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Wrapped Around Him

Page 19

by Debra Kayn

  She studied him closely. He had no reason to lie. He could've used the information to gain her trust at the beginning of their relationship, after he'd kidnapped her. He understood her need to make her parents' killer pay and how much it meant to her to move on with her life, and unable to heal because the killer was free. But, he hadn't said a word, and to find out now meant something to her.

  "You want me to stay," she said.

  He rubbed his thumb over her lip. "I told you I wanted you the first time I refused to let you leave. I don't know how much more clearly I can make myself."

  She nodded. He had explained why, but she refused to believe a man would simply kidnap her and chance his freedom, because he wanted to have her in his life. In an odd way, it was the biggest show of dedication anyone had given her.

  "We're messed up." She wrinkled her nose. "All I wanted to know is if you had feelings for me, beyond wanting me to take care of Jeremy."

  "Baby, Jeremy's old enough to take care of himself." He laid his finger over her lips when she started to argue with him. "You give him an example of what a woman should be like, so while he might spend time with women who'll fuck him and leave him, you set the bar. You're not one of the Moroad women. You want to better your life. Everyone else is too busy surviving, but you give Jeremy something to strive for and you being in his life will stay in that kid's head. You give him the good part of his already shitty life."

  Cam's mouth softened. She yawned, relaxing after hearing his explanation.

  "I like when you talk to me," she said.

  He grunted. "I can think of better things to do."

  "I know." She laid her hands on his chest. "But, I need to tell you something."

  "Go on," he said.

  "I reread all the letters I sent you when you were in prison." She tilted her head, embarrassed for even having to talk about that time in her life. "I never realized how lost I sounded and looking back, maybe I was reaching out to you more for emotional support than to learn what goes on in the head of a criminal. I relied on you too much."

  He hooked her neck and brought her forward until their foreheads met. "Don't excuse what you gave me. I've never had anyone need something from me, and I wanted to give it all. The only reason I stopped writing was because my parole date was getting near. It was a selfish thing to do, but I needed to put everything behind me, so I could get outside and find you."

  "You're not going to leave me?" she whispered.

  He shook his head, brushing his whiskers against her cheek. "Only way I'll leave you is if I'm dead or I go back to prison. Either way, you've got the club, the house, and Jeremy. I'm not going to leave you with nothing."

  "Don't talk like that." She pulled back.

  He tugged her closer. "You're mine, baby."

  "And you're mine," she said, believing it with her whole heart.

  Nobody could claim their relationship was conventional. She slid her arms up around his neck and held him close. Maybe she was starting to see another side of life and nobody was ever strictly good or bad.

  "I'm sorry for shooting at you and if we're going to be honest with each other, I shot at the floor. I wasn't going to kill you, and I guess deep down inside, I wanted you to stop me from leaving," she said.

  His hand stroked her back. "I put a guard on you last night. I wasn't going to let you walk away."

  That's the closest she'd get to hearing how he felt about her. She closed her eyes and accepted his word. It was enough.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Cam picked Christina up. She wrapped her legs around his bare hips. He growled and dove for her neck, sucking on the tender flesh that already held two hickey's from yesterday.

  She threw back her head and laughed. "You're crazy."

  He swiped his tongue over her jaw and flicked her lips. "Don't tease me."

  The roughness of hair on his chest tickled her breasts. She stilled. All she'd done was take a shower.

  "You're going to be late." She wound her fingers in his hair.

  He turned his head and bit the inside of her wrist. "I don't care."

  "But your men are—" She screamed as she became airborne and dropped to the bed. "Cam."

  He followed her down, opening her legs with his knee. She stretched out on the bed, hooking her ankles behind his thighs. The last thing she wanted him to do was leave for a ride. She thought it'd get easier with each ride he took at night, but instead every week got harder. She feared for his safety.

  Now that she knew the personalities of the Moroad members, the reasons for them congregating in the yard, she understood how each one of them took their job tonight seriously. She quivered at the heat settling between her legs. The undercurrent of tension between the men, and Cam using every excuse to distract himself worried her.

