Book Read Free

Only You

Page 10

by Ancelli

  “He pulled a gun on you?”

  “Yes, but I don’t blame him. He didn’t know who I was, and I wasn’t taking no for an answer. He assumed I was blackmailing him.”

  She eyed him. “Were you?”

  He chuckled, “You know me so well. John is one of the best lawyers in this town. I swallowed my pride and asked him for help.”

  “Is he going to help you?”

  “Yes,” he chortled. “He called the lawyer you spoke to, he’s already coming through for me. I don’t know how to explain this feeling inside, I have you and you’ve filled my life with joy, but I still felt like a part of me was missing something, and now I believe I’ve found it.” He wrapped his strong arms around Larissa, moving her closer to him. “I have a brother and four sisters now.”

  “Four sisters?” Larissa was an only child; she could only imagine how it felt to have siblings.

  “Olivia, Abby, Diana, and Vickie. I spoke to Olivia she seemed pretty nice.”

  “If they are anything like you, I know they’re great people.” She placed her head on his chest. She was overjoyed for him. It was written all over his face, he was happy despite everything that was happening with Liza and their son. “So when do I get to meet your siblings?”

  “Next Friday.”

  She jumped up out of her seat, staring at Shane, “Next Friday? That’s our wedding date. Don’t tell me you changed your mind?”

  He smacked the side of her ass, “Hell naw. My sisters want to throw us a lavish wedding.”

  “Shane, I don’t have money for a big wedding right now,” she looked away not wanting him to see the sadness in her eyes. “I was fired.”

  “Why?” he raised his voice, making her face him again.

  “Because of what happened today,” she sighed. “Tiffany did me a favor, I couldn’t let her get in trouble for helping me. I used my influence to get the assignment at Liza’s job, and then we got into a confrontation that became physical. I don’t blame them, there are consequences to my actions.”

  “This is my fucking fault, shit!” he yelled, leaning his head on the couch pillows behind him in frustration. “Just when I thought things were looking up.”

  “Really, Shane, this is that bitch’s fault not yours,” Larissa stepped forward and took his hand in hers. “I’m going to be fine. I’ve already emailed my resume to a couple of agencies and I have money in savings.”

  “I’ll go talk to your manager tomorrow,” he gazed at her. “You loved that job.”

  “I love you.” She leaned in, giving him a kiss on his delicious lips. “A job can be replaced. I just wasn’t planning on spending money on a wedding. You said we were going to the court house, and I was fine with that.”

  “We’re not paying for it, my newfound family is, they wouldn’t take no for an answer,” Shane nipped at her lower lip. “And if we wanted a big wedding you wouldn’t be paying for it, job or no job. I would move mountains to make your dreams come true.” He circled his arms around her waist and picked her up, placing her on his lap. “Larissa, you have made me want and wish for things I never thought possible. Girl, I was blessed the day you walked into my life. I can’t thank that fool enough for standing you up that night. You chose me.”

  She laughed, “As I recall you didn’t give me an option.”

  “Once I laid eyes on you, I knew what I wanted, getting to know you and loving you was my prize.” Shane caressed her neck, making her shiver. “I love you.”

  Larissa’s lips curled up in to a smile, and she began rotating her hips on his lap, arousing him. “Show me how much you love me.” She grinded down, dry humping on his bulge. “You know what I want.”

  Shane grinned, “You know the deal, babe,” he pushed up. “You have to tell me what you want.”

  She bent her head and started giving him feather kisses from his neck to his earlobe. Shane’s dick was getting harder with every kiss and lick she gave him, and then she whispered, “Make love to me, Daddy.”

  “Fuck yeah!” Shane wrapped her legs around his waist, and he pushed forward standing up. “Where haven’t we made love yet in this house?” He inspected the area, and then he smirked. “The dining room.”

  “That’s where we eat,” her hands were circled around his neck.

  “My point exactly,” he took long strides toward the dining room. “I plan on feasting on you,” Shane gently placed her on the table, and then pulled her robe open. “Yes,” he gazed at her naked body. “All mine.”


