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Love & Lies

Page 7

by Jessica Wood

  “Get dressed. You have to leave. We shouldn’t have done this.”

  “What did I do wrong?” Ben didn’t understand her sudden change of heart.

  “Nothing,” she said coldly. “But I can’t go back to you. Too much has happened between us to ever get back what we had together.” Gemma pushed him out of her apartment and into the hallway and slammed the door behind him.

  “I love you, Gemma,” Ben pled through the door. “I’ll do anything you want if you’ll just give our relationship a second chance.”

  In response, he heard her bolting shut the locks from the other side and bowed his head in defeat.

  He pulled on his trousers and carried the rest of clothes down to his car. As he drove away, he caught a glimpse of her watching him through the window with tears running down her face. A smile appeared on his face. He knew he still had a chance after all.


  Gemma rushed into work the next morning nearly an hour late. She’d been up tossing and turning half the night thinking about everything Ben had said to her. She didn’t know if she was overreacting when she refused to give him a second chance, but she did know that right now, she needed to focus on saving the company, and Ben had inadvertently given her a new lead.

  Whoever it was that was buying all the shares of the Adams Corporation stock might be the same son-of-a-bitch who had tried to drive the company into bankruptcy a few months earlier. He might be the one who had hired the private investigator to follow her. She pulled the file out of her desk and studied it. If she could just figure out who this private investigator was, she might be able to bribe him into revealing who hired him.

  “How’s it going this morning, sweetheart?”

  Gemma jumped, startled from her desk to see Harry, her father, standing in the doorway of her office.

  “Good, Daddy. I’m good,” she stammered as she shuffled the files on her desk to hide the pictures of herself from him.

  “Are you sure? You seem edgy and not quite yourself this morning.” Harry furrowed his brows in concern.

  “I just didn’t sleep well last night,” Gemma said. It wasn’t like she was lying to her father.

  “Why not?” he asked. To her dismay, he came in and sat down in the chair across from her desk. “Is everything okay in your life?”

  Gemma didn’t know what to say. She knew if she told him she was trying to track down a private investigator, he’d want to know why and then the stress of learning about a possible corporate take-over might just give him a heart attack.

  “Is it romantic trouble?” he offered as she struggled for words.

  “Yes,” Gemma cried out in agreement, maybe a little too enthusiastically, “That’s it!” Calming down her tone, she said more casually, “There’s this guy named Ben who wants to be my boyfriend. He’s rich, handsome, but I don’t know if I can trust him.”

  “Why don’t you trust him?” he asked.

  “I recently caught him lying to me about something,” Gemma explained, not waiting to tell her Dad too much. “He gave me a reason for it, and as much as it made sense, I didn’t like that he lied to begin with.”

  “That’s hard, sweetheart.” Harry nodded. “While I don’t know the details of what happened, I would say to just trust your heart.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.” Gemma paused before growing more thoughtful. “Daddy, how did you know Mom was the right one for you?”

  “Well, I just knew,” Harry said matter-of-factly. “I saw Sara at a party Clint was throwing and I knew instantly that she was the only woman for me. I think I even dumped the date I was with right then so I could ask your mother to dance. A few months later we were married.” He smiled to himself as he looked back on his youth. “Of course, it hasn’t always been easy. We’ve had our rough patches for sure, especially when we were first trying to build up this company. I was working long hours and your mother got lonely. It had created a lot of tension between us and we were fighting all the time. I even moved out for a little while there.”

  “You did?” Gemma was surprised by her father’s confession. She never heard this story before, “Why don’t I remember that?”

  “You were just a little kid, about five or six, and we worked hard to shelter you from our marital problems. I would come home to spend some time with you before bedtime. But after you were asleep, your mother would kick me out and I would stay in an apartment I was renting.”

  “I can’t believe I never knew. How did you guys work it out?”

  “Well, it’s just something you do when you’ve made a commitment to someone. The divorce rate wouldn’t be so high if more couples were more willing to work harder at solving their problems than just throwing in the towel. We went to counseling and learned how to mend the hurts we’d caused each other. Over time, things got better and now our marriage is stronger and happier than ever.”

  “I’m glad, Daddy.” Gemma smiled, relieved by her Dad’s words. “I would hate it if you and Mom ever got divorced or cheated on each other.”

  Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “So, what ever happened to that other guy you were so madly in love with?” he asked, changing the subject, “Liam, was his name, right?”

  “He turned out not to be who I thought he was. That’s why I’m not sure if I should go out with Ben,” Gemma answered vaguely.

  Her father nodded and didn’t press further. “I don’t know if this new guy Ben is the right one for you or not, but you just have to ask yourself what the difference is between him and Liam. Will Ben make you as happy as Liam did, or will he cause you the same hurts? That will tell you if you should give him a chance or not.”

  It was a more poignant advice than her father knew he’d given to his daughter.

  “Thanks, Daddy. That’s good advice.”

  “No problem. So, do you want to have lunch with your old man today?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, feeling a tinge of guilt, “but I can’t today. I’ve got too much work to do.”

