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Annabelle Enchants the Rejected Earl: A Historical Regency Romance Novel

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by Hanna Hamilton

  Deep down, he had always loved Lady Annabelle Hathaway, and now he could be with her again.

  Very quickly after his meeting with Catherine, Floyd had made the arrangements to take some time away from his riding school. He had very capable staff members working for him now, so he hoped he would not be missed. There was no way that he could be aware of Annabelle’s whereabouts and not go to her immediately. He was worthy of her now, he had achieved everything that he needed to be with her, it was almost as if fate had intervened to bring them back together again.

  Maybe, as horrible as it was to think about, they needed that time apart. Maybe it had all happened the way that it had for a reason.

  With a smile on his face, Floyd started walking through the village as he searched for the address that he had been given. As he moved, he tried to imagine Annabelle living in this place. He could imagine her by the ocean, living a much freer life. The fresh, outside air felt like an adventure in itself, which was just what she needed.

  I wonder what she is like now, he thought as he walked. I have changed so much, I wonder if she has too. Maybe she looks different, maybe she is quieter or more confident. It does not matter to me, I am sure I will still love her.

  They were young when they were together, naïve and childish. Their love was strong and powerful, enough to still affect him five years later, but they were not ready for all that life had in store for them.

  Maybe now, they did.

  It was not easy to find Annabelle’s home, but luckily since the town was small and the people were friendly, he eventually managed to find the right path to walk down. As he moved with precision, carefully placing one foot in front of the other, his emotions were mixed. He felt afraid, yet happy, nervous, yet exhilarated. It was the strangest sensation that flooded him, but he kept on going. His need to see Annabelle once more overshadowed any fear he could ever feel.

  Voices disturbed him, he could hear them just ahead of him. After all the very kind people he had met in this place, he did not mind coming across some more. Maybe he would even tell them the love story that he was chasing. Maybe he would even let them know that Lady Annabelle Hathaway was the one for him and that he would do anything for her.

  Anyone would love that story, surely?

  All of a sudden, his heart stopped dead in his chest. He recognized one of those voices. It sounded just like Annabelle! He tried not to get his hopes up too high because he did not want to get too carried away but he could not stop his feet from picking up the pace.

  Please be Annabelle, he pleaded internally. I cannot wait to see her again...

  His brain stopped whirring, his limbs stopped moving, an ice-cold sensation claimed him completely. It was Annabelle alright, she was ahead of him, but she was not alone. She was walking up the path towards her home with her arm linked through another man’s. They were talking and laughing, acting as if they knew one another very well.

  I am too late, Floyd thought with a stark realisation. Again, I am too late. I have missed my chance.

  He had gotten so carried away with the thought of seeing Annabelle again he had not thought that she might not wish to see him. Catherine said she did not know what was happening in Annabelle’s life, which of course meant she did not know if Annabelle remained unmarried.

  I have been a fool, I cannot believe it. I need to go...

  Before Floyd got the chance to run, Annabelle sensed a prickle on the back of her neck and she twisted her head slightly. Just enough for their eyes to connect in one heart-stopping moment that seemed to go on forever...

  Chapter 29

  It cannot be, can it?

  Annabelle panicked and she snapped her head back around until she was facing forward towards where she needed to go. For a moment, her heart jolted in her chest and her stomach completely turned upside down because she thought that she saw Floyd Brewer looking back at her when she turned just then.

  But of course, that was not possible. There was no way that she just saw the stable boy that stole her heart all those years ago because he had vanished a long time ago. She lost him when her father dragged her away from Mr. Brentwood’s home five years ago, and that was the end of that. He had not come looking for her, they had not found one another, it was not meant to be. It never was, really, they simply got carried away.

  If Annabelle really thought about it she could convince herself that the only reason she fell for Floyd was because of the awful situation that she found herself in at the time with Watson. She probably did not really like him, he was just the one who saved her.

  Of course, deep down she knew all of that was complete and utter rubbish. What she and Floyd shared was wonderful and genuine... but it did not help her to remember that. Not when she so desperately needed to get over him.