  "Sure do like that you went and got a birth control shot and I can fuck you bare." Cam lowered his head and sucked on her nipple. "Never had anything between us, and never will."

  She moaned. "Uh..."

  God, she couldn't reply when his hot mouth pulled on her breast and set fire to her sex.

  Cam lifted his head. "What?"

  "Hurry." She focused on his eyes and smiled. "I can't think when you do that."

  His gaze warmed. The sudden onslaught of belonging filled her. The shared moment of knowing they needed each other and having Cam inside of her, her surrounding him, was the best feeling in the world. While she'd love to see inside his head, feel what was in his heart, she'd stripped one more thing away from him.

  Cam naked, vulnerable, and trusting her pushed her into believing they'd make it as a couple.

  He crawled backward, diving between her legs. Any chance of basking in the knowledge they'd reached a milestone in their relationship ended the moment his tongue licked the length of her sex.

  Oral sex was no longer a self-conscious act and she came alive under his attention. She arched her back, opening for him. Cam became an extension of her. He understood what she wanted, needed, and gave her everything.

  Warmth swirled in the pit of her stomach. She lifted her hips, grinding against his mouth. The pressure of his invading tongue worth the looks she'd receive later from the Moroad members for keeping their president occupied.

  His tongue dipped inside of her. She reached down between her legs and fisted his hair, pulling him up.

  She panted. "I need more of you."

  He rolled her onto her stomach, grabbed her hips, and lifted her ass into the air. She clutched onto the comforter, arching her back.

  Cam thrust into her. She hissed at the fullness, loving the way he possessed her.

  On her knees with him behind her, he stroked her deep. She quivered, pushing back against him. Every single move stroked her G-spot.

  "Oh, God." She laid her head on the mattress.

  Cam leaned over her back, kissing the skin at her spine. Her nipples pebbled. Confined underneath his weight, she was at his mercy.

  He slipped his hand underneath her and strummed her hard nipples with callused fingers until she rocked on her knees wanting him to pound into her.

  He moved his hands to her hips as if reading her mind and controlled the long, slow, thrusts. Tension built low in her belly and her pussy involuntarily squeezed him as he took her higher.

  "Cam..." She bounced on the bed under his weight.

  The slap of his skin against her bottom and the gasp that came from her with every stroke filled the room. She moaned and threw her head back, bucking against him. Cam's urgent grunts brought him harder down on her, filling her.

  He growled. A strangled scream tore from her lips at the vibrations coming from his body.

  "Yes, harder. That's it," she begged.

  The friction against her inner walls made her dizzy. The myriad of sensations in her belly, her breasts, and her limbs culminated. Then she was falling into the most intense and wonderful orgasm. Her whole body shuddered, over and over, wave after wave.

  Cam sank balls deep, ho
lding her hips, trembling. Warm fluid filled her. Extra sensitive, she could feel the pulse of his cock emptying inside of her. Each beat caressed her, and she quivered around him.

  As her conscious returned, Cam pulled out of her. She collapsed on the bed and groaned at the loss of him. She wanted him to stay inside of her, letting her sleep with his cock lazily teasing her through the night.

  Her muscles refused to work, and she wanted to enjoy the pleasure intoxicating her body. "Cam?"

  "Right here." Cam returned to the bed with a warm, wet washrag. She let him spread her legs and wash between her legs. She sighed in contentment.

  "Stay home," she said.

  He kissed the dip in her lower back. "Can't, baby."

  A sharp sting landed on her ass. She jolted into a sitting position and swatted at Cam for spanking her.

  He dodged her hands, grabbing his jeans off the floor and putting them on. "I need to hit the road. Jeremy's with me tonight. We should be back in three hours if everything goes smoothly."

  She stood and wrapped the throw blanket around her naked body. "Is there a chance that things will go wrong?"

