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Taming the Wild Captain

Page 13

by Gemma Blackwood

  "And my sister?"

  "What she does now is up to her. But if she's wise she'll go far, far away from you." Kirby kept the gun trained on Mallory as he stood and backed out the door. The defeated man made no move to follow him.

  Kirby kicked the front door closed and hurried out to the landau. His whole body ached for Alice. He would not believe she was truly safe until he held her close against him.

  He knew she was not his, yet – he hardly dared to dream that she might be – but there was nothing in the world that would stop him from kissing her again.


  The Duchess held the weeping Julia to her chest as the landau made its slow way back through Seven Dials and towards Amberley House. They had raised the roof and drawn the curtains for privacy. The last thing anybody wanted was to draw a crowd.

  Alice had so much to say to Kirby that the words choked in her throat. He was sitting beside her. Every time the carriage hit a bump, her knee brushed against his and a jolt ran up her spine.

  "Thank you," she managed to say. He smiled ironically.

  "How do you like my gambling now, Miss Sharp?"

  She pursed her lips. "I admit it has its uses. But I would still prefer you to find a worthier pastime."

  He laughed. How strange it felt to hear laughter after she had endured such horror! "Your rules and regulations will be the death of me, Miss Sharp."

  "I hope not." His eyes held hers with a magnetic force that made it impossible to look away. "I do hope not."

  Despite herself, Alice's lips parted. Kirby leaned forwards at the sight. For a moment she thought he was going to kiss her, right there and then, and a thrill ran through her body.

  "Do not weep, dearest Julia," said the Duchess, sharply enough to jerk Alice from her fantasy. "All will be well. As a child of Westbourne's I consider you my own family, and I am sure the new Duke will feel the same way. We will find a position for you and see that you can start a new life – away from that awful man."

  "You do not understand him," said Julia miserably. "He can be so kind – so wonderful!"

  "Mallory has many talents," Kirby agreed. "The most dangerous of all is his ability to act the part of a kind and loving man."

  "I myself fell prey to the same deception," sighed the Duchess. "But we are all wiser now."

  "It is not anybody's fault but his," Alice agreed. "Come to Amberley House with us, Julia. We would be happy to take care of you."

  Julia wiped her eyes and smiled. "I know you're right. I am grateful, truly, to have found such kind people. I only wish it were not so difficult to leave my brother behind."

  Alice covered Julia's hand with her own. "We all admire your bravery."

  The rest of the carriage journey was taken up with telling Kirby the story of the events which preceded his arrival. He was full of admiration for the ladies' bravery, and not once censured them for their recklessness.

  Alice was longing to know what he really thought, but she had no option other than to wait until the carriage arrived at Amberley House and the Duchess led Julia outside.

  Kirby caught Alice's arm as she went to follow them. "May I beg a moment alone?"

  Alice sat back down. Her heart was racing. Kirby, who was usually so self-possessed, was looking at her with a wild emotion that nearly sent her falling into his arms.

  "When I found out where you had gone this morning, my heart nearly stopped beating," said Kirby. "I could not rest until I knew you were safe." He reached out his hand and stopped it, trembling, just before it brushed her cheek. "And to find you in such danger – but so brave despite it all – it was more than I could bear, Alice."

  She clutched his hand and pressed it to her cheek. "I am safe. I am perfectly well."

  "You are truly astounding. The way you spoke up to that man – the way you offered yourself as a stake – Alice, it was too dangerous! If you had only known what I felt in that moment..." Kirby pulled her towards him. Alice felt a rush of heat as his other hand caught her around the waist.

  Kirby let his forehead fall against hers. "Why did you refuse Mr Grantham?"

  Alice smiled. "I could not very well accept him while I was in love with somebody else."

  "You told him that you did not want any husband, but a husband you love. Is it true? Is that what you want, my Alice? Despite everything you might have – all the fine jewels and gowns – if you choose another?"

  "What do I care for jewels? It is my deepest desire to marry for love. I only wish to know whether I have found it."