  Shane didn’t know what he did to deserve the goddess before him, but he thanked God every day for Larissa. She stood by him through thick and thin, when any other woman would’ve bailed at the first sign of trouble. He moved forward and dropped on his knees, spreading her legs apart. Fuck, she was already glistening with her juices. He tongue kissed her pussy, and Larissa’s head banged on the hard table. “Are you okay?”

  “Don’t stop.” She moaned, “Continue…”

  Shane continued his assault on her pussy. She tasted different, sweet and salty at the same time. He slurped, licked on her clit, and then took turns dipping his tongue in her canal. Larissa was hitting the table with her palms, and then she grabbed his head, and pulled him closer to her core, his nose hit her clit making her cry out in pleasure.

  “Shane!” her legs wrapped around his neck as her climax took over. Damn that was fast, he chuckled against her pussy, and continued eating her. “I need… you inside me now!”

  He pressed his tongue on her swollen pearl. Larissa’s thighs were getting tighter around his neck. Shane could feast on her all night, but she had other ideas. “You have me on lockdown,” Shane placed his hands on the table, trying to move, but her legs were locked behind his neck.

  “You want this,” Shane stood, taking down his pants. His cock sprung from it’s enclosed place. He stroked his manhood up and down. “Baby…”

  “Yes, that’s what your honey wants,” Larissa leaned up on her elbows, gawking at his cock. “I need my dose of your medicine now.”

  “Dr. Morgan at your service,” Shane grabbed her ankles, easing her closer to him. He settled in between her legs, and gently plunged into her sweet core. Larissa’s toes curled as she moaned his name. Her pussy muscles wrapped around his rod as he slowly fucked her. “Fuck!” he banged on the table.

  “Yes!” She arched her back off the table, clawing at the wood, “Yes! Oh shit,” she chanted as her canal started twitching around his dick. “Don’t stop! Oh shit, it feels so good,” she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Shane began fingering her clit, making her wetter. She was in ecstasy, he inched his cock out of her wetness, leaving the head in and then lunged forward. “Babe, you’re so fucking wet.”

  “I’m… coming…” She fell back on the table, and her whole body began to shake like a leaf. Her grip on his manhood was about to make him cum too. Shane was fucking her uncontrollably, shaking the table. “Oh yes…. yes… yes…”

  “I’m coming, baby!” He clutched her hips, and continued stroking in and out of her pussy. The pulsing sensation from her orgasm pushed him over the edge, and he came hard.


  They took a shower and walked back out to the living room. “Fuck, woman, now you got me hungry,” he sat down.

  “I cooked earlier, do you want some?” Larissa twisted toward the kitchen.

  “Yes, please,” he grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. “Damn it’s almost three o’clock.”

  She entered the kitchen; he heard her open and close the refrigerator, and then the microwave dinged. “Shane, no eating in the living room.”

  He shook his head, getting up and strolling into the kitchen. “Smells delicious.” Shane looked at the rice, beans, and chicken waiting for him on the kitchenette table. He pulled out a chair, and sat. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Larissa yawned as she sat next to him with her legs under her butt.

  “Babe, go to sleep
,” Shane gazed at her hooded eyes.

  “I’m fine,” she placed her elbow on the table, resting her cheek on her palm falling asleep. “I’ll go to bed when you do.”

  Shane chuckled looking at her as her eyelids dropped, and then opened wide. He grabbed his fork, and dug into the tasteful food his woman prepared for him. Larissa was a wonderful cook; shit he was lucky he thought. Growing up he hardly ate home cooked meals, his mother always fed him TV dinners. He thought those meals were scrumptious, until he started going over Deborah’s house and tasted her hearty meals. She was an angel in his life, whenever he was allowed to visit. He was deep in thought when someone knocked on the front door. “Really?” He slammed the fork on the table, scaring Larissa out of her sleep. He hated when people interrupted him when he was making love or eating.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They don’t fucking learn.” There was another knock, and this time he was going to take his time answering the fucking door. “Stay here,” he said in a stern voice and stood. He picked up his plate, and walked over to the trash, dumping the rest of his food, and placed the plate in the sink. Shane marched out of the room, sick and tired of Liza and her shit. If she sent her brothers and man again, he was going to shoot them for real this time. Shane tilted his head, glaring at his fiancée, “Didn’t I tell you to stay put?”

