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Passion, Victoria 10: Jenna's Destiny (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Becca Van

  “I love your garden. Do you keep it yourselves?”

  “Yes. We love being outside and having the place looking nice.”

  “You’ve done a great job. Are those carnations?”


  “Oh, I love their perfume.”

  “You can take cuttings anytime you want to, baby. We want you to treat this place like home.”

  Jenna caught Dach’s intense stare and no matter how much she wanted to look away, she felt like she was drowning in his brown orbs and was having trouble catching her breath.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Dach whispered and moved in closer to her.

  Her breath caught in her throat and her heart stuttered when he cupped her face between his big, warm hands. She tried to shake her head but since he was holding her, she couldn’t.

  “Yes you are, Jenna. Your skin is so damn soft and smooth. I love your long black hair and your lips are so sexy I just want to eat them up.” Dach then leaned down and suited action to his words. He nibbled on her lips, drawing the bottom one into his mouth and sucked on it. When he nipped her flesh and then laved the sting with his tongue she moaned and wavered on her feet.

  Dach hadn’t been touching her anywhere other than her face but as she swayed on her feet, he moved his hands to her shoulders, slid them down her arms and then gripped her hips. He tilted his head to a better angle and slanted his mouth over hers as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his warm, muscular body.

  Jenna whimpered as he deepened the kiss. His tongue pushed into her mouth and explored every nook and cranny before coming back to slide against hers. Her body was no longer her own. She was going up in flames from the inside out and she never wanted the sensations to stop. He kissed her like a starving man or one who had a never-ending thirst. The kiss went on and on and on and with each second that passed, the fire simmering inside her grew to raging proportions. She thought she’d felt desire before, when she was with them and couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of them, but this was so much more. The need, the hunger that he stirred within her was so big and all-consuming, she was shaking with it. Jenna ached deep inside and had no idea how to relieve it.

  Dach finally slowed the kiss and lifted his head to stare down at her. He was breathing just as heavily as she was and she could see the fierce yearning in the depths of his brown eyes. His hands moved from around her waist and she nearly cried out in protest at the loss but was glad she had managed to contain it when his hands moved down to her arse. They were so large they covered each cheek perfectly and when he began to knead her fleshy globes, she literally melted into him.

  “You like that, don’t you, baby? You like having my mouth and hands on you?” Dach’s voice was deeper and more gravelly with desire.

  “Yes,” Jenna sighed, closing her eyes again and leaning her forehead on his chest.

  “That’s real good, baby, because we like touching you. Can you imagine how good it will feel when Des and Dallas are touching you the same time I am? Do you want that, Jenna? Do you want all of us touching and kissing your naked body?”

  Yes! Do it now! Jenna screamed in her head.

  Dach released the hold he had on her arse and after making sure she was steady on her feet, stepped back from her and then pinned her with his gaze. “Think about it, baby. Think about how good we can make you feel. We can give you so much pleasure, Jenna.” Dach turned away and then began walking back toward the house. She wanted to scream at him to come back and touch her but she bit her lip and swallowed those words.

  How long she stood there staring off into space she had no idea, but when she began to get chilled, she finally got her brain and body in sync and headed toward the house.

  Dallas was sitting on the sofa when she entered the living room through the sliding glass doors and, without saying a word to her, held his hand out toward her. Jenna didn’t hesitate and hurried across to him and when she clasped his hand, he gave a slight tug and pulled her down onto his lap. She relaxed against him and breathed in deeply, taking his clean, male, fresh scent and light, spicy cologne into her olfactory senses. She would never get enough of smelling them. They smelled so right to her.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Dallas nudged her chin up until she met his green-flecked brown eyes.


  Dallas squeezed her tight but not enough to hurt her or make it difficult to breathe. “You feel so right in my arms, Jenna. I never want to let you go.”

  Jenna’s heart sped up in her chest and her breath hitched in her throat as Dallas slowly began to lower his head. Her eyes flicked to his lips and she licked her own dry ones to moisten them. When she looked into his eyes, his nostrils were flared as if he was smelling her and his eyes were glazed with heat. He stopped when his mouth was only inches away from hers and shivered when his fresh-smelling breath wafted over her lips. She shivered as she waited for what seemed like an interminable length of time for him to kiss her and when he didn’t move, she glanced up to meet his gaze once more.

  Still he didn’t move and she couldn’t stand it anymore. As if she were moving in slow motion, Jenna reached up, held his face between her hands, and then brought his mouth down to hers.

  “Yes,” Dallas breathed against her lips and then she was lost.

  Jenna lost herself in a world of sensation as Dallas kissed her long and deeply. His tongue glided along hers, ran over her teeth and even between her teeth and lips, before coming back to tangle with her tongue again.

  She moaned when his hand slipped beneath the hem of her T-shirt and arched up into his touch when he caressed the skin of her lower belly, all the while kissing her hungrily. She sank into him, her body no longer her own as she lost herself in his touch. Jenna tensed when his hand began to move up over her skin, but it wasn’t with rejection but anticipation. Her nipples pebbled and her breasts ached and she couldn’t help but thrust her chest up in silent demand.

