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Spilt Secrets (A Talnarin Novel Book 2)

Page 6

by D. E. Chapman

  In a flurry, I dress and march to the arena. I grumble the whole way about asshole talnarins with golden eyes, about not having time for breakfast, about being sore, about being woken too damn early, and about going to bed hungry.

  At least the nightmares seemed to have stopped.

  Next thing I know, I’m standing on sand facing a highly-amused Malik and Zeke. I glare and cross my arms in response. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” I narrow my eyes further and stare down a pair of sun colored eyes. Zeke holds up his hands in mock surrender, smirk wide on his face, as he says, “Whoa! Easy Red, just joking with you. Don’t smite me.” I say silent and continue glaring. Zeke laughs and lowers his arms.

  “Enough. Start practice.” Malik’s stern voice is lessened by the smirk on his face. He catches my glare and raises his eyebrows, challenging me.

  I huff.

  Without a word, I turn and start my stretches. I ignore everything around me as I finish up. I turn back around and find Zeke already waiting, smirk gone but amusement still visible in his eyes. Looking around, I see Malik by the archway talking with two talnarins. From this distance, it’s hard to make out their appearance.

  I yelp as pain shoots up my arm. I grab the offending limb with my other arm and snap my head around. Zeke stands there with a nasty little smirk stretched across my face. The bastard shocked me. “Next time it will hurt worse, Red. Focus. You can’t afford to be looking at… elsewhere.”

  I narrow my eyes to slits and hiss. “I wasn’t looking at Malik. I was merely curious about what was going on is all.”

  Zeke’s face morphs into one of feigned surprise. “What? I never said anything about Malik.” A small gasp leaves his lips. “That must mean you were looking at him. Red, Red, Red. What are we going to do with you?”

  I feel my face heat and I flounder for words. “I was not! Just… leave it. Let’s… let’s just get back to it.”

  Once again, his nasty little smirk is back. “Whatever you say, Red. Sure, let’s get back to it then.” Face still heated, I ready my stance and push everything to the back of my mind.

  This is no time for games. This is no time for distraction. One misstep and I am done. Without another thought, I call for the energy locked down. As it flows throughout my body, the heat feels different. It feels almost sharp. Not painfully sharp, just like little jolts underneath my skin. I ignore the feeling and keep my eyes trained on Zeke.

  Without warning, I shove my hands out and a giant silver bolt shoots out of my hands. The bolt harmlessly bounces off Zeke as I stare in shock. Zeke’s smile is surprised, his eyes slightly wide. I eye my hands with suspicion and tentatively call my energy forth once more. Sure enough, little bolts of electricity dance in my palm.

  I fall on my ass. What the fuck?

  Malik walks over, trailed by the two other talnarins. Now that the two are closer, I recognize them as the guards at the manor with Malik. One is Kelog and the other is the curly-haired talnarin with the vibrant red eyes. Both males have wide eyes, mouth slightly parted, as they stare at Zeke.

  Malik on other hand wears a proud smirk, one that screams I told you so. “What did it tell you?”

  I stare at him openmouthed for a fraction of a second. “I can’t… what… how?”

  Malik crosses his arms over his broad chest. “We’ll discuss that later. For now, the important thing is to remember how you feel.”

  My brows furrow. “What I feel?”

  “Yes, how you feel. How does this affinity differ from the Firvo affinity when you use them? Does the energy feel different to you?”

  I pursue my lips, thinking. “The energy did feel different.” I shake my head. “The energy felt prickly, like little jolts in my body but I thought it was just part of the Firvo affinity. I didn’t think it was because it was another affinity altogether.” As if it’s an afterthought I say, “It happened briefly yesterday too.”

  Malik nods slowly. “That right there is your key to calling the Elestal affinity out. If you remember that feeling, then you can manifest Elestal interchangeably with your Firvo affinity. Knowing how they differ as they travel through you and how they manifest is important.”

  “So, I just remember the feeling and call for that specific one in the middle of fighting for my life? Sounds simple.” Sarcasm drips from my words.