  He glanced at her and put on his T-shirt. "We've been over this before. You don't ask what I'm doing."

  "But, what if—"

  "Christina." He slipped his arms into his vest. "The rest of the club has my orders in case I don't make it home. You're taken care of."

  She pulled the blanket tighter, cocooning herself to protect her from the dangers that always surrounded Cam. Her request wasn't new. She asked every time he left on a run, hoping that one day he'd stay with her and let the other members go alone. "I just want you with me."

  "Baby..." He sighed and looked at her frowning. "Take the blanket off."

  She shook her head. "You're leaving me."

  "Take the blanket off."

  "No." She backed up, hit the bed, and plopped down. "I don't know if you're coming back. Don't take my comfort away from me. You leave, and I'm alone again."

  He stepped over to her, tore the blanket off her body until she sat on the bed naked. "Whether I'm here or not, you do not hide yourself anymore. Do you hear me?"

  "You're being an asshole," she whispered, grabbing for the blanket. "I'm cold."

  "Then get into bed and warm up." He leaned over and looked her in the eyes. "Don't shut me out."

  "That's not what I was doing. It's just a blanket," she said, crossing her arms over her breasts. "I feel like I'm losing you every time you step out of the house."

  He hooked her neck. "Do you listen to a thing I say?"

  "Yes," she whispered.

  "Fuck." He kissed her forehead, lingering his lips on her. "I'll always take care of you. Don't forget that."

  She nodded, letting the melancholy mood invade her thoughts.

  "I need to go." He kissed her again. "Go to bed. I'll lock the door behind me."

  She rolled onto the bed and grabbed the comforter. Instinct had her holding the blanket to her chin, but she stopped herself from rolling herself up until she couldn't move her arms and legs. The need to protect herself manipulated her thoughts. What if Cam didn't come back to her?

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Jeremy stood beside his motorcycle, hands loose, and eyes on the approaching vehicle. Cam stayed three yards away, keeping the kid in his peripheral vision. The club had three months of exchanges behind them, and the natural urge in his men to relax bothered him. No time in this business would he let his guard down and put the chain in jeopardy.

  "Kid, if something happens, you ride like hell on the back roads until you know it's safe to return home," Cam said.

  "Okay," Jeremy said, facing forward.

  A new car, two new men, created a new situation for the exchange. He nodded and stopped in front of them.

  "Your headlights seem to be aligned high," he said, starting the prearranged discussion.

  The driver widened his stance. "I'll have my guy at the garage check that out. These foreign cars always need work."

  Right answer. Cam waved his men forward. "We'll be quick."

  Jeremy jogged past him with Gunner, Stache, Willie, and Johnson beside him. Cam's fingers itched to pull his pistol and add his own protection to his men. Everything was moving forward, and yet he couldn't seem to shake off the feeling something wasn't right.

  The two men glanced at each other and dipped their chin. His knee throbbed and he shifted his weight to the right leg. There should be no sign or communication between the delivery escorts.

  Johnson caught his gaze. "The orders are all here."

  "Good." Cam nodded at the driver, signaling him to leave.

  "A moment, please." The driver moved forward.

  Cam swept the edge of his vest to the side and pulled his pistol. "Back off."

  "I have a message from the inside for you." The man lowered his voice.

  Cam kept his arm steady, the red dot of his laser sat in the middle of the man's forehead. "I have a hard time believing that, since I don't know you."

  "I'm just the messenger." The man's gaze never wavered from Cam. "Merk needs to talk to you."


  "Pretaro has you written up for clearance first thing in the morning. If you leave now, you'll be able to make it in time." The man turned and walked away.

  Cam stared after him, watching the car reverse and head back toward Montana. His muscles spasmed and he shoved his pistol in the back of his jeans. The club had their own way of getting messages through to him, and not once asked an outsider to approach him.

  Stache called his name. Cam turned and headed to his motorcycle. Something wasn't right, and until he found out what was going on, he wouldn't be able to rest.

