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Mission Made For Two(Romantic Suspense)

Page 5

by C. R. Hill

  “I haven’t seen you here before,” Diaz said as he glanced at his cards.

  Sierra looked at what she’d been dealt. Lady luck was definitely with her tonight. She had an ace down and a queen up. She looked at Carl. “I’ll stay,” she said, then turned her attention to Diaz. “I’m on vacation.”

  “Hit me,” Diaz said. “How long are you here for?”

  Sierra arched an eyebrow. “As long as the money lasts.”

  The dealer placed an eight in front of Diaz. He smiled and flipped his cards. He had a total of twenty.

  Sierra turned her ace over to reveal twenty-one, grinned and raked the chips toward her. Diaz laughed. “With your luck, you’ll be here a while.”

  The waitress arrived with their drinks. Diaz looked at the dealer. “Hold our chips, Carl.” He turned his attention to Sierra. “Can I interest you in having dinner with me?”

  Sierra smirked. “You paying?” she asked flirtatiously.

  “Why of course. I wish to extend your stay on this beautiful island by saving you money.” He held out his hand.

  She chuckled. “Then I’d love to have dinner with you.” Accepting his hand, she allowed him to help her up. His gaze strayed to her exposed thigh and the lingerie beneath. When he tilted his head up, she stood her ground and met his stare. A slight smile curled his mouth. No way are you getting what you think, buddy.

  She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. “Shall we?”


  “Would you like to dance?” Diaz asked.

  Sierra would rather pet a snake and that was saying a lot. She smiled and nodded. “I’d love to.”

  She accepted his hand and he pulled her to her feet. They’d dined, then gambled some more. The band played sensual Latin music and Diaz pulled her against him. His body was hard, yet it felt nothing like Jake’s. He gripped her right hand, but his left hand rested just above her ass. She’d love to reach around and remove it. Actually, she’d love to reach around and dislocate some fingers for him.

  Of course, the two body guards she’d noticed standing against the wall would probably shoot her in the heart.

  Instead she moved against him, letting him cop a feel. If it would get him lathered up, it was worth it.

  Diaz’s mouth moved next to her ear. “We fit together nicely. You are a very sensual woman, Leah.”

  “I think it’s this place,” she whispered.

  Diaz’s lips found the side of her neck. A shiver coursed down Sierra’s spine that had nothing to do with sexual excitement. What came next was part of the job—just like taking a bullet for Jake.

  Diaz kissed her. Sierra focused on trying not to gag. If she seemed cold, Diaz may lose interest. She imagined Jake standing before her.

  A hard bulge pressed against her pelvis.

  Well, he wasn’t losing interest.

  Ugh. Sierra would rather take the bullets than play this game, yet it wasn’t the first time she’d used her wiles to get what she wanted. You did what you had to sometimes.

  Diaz ended the kiss, but stayed close. His scotch-laced breath fanned her cheek. “Come home with me for the weekend, Leah.”

  His accent thickened, his civility slipping with his arousal.

  Sierra dropped her chin and nibbled on her lower lip. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  Diaz tilted her chin up with his finger. “I promise it will be pleasurable.”

  In your dreams, big boy. “I…I don’t know. Tonight has been wonderful, but we hardly know each other.” She backed away from him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a tease.”

  She held her breath. This was the biggest gamble she’d made tonight. Betting that he’d look at getting her into bed a challenge he couldn’t pass up.

  A slight smile curled his mouth and he took her hand, pulling her back toward him. “You don’t get off that easily, querido,” he said, taking the bait. He rubbed his knuckles across her cheek. “Spend tomorrow with me.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  Diaz chuckled. “No. How can I be mad at a woman who wishes to know her lover before she sleeps with him?”

  How indeed? He was so cocky, he had no doubt she’d cave after a little schmoozing.

  She smiled and nodded. “Then how can I refuse? I’d love to spend the day with you tomorrow.”

  “Good. I’ll send a limo to pick you up at noon. Bring a bathing suit. We’ll go snorkeling if you find that agreeable.”