  Larissa crossed her arms over her chest, pushing up her breasts. “I don’t follow rules too well, I thought you knew that.”

  She was hardheaded; they made one heck of a team though. Shane swung the door open, and Liza was standing there. Her lips were thinned as she glared back at him through swollen eyes. Shane held on to the edge of the door. What the fuck?

  “I never took you for a woman beater,” she touched her neck. “How could you hurt me?” Shane wasn’t going to let Liza get to him. He needed to control himself, he wanted to cuss the shit out of her, but Grayson came first. He couldn’t afford to give her any leverage, especially now that he was granted temporary custody. If Shane wanted to hurt Liza, she wouldn’t be standing in front of him at the moment.

  “You’re not supposed to be within one-hundred feet of me,” Larissa raised her voice from inside the house. “Do I have to call the cops?”

  “I didn’t know she lived here,” Liza ignored Larissa, talking to him. “Shane, please don’t do this,” she cried. “You can’t keep a child away from his mother.” He just glared at her. Once upon a time he truly cared for the woman standing in front of him. What happened to her? Her mother spoiled her, and maybe she was missing the love of a father, but that doesn’t excuse beating on a child, especially when she was never abused herself. “Please let me see him,” her gaze darted past his shoulder into the interior of the house, “I want Grayson to know that I’m sorry and I love him,” tears ran down her cheeks.

  “If you love your son the way you say you do,” Larissa came to the door, “then get some help for your anger issues.” Shane didn’t interrupt; he let Larissa say her piece. He was keeping his composure, because all he wanted to do was slam the door in her face. “I get that you don’t like me, what I don’t get is why?”

  Liza shot daggers at Larissa, “This has nothing to do with you. Grayson isn’t your son, you don’t have any kids,” and then she looked at Shane. “Shane, I want what’s best for our son.”

  “Right now you’re not what’s best, we are.” Larissa continued speaking.

  “Why are you trying to get through to her?” Shane crossed his arms over his chest, still watching the mother of his child, while speaking to his fiancée.

  Liza reared back, “Please don’t take Grayson from me. I made a few mistakes, who hasn’t?”

  “You’re right, we all have made mistakes, it’s what you learn from them that matters. You have five minutes before I call the cops.” Larissa voiced, and then walked away.

  “Shane,” Liza went to grab his arm, and he stepped back. “I lost my job,” she said to him, dropping her hands. “Are you still going to send me some money next week?” Did he just hear her correctly, is she now asking for fucking child support, inside of begging to see her child? He laughed sarcastically, he almost felt sorry for her until she opened her mouth.

  “Fuck you!” Shane roared slamming the door in her face, “The nerve of that bitch.” He passed Larissa in the hallway, and went around the sofa. “When will these people get it through their heads, I don’t give a fuck?” He picked up the gift he purchased for Larissa on the way home, and handed it to her. “I will feel much better if you have this when I’m not around.”

  Larissa took the bag, and opened it. She smiled, pulling out a teal and silver PM9 pistol. She traced the gun with her fingers, feeling the metal, and pointed it like she was about to shoot something. “Oh yes, I like this.” She loved everything teal colored. Larissa needed to be able to protect herself when he wasn’t around. “A new toy. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he circled his hands around her waist and pulled her forward. “I’m going to make sure if a motherfucker ever comes at you again, you’ll know how to deal with them. I’m done being nice.”

  Larissa chuckled, placing the gun back into the bag. “If that’s you being nice, I don’t ever want to see the other side of you.”