  "What was that about?" Stache asked, tipping his bike up.

  "I'm needed at the pen." Cam threw his leg over his motorcycle. "I'm going now. Can you make sure Jeremy makes it home after the drop-off?"

  "Yeah." Stache ran his hand down the side of his mustache. "Are you sure about this? You don't know those men. It could be a set up."

  Cam shook his head, not knowing what to think. "Just make sure all of you get out of the drop off alive."

  "I've got it." Stache glanced down at Cam's waist. "You better take that gun off and anything else you have if you're going visiting."

  "Fuck." Cam pulled off his pistol, his knife, and one joint out of his wallet. "There's an abandoned house about a mile to the interstate. Put all this in the mailbox, and I'll grab them on my way back. I don't want you found with more than you've got on you now, in case—"

  "Shut the fuck up, man." Stache ran his hand down the ends of his mustache. "I don't want to hear it. You start talking like that, and we'll all be jumping at shadows."

  Cam nailed him with a look. "I'm serious."

  "Yeah," Stache said. "Okay, we need to get out of here before we're late."

  "You know the answer to the question you'll be asked?" Cam ran his hand over his side, already missing the pistol.

  "Yeah...auroras in the sky. What a beautiful fucking sight," Stache said. "Like I've ever stared up at the sky."

  "On the way back, tell Jeremy to let Christina know I'm going to be late. Don't tell him where I'll be, that way he doesn't have to lie. I'll smooth things over when I get back to the house." Cam started the engine. "Keep your eyes open and the men at your back, brother."

  "Ride safe, Cam," Stache replied.

  Cam rode off, leaving his men behind, and not knowing if he was riding into a set up or if something happened on the inside that required club action. He set the throttle and let the bike take him back to the place he called home. His gut told him to go, and the only decision he second-guessed was letting Jeremy ride along on the drop off to Spokane. He wasn't there to protect the kid's back, and he should've waited to have him join the chain next week.

  Eight straight, long hours later, he pulled off to the side of the road before entering the prison grounds and took a piss behind a bush. He stretched his l
egs, wanting his body prepared for anything when he walked inside.

  Five minutes later, he strode through the visitors door. Pretaro met him at the desk. After a pat down and depositing his wallet and belt in the small plastic basket, Cam walked through the three security doors. Pretaro kept his gaze forward. Cam stayed quiet. Whatever the reason for his summons, Pretaro wasn't willing to give him a clue.

  He sat down at the table and waited. The need to get up and walk, to keep moving, set him on edge. There were cameras everywhere. While they usually didn't pick up voices, his body language would tell the tale if he moved.

  The door opened and Merk, escorted by an armed guard, shuffled in the room. It was good to see his V.P. and know the men from the chain hadn't led him astray.

  Merk sat down. Cam waited for the guard to look away and asked, "What's going on?"

  "Reds took out Half-rack while out in the courtyard. All hell broke loose and we were put in shutdown for two days while they investigated." Merk leaned forward. "Sliced his throat and left a message for you."

  "God damn it," he muttered, rocking from the news Half-rack was dead.

  "I know, man." Merk lowered his voice. "His hit us hard inside."

  "Yeah." Cam rubbed his hand over his face. "What was the message?"

  "Pigman from Reds said, 'Not flesh of my flesh, an eye for an eye'."

  "What the fuck does that mean?" Cam squeezed his thighs to keep from standing up and signaling the end of the visit.

  "I don't know, man, but he mentioned if you didn't listen, your woman and kid would. One fuck up and they'll get you," Merk said.

  Revenge burned in his chest. He glanced at the guard and turned his attention to Merk. Nobody would touch Christina, Jeremy, or the club. He had to stop Reds from taking over inside the pen, and keep them away from Federal.

  "Any word on where Franklin is staying?" Cam needed to know how much time he had to stop the war and take out the leader of Reds.

  "No, man. He's laying low." Merk shook his head. "I can't stress how important it is to watch your back and the other men. Reds are desperate."


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