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Passion, Victoria 10: Jenna's Destiny (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Becca Van

  “I’m fine,” Jenna stepped back, blew him a kiss, and hurried toward her car. She didn’t have to look back to know that Jeff’s training officers were watching her. Every time they looked at her, the hair on her body stood on end and not in a creepy way. She was so damn aware of them she found it hard to fill her lungs with air when they were close by. She got into her car, turned on the ignition, and drove away without looking back.

  Jenna pulled into the Castlemaine police station parking lot, got out of her car, and hurried up the steps. Sergeant Ronald Banal was standing at the front desk talking on the phone, so she waited until he’d finished his call before approaching him.

  “Hello, Jenna. How are you holding up, honey?”

  “I’m okay. Do you have that report?”

  The sergeant handed over a copy of the report on Joan’s car and her stomach began to roil when she saw that the brake lines on Joan’s car had been cut but not all the way through. She wouldn’t have known there was any danger when she first started driving because it would have taken time before all the brake fluid had drained from the master cylinder.

  Jenna couldn’t help but imagine how scared Joan must have been. How many times had her sister used the brake pedal before trying to use it for the last time and finding out she had no brakes at all? She covered her mouth and tried to blink the tears forming in her eyes away as she stared down at the paper.

  The sergeant covered her hand with his. “Are you okay, honey?”

  Jenna withdrew her hand from her mouth, took a deep, ragged breath, and nodded. “Yes. I’ll be fine. Thank you. I need to get going.”

  The sergeant passed over a business card and Jenna took it. “If you or your brother have any questions, you call me anytime. My mobile and home phone numbers are on the back. I don’t care what time of day or night it is. Okay?”

  “Thank you, Sergeant.”

  “I thought I told you to call me Ron.”

  Jenna nodded and hurried toward the door. She paused and looked back at the elderly sergeant and smiled at him. “Thank you, Ron.”

  “You take care, Jenna.”

  Jenna waved to let him know she had heard him and hurried back to her car. She was only halfway to Passion when her car started stuttering. When she glanced down at the temperature gauge, she cursed.

  “Shit. Don’t do this to me now. Please just last a little longer?”

  Jenna knew when the car shuddered that she was going to have to pull over on to the side of the road. If she didn’t stop before her car conked out, she would end up blocking the road and she didn’t want to do that. She slowed the car and applied the brake and had just pulled onto the shoulder when her car gave up the ghost and died.

  Her first thought was to check the engine, but from the steam billowing out from under the hood, she knew that her radiator was either clogged or had a hole in it. She didn’t know much about cars but she knew she wouldn’t be taking that radiator cap off. For one it would burn her hand and two, if there was any pressure under it, she could end up getting burned by hot water when it sprayed up.

  There were two things she could do. One would be to call a tow truck and end up paying over a hundred bucks to get her car towed back home, but she would have to wait for the truck to be sent out and then ride in that truck back home with a stranger and then she still had no way to get to the Four Passion Club. Two would be to call Jeff and ask him to come and get her. He’d probably already had a couple of beers with his comrades, but she didn’t have anyone else to call.

  Jenna inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly while rummaging in her purse for her mobile phone. She knew she was going to have to come clean about why she had left the Army Base and just hoped that Jeff wouldn’t be too mad at her. She couldn’t even call one of his training offices since she didn’t have their mobile phone numbers, but even if she did, she wasn’t sure she would want to call one of them. She could just imagine being read the riot act for lying and going off on her own. Those three men seemed to be really protective of her and she wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  There you go lying again, Jenna. You love the way they seem so protective of you.

  Oh, shut up.

  Jenna pushed speed dial one and held her phone to her ear and was glad Jeff answered her quickly.

  “Jenna you’d better not be calling to say you can’t make it.”

  “I’m not, but I do need your help.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Jenna could just imagine Jeff straightening up and standing at near attention with worry and alertness.

  “My car conked out.”

  “Shit. Are you on the road to the Four Passion Club?”

  “No,” Jenna sighed and then explained where she was and why.

  “Fuck, Jenna. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me where you were going. If you were still a little girl, I would smack your arse.”

  “Spare me,” Jenna snapped. “So can you come and get me?”

  “I’ll see you soon.” Jeff disconnected the call.

  Jenna looked at her phone and knew she was going to get a mouthful when she saw Jeff again. When her brother was mad, he didn’t hold back at all and she would deserve everything he gave her. She felt guilty for holding back information but she had only been trying to protect her brother.

  Thirty minutes later Jenna saw the ute coming from the opposite direction. Her muscles tensed and she clenched her hand when she realized that it was Dach’s truck.

  “Thanks very much, Jeff. This is just what I need.”

  The truck slowed down and when she saw that Dach and Des were in the truck with Dallas, her heart rate sped up. None of the King brothers looked happy. Well, neither was she. She didn’t want to deal with them on top of everything else she’d found out today.

  Dallas made a U-turn and pulled up behind her car. He and his brothers were talking or maybe arguing and didn’t get out of the truck until they had finished their conversation. Dallas was the first out and stalked right up to her. He didn’t stop until the toes of his boots touched hers. She squeaked when his hands landed on her waist and then he picked up until she was on eye level with him.