  “I was believing her for a few seconds, and then she asked for fucking child support.” He sighed. “Was money the only reason she even came here?”

  “I think she came to see Grayson,” she softly stated. “She is dead wrong for hurting him, and asking for money, but Grayson is going to want to know why his mom isn’t in his life right now.”

  “And I will tell him,” he clenched his jaw.

  “In Liza’s mind, you were the one that got away,” Larissa folded her arms.

  “That’s fucking insane, I haven’t touched that woman since the day I found out she cheated on me,” Shane cleared up. “I have never given her any indication that there was ever going to be an us.” He massaged the back of his neck. “I’m done talking about her. “We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We’re going to the gun range.”

  “What about work?”

  “Oh, about that,” he smirked. Shane had received a message from his captain earlier, telling him to enjoy his involuntary vacation. He wasn’t worried about it, he would still receive his paycheck. He knew it was going to happen; he was just waiting for the call. “I’ve been placed on administrative leave until this case with Liza is resolved. It’s protocol.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me when I told you I got fired?”

  “I didn’t want to give you anymore bad news, but since you asked,” he took her hand in his and lead her to the bedroom. “I promise everything will fall into place, let’s go to sleep.”

  “Yes, but not here. At my place,” Larissa squeezed his hand. “She doesn’t know where I live, and we don’t have to look over our shoulder,” She inched forward. “Grayson’s room is ready.”

  “His room?” he lifted her chin.

  The corner of her mouth quirked up, “My mother helped out.”

  He circled his fingers around her neck caressing her skin. “Tell Mrs. Pamela thank you.”

  “I already did,” she rested her hand over his. “No one can make it through security without a badge, it’s very secure. Please say yes.” She pleaded. “Grayson will be safe.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Like always,” she chuckled.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  John sat at his desk re-reading through the documents in his hands. He felt like shit for having his brother investigated, but he needed to make sure he was telling the truth. He cringed reading about the abuse his brother received at the hands of his parents. Child Protective Services didn’t do shit to protect him then, but thank God they were helping his nephew now. Shane didn’t have the chance to escape the clutches of his parents until he was almost an adult. His brother didn’t have a criminal record, and he had done well for himself.
John knew it took a lot for his brother to come for help after all these years, and now John wasn’t going to abandon him. He would try to right all the wrongs that had been done to Shane. He picked up his cell and dialed.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need a favor.”

  “What now, dude? You know how many favors I’ve done for you?” he chuckled.

  “And you still owe me,” John closed the folder on his desk. “Can you tell me what charges have been filed against Shane Morgan?”

  “Shane Morgan the DEA?” Jerome’s voice sounded surprised.

  “Yes, he’s my brother.”

  “What?” Jerome raised his voice. “You and Morgan are brothers?”

  “Yes, it’s a long story. I will be representing him, he said the mother of his child was filing charges.”

  “There were never any charges filed against your brother,” Jerome said. “He’s one of us, we look out for each other. Now I understand why he was so interested in protecting Sophia.”

  “Is he back at work?”

  “Yes, he’s on leave now. Your brother is a little rough around the edges, but one hell of a guy,” Jerome said. “Morgan was a key person in keeping Sophia safe.”

  Shane took care of his family, and now it was time to take care of his brother’s family.


  “Shane,” Larissa’s bed was so soft, he was too comfortable to move. She tickled his stomach, “Shane… baby, wake up.”

  “Yes,” he rolled over facing her. “I’m never too tired for some loving,” he pressed his dick against her thigh.

  Larissa shook her head, giggling. “Well, I’m too tired for your type of loving.” She handed him his cell, “Someone’s video calling you.” She cocked an eyebrow, “Who’s calling you this early?”

  Shane smirked, he loved it when she got territorial. He stared at his phone, not knowing the number displaying on the screen. “I don’t know who’s fucking calling me.” He twisted around, about to place his cell on the nightstand, when Larissa grabbed the phone from his hand.


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