Book Read Free

Only You

Page 13

by Ancelli

  “Shane, what’s your favorite football team?” Tuy asked him as they watched ESPN on the big screen TV, breaking the ice.

  “I’m a Cowboys fan,” Shane shared.

  John shook his hand, “My man.”

  “What? A Cowboys fan,” Lance chuckled. “The Eagles are the best team.”

  “Hell no,” Terrence voiced. “Redskins all the way.”

  The men started discussing football and basketball teams, and why one team was better than the other. It’s funny how one simple conversation about sports could make you feel welcomed. Shane started laughing and joined in.

  John handed him a beer, “Welcome to our crazy family,” he clicked his drink to Shane’s.

  “I’ll fit in perfectly,” Shane grinned.

  “Why can’t we watch something all of us like?” Abby asked and walked away. “I hate sports.”

  Vickie placed her arm through Larissa’s. “Let’s talk in the kitchen.” They ambled toward the kitchen. “How’s Grayson doing?”

  “He’s doing better, he has his days where he misses his mom though,” Larissa replied and pulled out a stool next to the island, and sat.

  “I plan on visiting that woman,” Diana said. “We know first hand what it feels like when the person who should be loving and watching out for you is the one hurting you. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

  Larissa already loved these women. “Liza will get what’s coming to her. She will not be able to hurt him like that again.”

  Vickie smirked.

  “Vickie, what did you do?” Olivia walked over to the stove, grabbed a spoon, and started stirring the contents in the pot.

  “Why would you think I did anything?” Vickie cocked an eyebrow.

  “Because we know you,” Abby said coming in the room. “You’re freaking crazy.”

  Olivia stared at Larissa, “John was married to an alcoholic, she made his life miserable, putting Johnny in the middle, but she never hurt him. Our brothers surely know how to pick them. I mean the first go around.”

  Vickie’s laughter disappeared. “Sophia was a sweetheart though.”

  “Who’s Sophia?” Larissa hadn’t heard of her.

  “John’s second wife, Amber’s mom. She was killed last year,” Abby said taking a sip of her drink.

  “I’m so sorry,” she didn’t know.

  “John has grieved, and hopefully he has moved on,” Diana added. “He disappears every weekend.”

  “What John does is his business,” Vickie defended her brother.

  “You’re right,” Abby said. “Larissa,” she made Larissa glance her way. “Shane, how is he handling everything?”

  “Is he okay?” Diana asked.

  “Shane is doing better now that he found out he was granted full custody,” she sighed.

  “Really?” Olivia said excitedly.

  “For six months, until the trial,” Larissa answered.

  Vickie wobbled over to the refrigerator and opened it, grabbing a bottle of water. “There’s no question Shane will be granted full custody.”

  “How do you know that?” Abby crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Because I do. Janice is the best family lawyer in town, and I’ve been helping her get some dirt on that bitch,” Vickie replied.

  “Vickie,” Olivia eyed her. “Watch your language.”

  “She’s a bitch,” Vickie took a gulp of her water. “He’s just a little boy. I remember how it felt, and Larissa I hope you beat her ass.”

  Larissa smiled. “I did.”

  “See, you’re my favorite sister-in-law,” Vickie said with a grin on her face.

  “She’s your only sister-in-law, crazy,” Diana mentioned. They talked for hours it seemed, and finally they started discussing the wedding.

  “The dress you picked out is beautiful,” Olivia said. “Why didn’t you let us help?”

  “My mother wanted to purchase the gown,” Larissa enjoyed going dress shopping with her mom, it was last minute but they had so much fun.

  “Your parents wouldn’t take no for an answer about us paying for the wedding,” Olivia covered the pot. “Your mom drove down and helped us with all the planning and arranging.”

  “What? She didn’t tell me,” Larissa was surprised she didn’t even know her mother talked to her soon-to-be in-laws. “I hope she wasn’t too pushy.”

  “Pushy is good when it comes to your only daughter,” Olivia mentioned. “Your day will be what you always dreamt of.”


  “Shane,” John watched him. “Can I talk to you for a second?” He stood, and waited for him to stand.

