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Twisted Intentions

Page 11

by Danielle James

  “I told you you’re going to get yourself in trouble.”

  “Maybe I want to get in trouble, Emmanuel.”

  “You didn’t last night,” I smirked. Her eyes narrowed in defiance, her back straightened making her taller, even though she could never see eye to eye with me. My lustful side was waking up each time we had these too close to call encounters. I didn’t know how long I could resist pinning her down and giving her what she wanted.

  “I want to now,” her voice was low and sexy. Camilla started hiking her dress up, baring her smooth thighs and giving me a glimpse of her perfectly shaved pussy. My dick was straining against my pants. Shit…

  No matter how much my dick wanted to break free and jump inside of her wet pussy, I had work to do and the last thing I needed was Camilla clouding my mind.

  “No you don’t. Besides, I have work to do and you need to be sitting with your mother and your sister.”

  “Nope.” She let her dress fall back down covering her pussy, and then folded her arms. “I’m sitting with my father.” Got dammit. This little girl was going to be the death of me. I took her face in my hand and she swallowed excitedly. I knew exactly what she liked. “You’re going to sit where I tell you to.” The way she squirmed let me know I was getting to her. I looked at the bite mark on her neck, it was fading gradually, but the one on her shoulder was still angry and purple on her light skin. She wore them both proudly too, like a good girl. I think subconsciously I was marking her as mine. I tilted her head to get a better look at it. Camilla bit her bottom lip and a soft sound escaped her mouth. My dick twitched at the noise. I lightly touched it with my fingertips and then tilted her head back up so she looked at me.

  “You like when I leave my mark on you, don’t you?”

  “Yes…” She whispered. I walked around behind her and she fidgeted nervously. I moved close to her until my erection stabbed into her perfect ass. I put my hand on her stomach and pressed her into me. I was going to give her another mark, just like she wanted. Her body was already trembling with anticipation. I moved her long hair out of the way and found the back of her dainty neck. I wanted to suck on her neck until her pussy flooded with slippery, creamy cum, then I wanted to taste it all over my face. She wasn’t ready though.

  Once her hair was out of the way, I wrapped it around my fist and pulled it to the side. She didn’t say anything but I saw the goosebumps rising on her skin. I sucked on the back of her neck and pressed my fingers down on her clit through her dress. She gasped just as I bit her neck. Softly at first, then with more pressure. My dick was so hard it ached. How long had it been since I’d been inside of some pussy? I couldn’t even remember. I couldn’t think or focus on shit other than my mouth on Camilla’s neck and my hand pressing against her pussy. I knew I had a gathering congregation out there but in here it was about to be the epitome of the snake in the garden.

  When I heard a knock on my office door, I instinctively clamped a hand around Camilla’s slender throat to muffle her moans. “What is it?” I barked. I was just about ready to snatch the white silk dress from Camilla’s body and end all of this.

  “Manny, can we pray before you go on?” Dana’s voice didn’t center me. It didn’t make me drop everything and feel remorse.

  It fueled me.

  It made me want to fuck her daughter while she prayed on the other side of that door.

  Chapter Twenty


  Slippery wetness dripped from my thick pussy lips the tighter Emmanuel’s grip got on my throat. I started shaking, but not from air deprivation.

  Fuck no.

  It was from the lust. The darkness that Emmanuel commanded forth in me. I whimpered but it never left my lips. My mother was on the other side of the door, and he still didn’t let me go. My knees felt weak as shit because I couldn’t stop coming. Over and over my pussy vibrated and ached. He hadn’t once entered me but I was sprung.

  “Manny?” Dana called again. He let out a ragged breath in my ear and licked his lips; the tip of his tongue touched my earlobe.

  “Dana, I don’t wanna be disturbed right now. Thank you for your thoughts.” His hands slipped to my breasts. The silk was thin enough that he could flick my nipples through the fabric.

  “I think with everything going on, we should pray together as a united front.”