  “With practice, it becomes second nature. For the rest of the day you’ll sit with Zeke and practice drawing out your affinities interchangeably.” After a brief nod from me, Malik and the two talnarins resume their place by the door, talking in low tones.

  Zeke steps in front of me and motions for me to take a seat, satisfied smile on his face. I plop into the sand with a dull thud, Zeke mirroring my actions. “Alright Red, I’m impressed. That was a strong shock. A normal Elestal manipulator would have had some difficulty blocking that. Well done.” His grin grows.

  I shrug, embarrassed for the praise. “Thanks.”

  Zeke leans back on his hands, watching me as he says, “Take some time to learn that feeling as Malik said. Remember how it moves and feels inside your core.” He lifts a finger. “Always remember though, the Elestal affinity is different than the Firvo affinity. Even though the energy you possess in your core is all the same, it manifests differently. Your will manifests the flames as well as the bolts from your energy. But, how you distinguish the two is what enables you to manifest them. You need to shape the energy to your will.”

  He once again leans on both hands behind his back. “For those only possessing the capability of manipulating one affinity, they don’t have this distinction in energy. The feeling they get from their energy is like the feeling of rushing water between your toes. It’s universal between all talnarins. Those with more than one, need this distinction to manifest what affinity they desire. Do you see?”

  I nod, eyes wide.

  “Good. In your case, you have already instinctively separated the two affinities. For you, Elestal is sharp while Firvo is what?” Zeke looks at me expectantly.

  “Firvo is hotter, like a blaze consuming everything. Elestal is not nearly as warm and it shocks me.” I rub my hands together.

  This time Zeke is the one that nods. “Keep those distinctions and remember them. They must become like second nature to you when you call them up. This will allow you to manifest them together or interchangeably.” Zeke’s lips spread into a wicked grin. “And that, Red, will make you nearly unstoppable.”

  I feel my own lips spread slightly at the thought. I can almost picture it, me destroying Him easily. I’ll train until I become unstoppable. Nearly isn’t good enough, not by a long shot.

  I jerk from my thoughts as Zeke continues. “Oh, one other thing. You need to remember that Elestal and Firvo behave differently, like the bomb incident.”

  Ah, how could I forget?

  “You can bundle the energy the same way but the reactions and end results are different.” Zeke shakes his nearly shaved head. “During training, we’ll also learn all the different ways the two affinities react. At least that way you’ll have some understanding of what to expect when you attempt to blow someone else up.” His smile stretches wide as I flush in embarrassment.


  “Wait, are you saying I can combine the two affinities together? Like some sort of fire and electric blast or something?” I lean forward, voice higher in excitement.

  A soft chuckle escapes him. “Yeah, Red. Something like that.”

  That will come in handy. Another thought hits. “But aren’t you worried that I’ll get too strong? I’m still under watch as a threat, right?”

  A brief flash of regret washes over his face. “No, Red, you’re not a threat. Not anymore.” Zeke’s look turns apologetic and I glance down. “It’s more along the lines of a risk, at least with that bastard promising to come for you.”

  My mood darkens as I recall that memory. I’d nearly forgotten. How could I? Sensing the mood change, he hurries on. “But even if y
ou combine the two, you still won’t beat most of us here in Craforian. We’re that good.”

  I push the dark thoughts to the back of my mind. I must get stronger, and moping over my past is a pretty piss poor way of doing it. I shift my weight and say, “But you just said-“

  “Red,” he cuts in, “I said nearly unstoppable, not entirely unstoppable.” Zeke puffs out his chest. “The talnarins here are the strongest of our species. We have nothing to worry about with you.” He nudges my leg with his foot. “Besides, I like you. I don’t predict you’ll ever turn on us.” For the first time since I meant him, his smile is gentle and sweet. Warm feelings rush through me at the sight and for some reason it makes me want to cry.

  I manage to choke out, “Oh. Thanks. That’s good then.” I awkwardly clear my throat and look around the arena.

  “Enough sap. Let’s get to it.” Zeke sits up straight and crosses his legs. This time it’s me who mirrors his pose as I watch him. “Alright, Red, call it up. I only want to see Elestal manifested. I’ll zap you if I see Firvo.”