  “Sure,” Shane stood, and followed John. He opened the fancy glass doors toward the backyard. “What’s up?” He walked out, and closed the doors behind him.

  John shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out a white envelope. “You nervous about tomorrow?”

  “Nah… I’m marrying the girl of my dreams,” Shane glanced into the kitchen window looking at Larissa and his sisters’ talking, and then they all started laughing. Larissa was everything he wanted in a woman, she loved him to the moon and back, and she had his back regardless of the consequences. She was his ride or die, he couldn’t ask for a better, more loyal woman. She made him believe in happy ever after. “How’s Sophia?”

  John inhaled and then exhaled, “She’s getting impatient. Sophia hates being stuck in that cabin,” he sighed. “I couldn’t keep my little girl from seeing her mother. Amber’s talking more and more each day, soon she’ll be the one telling people that her mommy is alive.”

  “Sophia should be safe now, but Jerome and the team want to make sure they have taken down each one of those motherfuckers that worked for Marcus. I’ve looked into all the cops he associated with, making sure they weren’t corrupt.” Shane watched his brother grab the back of his neck.

  “Marcus had more allies than we thought,” John said raking his fingers through his hair. “I want my wife home with me and our kids.”

  “We can make it happen, just say the word.” Shane took a couple of strides, and stood next to his brother. “She will be watched around the clock for a couple of months, and if we don’t see any movement we’ll back off.”

  “We have some time until the baby is born. You’ll be the first I call when we’re ready. Sophia’s safe, that’s all that matters now.” John stared at him. “This is for you,” he handed him the envelope.

  Shane accepted it, “What is it?”

  “Open it and you’ll find out,” John smiled.

  He gently opened the envelope, and pulled out the document inside. His jaw dropped, and then he glared at his brother. “I told you, I’m not here for a fucking handout.”

  John smirked, “This isn’t a handout. This is your part of our inheritance.”

  Shane scrunched up his face in confusion.

  “I was twenty-one,” John grabbed a lawn chair and sat, “when I received a call from a lawyer, stating that he’d been searching for me and my sisters for years. He said that our grandmother had left us her life insurance. She took out that policy before you were born. It was five hundred thousand dollars, and he had split it five ways between us, one hundred thousand each. We didn’t know you existed; the lawyer said there were no other grandchildren.”

  “Are you serious?” Shane stared at the figures on the check; it was a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars.

  “Yes, this is your part.”

  “This is twenty five thousand more than my share,” he stared at John. “I can’t accept this,” he tried to hand it to John.

  John pushed the paper away, “I’m not asking you. We’re fucking giving it to you, no questions asked, baby brother. Each one of us gave you five thousand to add to what was due to you.” John placed his hand on Shane’s shoulder. “Call this a pre-wedding gift.”

  “You sure?” He stared at the check.

  “Yes,” John squeezed Shane’s shoulder.

  “I can get Larissa’s job back,
just say the word, and I’ll visit her employer.” John watched him.

  “Naw… Larissa wants to stay home with Grayson until the trial, and I agree. It will be good for my son to have her around,” He smiled, “and this right here will help us out.”

  “If you change your mind, let me know.” John cracked his knuckles. “Granny always wanted the best for her grandchildren.”

  “Granny came through for me after all these years. The only person James ever listened to was gone when she died, I didn’t stand a chance then.” Shane didn’t expect this, he just wanted to meet his family. He didn’t know his grandmother had life insurance. “Her funeral was the only time I’d ever seen that man cry. James only loved two women in his miserable life, Granny and your mother.”

  “You don’t love with your fists,” John placed his hands in his front pocket. “My mother loved him too, but she loved her children more. Granny thought about her, about all her grandkids until the end. That’s your money.”

  Shane placed the envelope in his back pocket, and gave John a bear hug, “Thank you.”

  John patted his back, “No thanks necessary, my brother. We have your back. Let’s go eat dinner.” They walked back in the house. Shane couldn’t be more content than he was at the moment.