  He put pressure on my nipples until I threatened to cum again. He knew it too. “You gonna cum for me again?” He whispered in my ear. I nodded in response. My heart pounded, knocking against my chest. His lips found my neck again. God I was in heaven. I started to moan but he clamped down on my throat. His other hand was pinching my nipples and his dick was carving a hole in my back.

  “Can you open the door, Manny?” Dana sounded antsy. Emmanuel didn’t seem to give one shit about her though.

  “No.” He sounded.

  “Are you upset with me about Camilla? Look, I’m sorry. You should apologize too though. I saw her neck Emmanuel.” Her voice lowered. He still didn’t let up though. Instead he spun me around and we crashed into each other’s lips. He pulled away long enough to respond.

  “I don’t know what you think you saw, but I have Camilla under control.” He grabbed my hair and pulled it hard. I bit my bottom lip and whined a bit. Emmanuel put his teeth on my chin making my breathing grow even shallower. I wanted him to cover me with bite marks and handprints. I wanted him to choke me and spank me and tell me what to do. I wanted him so bad.

  Darkness flooded me and I rubbed my hand against Emmanuel’s hard on. “Okay. I’ll leave it to you. I just…want to see your face before you go on.”

  “Dana I said no. I’m trying to concentrate.” He let me pull his dick out and it already had a single bead of pre-cum on the tip. I leaned over and licked the sweet salty drop from the head of his dick. He grumbled low in his throat. I looked up at him with big eyes to see what he wanted me to do next.

  I was under his spell. He just pulled me up by my throat and held me still. I didn’t even care. I would have opened the door and let Dana see me suck his dick if he told me to. “Okay…” she sighed in defeat. He stood still listening for her footsteps to fade, then he locked eyes with me. I stared into those coffee colored pools and shivered from the control and domination I could see lurking inside.

  “You need your ass tamed.” He told me gruffly. I just nodded my head. I wanted him to tame me. I knew he could judging by the way he made me cum rivers without even sticking his dick in me. He zipped his dick away and sighed heavily. I was still shaking slightly. He put a large hand on me and told me to calm down. I did.

  He had total control over me.

  “Do you know what would happen if I fucked you, Camilla?” I shook my head in response. I hung on his every word. “You would do whatever I said. You would need me.” He frowned and ran his palms over his brown face. “You’d need me like fucking air.”

  “I already do,” I whimpered, moving closer to him.

  “I know.” He let his eyes roam over my body, then back to my face. “That’s why we should try to stay away from each other. I can’t keep pushing you off of me. Sooner or later you’re gonna get what you want.” A smirk fell on my lips.

  “I’m okay with that.”

  “Is your boyfriend?” He raised his eyebrows and looked at me. It was my turn to frown now. I hated that word. Boyfriend. Ugh.

  “I don’t have a fucking boyfriend.” I snapped.

  “You’re fucking someone. If you start fucking me, you’re gonna hurt him. Trust me.” He sounded so sure of what he was saying.

  “You don’t know him though. He’s fine with whatever I do.”

  “I don’t have to know him to know he’s probably already noticed you’ve been claimed and he probably doesn’t like that shit.” I touched my neck and heat bloomed across my skin again thinking of how good it felt. Xavier did seem pissed about it. Wait…did he just say I’d been claimed? My heart sped up.

  “Who claimed me?” I quizzed.r />
  “Don’t be petty right now. You wanna be a big girl, act like it. You already know I want to fuck you. You already know I’m trying to keep this shit from happening too. You fight me at every turn.” He took a drink of water and glanced at his iPad. “Even still, the moment I bit you, I laid claim.” Hearing him say that shit made my stomach clench.

  “Then why won’t you take what’s yours?” I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Because I’m trying to hang on to one shred of fucking decency, Camilla! Shit!” His voice bounced around the room and I wondered who could hear.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. I still felt compelled to do whatever he wanted. He had me open as shit. “Let’s just try to do that, okay? Let’s try to remain decent. Stop poking me, sweetheart. You’re not ready for that beast to wake up.” My stomach did flip flops and my throat turned dry.