  Kirby shook his head, tormented. "If I thought I would make a fitting husband for the magnificent woman you are, I would propose to you in an instant."

  Alice kissed him. Kirby's eyes widened in shock, then closed luxuriantly as her lips moved against his. She felt him gasp as she pulled him closer.

  "It is not for you to decide whether you are a suitable husband," she murmured, smiling. "That choice is mine alone."

  "Alice, Alice," Kirby sighed. "I will dedicate my life to proving your faith in me."

  She laughed. "You will give up gambling?"

  "It is already done. After watching a throw of the dice with your happiness hanging in the balance, the thought of a gaming table sickens me."

  "But that is not the extent of your wickedness, Richard," she teased. "There is the matter of your drinking – your fondness of gentlemen's clubs – the irregular hours you keep. These things will never do in our household."

  "I will wake every morning at sunrise, singing the praises of the woman who caused my transformation."

  "No," said Alice, pressing another quick kiss to his mouth. "We will lie abed together, you and I."

  "But what about the things you will have to give up, my precious girl?"

  "Me?" Alice drew back from him in mock-horror, only to find that Kirby was deadly serious.

  "My life is a rootless one," he said. "The militia travels from one end of the country to the other. It is neither luxurious nor easy. I cannot inflict it upon you, in all good conscience, without telling you honestly what we will face."

  Alice's eyes shone. "I cannot think of anything more exciting than to travel the length of England with you at my side."

  Kirby laced his fingers through hers and gently kissed the fourth finger of her left hand. It was bare, but would not remain so for long. "Then be my wife, Alice Sharp."

  "Had you forgotten?" said Alice softly. "I am determined to marry for love."

  It took Kirby only a second to understand.

  "I love you," he breathed, pressing her hand to his heart.

  "I love you," he sighed, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke.

  "I love you." He kissed her. Alice felt every wall inside her melt. The joy was so intense that she almost forgot he was waiting for her response.

  "Yes," she said. "Yes, I will marry you."

  She was aching for Kirby to kiss her again. It was all that she could do not to fling herself across the carriage, sit on his lap, and allow his hands to travel her body as their lips met.

  Happily for Alice's virtue, they were interrupted by a sharp rapping on the carriage door – as if a walking stick were striking it with some force.

  "I cannot imagine what the pair of you are doing in there," came the Duchess's strident voice. "But I must insist you stop it at once!"

  Kirby gave Alice a roguish wink that told her he had not entirely given up his former taste for flirtation – even if it was now entirely meant for her.

  "Let's go and tell your family the news. Do you think they'll be pleased to hear it?"

  "There's every chance they'll faint from shock," Alice grinned. "I can't wait!"


  Westbourne Hall was an imposing building from the outside, but Harry had spent a great deal of his vast fortune on renovating and redecorating the myriad of inner rooms to fill them with family comforts. Alice reclined against the soft cushions of a divinely cosy sofa and watched the fire burning in the grate.

  As she waited, she absent-mindedly rubbed the gold band on the fourth finger of her left hand. She had been married for six months, and it still felt deliciously new.

  Kirby, with the matching ring on his left hand, was standing at the window watching the winter rain patter over the gardens. A companionable silence stretched between them. A silence of anticipation.

  Alice let her eyes wander over her husband's handsome form and gave a sigh of contentment as her favourite memories of their first half year as man and wife rose in her mind.

  Their first waltz together after the wedding. Kirby's eyes, so full of love and wonder, the morning after their wedding night. The journey back to his regiment, now posted to Yorkshire, in a lavish carriage Harry had lent them for the purpose. The jokes Kirby's men had made upon finding their untameable Captain returned to them a married man.

  The little house they had furnished together in the Yorkshire Dales. The kisses Kirby gave her before he left each morning.

  She had never imagined she would find such contentment.

  A welcome sound roused Alice from her daydreams. The sound she had been waiting for.

  The sweet and strident crying of a new-born baby.