  Shane’s sisters did a great job, decorating the small church. Teal colored ribbons hung from the end of each pew, with two beautiful arrangements at each end of the aisle. White and teal rose petals were scattered starting at the door and going up to the altar. Shane twisted his neck, feeling uncomfortable in his black tux; he pulled the teal colored bow, trying to loosen it.

  “We are gathered today in the presence of friends and family to celebrate the love that Shane and Larissa have for each other, to give social recognition to their decision to commit their lives, and accept each other completely.” The pastor mentioned as they waited for the bride to arrive. “If any of you has anything to say that might change their minds, Shane and Larissa… don’t want to hear it,” the guests laughed. “They do want to know that you will always support and encourage them as they become husband and wife.” Mrs. Edwards assured him the ceremony would be short and sweet. Why was it taking so long?

  Beads of sweat rolled down Shane’s forehead. He was nervous rubbing his hands together. Dammit, palms, stop sweating. He’d dreamt of this day, and he couldn’t wait to make Larissa his wife. Her mother sat in the front pew, wiping her eyes with a napkin. She’d been crying since they drove up to the chapel. John passed him a handkerchief and he wiped his face.

  “I know the feeling.” John patted his shoulder. “She’ll be your wife in no time. You did good, brother.”

  “I did more than good. She’s amazing.”

  “Please rise,” the pastor said as the doors to the church opened. Shane swallowed as everyone stood looking toward the entrance, and then the music started playing.

  Larissa and her father strolled up arm in arm, and his breath caught in his throat. He didn’t know Larissa could look more beautiful than she already was, but today she looked angelic. Tears shimmered in his eyes; she was breathtaking, holding a colorful bouquet. He looked at her, “Good God she’s beautiful, I’m the luckiest man alive” Shane said out loud.

  John chuckled. “Yes he is.”

  The second he saw her, the nervousness and anxiety he felt was gone. Shane was ready to commit his life to Larissa. He’d never felt the love he now felt for her before, and he could not have been happier than he was at that moment.

  Her black hair was up in a fancy bun with diamond buds wrapped around it; her make-up was naturally beautiful, her sparkling mink brown irises gazed back at him, mirroring what he was feeling, overwhelming love. Larissa was his best friend, and the woman he was spending the rest of my life with. Oh, no, he said to himself. Don’t cry, babe. He gazed into her tear filled eyes as she took a deep breath. If you cry, I’m gonna cry. Keep it together, man. Her silky, radiant mocha skin looked stunning in her long ivory, sleeveless dress; it was tailored to her body. Shane couldn’t wait to slip it off of her, and make love to his wife.

  “Wow... Rissa!” Grayson’s jaw dropped when he saw Larissa slowly walking down the aisle. Everyone in the small church started laughing. “Daddy,” he tugged on Shane’s tux, and pointed. “Pretty Rissa,” he grinned from ear to ear. From the moment Larissa and her dad stepped into the church, his eyes were glued to his wife to be. The tears burned his eyes.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” he whispered.

  The pastor raised his eyebrow, and Olivia cleared her throat, “You’re in church.”

  Shane smirk “Yes ma’am,” never once breaking eye contact with Larissa. She’s all mine.


  Larissa’s eyes stung with tears, staring at the love of her life. Don’t cry, you’re going to mess up your makeup. It was so surreal, she was having an out-of-body experience. Walking down the aisle everyone seemed so calm, and her heart was beating a mile a minute. She couldn’t believe she was getting married. Larissa never knew she yearned to be a wife and a mother until Shane got down on his knees. Who would’ve known that she would be marrying the arrogant man that had her blood boiling from the moment he opened his mouth and pushed his way into her heart? How did she get so lucky? She held tightly to her father’s arm. She was excited, nervous, anxious, and happy all at the same time, her stomach was turning in knots.

  “Don’t be nervous, sweetheart,” her dad whispered in her ear as they slowly made their way to the altar. “That man loves you.”

  Larissa and her dad finally made it to Shane. Her dad cupped her face, and kissed her forehead, “You’ll always be my little girl.” The guests sat down.