  She widened her eyes. “Oh, yes. I love the water.” Figuring this was as good a time as any to say goodnight, she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. “I had a wonderful night, Dominic. I look forward to tomorrow.”

  “Sleep well, querido.”

  With a coy look over her shoulder, Sierra headed for the elevator. As soon as she was ensconced inside, she wiped Diaz’s taste from her lips.

  When the elevator doors opened on her floor, she wasted no time. She let herself into her room and retrieved a small secured cell phone from a box of tampons—a place even brave men feared to search. Dialing Trent’s number, she waited. The bedside clock read two a.m. Her boss was a workaholic. She didn’t believe for a minute she’d be waking him.

  “Trent Browning.” He sounded slightly distracted, but fully alert.

  “Hi, Trent, it’s me.”

  “Where the hell are you, Sierra?” He didn’t sound distracted anymore.

  “I’m in Santa Domingo. And I just got an invite back to Diaz’s home tomorrow.”

  “I told Jake you wouldn’t stay out of this. You disobeyed an order from me, Sierra.” His voice was chastising but also resigned to the fact she was involved.

  “I know I did, but there was no way Jake could have gotten close to Diaz again. You can do whatever you need to do to me when this was over, but for now you need to get in touch with Jake and tell him I’m in. We can wrap this up if we work together.”

  Trent sighed heavily. “Exactly what are you planning on doing when you get to Diaz’s? He’s not inviting you there to play Tiddly Winks.”

  “I’m a big girl, Boss. I’ve got it under control. I know Jake’s around here someplace, probably watching Diaz. Tell him I’m in room 635. Diaz is sending a limo for me at noon.”

  “You seem to have things all planned out.”

  Sierra smiled into the phone. “I like to be prepared.”

  “You and Jake are on your own for this one. I can’t risk tipping off our mole by sending anyone to help you.”

  “I assume my absence is listed as R and R?”

  “What you should be doing,” Trent said dryly. “And Sierra, you and Jake play nice. Don’t kill each other. You’re the best agents I have.”

  Sierra chuckled. “Tell Jake that. I’ve been trying to be nice.”

  “By stealing his Harley?”

  “Well, there is that. But it’s safe and sound. It’s Jake that has the hang up about working with a woman.”

  Trent was silent a moment. “Sierra, don’t be too hard on him. He’s not questioning your ability as an agent. He knows you’re good at what you do.”

  His words made her frown. “Then what is it? Because he’s been acting like I’m too incompetent to help with this.”

  Trent sighed. “You’ll have to get Jake to tell you that. Just be careful and check in when you can.”

  “Will do.” Sierra flipped her phone shut and stored it back in her hiding place.

  Sierra stripped out of her clothing and hung her dress in the closet, then walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower. Trent’s words intensified her curiosity even more about Jake. Not that it should matter. They repelled each other the same as like poles on a magnet. Both hard-headed and set in their ways.

  Climbing beneath the warm spray, she washed away the smell of cigarette smoke from her hair and the lingering aroma of Diaz’s cloying cologne.

  She imagined Jake’s reaction when Trent contacted him. He was going to be royally pissed that she was involved, but she’d warned him that he co
uldn’t keep her out of this. Diaz had made this way too personal when he’d sent his men after her and Daniel.

  Not to mention she had this thing with being told she couldn’t do something. Jake’s attitude rubbed her the wrong way. If he’d just give her one good reason why she shouldn’t be involved, maybe she wouldn’t feel such a strong need to prove something.

  Why can’t you just stay out of trouble so we can keep you in a foster home? You’re always trying to prove something, Sierra. How many times had she heard that from Mrs. Grayson, her tight-assed social worker, who’d sworn Sierra would end up behind bars one day.

  She probably would have if it hadn’t been for Mr. Henderson, one of her high school math teachers. He’d pointed her toward the army, which had no doubt saved her.

  She turned off the spray and climbed from the shower. After drying off with a fluffy white towel, she hung it on a hook. She ran a comb through her hair and brushed her teeth thoroughly and rinsed with mouth wash. Kissing Diaz had left a bad taste in her mouth.