  Alice jumped to her feet and ran to meet Catherine as she came into the room, holding out a swaddling-wrapped infant with a beaming smile.

  "May I introduce the new Earl of Henbury, George Henry Marsden," she said. As Harry's eldest son, little George bore his secondary title. "But you, of course, will call him nephew."

  "My perfect little nephew!" Alice cried, taking him in her arms. She had scarcely held a baby before, and was half-afraid she might drop him.

  At the sight of two brand new faces, George ceased his crying. He stared about at Alice and Kirby with a pair of enormous deep blue eyes.

  "He likes you," Catherine smiled. "Just lift his head a little more, there."

  Alice kissed the baby's chubby cheek.

  "Isn't he perfect?" came a boom of pride. The Duke of Westbourne strode into the room behind his wife and son. "Tell me, Kirby, have you ever seen a more marvellous child in your life?"

  "I am no expert," Kirby confessed, gently touching baby George's chin with the back of a crooked finger. "But I must say I have never seen a finer lad. Congratulations, the pair of you!"

  Catherine led Alice to the sofa, where they sat and cooed over the baby.

  "Is Julia here?" asked Harry, looking around. "Where is my cousin?"

  "She didn't want to intrude on our first meeting," said Kirby. "She is waiting in the hall."

  "What? Nonsense!" Harry marched to the door, flung it open, and began shouting Julia's name so loudly the rafters almost shook.

  Catherine placed her hands over the baby's ear. "Harry! Honestly! You're not out on the hunt, my love! I will fetch Julia myself." She put a hand on Alice's shoulder. "Can you manage him a moment more?"

  "I can manage him forever!" Alice declared. She was absolutely enamoured by the tiny person lying in her arms.

  A masculine presence shifting beside her alerted her to Kirby's presence before she lifted her eyes to see him.

  The expression on his face was one she had never seen before. Who would have thought that the cynical, flirtatious Captain Kirby could be reduced to such longing, such hopeful joy, at the sight of a baby in his young wife's arms?

  "What do you think?" Alice asked, posing prettily with the baby.

  Kirby leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I cannot wait for it," he said, deadly serious. Alice glowed.

  Julia popped her head around the door shyly – but was soon obscured by the bustling entrance of the Dowager Duchess.

  "Let me through! Let me through! I want another look at our little angel!"

  She lifted George out of Alice's arms without as much as a thank you, and carried him over to Julia.

  "Your young cousin," she said, holding him towards her. Julia gasped in delight, but Harry, behind her, rolled his eyes.

  "Aunt, are you auditioning to replace our nursemaid? I've barely seen young George out of your arms since the moment he arrived."

  "Nor should you," the Duchess said placidly. "I intend to see him brought up knowing all the traditions of the great house of Westbourne. Not as a wild creature like you and your reckless brothers!"

  "We'll see about that." Harry gave his aunt a wink. "But cousin Julia, it's so good to see you again! Tell me, how does the Marquess treat you?"

  They had found Julia a comfortable position as governess to the little daughter of the Marquess of Chiltern. Alice herself could not imagine life as a governess would be at all satisfying, but Julia's blush as she nodded her head spoke of some happiness.

  "He's a very good man, Your Grace."

  "None of that," said Harry, throwing his arm around her shoulders. "We are family, Julia. You may call me Harry or you may call me Westbourne, but never My stuffy Grace! How many times must I tell you?"

  Julia blushed still more deeply. "At least once more, Your Grace."

  "But look at those roses in your cheeks!" said the Dowager Duchess, delightedly. "Is there more to tell us about your new life than we might suppose, Julia?"

  Julia shook her head adamantly. Alice had a suspicion she would be able to entice more from her later, if she could catch her alone.

  "The little mite is falling asleep," said the Dowager Duchess, distracted from Julia's secrets by the sight of the tiny baby dozing in her arms.

  "Give him back to me," said Catherine. "I'll put him to bed."

  She glided from the room, looking radiantly beautiful in her newfound happiness, the Dowager Duchess following close on her heels.