  “What do you want me to do? I can’t stay away from you. You’re like drugs.” He groaned and leaned back in his chair.


  Chapter Twenty-One


  I thought the addiction would only happen once I fucked her but clearly, Camilla was already hooked. I could kick my fucking self for letting this continue. I should have stopped it as soon as it started. I could’ve turned back before today.


  Now she watched me with her eyes and asked me what I wanted her to do. It’s already started. I was taming her and she was yielding to me. Her little boyfriend was going to loathe me. I’ve never even met the man and I knew it would take one look at how she acted around me and he would know. Dana would know. Trevor was still high on Camilla’s love so he wouldn’t notice right away but it was clearly evident for anyone who saw her after she walked out of this office.


  I made her cum one too many times. Showed her who was in control and who really ran shit and now she was hooked. She stood there still gazing at me with her pretty green eyes. I looked up at the ceiling and tried to snap her out of it. “Look, I need to get ready okay? Go out there with Chris.”

  “Okay…” She said softly. I watched her ass jiggle under her dress and shook my head. She was so damn fine it was painful not to fuck her. Soon as I did though, she would be even worse than Dana. At least Dana clung to the pastor archetype and transferred her devotion to Jesus. Camilla saw past that shit, her devotion was going to be to me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Chris had to sit between Dana and I because I wasn’t in any position to sit next to her after everything. We were seated in the special pastor’s box right behind the crystal podium Emmanuel was standing at. He opted not to be over-dressed for the occasion and wore clean black and white linen. Everything fit him perfectly.

  The entire auditorium was filled. Not one seat was empty and a few dozen people were standing on the sides. Everyone was there to see Emmanuel preach, and boy did he ever.

  “I wanna talk about temptation today. Y’all okay with that?” He looked out over the crowd and they all nodded and spoke in murmurs. “Y’all must not be okay with that because I can’t hear y’all.” He shook his head as he walked from one end of the huge stage to the other. Applause erupted and people shouted out like we were all used to hearing.

  “How many of y’all have been tempted before?” People raised their hands and cried out. “You know, we like to think we know what forms temptation comes in, right? We like to think we know gambling and…and drinking and drugs, lying and stealing are temptations to stay away from. We know about those right?” He paused for dramatic effect and I stifled a laugh.

  My eyes glanced out over the faces, seated and standing. I saw my father sitting far up in the balcony. His coppery brown locs shone under the lights. He was fixated on Emmanuel almost like he was studying how he worked the stage. Down in the front row was Laurel and her family and beside them was Brian and his family. I sucked in a breath once I noticed he was staring at me. There would be no wiggling away from his thirsty ass once this was over.

  “How many of y’all understand what I mean when I say temptation can come in the form of people? Not just the fine woman at the bar or the brother trying to get you to come home with him. I mean even your best friends can lead you to temptation.” He dabbed at his brow with a fresh white cloth and continued, “Y’all don’t hear me. Even best friends, even your sister or your brother…” The crowd was going crazy over every word.

  I crossed my legs to stop the constant pulsating my pussy was doing every time I saw Emmanuel’s broad back and his strong arms. Damn, I wanted him to fuck me. He’d claimed me; why not just fuck me already? The way he handled me was unlike anything else I’d experienced. I mean, Xavier knew how to handle me, he knew how to control me but Emmanuel spoke to another part of me.

  Xavier spoke to the warm, light part of me but Emmanuel spoke to the dark twisted parts. Parts of me that liked to be hurt and dominated, not just controlled. The same way he dominated the people in his congregation and the millions that watched him around the world. Even now they were hanging on his every word and movement. They ate it up.

  “See that’s when your loyalty comes into play. I know y’all can be loyal. You’re loyal to your friends, right? You talk to your friends every day, you take up for them, and you see them whenever you have free time. You’re loyal to your TV shows, you watch Love and Hip-Hop every week, and you talk about it whenever someone brings it up, right? You’re loyal to your clothes and shoes, you stand in line to get new Jordan’s right?” More shouts and claps erupted.