  And then his hand was there, covering her lace-clad breast, enveloping her globe, and then he began to knead her flesh. She felt him moving and then her back was against the cushions of the sofa and his upper body was between her legs, all the while still kissing her.

  She arched her hips up and cried out into his mouth when her drenched pussy came in contact with his body, and she couldn’t help but begin to rub her mound against him. She was so needy, the ache deep inside her grew with every glide of his tongue and every touch from his hand. His fingers flicked the front clasp of her bra open and then his fingers were plucking at first one nipple and then the other.

  Moisture wept from her pussy and she gasped in great gulps of air when Dallas finally slowed the kiss and lifted his head to stare down at her.

  “God, you’re sexy. Take what you need, honey.” Dallas shifted and applied more pressure between her legs. He pushed her shirt up and then latched onto one of her nipples while squeezing the other between his thumb and finger.

  The hunger and fire licking inside her grew and grew until her womb started aching from the continuous stream of juices leaking from her pussy. The seam of her jeans rubbed against her crotch with every slide and undulation of her hips and she was on the edge of something so big it almost frightened her. Her eyes flew open and her mouth opened on a silent scream.

  Dallas sucked her nipple firmly and then he lightly bit down on the tip. That was all it took to send her over into rapture. Her breath left her mouth in a rush as she cried out as she climaxed. Her pussy clenched hard and gushed cream onto her panties. Her body shivered and quaked. Her toes curled and molten lava consumed her in great rapturous waves.

  It wasn’t until the last shudder waned that she realized she had closed her eyes. When she opened them, it was to see Dallas’s facial muscles tight with desire and a flush staining his cheeks.

  A noise to her right drew her gaze and when she looked up over the back of the sofa, it was to see Des and Dach watching her with a yearning gaze.

  “That was so fucki
ng sexy, sweetie. I love seeing you come.” Des adjusted his stance and she followed his hand when he reached down to his crotch. He shifted his hard penis away from the zipper of his jeans and when she caught sight of his massive proportions, she unconsciously licked her lips and glanced over at Dach’s crotch.

  They were huge and she wanted to know what it would be like to make love to them all, but since she’d never had sex before, she was a little nervous. Still, there was no way in hell she was walking away. Not after the way they had taken such good care of her and because she was beginning to care for them very much.

  Even though they had told her they wanted a ménage relationship with her, not one of them had said anything about caring for or loving her.

  And although she could end up with a broken heart, she needed them more than her next drink of water.

  Des stepped forward and she met his gaze.

  “Will you let us make love to you, Jenna?”

  Chapter Eight

  Jenna wanted to say yes more than her next breath, but hesitated. She had no experience in lovemaking and didn’t want to end up making a fool of herself by doing something wrong. She’d already come across as desperate and needy and even though they were still looking at her with lust, she was nervous. And then she realized that it wasn’t because of how much she yearned to have them touch her or that she was scared because she had no idea what to do. It was because she was scared of their size. She’d seen the huge bulges in their pants and had heard that a woman’s first time could be painful. She was more worried she would end up crying and flinching away from their touch.

  Dallas shifted out from between her thighs and sat up on the sofa. When he offered her a hand to help her up, she took it. Dach moved around the sofa and sat on the cushion beside her and Des came around and then knelt in front of her. She sucked in a breath when Des’s hands landed on her thighs and began rubbing up and down as if he was trying to soothe and comfort her.

  “Talk to us, sweetie. What has you hesitating?” Des looked just as tense as she felt, as if her answer hinged on world peace or solving the world’s hunger problems. She’d never seen that look on his face before and she realized that he was just as uncertain of her answer as she was. Her heart filled with warmth and tears pricked the back of her eyes. When she turned to look at Dallas, he looked just as unsure and as she looked at Dach, she could see the muscle in his jaw jumping as if he was grinding down hard on his teeth.

  She knew then that even if it did hurt at first, she still wanted to make love with them. Even if things didn’t work out between them, she would always have the memories of being with them to look back on. There was no way she could refuse them when she wanted them just as much, if not more, than they seemed to want her.

  “Jenna?” Dallas’s voice drew her gaze. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m scared,” she finally managed to answer around the lump of emotion in her throat.

  “What are you scared of, baby?” Dach asked.

  Jenna shrugged, hedging for time so she could try and get her thoughts into some semblance of order.

  “Are you scared that we’d hurt you?” Des asked.

  Jenna swallowed audibly and shook her head and then changed it to a nod.

  “Sweetie, we would never do anything to hurt you. We would give our lives to protect you and keep you safe.”

  Jenna frowned and licked her dry lips. “That’s not what I meant. I know you would never hurt me on purpose.”

  Des frowned. “Then what are you…”

  “We know you’re a virgin, baby,” Dach said.

  Jenna’s cheeks heated and she wondered if she had given herself away when Dach had kissed her. That had been her first kiss from the opposite sex and she hoped they didn’t see her as an inexperienced prude. She wasn’t anything of the sort. She just hadn’t had the time nor the inclination to spend time with the opposite sex.