  Alice rose to take Julia's hands. "Are you truly happy in Chiltern?"

  "Happier than I can tell you," Julia whispered. Fortunately, the men were engaged in a loud discussion which drowned out Julia's hint at secret joy.

  "Well, Kirby, I must say that married life suits you. You have grown positively plump since I saw you last!"

  Kirby laughed, his stomach – which truthfully was as taut as ever – shaking with mirth. "Wishful thinking, Westbourne! I'm not following your example of giving up all hope of vanity simply because I've found myself a wife."

  Westbourne Hall was an imposing building from the outside, but Harry had spent a great deal of his vast fortune on renovating and redecorating the myriad of inner rooms to fill them with family comforts. Alice reclined against the soft cushions of a divinely cosy sofa and watched the fire burning in the grate.

  As she waited, she absent-mindedly rubbed the gold band on the fourth finger of her left hand. She had been married for six months, and it still felt deliciously new.

  Kirby, with the matching ring on his left hand, was standing at the window watching the winter rain patter over the gardens. A companionable silence stretched between them. A silence of anticipation.

  Alice let her eyes wander over her husband's handsome form and gave a sigh of contentment as her favourite memories of their first half year as man and wife rose in her mind.

  Their first waltz together after the wedding. Kirby's eyes, so full of love and wonder, the morning after their wedding night. The journey back to his regiment, now posted to Yorkshire, in a lavish carriage Harry had lent them for the purpose. The jokes Kirby's men had made upon finding their untameable Captain returned to them a married man.

  The little house they had furnished together in the Yorkshire Dales. The kisses Kirby gave her before he left each morning.

  She had never imagined she would find such contentment.

  A welcome sound roused Alice from her daydreams. The sound she had been waiting for.

  The sweet and strident crying of a new-born baby.

  Alice jumped to her feet and ran to meet Catherine as she came into the room, holding out a swaddling-wrapped infant with a beaming smile.

  "May I introduce the new Earl of Henbury, George Henry Marsden," she said. As Harry's eldest son, little George bore his secondary title. "But you, of
course, will call him nephew."

  "My perfect little nephew!" Alice cried, taking him in her arms. She had scarcely held a baby before, and was half-afraid she might drop him.

  At the sight of two brand new faces, George ceased his crying. He stared about at Alice and Kirby with a pair of enormous deep blue eyes.

  "He likes you," Catherine smiled. "Just lift his head a little more, there."

  Alice kissed the baby's chubby cheek.

  "Isn't he perfect?" came a boom of pride. The Duke of Westbourne strode into the room behind his wife and son. "Tell me, Kirby, have you ever seen a more marvellous child in your life?"

  "I am no expert," Kirby confessed, gently touching baby George's chin with the back of a crooked finger. "But I must say I have never seen a finer lad. Congratulations, the pair of you!"

  Catherine led Alice to the sofa, where they sat and cooed over the baby.

  "Is Julia here?" asked Harry, looking around. "Where is my cousin?"

  "She didn't want to intrude on our first meeting," said Kirby. "She is waiting in the hall."

  "What? Nonsense!" Harry marched to the door, flung it open, and began shouting Julia's name so loudly the rafters almost shook.

  Catherine placed her hands over the baby's ear. "Harry! Honestly! You're not out on the hunt, my love! I will fetch Julia myself." She put a hand on Alice's shoulder. "Can you manage him a moment more?"

  "I can manage him forever!" Alice declared. She was absolutely enamoured by the tiny person lying in her arms.

  A masculine presence shifting beside her alerted her to Kirby's presence before she lifted her eyes to see him.

  The expression on his face was one she had never seen before. Who would have thought that the cynical, flirtatious Captain Kirby could be reduced to such longing, such hopeful joy, at the sight of a baby in his young wife's arms?

  "What do you think?" Alice asked, posing prettily with the baby.

  Kirby leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I cannot wait for it," he said, deadly serious. Alice glowed.


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