  “Wait, what?” My eyes go wide.

  The wicked smirk returns. I’ve noticed it doesn’t disappear for long. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle. Promise.”

  I gulp. “I just discovered I can manipulate Elestal. There’s no way I’ll manifest it properly each time. That’s ridiculous.”

  “Consider it extra incentive then.”

  Gods help me.

  Pushing aside the anxiety his words brought me, I close my eyes. I reach for the energy lying dormant and recall the prickly sensation. In seconds, the rush of energy consumes me. I snap open my eyes and will it to manifest in my palms.

  Flames spark to life.

  I yelp as a bolt connects with my leg. I settle my glare on Zeke and his happy grin. I sigh deeply and look down. Keeping my eyes open, I try again. When fire shoots to life in my palm once more I brace for the jolt. This time it strikes me in the arm and I wince.

  This continues for hours, me attempting to draw the Elestal affinity out and Zeke zapping me for failing. Just when I think I’ll never get it, a small bolt shoots out of my palm. Harnessing that feeling, I try it again. The little jolts dancing along my skin spark to life.


  I look up at Zeke and find him watching my hands intently. I suppress the smile threatening to escape. Just I reach for the energy again, a shadow overtakes me. I glance up and meet Malik’s golden eyes. He looks from me to Zeke before saying, “Trainings over for the day.” I can’t help the sigh of relief. “Tomorrow you’re studying with Benjamin and Kelog.” He gives me a hard stare. “Don’t practice Elestal until training resumes. Understand?”

  I bristle at the command. No, I don’t understand but I nod like I have a clue anyway. Why he’s ordering me not to work on my second affinity baffles me. Isn’t the whole point of practice to practice? Maybe Malik’s worried I’ll blow something else up with no one around to supervise me. Wouldn’t be too outlandish of a possibility. After all, I’ve already have three incidents.

  I cringe at the thought.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts as Zeke stands. I watch him and Malik walk away. I also notice belatedly that the two other talnarins have left. I push up from the sand and make my way out the arena.

  Glancing up, I note that more time had passed than I had initially thought. Sunset will arrive in a couple hours or so.

  I’ll head to the kitchen for dinner first.

  Chapter 10

  I rub my eyes and stretch, holding my breath as I wait for the covers to be torn from my body. When nothing happens, I nearly jump for joy. I finally get a day to wake up when I’m ready. It’s so peaceful waking up without a pain in the ass talnarin at the foot of the bed.

  I climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. There’s a strange, throbbing ache between my shoulder blades, but my soreness is otherwise tolerable.

  While I dress, I think about all that has happened.

  I can’t get over how quickly Malik changed. His demeanor is completely different. He’s no longer a hostile asshat. Now he’s… decent. I don’t know what to think about it. I’m not entirely sure what happened that changed him either. I can’t put it on the exposure of my past because he claimed he didn’t believe me. He’s even training me, someone he considers an enemy. At least he used to, I’m not so sure about now.

  The emotional flip is bewildering.

  Then there’s Zeke. He’s entertaining to be around, that’s for sure. I don’t think he’s changed too much. He was the less serious of the two from the start, though he did show his hostile side a few times. Now, everything is a joke to him and it helps take my mind off the darker things in my life. His presence has been a saving grace in a peculiar way. And to think, he was the one to drag a smile out of me. A small one, but a smile nonetheless.

  I can’t remember the last time I smiled.

  I shake the upcoming dark thoughts away.

  Not now.

  I’ve changed, too. Not much but enough for me to notice. I’m not guarded as I was, and I feel lighter and more at peace. I’m not overthinking and overanalyzing. I’m still going to get my revenge, but that desire isn’t as overwhelming as it once was. And now I’m actually bantering back a bit. I don’t feel so dark all the time. I’m not exactly happy, but if I stay this course, maybe I’ll get there one day.

  It’s funny, I’ve been in such a dark place for so long that I never thought I’d see the light. Now I see it, just a small flicker, but there nonetheless. I feel like there’s hope for me down the road.