  “But are you loyal to Jesus like that? Do you talk to Jesus every day? Do you take up for him? Do you go see him every week? Would you stand in line for Jesus? Are you loyal to Jesus?” His voice boomed and was met with wild cries and even some women catching the Holy Ghost. Dana even stood to her feet and waved her hands back and forth. “Because when you’re loyal to Jesus like you’re loyal to all these other things, all these other people, then temptation formed against you cannot prosper. Did you hear what I said? Y’all looking at me like, Pastor, what are you saying? I’m saying that the devil can use temptation like a weapon, and we all know about weapons formed against God’s children don’t we?”

  More cheers and shouts.

  I started getting sleepy as hell. All those orgasms from earlier had me exhausted. My head kept dipping forward no matter how many times I tried to pull it together. Chris nudged me and I opened my eyes. “Cami, wake up. You know you can’t go to sleep right now.” She whispered.

  “I know but…I’m so tired,” I whined. The long ass opening sermon still had an hour to go and even then I wasn’t gonna be able to duck out and go home. Christina sighed and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

  “I have something to tell you.” That did perk me up a bit. Chris never had secrets, so I was piqued. She picked her phone up and started to fire off a text. Seconds later my phone buzzed.

  Chris: Laurel told me it was cool to tell you this.

  Chris: We’ve been hanging out a lot this past week.

  Chris: And…we’re kinda seeing each other.

  I didn’t even know how to respond. I looked at her and she had this goofy ass smile on her face.

  Me: Are you fucking serious, Chris? Ur playing.

  Chris: I’m not.

  I looked at her again and she flashed the same simple ass smile. My little sister and my best friend…fucking? What the actual hell?

  Me: When did you even start liking girls? You don’t tell me shit.

  Chris: You’re always in your own world, Cami.

  Me: So. Fucking. What.

  Chris: Ur mad?

  Me: Just that you didn’t tell me you like girls Chris. WTF?

  Chris: Okay well I’m telling you now. I like girls. I like your friend. She tastes good.

  Me: That’s e-fucking-nough. Done. We’re done now.

  Me: I’m awake. Not going back to sleep.

  Chris: LOL! Luv you sis.

/>   Me: Whatever bitch.

  Just as I closed my texts, the choir started to sing, signaling the first half of this boring ass shit was almost done. Emmanuel came over to speak to Dana, Chris and I, but he let his eyes linger on mine and I did the same. Dana glanced between us and drew her lips together tightly. “You look good out there, Daddy…” I said; a smile spread across my face. He winked at me and I nearly lost my balance. He was fully charged and in his element. I loved this side of him. Chris raised her arched brows at me asking a question with no words. I blushed and sat back in my seat. I had so much to tell her.

  She would hate me if she knew about Emmanuel and I though so I just planned to tell her about him not really being my dad. I was all about bringing shit to the surface but I was not about to hurt my little sister.

  My phone buzzed once the choir settled back down.

  Chris: Wth was that all about with Daddy?

  Me: What?

  Chris: He was staring at you all weird then he winked at you.

  Me: He’s just being silly.

  I chewed on my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling.

  Chris: I guess…

  I noticed my father looking down at me and I shot him a small wave. I knew he saw me because he smiled and nodded his head. I guess Brian thought that shit was for him because his face brightened up with a smile. I curled my top lip and shook my head quickly.

  Once the sermon was finally over, I couldn’t wait to move away from that damn special seating box. I tried to make a beeline for my father but was cut off by Brian, who was with his fucking family. He reached out and gently grabbed my arm making me loop back around to face his daughters and wife. A pang of guilt hit me in the stomach when I saw his adorable girls. They both looked just like him with pretty brown skin and happy smiles. They couldn’t have been any older than 8 and 10.


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