  “Okay, but don’t work too hard. We’re finally doing well as a company again. Our stock prices are on the rise, profits are up, and we even made the first payment for that business loan you got us.”

  Harry strolled out of her office feeling good, and Gemma sighed with relief. She spent the rest of the day poring over the file from the private investigator, trying to discover where it came from. When that approach came up empty with clues, she started calling every private investigator in the city making inquiries. It was exhausting work, and ultimately disappointing. By the time she quit work that evening, she was no closer to finding out who took the pictures or who hired him to take them.

  Everyone else had gone home hours ago, leaving the building dark and empty and giving her that creepy feeling that she was being watched again. Ben’s warning of corporate spies rang in her head and she headed for the parking lot as quickly as she could.

  A heavy rain had started to fall and Gemma got drenched as she walked across the dark parking lot to her car. All she wanted was to go home and take a hot bath after such an awful day. But when she put her key in the ignition, nothing happened.

  That was when Gemma realized she had left her headlights on when she rushed into work late that morning. Now her battery was completely dead.

  She reached for her purse to pull out her cell phone, but she couldn’t find it. She must have left it inside the office.

  “Shit!” Gemma slammed her car door shut and popped her trunk open, searching for some jumper cables or at least an umbrella. She didn’t have either. She slammed the trunk closed with frustration. There wasn’t a car in sight to jump-start her battery. Everyone had gone home hours ago.

  She was stranded, alone in the pouring rain in a dark parking lot. She decided to go back into the office and call for help. That was when Gemma realized she had locked her keys in the car when she slammed the door shut. Her office keys were on the same key ring as her car keys.

  Now she was truly str
anded, drench with rain with no way to even get inside her office to call for help.

  “God damn it all to fucking hell!” Gemma shouted a string of swear words into the night, hoping it would make her feel better. But all it did was make her want to cry.

  Suddenly, a pair of headlights flashed on in the distance and started moving slowly towards her.

  Gemma inhaled a sharp breath and felt a panic in her chest. What if it was the private investigator or whoever hired him coming to get her? As the car approached, her heart began to beat a mile of minute.

  When the car came close enough to Gemma, she let out a sigh of relief. It wasn’t someone that was about to harm her. It was just Ben.


  “What are you doing here?” Gemma cried out as Ben pulled up beside her in his black Ferrari. She’d never been so happy to see anyone in her life, but the question came out sounding accusing and rude.

  “I’m not stalking you, I swear.” Ben held up his hand in the surrender position as he rolled down his window. “I needed to deliver this receipt for your business loan payment. I thought you would be gone by now and it would be safe for me to slip it in the drop box. What are you doing here so late?”

  “It’s a long story. I don’t suppose you could pick a lock and give me a jump?” Gemma asked. Ben’s eyes grew wide and his grin widened with naughty innuendo. She laughed despite herself and slapped at him playfully. “Not that kind of jump. My car battery died and then I locked myself out.”

  Ben laughed gently at her predicament and gave her his cell phone so she could call AAA.

  “It’s going to be over an hour before they can get out here.” Gemma sighed as she held the phone to her ear.

  “You’re going to catch pneumonia if you stay here in the rain that long, and you’ve got to be hungry and tired. Tell them to just wait until the morning to take care of it. I’ll take you out for dinner and drive you home.”

  “Ben, I already told you things were over between us.” Gemma objected.

  “I know and I respect that. I won’t try anything, I promise. I can’t just leave you stranded like this. Please let me buy you dinner. You’d told me yesterday that it might be possible for us to be friends. I know I’d like to be if you’re willing to let me.”

  Gemma knew she should refuse, but he made a lot of good points and she really was starving. She climbed into the passenger seat of his car, blinking back tears of gratitude. Ben tried not to look smug but failed, and Gemma punched him the arm. It was a good way to break the ice and the two of them ended up laughing.

  “Once again, you’ve shown up at the right place at the right time to be my knight in shining armor.” Gemma teased when they were seated in the restaurant. She felt much better being warm and having had a fine glass of merlot.

  “I try.” Ben joked back as the waiter set their meals before them. “Thank you for agreeing to let me take you out to dinner. I really do want us to be friends, even if we can’t be lovers. I’ve missed your company and the conversations we used to have. I never had to wonder if you were after my money and you don’t suck up and tell me things you think I want to hear just because I’m rich. You’ve always been your authentic self; brave, independent, and smart. The fact that you’re gorgeous as hell doesn’t hurt, but what I miss most about you is your mind. You’re never afraid to speak your opinion, and it’s always about kindness, justice, and doing what’s right. I’ve missed talking with you late at night when I’m all alone in my empty mansion. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed talking with you too.” Gemma admitted with a blush. Ben had a way of completely disarming her with his vulnerability. She knew instinctively that it was a side of himself he rarely shared with other people and it touched her that he was willing to open himself up to her in that way. Still, caution was in order. She smiled at him and said “I think we can become good friends, slowly over time.”

  Ben picked up the hint and didn’t push for more. He kept the rest of their mealtime conversation to safe subjects. They talked about books, politics, and current events. He asked her about her parents and her work. She asked him about the staff at the mansion, particularly the ones she’d come to know as friends. When the meal came to an end, they both felt completely at ease, like two friends should be.