  She walked into the outer room, still distracted by her thoughts. She hit the light switch, throwing the room in darkness, save for the silvery glow from the full moon. Cool air washed over her still damp skin. A second ticked by before she realized the cool air wasn’t coming from her air-conditioning. She whipped around.

  Too late. A shadow swooped down and pinned her against the wall.

  Chapter Seven

  “Is that that your Glock, or are you happy to see me?” Sierra gasped as Jake leaned all two hundred some-odd pounds of well-defined muscle against her. Even if she didn’t recognize the feel of his hard body, she’d recognize his slightly spicy smell that couldn’t be imitated in a bottle of cologne. The combination pressed against her naked skin was seriously turning her on.

  “I knew you were trouble the minute I saw you three years ago,” he said, his arms and body affectively imprisoning her against the wall. “Where’s my damn Harley?”

  Sierra chuckled. “Don’t worry, it’s safe. Guess Trent got in touch with you?”

  “Yes. He got in touch with me. I happened to be outside watching the place as Diaz left when he called. What did you do to get Diaz to invite you to his house tomorrow?”

  If the thought of Jake Harding being jealous didn’t seem completely absurd, Sierra would swear he was, judging by the tone of his voice. She let her hands move up to rest against his chest. “Do you really have to ask?”

  “Dammit, Sierra. Diaz is not a man to toy with like that. What are you going to do when he really pushes you to sleep with him? The man doesn’t take no for an answer.”

  Sierra brought her knee up, but Jake had anticipated her move. He turned in the nick of time. His arm brushed her naked breast. Currents of desire shot straight to her stomach.

  “Why do you care so much, Jake? What does it matter to you if I sleep with Diaz as long as I get the job done?” Taunting Jake was like taunting a panther, but she liked to push the envelope.

  Sierra could have sworn she heard his teeth grind together. She pressed a little more, wondering how long his control could last. “That is all you care about, isn’t it, Jake? I know you didn’t want any help, but now that you have it, what does it really matter how things get done? I can certainly get closer to him than you can. The bottom line is we take down Diaz, and whoever is feeding him information.”

  Jake’s gaze tracked to her naked breasts. Her nipples responded immediately, beading into hard points.

  The fingers on his right hand speared into her newly shortened hair. He applied pressure to the back of her skull until she was looking into his eyes. The dark intensity in his gaze made her realize she’d finally done it. She’d broken his control.

  His lips came against hers hard and hungry. His tongue thrust past her teeth, staking his claim. The primitive woman inside her, responded in like. Sierra clutched his waist and yanked him against her.

  The rough texture of his jeans rubbed her bare legs, his cotton tee shirt smoothed against her breasts. From neck to thigh, her nerve endings felt over-sensitized.

  This moment had been building for three years and Sierra meant to make the most of it. Still locked together, she shoved against his chest until he walked backwards.

  They toppled onto the bed, Jake’s rock-hard body beneath her. Sierra pulled back only long enough to push his shirt up and over his head. She’d had more fantasies about exploring the ridges of muscle on this chest and abdomen than she’d ever admit to him.

  Jake apparently had similar thoughts as her hands smoothed over his pecs, reveling in the soft springy hair covering them. His hands went to her breasts, his fingers on her nipples sending delicious ripples through her body.

  Sierra leaned down and stole another hot kiss from him. When she pulled back, Jake framed her face with his hands. “The mission’s not always the most important thing,” he whispered.

  His words opened something inside her chest she hadn’t even been aware existed. Some emotion that had never taken shape. Had never had a chance to take shape.

  Jake grabbed her head and pulled her to him for a ravishing kiss, while his fingers found her moist entrance. When his thumb moved over that tiny bundle of nerves hidden in her folds, she almost came right then. “Ah, Jake,” she moaned. “Please…”

  Jake responded by flipping them over. He stripped out of his jeans and briefs in record time. He came down on top of her, his hard body delectable feeling as he pressed her into the bed.

