promise i.e. as good as they promise to be

  242 Whenas when

  242 whelp cub

  243 piece creature, individual

  243 tender air a false etymology for Latin mulier, meaning “woman”

  245 jointed grafted

  246 stock trunk

  249 stuff nonsense

  250 Tongue … not speak without comprehending the meaning

  250 both i.e. a dream and madness

  253 which i.e. the tablet

  259 dish … shot the meal justifies its price

  260 shot tavern bill

  261 reckoning settlement

  266 paid punished

  267 heavier … light duller/sleepier as a result of being drunk (light-headed)

  268 drawn of heaviness emptied of that which made it heavy i.e. money

  268 Of from

  269 contradiction being light and heavy i.e. drunk

  269 you … quit you shall from now on be acquitted, freed

  270 penny cord i.e. very cheap hangman’s rope

  270 sums up pays the reckoning for/disposes of

  270 in a trice instantly

  271 debitor and creditor account book (referring to the headings of the two columns in a ledger)

  272 discharge payment

  272 counters tokens used for accounting

  273 acquittance receipt

  277 officer i.e. the hangman

  280 death death’s-head—a skull

  281 pictured depicted; death’s-heads usually have empty eyesockets

  282 take upon them profess, claim

  283 jump the after-inquiry hazard the final judgment

  284 speed fare

  285 on of

  286 want lack

  287 wink shut their eyes

  289 mock jest

  291 winking i.e. closing the eyes permanently

  297 bolts manacles

  300 prone eager (to go to the gallows)

  301 verier truer

  301 for all even though

  304 there were desolation that would be the end of

  305 profit source of income

  306 preferment promotion, either because a world that didn’t need jailers and executions would afford better jobs, or there would be a reward in the afterlife

  Act 5 Scene 4

  3 richly nobly, profitably

  4 naked unprotected (by armor)

  5 Stepped before stood at the front of (the British)/stood in opposition to (the Romans)

  5 targes of proof shields of proven strength

  7 grace favor

  13 searched sought

  16 heir … reward inheritor of the reward I should have given to him

  17 liver … brain believed to control passion, affection, and judgment respectively

  18 grant acknowledge, affirm

  19 of … are where you are from

  21 Cambria Wales

  21 are were

  25 knights o’th’battle knights created on the battlefield (an especial honor)

  26 fit supply

  27 estates i.e. new rank as knights

  28 business serious concern

  42 trip me correct me/catch me out

  46 Affected desired, longed for

  46 by through

  50 but if it weren’t for the fact that

  51 opening revealing, disclosing

  52 bore in hand pretended, professed

  55 had Ta’en off would have destroyed

  57 delicate beautiful/crafty, skillful

  60 mortal mineral fatal poison

  61 by the minute minute by minute

  62 By … you consume you little by little

  62 purposed intended

  63 watching i.e. at your bedside by night

  63 tendance attention

  64 show pretense

  65 fitted molded, shaped

  66 th’adoption … crown i.e. becoming adopted heir to the crown

  67 end purpose, design

  68 opened revealed

  76 Mine ears nor were mine ears

  77 seeming appearance

  77 had been vicious would have been reprehensible

  80 feeling emotions/experience

  82 razed out erased

  83 made suit appealed

  84 their i.e. those killed in battle

  86 estate spiritual state

  88 had … us had we been the victors

  92 called named as/taken for

  92 sufficeth it is enough that

  94 think on’t i.e. consider a strategy (with the unspoken implication “and then revenge it”)

  95 peculiar care personal concerns

  99 tender … occasions sensitive to his master’s needs

  100 feat deft, graceful

  104 And even if you

  106 favour face, countenance

  107 looked … grace won my favor by your looks

  109 Ne’er … master i.e. because I don’t even know why I’m sparing you myself, but it’s not due to his pleading on your behalf

  110 boon request

  111 state rank

  120 shuffle shift, look out

  122 briefly quickly

  123 truth loyalty, fidelity

  124 perplexed distressed

  130 vassal subject

  131 Am something nearer i.e. I am more closely connected to you by being a British subject

  132 Wherefore … so? Why do you stare at him in that way?

  145 eyes sees

  145 forbear have patience

  148 But … dead but we see him whom we know to be dead

  158 Winnow separate, like grain from chaff

  159 render declare, state

  164 Thou’lt torture me i.e. if you had any idea what I have to say, you’d torture me

  173 All … this everything relating to this matter

  178 while nature will for as long as nature will have it/for the remainder of your natural life

  179 ere before

  183 viands food

  184 heaved to head raised to my mouth

  187 rar’st most exceptional

  187 sadly soberly, reservedly

  189 made barren rendered impotent

  190 feature shape/comeliness/form of

  190 laming crippling by comparison

  191 shrine veneration, idolizing

  191 Venus Roman goddess of love

  191 straight-pight straight pitched, i.e. erect, upright in bearing

  191 Minerva Roman goddess of arts and war

  192 beyond surpassing

  192 brief nature the brevity of mortal life

  192 condition character, personality

  193 shop storehouse

  194 hook of wiving i.e. beauty which is bait for marriage

  196 I … fire i.e. I am burning with impatience

  197 matter point

  201 hint cue/opportunity

  205 mind put in’t described her character

  206 cracked of boastfully uttered about

  206 kitchen-trulls kitchen maids

  206 trull wench/trollop

  207 unspeaking sots fools/drunkards, incapable of articulate speech

  208 to th’purpose get to the point

  210 as Dian as though Diana (Roman goddess of chastity)

  210 hot erotic, lustful

  211 she i.e. Innogen

  211 cold chaste

  212 scruple doubt

  215 In suit by courtship

  219 carbuncle precious stone, mythical gem said to emit light in the dark

  220 Of Phoebus’ wheel from the chariot wheel of Phoebus Apollo, the sun god

  220 might so might have done so

  221 of’s car of his chariot

  222 Post hurry

  224 Of by

  227 duller Britain refers to the idea that cold, northern countries produced slower-witted people than those from the hot south

  228 vantage profit, gain

  230 simular simulated, specious

  232 renown reputation

  233 thus, and thus of this and that kind

  233 averring affirming

  237 cracked broken

  238 forfeit that which is due when a contract is breached

  242 anything any name, title

  243 in being present

  244 cord rope

  245 justicer judge

  246 ingenious masterly, skillful

  247 th’abhorrèd the detested

  247 amend make seem better

  251 sacrilegious thief because he sacked the

  251 temple that was Innogen

  252 she herself i.e. virtue

  254 bay bark at

  256 Be … ’twas i.e. by comparing it with what I have done

  260 Shall’s have shall we make

  261 There … part play your part by lying on the ground

  267 staggers giddiness, dizziness; a disease in animals which causes them to walk unsteadily

  270 mortal earthly, human/deadly, fatal

  275 tune voice

  276 stones of sulphur thunderbolts

  283 approve prove

  284 confection mixture (drug)

  285 for cordial as a restorative

  289 temper mix, concoct


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