  It is just the proposal messing with my mind, she told herself seriously. Being engaged again, it is reminding me of how it was before. But this is nothing like when I was betrothed to Watson. I must remember that. James is not Watson and he never will be.


  All of a sudden, she realized that James was trying to grab her attention. Of the thump of her heart, the buzz in her brain, the panting falling from her mouth, she could hardly hear anything.

  “Oh, I am sorry,” she replied in a shaky tone of voice. “I did not hear you then.”

  “Yes... you seem distracted.” Luckily, James was so wrapped up in wedding planning that he hardly noticed Annabelle acting strangely. “I was just saying that we should send out a letter to your father first, about our engagement. He is the one who needs to know.”

  My engagement to James, my real life, I need to concentrate on that.

  She shook her head, trying to rid her brain of anything other than what she needed to think about. It was only James, right now, who needed her attention. He was absolutely the most important thing.

  “Y... yes, of course,” she replied, possibly a little too rapidly to cover up any anxiety that she had racing through her. “I shall write out a letter tonight and send it in the morning.”

  She could not resist glancing behind herself once more, just to check but there was no one there. The male figure that had been behind Annabelle and James was nowhere to be seen, making her wonder if she had imagined all of it. Maybe there was never anyone there and it was just her mind and eyes playing tricks on her. She waited patiently for the tight knot in her chest to loosen as she realized that it was all in her imagination, but it did not go. If anything, Annabelle felt certain that it had got a little tighter.

  “That will be good.” James nodded along as he spoke. “Then we can get everything sorted. We have a lot to get organised.”

  Annabelle tried to breathe deeply to calm herself down. The crisp evening air flew into her lungs but somehow her insides remained just as boiling hot. She tried to concentrate on what this wedding day would be like, how it would differ from what she almost had to suffer before, but her mind simply would not go there. She was far too distracted. Yet again, as if it was five years ago all over again, Annabelle was consumed with thoughts of Floyd Brewer.

  I need to forget about him... he broke my heart.

  But she could not shift him, he refused to go. But that was probably because he had always been in the back of her mind the whole of the last five years, just waiting to take the spotlight again. His sandy blond hair, his piercing, sparkly eyes, his adorable smile...

  No. He is not important anymore. He is gone, in the past. James is my present.

  As James walked Annabelle right up to her front door and he turned to say goodbye, there was a part of her that wanted him to kiss her in the way that Floyd used to do. She wanted him to wipe any thoughts of her past love out her mind, but of course, he did not. It did not even cross his mind to act in such a way. He would not tempt Annabelle with a kiss until their wedding day had passed them by. Even their engagement would not change that.

  “It has been a wonderful evening,” James said to Annabel
le brightly. “It is always lovely to spend any time with you, but today has been particularly lovely.”

  “Y... yes,” Annabelle stammered while discretely peering over his shoulder. Of course, there was still no one there, she had already decided that it was in her mind. So why was she still looking? “It was lovely,” she continued automatically. “Absolutely lovely.”

  “I shall see you later on in the week,” James said with a nod. “I am terribly busy tomorrow but I may have some time the day after.”

  “That sounds perfect.” Annabelle’s teeth gritted together. She needed that time to get herself pulled together. A day away from James would help her to sort out her brain. “I shall see you then. Goodbye, James.”

  “Goodbye, my Lady.”

  With merely a peck on her hand, he turned and left with only confusing thoughts racing through Annabelle’s mind.

  She watched James walk away, feeling an intense pang in her chest as he went, but she could not quite work out how to decipher that feeling. Did she wish that he had not gone, or was it more sadness that Floyd Brewer was not there when she thought he was?

  No, she thought as she grew angry with herself. This has nothing to do with Floyd, I am just a little overwhelmed by the proposal, that is all. He has not been a part of my life for five long years and I do not wish to change that now.

  It was a good thing, she needed to get married and to truly move on with her life. There was absolutely no reason she should not want to marry James, he was nothing like Watson. He was a kind gentleman who always treated her well. Any uncertainty she felt could only stem back to the way she acted when she was a child.

  But she was older now, wiser, and far more mature. She could clearly see how incredible James was for her. She was not a young child anymore, she had twenty-three years of life and experience behind her. She knew just what was good for her and that was James.