  Drawing his head down, she kissed him with all the hunger she’d been saving up. The man might be a loner, but he kissed like he did it all the time. His tongue toyed with her, retreated, then took her mouth the way she knew he’d take her body.

  He lifted his head, his blue eyes penetrating. “Are you protected?”

  “Birth control shot. Disease free, too. You?”

  Jake’s mouth twitched. “Completely. If you want to stop, you better say so now,” he said, his voice sandpaper rough.

  Sierra smiled. “If you stop now, I might have to kill you.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He took her mouth again, his hands smoothing over her body, learning her shape and feel. He released her mouth and slid down to suckle a nipple. Sierra’s back arched off the bed at the feel of his lips and the light suction. Her womb clenched as he rolled her nipple against the roof of his mouth at the same instant his finger slid inside her.

  She clutched the sides of his head, not wanting him to stop. He worked her with his finger, then added another. When his thumb found the little nub again, she groaned and fought the climax that hesitated just a breath away.

  When he gave her other breast the same attention and moved his fingers against her again, she lost it. Her orgasm rolled through her on a wave of ecstasy that almost blinded her.

  Jake didn’t let her recover. He released her nipple and took her mouth again. Then he plunged into her in one long stroke. So big, he stretched her, filling her to capacity. She groaned.

  She reached around to grab his butt, make him move, but he took her hands and pushed them over her head, holding them there as he slowly moved, creating the kind of friction that could start an inferno.

  She gazed into his eyes as he pulled out, then plunged to the hilt. The length of him, hard and slick, stroked her inner walls sending starbursts of sensations exploding through her blood. “Your controlling nature’s showing,” she panted as he moved against her again.

  He almost smiled. “Think of it as retribution for taking my Harley.”

  Sierra laughed, then moaned as he picked up the pace. Every muscle in her body tensed. She wanted to stroke him. Jake held her wrists tight. His lips found the side of her neck, then her collarbone, then her mouth. His tongue invaded, captured, and demanded surrender.

  She was helpless to fight it. Perspiration slicked their bodies creating different waves of pleasure as his chest rubbed her ultra-sensitive nipples.

  When he released her mouth, she groaned again. “Jak
e…I can’t hold on much longer.”

  “Then don’t. Let me feel you come undone, this time wrapped around me.” His whispered words were the fuel her body needed to reach completion.

  Her climax, more powerful than the first, slammed into her with the force of a truck. She screamed. Jake took her mouth again in a heated caress, his body stiffening, pulsing, until he collapsed on top of her.

  Sierra lay breathless beneath his weight, for once in her life speechless. Never had she experienced anything like that.

  It was like two live wires touching, and then exploding. Utter completion and satisfaction.

  Jake lifted his head, his weight still pressing her onto the mattress. The passion she’d seen just moments ago was replaced with regret. “We shouldn’t have done that.”

  A sharp pain stabbed into Sierra’s chest. Ridiculous that his attitude should hurt, yet it did. Sierra did what she always did in the face of emotional pain. She smiled. “Exactly what made it so exciting.”

  Jake’s eyes narrowed. “This isn’t a game, Sierra.” He ran a hand through her still damp hair, pushing it from her forehead.

  Despite everything, the feel of his muscular frame pressed against her sent another thrill through her. “I never said it was.” Her voice was steadier than she felt. “Just two people working off a little sexual energy.”

  Jake shook his head. “You don’t believe that.” He pushed off her and snatched up his briefs.

  Sierra, not sure how to interpret his words, scooted off the bed and grabbed a pair of panties from her duffle bag. Once she’d slid into them, she turned on a lamp and faced him, not caring that she stood before him bare everywhere else. He’d already seen her body. “Why are you so uptight, Jake? Considering how aloof you are most of the time, I’m sure you’re well acquainted with sexual flings.”

  His eyes seemed to burn a hole into her and Sierra fought the urge to cover her breasts with her arms. She’d be damned if she’d cower from him and let him see how much his regret hurt.


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