  “Where’s Jeff?”

  “Your brother has had a couple of drinks and didn’t want to drive. He asked us to come and get you. Why, Jenna?”

  She didn’t need him to elaborate. Jenna knew he was asking her why she had lied to them and to her brother.

  “I didn’t want Jeff to know. I was worried he would quit the Army and want to stay.”

  “Jeezus, but you are one stubborn lady. Why didn’t you ask one of us to come with you?”

  “Why would I?”

  “Because of this.” Dallas leaned forward and planted his mouth on hers.

  Jenna was so surprised she didn’t react for a moment. Then she was being lowered to the ground again. When her feet touched down, his hold on her shifted and he pulled her up against his hard, warm, muscular body and tilted his head for a better angle. She tried to resist and not respond, but she was fighting a losing battle. When his tongue licked over the seam of her lips, she groaned and opened to him. He immediately thrust his tongue into her mouth and swept the interior. When he groaned, she felt the vibrations all the way to her toes. Her nipples pebbled and her pussy clenched, leaking juices out onto her panties. She shifted on her feet and pressed her thighs together, but that didn’t help relieve the ache in her pussy. In fact it only made it worse. Fire licked through her veins and she felt her body soften and she leaned against him. Dallas tasted so good, she couldn’t get enough. He slowed the kiss and lifted his head. When she met his eyes, she saw what looked like a gleam of satisfaction in their depths.

  “My turn, brother.”

  Jenna looked up at Dach in stunned awe when she met his hungry gaze. Dallas passed her over to Dach and then he was kissing her. He tasted just as good as Dallas only different. The kiss was hot, wet, wild, and carnal. By the time he lifted his head she could barely breathe. “The next t
ime you do something like that, I will put you over my knee and spank that sexy arse.”

  Jenna was too shocked to speak and didn’t even protest when Dach pushed her toward Des.

  Des looked deeply into her eyes and said, “It feels like I’ve been waiting a lifetime to do this.”

  “Wh—” The rest of the word was cut off when his lips covered hers. Des kissed her long and deep and hungrily. His tongue slid along hers and explored every surface it could reach inside her mouth. By the time he broke the kiss, she was seeing stars, and not just from the lack of oxygen. The three King brothers packed quite a wallop and they had only kissed her. She wondered what it would be like if they did more, like touch her naked body or make love to her.

  Don’t even go there, Jenna.

  Des released her, turned away, and headed to her car door. He opened the door and then popped the hood. Dallas nudged her toward the driver’s side door and then pointed at the seat. “Sit down there and don’t move. I am so angry with you right now.”

  Jenna could see by the muscle ticking in his jaw and knew that he meant every word so she did as she was told. When she was seated, she glanced at him and then Dach. Neither man looked at her as they, too, walked to the front of her car. The men tinkered under the front bonnet and she bent to peek through the small gap in her bonnet. She saw them playing with the radiator and then heard water draining out. Des hurried to Dallas’s truck, hefted a large water container from the back, carried it to the front of her car, and filled her radiator again.

  “Start the car, Jenna,” Dallas ordered and she turned the key after making sure the park brake was on and the gear stick was in neutral. She was surprised when her car started the first time and there wasn’t a shudder to be felt.

  Dach closed the hood and then came around to stand in front of her. Since she was seated and he was standing, it put her eyes level with his crotch. She sucked in a breath when she saw the outline of a large, engorged cock behind his straining jeans just before he crouched down in front of her. Jenna hoped her face wasn’t as red as it felt.

  “Get into the passenger seat, baby.”

  Jenna scrambled over the handbrake and plopped her butt into the other seat. She sucked in a breath when he got into the driver’s seat after adjusting it all the way back.

  “You don’t need…”

  “Don’t talk to me right now, baby. I need to calm down before we talk.” Dach started her car, checked the mirrors and then pulled out onto the road. Jenna stared out the passenger window all the while chewing on her bottom lip.

  It wasn’t until they were nearly to her and Jeff’s house before Dach began talking.

  “From now on, if you have any problems, you will tell us about them. I am going to program our mobile phone numbers into yours. If you don’t call us when you need help, you are going to be in so much trouble. Do I make myself clear?”

  Jenna glanced over and met Dach’s eyes and nodded. He pulled her car into the driveway of her house and when she reached for the door handle, he stopped her by placing his hand on her other arm.

  “My brothers and I will take you to the club and bring you home again. The next time I ask you a question you will answer me verbally. Okay?”


  “Good. Wait until your door is opened for you before you get out.”

  Jenna wanted to scream at him and tell him to stop giving her orders like she was one of his soldiers, but kept her mouth shut. She looked up at Des when he opened her door and took his hand when he held it out to her. He helped her out of the car and then guided her toward their truck. She was about to climb up into the open back door but didn’t get the chance.

  Des lifted her up and she quickly slid across the seat and put her seatbelt on. Dach got into the front passenger seat and turned to look at her. Dallas also turned in the driver’s seat so that she could see his face.

  When they continued to stare at her, she began to feel a little uncomfortable and looked away.