  “How do you know that? How can three men want to share me and not become jealous of each other?”

  “We’ve known for a long time that we were attracted to the same women, honey.” Dallas squeezed her hand. “We moved to this town when we heard about the polyandrous relationships that were being formed here. We even quit the Army when our time was up so we could have what we wanted.”

  “You quit?”

  “We were ready to put down roots, baby.” Dach lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.

  “But you’re…” Dach placed a finger over her lips.

  “When the military called us and asked if we would be willing to be trainers and we found out we would be stationed close to this town, we jumped at the chance.

  “You could be called away for duty at any time?” Jenna whispered her question.

  He shook his head. “We won’t ever be shipped out to serve our country again but we still have the security of working for the Army for as long as we want.”

  “You do?”

  Dach nodded. “We love knowing that we are training soldiers to be the best of the best.”

  Dallas squeezed her hand. “The military is in our blood. We had no idea what we were going to do when we didn’t re-sign but we we’re getting too old and sick and tired of being in dangerous situations. It was only a matter of time before one of us ended up hurt or even killed so we decided to opt out.”

  Jenna was about to thank them for keeping their country and the citizens of Australia safe, but she didn’t get the chance.

  “As for knowing how we know that you’re a virgin.” Des rubbed her thighs. “Jeff told us.”

  Jenna moved away from Dach and let go of Dallas’s hand. She had no idea how her brother knew she’d never had sex and wasn’t sure she liked that he had discussed it with these three men.

  She glared at Des. “Let me up.”

  Des shifted to his knees and she thought he was about to get to his feet but he moved his big body directly in front of her and said, “No. We aren’t moving until we’ve discussed this, sweetie. We need to know all your fears so we can move this relationship forward.”

  “Why the hell would you discuss me with my brother?”

  “Jeff came to us because he was worried about leaving you on your own,” Dach said. “We told him you wouldn’t be on your own and that we wanted to have a relationship with you.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Jenna covered her mouth and hoped her face wasn’t as red as it felt. “I can’t believe you discussed me, my sex life, with my brother. That’s just…eewww.”

  Jenna took a deep breath and asked the next question plaguing her. “You told him that all of you wanted to have a relationship with me?”

  “We did,” Des answered, and must have seen the next question on the tip of her tongue, or her frown gave her away. “He was concerned at first, but when we told him what we wanted with you he was okay with it.”

  Jenna opened her mouth to ask what it was that these three men wanted from her but again, didn’t get the chance.

  Dallas chuckled but then he reached out and held her chin in a light grip between his thumb and index finger. “He was worried about you, honey, but he also warned us that if we hurt you, we would have to answer to him. Your sister used to write to him regularly. She told him that she wished you would get a social life and go out and have some fun, instead of looking after her all the time.”

  “She did?” Jenna’s eyes misted over as she thought of Joan and wondered if she would ever be able to think of her fraternal twin without crying.

  “Yes, she did,” Des said.

  “If you haven’t worked it out yet,” Dach’s voice drew her eyes again, “we are really close. We spent time serving in Iraq and the Middle East and we’ve bonded closer than normal siblings would. We never doubted that we had each other’s backs. We would never be jealous of each other, baby. In fact, the thought of making love with you with my brothers’ help excites me more than anything ever has.”

  “We’ve only given you a small tast
e of the pleasure you will experience with us, honey.” Dallas took her hand in his again. “Are you ready to take the next step?”

  Was she? Could she really be with three men at the same time? Yes! God, I want that so much. These three men mean more to me than anything else.

  Des must have seen the answer in her eyes because he smiled at her and then leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. “We will never cause you pain, sweetie. I promise. And just remember that if you are ever uncomfortable with anything we do, all you have to do is say stop.”

  “We need the words, Jenna.” Dach tugged lightly on her ponytail so she would look at him. “Will you let us make love to you, baby?”

  “Yes.” Jenna whispered her answer and hoped she was doing the right thing and not setting herself up for a world of hurt.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. So damn special. I can’t wait to show you the joys of making love.” Dach leaned forward and licked over her lips. Jenna sighed when her bones began to melt again and placed her hands onto his chest for balance. She couldn’t help but whimper when his tongue thrust into her mouth and swirled around and along hers.

  Des’s hands smoothed up higher over her jean-clad legs and Dallas slipped his hands under her T-shirt, which had fallen down again when she’d sat up before. Their hands were so big and she loved the sensation of Dallas’s rough fingers and calluses caressing over her skin. She was surrounded by their heat and their big brawny bodies, but she wanted to feel their skin. Jenna wanted to run her hands all over them and feel their warmth under her fingertips and the steel of their muscles under their skin. She found herself doing just that.

  Her fingers fumbled with the hem of Dach’s T-shirt and the moan she emitted was swallowed by his mouth as he continued to kiss her. She never had her hands on a man before and being able to touch Dach this way as he kissed her and his brothers caressed her turned her on so much, she was sure she would self-combust.


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