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Love & Lies

Page 19

by Jessica Wood

  “Yeah. S-same here.” I heard myself stumble over my words and couldn’t believe she was having this affect on me.

  “I heard some great things from Blair about your dedication to your work.”

  Trent’s words caught me by surprise. I looked over at him, and he was indeed talking to me, and not anyone else in the room. “You have?” I blurted out. I wasn’t sure how it happened, but it had. As I let go of Blair’s hand and sat down in my seat, my arm knocked over my barely-touched coffee, causing its contents to crash down onto my suit and pants. “Fuck!” I flew out of my chair as the warm coffee reached my growing erection.

  “Ben! What’s gotten into you this morning?” Bill stared at me and I could see the embarrassment and anger on his face. “I must really apologize for my associate. He’s not normally like this.”

  “I’m really sorry,” I finally muttered. “I…” I tried to wipe the coffee off, but it had only made the liquid sink deeper into the fabric, causing my pants to cling onto my erection, which was pushing out from my briefs. “…if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to clean up and be right back.”

  “Sure thing. We’ll just go ahead and get started,” Trent said as he turned his attention to the others.

  I got up and noticed Blair’s eyes were staring at my crotch. When I saw her eyes widen with lust as she licked her bottom lip, I couldn’t help but feel triumphant.

  She caught me watching her, and her expression changed immediately. Sitting straight up, she looked down at her binder of documents, pretending to focus on the discussion that’d already started between Trent and the rest of my legal team.

  I smirked at her transparency as I walked toward the conference door. But right as I was about to pass through the door, her commanding voice halted me. “Mr. Chase. Aren’t you going to take your smartphone with you to the restroom? From what you’d told me yesterday, that is your current practice.”

  I felt my face grow hot as the partners stared at me in disgust. At that moment, I wanted to strangle this woman.

  I also wanted to fuck her brains out to teach her a lesson.

  “Right. How could I have forgotten?” I kept my tone even as I flashed a quick smile and grabbed my phone from the table.

  When I got to the bathroom, a million thoughts whirled in my mind as I tried to process my emotions. I tried to think back to everything I’d said to B. Parker by email and everything that’d happened with this woman in the last twenty-four hours before I knew who she was. I cringed inside as I thought back to everything I’d emailed her. The egg and shitting comments yesterday. The blow job comment this morning! I felt my stomach lurch uneasily that it was her who had been on the other end of those emails. Then I thought back to everything I’d said to her in person—the things I’d done to her!

  So many unanswered questions swam in my head. Had she known this entire time who I was? Did she know at the grocery store? Or afterwards? Or this morning at the coffee shop? Did she want to fuck me? Was that why she hadn’t responded to my email about getting a blow job this morning?

  But the one question that seemed to burn inside the most was, Did I ruin my chances with her?

  Then a beep came through my phone, indicating a new email. I pulled up my emails. To my surprise, it was an email from her!

  To: Ben Chase

  From: B. Parker

  Re: The Many Joys of Coffee

  Mr. Chase:

  So we finally meet.

  I must say, I think I’ve discovered something slightly more enjoyable than just drinking coffee—seeing it on you. Now, that’s a sight for sore eyes, as you would put it.

  Now aren’t you glad I reminded you about your phone?


  Acting Vice President

  Parker, Inc.

  I stared down at her email, unable to understand what this meant. Was it even possible that she was blatantly flirting with me? Or was this her taunting me? My eyes landed on her signature. She had signed off as “Blair,” not “B. Parker.”

  I hit reply and started drafting an email back.

  To: B. Parker

  From: Ben Chase

  Re: Coffee Shows You Eight Inches

  Ms. Parker:

  You must admit, coffee sure does bring out the best qualities in people. I’m certainly available for coffee sometime soon to discuss these qualities.

  Good call with the phone. Did you know it has a camera feature? Do you want me to test it out?



  William & Sutter LLP.

  I stared at the email, debating whether or not to send it. As innocuous as this email might sounded to an unknowing observer, she would know what I was talking about. I knew this was crossing the line, I knew this was breaking my one and only cardinal rule when it came to fucking women—don’t shit where you eat—but for some reason, that didn’t seem to matter anymore. All that mattered to me now was feeling that same rush again, the one I had felt last night when I’d inhaled her scent as she arched her back against me, the one I had felt this morning at the coffee shop when she had touched my chest, the one I had felt moments ago when our hands touched. Even though I had no idea what game she was playing, there was one thing I was positive about: every part of my body needed her, and if the opportunity were to present itself to me, I’ll be damned if some rule was going to stop me from fucking her and taking everything she had to offer.

  Determined to see how far things could go with her, I sent the email.

  Within seconds she had responded and my cock stiffened with excitement the second I had heard the beep from my phone.

  To: Ben Chase

  From: B. Parker

  Re: I’ve Had Better Coffee


  Eight inches is an impressively strong cup of coffee…

  …to some.