  The strangest thing about all this though, is that it’s only been a few days. How can a few days change someone so much? What brought this change in the first place? For all of us. None of it makes sense.

  Yet, despite how confused I am over it all, I find I don’t really care to figure it out. Whatever happened has been a blessing. I’m not going to question it or myself any further. It does me no good to dwell on any of it.

  I push the final thoughts aside and leave the room. In no time, I enter the kitchen and pull to a stop. I hear a soft voice from behind me.

  “Alanna. I’m glad to see you again. How are you feeling?” I swiftly turn and find Elaine in the doorway. Her hazelnut hair is pulled back in a tie and a gentle smile rests on her face.

  “I’m fine. You?” I awkwardly shift my weight.

  Her smile stretches wider. “I’m good thanks. So…” Elaine leans in to whisper. “How’s training with Malik and Zeke?”

  I groan. “It’s a pain in the ass.”

  Her musical laughs echoes in the kitchen. “Yeah, that sounds about right.” At my confused look she says, “Growing up, we trained together. Abel, Malik, and I.”

  My brows raise. “Oh. And how did that go?”

  She laughs again. “As well as you’d expect. Malik always thought he was better than our teacher. And he aimed to prove it too.”

  “And did he?” My curiosity got the best of me.

  “He did.” She winks before moving further into the kitchen.

  I shake my head. Well, I expected that answer.

  Moving to the refrigerator, I open the door and peer inside. In no time, I pull out cras, a plate of tulio and berka meat. Unlike treli, there are no starches in this plate and only one vegetable. Similarly, though, the berka meat is cooked the same way, grilled and crispy. It’s another meal that reminds me of home, one that is cheap and easy to produce.

  Before the memories overcome me, I move to the table and dig in. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Elaine rummaging through the cabinet for food. Once she’s wrangled up her share, she moves to the opposite side of the table and hovers. I glance up in surprise as she stands there for several more seconds. Hesitation is written across her face. Before I can ask what the problem is, she softly asks, “Do you mind if I join you?”

  What? Who is this? The Elaine I have gotten to know was never one to ask. She simply took her place with confidence and never once wavered.
Where did this almost apprehensive person come from? Who is this talnarin currently averting her eyes?

  As I continue to stare at Elaine wide-eyed, her face grows increasingly downtrodden. My heart aches to see this happy person so sad. With a start, I realize I still hadn’t responded to her question. I blurt out, “Sit, please.”

  The despair disappears from her face immediately as she takes her seat. A crushing weight settles in my stomach, feeling like shit. I’ve treated her like crap from the beginning. It’s because I didn’t answer, Elaine thought I was going to say no or ignore her. I’m terrible. I look down in shame and mutter a quiet ‘sorry.’ She doesn’t appear to hear, lost in her own world. My pose mirrors hers. Both heads down and hands in our laps.

  I peer at her from under my lashes as she bites her lip. The uncomfortable silence is broken by her quietly saying, “Look, I want to apologize. I know you’ve been told we were under instruction from Abel. I just want you to know that I really do like you, Alanna. It wasn’t an act or fake or whatever you want to call it. I hope that one day we can become friends even.” Elaine glances up at me with an unsure smile on her lips. “There’s something about you that tells me we can be great friends someday.”

  Her words hit straight through my heart and my eyes well. When Abel told me they were under orders, I felt betrayed and frustrated. It felt as if the orders meant they were pretending to like me, pretending to be kind to me. To hear Elaine say that, lifts a small weight off my shoulders, one I didn’t realize I carried. I have hidden from these people enough, I have kept them at arm’s length long enough. I have enjoyed my time here, despite everything I’ve gone through. They know the truth about what I am and yet here they still are. These talnarins all but told me I’ll be sticking around so why not let down a few of my walls.

  I lift my head and look her straight on. “You don’t need to apologize, I get it. Really.” I twist my hands together. “If I was in your shoes, or even Abel’s, I would have made the same decisions. I was an unknown entity, still am in many ways. But thanks for saying what you did.” I feel my face heat as I look away. “I’ve enjoyed talking with you.”


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