  “Look at me, Jenna,” Dach demanded and even though she didn’t want to, she found herself complying. “Do you know about the polyandrous relationships in this town?”


  “Does it bother you that more than one man is loving one woman?” Dallas asked.


  “Good,” Des replied and reached out to cover the hand she had resting on her thigh and squeezed it. When she looked at him, her breath hitched in her throat and her heart skipped a beat. He was looking at her with such hunger she felt singed all the way to her toes. “We want that with you, sweetie.”

  Jenna shook her head and then looked at Dach and Dallas. They were looking at her just as hungrily as Desmond.

  “You don’t have to say anything, baby,” Dach said. “Just think about it. Okay?”

  Jenna went to shake her head but stopped the action and inhaled deeply instead. And then she did something that even surprised her.

  She answered, “Okay.”

  Chapter Six

  Dallas couldn’t help but look at Jenna in the rearview mirror from time to time as he drove toward the Four Passion Club. She hadn’t said a word since Des had told her they wanted a ménage with her.

  When Jeff had told him and his brothers about her car breaking down and that she had lied to them all about where she was going, he had been spitting mad. Anything could have happened to her being stranded out on a country road, and he was just damn glad they had got to her before some stranger had seen her and stopped. She was so naïve in some ways, yet really mature and switched on in others. He suspected that she hadn’t even thought of the danger she could have found herself in and if she relented and decided she wanted to be with them, the first thing he was going to do was buy her a brand new car with all the safety equipment and bells and whistles. In fact, maybe he’d do that whether she was with them or not. He couldn’t bear for anything to happen to her. Even though Jeff’s ute was a later model than Jenna’s car, it wasn’t much better. He wouldn’t want her driving her brother’s truck while he was away on tour, either. Dallas would talk to his brothers about it later. There was no way in hell he ever wanted to feel that fear again.

  He slowed the truck and pulled into the parking lot. As soon as he stopped the ute and turned off the ignition, Jenna opened her door and got out. That was another thing she was going to have to get used to, waiting for him or his brothers to open her door and help her in and out of the vehicle.

  Dallas pulled the key from the ignition and got out, then hurried after her and caught up to her. He grasped her elbow and halted her mid-stride. When she stumbled he wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her against his body.

  “Where’s the fire, darlin’?”

  Jenna scowled up at him and then frowned. “What?”

  “Why are you in such a hurry?”

  “Oh, um, Jeff will be worried.”

  “He’s not the only one,” Dach said as he came up behind Jenna.

  She snatched her arm out of his hold, pushed against his chest and took a couple of steps away, then spun around to face him, Dach, and Des who had just caught up with them.

  “Look, I appreciate you all coming to help me, but I don’t need you three telling me what to do. I have been taking care of myself for years and don’t need to be coddled.”

  Des was more laid back than Dallas and Dach and he surprised even himself when he moved forward and then lightly gripped Jenna’s chin between his thumb and finger. “That’s where you’re wrong, sweetie. If you could see how pale you were and how much weight you’ve lost over the last week or so, you would be worried, too.”

  Jenna threw up her hands and stomped her foot and even though she looked exasperated, Dallas could see the attraction she felt for him and his brothers in her eyes. She couldn’t seem to stop running her gaze up and down their bodies whenever they were close and he wondered if she even knew what she was doing. By the puzzled look on her face, he doubted it very much. Even though she’
d seen them as men before, she’d been so full of pain she hadn’t really taken any notice of their masculinity. Now that her grief was easing, she was noticing all right and as far as Dallas was concerned, she would be noticing a hell of a lot more. But first they had to give her time to get her head around what they wanted with her and hoped to God she came around to their way of thinking.

  “I can’t deal with this,” Jenna muttered and then stormed off.

  Dallas’s eyes drifted down to her arse and he watched muscles flex beneath the pair of blue jeans she was wearing. When she reached the club door, she opened it but hesitated in the doorway and looked back over her shoulder. She lifted a questioning eyebrow when she met their eyes and then turned back around and disappeared inside.

  “She’s interested,” Dach said, and started walking toward the door. “She’s not sure how to handle taking orders from us.”

  “That can’t be a surprise, Dach,” Des said. “That gorgeous woman had to grow up in a big hurry. She had to be mother and father to her sister and didn’t have the luxury of leaning on anyone. Not even her older brother.”

  “That wasn’t his fault, Des,” Dallas sighed and ran his fingers through his short, cropped hair. “Jeff did what he had to, to keep a roof over his sisters’ heads.”

  “Hey, I wasn’t maligning the man, I was just stating a fact.” Des opened the door and Dallas strode into the club searching the interior for Jenna and Jeff. He spotted them in the far corner and from what it looked like, her brother was giving her what-for. Jenna eyes seemed to glaze over and she stood there mutely, staring into space with her arms crossed over her chest. He began walking through the crowd toward them and stopped behind Jenna as she took her turn to speak.

  “Are you finished?”

  “Yeah. I’m still a little pissed at you though,” Jeff said.

  “Too damn bad.” Jenna jabbed a finger into Jeff’s chest. “I did what I thought was right without any malicious intent so you can damn well just get over it. Now, did you want to see the report?”


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