  But, I must admit, I’ve had some pretty strong cups of coffees in my life that’d kept me up at all hours of the night.

  I’m sure your phone is camera-ready, as many are these days. So as much as I appreciate your offer, there’s really no need to test it out for my sake. I know what a picture looks like. In fact, I’ve been told by some baristas that I really know my way around phone cameras.


  Acting Vice President

  Parker, Inc.

  By the time I’d finished reading the email, my mouth was gaped open at what she’d written. Jealousy and rage raced through me as I imaged men fucking her all night long, touching her, tasting her, pounding against her. My cock became rock hard at the thought of being inside her and feeling her come on me.

  I looked at my watch. I’d been in the bathroom for a good ten minutes. I rushed to dry my pants as much as possible as I thought about Blair. Before I headed back into the conference room, I sent another email to Blair.

  To: B. Parker

  From: Ben Chase

  Re: Strong Coffee


  The measure of a real strong cup of coffee has nothing to do with inches. I was simply trying to give you a visual, I even offered to take a photo if you needed more to go on. With someone as accomplished as you must be, I have no doubt that you’ve had many strong cups of coffee to keep you going. But let me assure you, the coffee I’m offering is probably the strongest cup you’ll ever have. It doesn’t just keep you up at all hours of the night—it’ll keep you up all night long. Even if you wanted to sleep, you’d be too wide awake to do so.

  Have a cup with me. I am confident we’d have a very productive discussion about this deal.



  William & Sutter LLP.

  I walked through the conference room door a minute after I sent the email. Blair looked up immediately. I smiled at her and noticed the flush in her cheeks and the desire in her alert eyes. I kept my eyes on her as I got to my seat and sat down. She bit her bottom lip as she kept my gaze. I knew this was a deliberate lip bite to taunt me—and with any other girl, it would have turned me off
—but with when I watched her teeth gnaw gently against the delicate skin of her pink lips, my cock hardened in response.

  When I sat down, I saw her look away and look down toward her lap where her phone probably was. Seconds later, my phone vibrated and an email from her came through. I immediately pulled it up as my insides brimmed with anticipation.

  To: Ben Chase

  From: B. Parker

  Re: You’re Right


  I’m fine with how strong my coffee is at the moment. No need to try yours.

  You are right about one thing: mine are a lot juicier than those peaches.


  Acting Vice President

  Parker, Inc.

  My cock went into full salute at her last sentence. I inhaled sharply and glanced over at her. She was flipping through some documents, seemingly engrossed in what she was reviewing. But by the twisted grin on her face, I knew she had seen my reaction. I knew she had enjoyed taunting me.

  For the next two hours, I had a hard time focusing on the discussion the group was having about the deal. I kept looking over at her, and each time I had, she avoided my gaze.

  As the meeting concluded, Bill got up to shake Trent’s and Blair’s hands again. “Thanks so much for coming by today. Your insight and suggestions have been extremely helpful, and we’ll have a better idea of what your company wants as we move forward with this deal with potential foreign companies.”

  “It’s been our pleasure, Bill.” Blair smiled at Bill and then looked at me for the first time since she’d sent her last email. “Your firm has made quite an impression on me.”

  “Oh?” Bill beamed in pride.

  “Yes, these draft contracts included everything we needed. And I do have to say, Mr. Chase certainly has some balls. He’s bold, aggressive, and shameless. That was made very clear in his emails and comments.”

  My body tensed at her words and I searched her eyes for a clue to where she was going with her statement. But they gave nothing away.

  Bill laughed nervously and shot a glance at me. “He’s certainly a sharp shooter, and sometimes unorthodox in his approach to things. So please don’t take any offense—”

  “Don’t worry. No offense was taken. His emails and comments have been insightful to say the least, and it’s given me a lot to think about.” She paused and met Bill’s concerned eyes. “That’s something this deal needs, and it’s something our company values.”

  I was taken aback by her words. I’d always thought that after my many conquests, I’d had women figured out. But somehow, Blair threw me for a loop time and time again. She was like a wicked curve ball that I couldn’t read, throwing me off balance with her every action. And as much as that frustrated me, it excited me more than anything I’d felt before. I didn’t know what it was, but I wanted more of what she had to dish out. I was officially addicted.

  When everyone was filing out of the conference room, I stayed behind as I watched Blair pack up her things.

  “I’ll meet you back at the office, Trent.” She waved to Trent, who was already walking out of the door.

  “No rush. You did a lot this week. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off?” Trent offered.

  I noticed Blair frown slightly before smiling. “I’m happy when I’m working like this. Don’t worry about me.” Before she finished talking, Trent was already halfway down the hallway to the elevators.

  After another minute, we were the only two left in the room. I watched her, waiting for her to look over at me. But she didn’t.

  “You know eventually you’ll have to look at me.”

  “Is that so?” Her voice was rich with amusement and flirtation.

  “Yes, it is so.” I moved to her side of the conference table and stood behind her. “Now, get out of your chair and look at me,” I commanded.