  She hugged her dad tight. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you more,” her father gave her one last kiss, and extended his hand to shake Shane’s, but Shane gave him a bear hug.

  “Mr. Edwards, thank you.”

  “Take care of my precious jewel,” he reared back, and went to sit with her mother.

  “Mommy.” She winked, “I love you.” Larissa and her mother spent the entire morning crying together. Her mom was her support system, her world, and she finally realized that Shane never had the love of a parent that always had your back, but now he had five people who already proved to him that they had his back. Her mother and Olivia hit it off well, and had planned the whole wedding in less than a week. She was beyond thankful.

  Shane took her hand in his and everyone else in the church ceased to exist. As soon as Shane touched her, she suddenly felt calm and at peace. They were meant to be together. He bent his head and started kissing her, his tongue swiping her lips.

  “Yuck,” Grayson said covering his eyes, again making the guests laugh.

  “I haven’t said you may kiss the bride,” the pastor blurted out. “The groom and bride have asked for this to be short and sweet,” he announced. Shane and Larissa didn’t take their eyes off of each other. His eyes mirrored hers, brimming with happiness, joy, and love. Finally they would be one. “So let’s begin folks. Larissa, do you take Shane Morgan, to be your wedded husband, to share your life openly, standing with him, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and to love, so long as you both shall live?”

  “Yes, yes I do,” she chirped.

  “Shane, do you take Larissa Edwards to be your wedded wife, to share your life openly, standing with her, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and to love, so long as you both shall live?”

  “I f’ing do,” Shane smiled, never breaking eye contact with his bride.

  “May we have the rings?” The pastor watched as Grayson untied the rings from the pillow.

  “Here, Rissa, Daddy,” Grayson said proudly and handed the rings over.

  “Thank you, buddy,” Shane took the rings.

  “Shane, place the ring on Larissa’s finger, please look at her and repeat after me.”

>   “I, Shane Morgan, promise to love and cherish you, Larissa,” he slipped her diamond ring on her finger, and then kissed it. “To give you strength, to help you in good times and in bad. To respect our individuality, to make our home one of love and understanding. I promise to be faithful to you, giving you all of myself, all of my tomorrows, all of my life.”

  “Larissa, as you place this ring on Shane’s hand, please repeat after me,” the pastor continued.

  “I, Larissa Edwards promise to love and cherish you, Shane,” she repeated what the pastor said, slipping on his wedding band, and also kissed his hand. “To give you strength, to help you in good times and in bad. To respect our individuality, to make our home one of love and understanding. I promise to be faithful to you, giving you all of myself, all of my tomorrows, all of my life.” She wiped at his fallen tear. “Shane, you are my everything, my yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I will always be yours.”

  “Only you,” Shane gazed into her eyes, and in that moment tears freely rolled down her cheek. “As a little boy, I prayed for God to send me an angel, a miracle, and he didn’t then.” He cupped her face, and with his fingers he gently wiped her tears. “But years later he did more than answer my prayers when he sent me you.” He took her hands in his. “You, my love, have changed me. I’m a better man when I’m with you. Thank you for accepting me just the way I am.”

  Larissa squeezed his hands, “You are my heart, and our kids will provide the beat.” Her lips curled up into a smile glancing at Grayson. “Everyday that passes, I love you more and more than the day before. We’ve been through some major trials, but we’re still standing strong. In all of the madness he has blessed us in so many ways.” She twisted around, waving her hand in front of her, “Look around us, our families are here to celebrate our love. Your family is here.” She squealed excitedly making his sisters laugh through their tears. They both glanced at his family sitting with their families, his cousin with her boys, Lorenzo and his wife, and then she pointed at her parents. “Mom and Dad, without you I wouldn’t be the woman strong enough to stand by my king. You instilled in me that I needed a man who would treat me like a queen, and believe me he does,” she turned her attention back to Shane. “You, my love, have shown me what true love is. You don’t hold back any punches when you go after what you want, and I’m glad you didn’t on that Valentine’s Day.” Larissa grinned, gazing at Grayson. “Buddy, you are a part of me too,” she bent down to his level.


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