  “You don’t have to drive me home. The rain has stopped and it’s just a few blocks away.” Gemma said, after he paid the bill and left the waiter a generous tip.

  “Are you certain you’ll be able to get inside your apartment without your key?” Ben asked with concern.

  “There should be one hidden behind the fire extinguisher, unless someone moved it.” Gemma said.

  “Should be? I’d feel a lot better if I knew for certain you were able to get inside and weren’t going to be stuck sleeping out in the hall.” Ben said and Gemma felt a warm glow.

  He drove her the short distance to her apartment and walked with her up the stairs to her door. The hide-a-key was right where she’d left it and as she crossed the threshold to her apartment, they both realized the evening had come to an end.

  “Goodbye, Gemma. Thank you for spending time with me tonight. I know I hurt you and I’m sorry. I hope we can be friends and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy. ” A friendly smile curved the corners of his lips, but a deep sadness could be seen in his eyes. Gemma’s heart went out to him, for she understood his pain. It was the same ache she had felt in her soul since the day she left the mansion and there was only one cure.

  Without warning, she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into her apartment, kissing him passionately on the lips. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her body to his chest like he never wanted to let her go. They fell onto her couch groping each other like two people drowning.

  “Take off my dress!” Gemma breathed and Ben ripped the garment from her body. She wore a sexy black lace bra with matching panties and it made him salivate with lust.

  “You are so hot” he whispered and lunged for her breasts.

  “Not yet,” Gemma slapped him away with an admonishing glare. She arched her left brow at him mischievously and said in a sultry voice “You said you would do whatever it takes to make me happy.”

  “Yes,” Ben grinned, his face full of hope.

  “Well then, strip for me and make it good.”

  She turned some music on the radio and sat back on the couch to watch as Ben performed a slow and sexy striptease for her.

  “How may I please you next?” Ben asked, when he stood before her naked.

  “Now, strip me; but without using your hands.” Gemma said with a playful glimmer in her eyes.

  Happy to comply, Ben set to work tugging off her bra with his lips and teeth. Once her beautiful breasts were free, he nibbled on them, kissing and suckling every inch of them while she moaned with pleasure. Next, he used his teeth to pull off her panties, sliding them over her hips and down her long legs. Gemma spread her thighs wide and he made love to her delicious wet folds until she was writhing and moaning on the couch. He knew just how she liked it and before long she was clutching at the cushions and gasping as she climaxed.

  “I hope I made you happy.” Ben said when her breathing finally slowed and she started to regain her composure.

  “You made me very happy!” Gemma smiled and the double meaning wasn’t lost. She loved him as much as he loved her and was willing to give him a second chance. She pulled him into her arms and they made love all night long, in every room of her tiny apartment, until finally their longing for each other was satisfied and they fell into a deep and dreamless sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.


  Gemma thought perhaps it had been another one of her dreams when she woke up in the morning and felt that familiar tingling of her nipples and clitoris that only Ben could produce. Then she opened her eyes and saw him snoring softly beside her and her heart soared. It hadn’t been a dream; it was real. She caressed his chin to be
sure and felt the scratchiness of it. He needed to shave and it made her smile. He was definitely real; but her father’s words crept into her mind.

  She needed to know the difference between Liam and Ben; what was real and what wasn’t. Gemma decided it was time to quit playing guessing games and find out the full truth once and for all.

  She kissed Ben on the lips to wake him up, and he sighed happily as he blinked open his eyes and saw her face.

  “Good morning, handsome. It’s time to rise and shine.” She smiled.

  “Good morning, beautiful. I think part of me is already up if you know what I mean.”

  Gemma understood his cheesy joke and decided to play along. She looked under the bed sheets and gasped with exaggerated surprise. Giggling, she said “Oh my. Something most definitely is up! Maybe I should help you with that.”

  She crawled under the covers and dotted his erection with nibbling kisses, enjoying the way it made him moan and squirm. Then she took him fully into her mouth, sliding him deeply into her throat. Ben groaned loudly with pleasure and his muscles spasmed at the intensity of his pleasure.

  “You’re going to make me come” he gasped.

  “Not so fast; I want my turn.” Gemma said. She straddled his face so he could lick her pussy while she continued to pleasure his cock. The harder she sucked, the more feverishly he licked her folds until they were both on the edge of climax.

  “Fuck me now!” Gemma cried out and knelt on the mattress on her hands and knees. Ben entered her juicy pussy from behind, driving himself deeply into her with powerful thrusts. Gemma orgasmed almost instantly, rocking back to meet him as he pounded into her. “Harder! Harder!”

  Ben plowed into her as she undulated and quivered. It didn’t take long before he was climaxing too, just as her second orgasm struck. Their gasps and moans echoed off the apartment walls and she was certain her neighbors were filing a noise complaint, but she didn’t care.

  “That was amazing. Give our relationship a second chance and let me be your boyfriend. I love you so much.” Ben sighed, as he stroked her hair and pulled her into his cuddling embrace.


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