  She didn’t turn around. And she didn’t look at me. A devious little grin spread on her face. “Need I remind you that I’m the client here? That I’m your boss?”

  Before she could react, I spun her chair around, forcing her to face me. “Then boss me around,” I dared. I braced my hands against either side of the armrest, pinning her in place. She finally looked up at me with raised eyebrows and a smile as she silently challenged me to go further.

  “Tell me one thing.”

  “Only if I want to.”

  “When did you know? Did you know who I was before I bumped into you last night at the grocery store? Or did you know at the coffee shop?”

  She grinned widely at me. “Let’s just say, when I look for a potential law firm to represent my company, the first stage in my vetting process is to look at the attorney profiles on the firm websites to see who’d be capable to handle our company.”

  “You knew this entire time?” I couldn’t believe her words. I was shocked that she had been playing with me since the moment she smiled at me at the grocery store.

  “Yup.” Her lips smacked as she emphasized the word.

  “So you were playing with me this entire time?” I tightened my grip around the armrests.

  “No. I wasn’t playing with you.” She paused and smiled. “I was simply taking a back seat and letting you take the lead. And I must say, it was pretty amusing.”

  I got down on my knees, pushed her knees apart, causing her to gasp in surprise. Her skirt moved up her thighs as I pulled her body to the edge of her seat so her panties pressed against my abs. “Does this amuse you? Is this what you were talking about a few minutes ago when you said you valued my balls?”

  “I’m your client,” she protested but made no effort to push me away.

  “So, as my client, how can I please you?” I moved my hands to her knees, glided them up her thighs, and rested my thumbs against her panties, feeling the heat of her entrance. I felt her body stiffen as my thumbs teased her gently as they moved up and down the fabric.

  “You’re crossing the line, Mr. Chase,” she warned half-heartedly as her eyes fluttered closed.

  I leaned into her and whispered, “Let’s cut to the chase, Ms. Parker. With all your innuendos in your emails to me today, you know exactly what you want from me. You’ve been pushing me to cross the line from day one.”

  “You’re full of yourself,” she mustered. “I don’t want anything from you.” She bit her lips as she tried to keep still against my teasing.

  “From how wet you’re getting against my fingers, I’m pretty sure that’s not the case.”

  She let out a sharp gasp as my thumb circled her throbbing clit through the fabric.

  “I—I’m your client, and…all I want to do is to talk about the case. N—nothing else.” Her breathing became ragged as she tried to focus on anything but what my hand was doing to her.

  “If that were the case, you wouldn’t be still sitting right here, squirming under my hands and begging for more.”

  “I didn’t beg,” she managed to shoot back.

  “You didn’t with your mouth, but you did with your body.”

  “I won’t give into you.” Her voice cracked and we both knew she didn’t believe her own words.

  “Fine, if it makes you feel better. You don’t need to give into me.” I paused and smirked. “Not today, at least. But I promise you this: the next time I see you, I’m going to be the best fucking coffee you’ve ever tasted in your life.”

  She drew in a sharp intake of breath and I smiled at her reaction.

  I faced her directly and held my mouth just an inch from her slightly parted lips. “Next time I see you, I’ll show you how awake I can keep you at all hours of the night. When I’m through with you, you’ll be begging for more, and with more than just your body.”

  Without another word, I got up and walked out of the conference room, leaving her panting and staring after me.


  “Ben, I’m serious. This is a mistake.” Josh threw a stack of documents on my desk in front of me.

  It was an updated draft contract for the
Parker case, littered with red pen mark-ups on every page. I grabbed the draft. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I thumbed through the pages, irritated that he was wasting my time.

  “Look at Provision 3(b) on page twenty-one. That wasn’t what we discussed in the meeting two week with Ms. Parker. I wrote down that they wanted $15 million in escrow, not $10 million.”

  I looked at Provision 3(b) and then pulled out my own notes from that meeting. “Shit, you’re right.” I slumped against my chair, feeling the frustration growing inside. “Thanks for catching that, man. The partners would have ripped me a new one if they saw this. I’m not sure how I missed that.”

  “What the fuck is going on with you lately, Ben?” Josh looked at me with concern.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I pretended to not know what he was referring to.

  “This is like the fifth time you’ve fucked up on this case in the last two weeks. That’s not like you at all. You’re the most scrupulous associate I know here. Shit, you’re the one who’s always telling us that the devil’s in the details. What fucking gives?”

  I let out a deep sigh. “I just have a lot on my mind lately. No big deal.”

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  Unless you’re Blair, then no! I thought. I held my tongue and just shook my head. “Thanks for catching the error. I need to get back to work, man.”

  “Okay. See you at the Halloween party tonight? I heard some of our clients are actually going to show up this year.”

  My ears perked up, but I didn’t let it show. “Yeah. Sure, I’ll see you there.”

  After Josh left my office, I slumped against my chair. What the fuck is wrong with me?


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