  With a surge of determination, Annabelle unlocked her front door and she let herself inside. When the door clicked closed behind her, she rested her head against it and just stood there for a little while to think.

  What am I doing? I am standing here, avoiding writing the necessary letter that I have just promised my fiancé that I will write, simply to wait for a man who is never coming.

  Why would Floyd turn up at her front door now? It had been years, there was just no way. She had to let go of that notion once and for all. It was not fair to cling to it.

  How would I feel, knowing that James still harboured some love for someone who was not me? I would not like it, so it is not fair for me to do the same.

  Her legs shook, her knees knocked together, but she forced herself to move. She walked towards her writing desk where a piece of parchment and an ink pen always waited for her. If she ever felt the need to connect to anyone back in London, she liked knowing that the option to write a letter at the spur of the moment was always there. It was never the same as speaking to them face to face, but Annabelle knew that there was nothing that could persuade her to return to city life, no matter what. However much she missed the people, she did not miss the lifestyle. Plus, most of her friends did not live in the heart of the city anymore anyway.

  Dear Father, she wrote carefully, spending a lot of time to craft each letter perfectly. I am writing to you with some wonderful news.

  With that, she sat back and examined her words. Much as things were better with her family now, it still felt incredibly strange to be coming to him with this information. After everything they had been through as a family, another engagement could possibly be a little much.

  If only I were more like Beatrice, she thought sadly. My sister has always been wonderful at making the most of any situation.

  With her children now around her, it seemed that Beatrice had blossomed, motherhood had been the making of her. Maybe, if Annabelle had been willing, she would have found the same...

  But of course, Watson was not Abraham. He was horrible and brutish and he would have made her life a misery with his affairs and nasty comments. No, even in her darkest moment, Annabelle was certain that she had made the right decision. She decided to keep on writing.

  I have met the most wonderful man, and today he has asked me to be his wife. He is James Moore, the best teacher I’ve ever met.

  She could not help smiling to herself as she wrote that. In this area, James was very successful, but in terms of London and the circles that her father ran in, he would not be considered as such. Still, Annabelle was proud of him and she wanted her father to know that.

  It would be wonderful if you and Mother could come to visit us sometime, to get to know James a little better.

  If they had been in London, her family would already know James well. He would have asked for her father’s permission before he even proposed, but that was not possible considering how her life was now. Annabelle did not think that her father would be offended. At least, she hoped not.

  I do not have any details about the wedding as yet, our engagement only happened tonight, but as soon as I have anything else for you I shall let you know.

  I miss you greatly. Love, Annabelle.

  Once she had finished writing, Annabelle knew that the sensible thing to do would be to put it in an envelope ready to send to her family in the morning, but something held her back. As she stared at the words in front of her, they started to swim and move about.

  I am just tired, she tried to convince herself. It has been a very long day at work, followed by an unexpected evening. There is nothing to worry about.

  She lifted herself off the chair and made the way towards her bedroom, untying her clothing as she walked. She did feel weary, there was no denying her eyes desperately wanted to close, but her wired brain was not quite ready to shut off just yet.

  Annabelle Hathaway found herself engaged once more, and even though the situation was different, there was one issue that still plagued her. Did it mean something that she was still thinking of Floyd? She was not sure.

  Chapter 30

  When morning came around, Annabelle felt no clearer on what she wanted from her life, which left her with very little choice. There was only one place in the world where she could clear her head, which was exactly where she intended to go. With no work to head towards for the day, she had all the time she wanted to clear the fog from her brain.

  She walked towards the beach with a shake in her step. There were other people on the soft, yellowing sand: families, couples, other people alone just like her, but they all melted into the background in Annabelle’s mind. Nothing else existed, it was just her and the splashing sound of the ocean as the waves crashed against the rocks. It was a musical sound that Annabelle could have listened to all day long if she was given the choice.

  This is the calmest place in the world, Annabelle thought gleefully to herself. How on Earth would I have lived never knowing that there was anywhere like this?

  She breathed deeply, inhaling the salty air, allowing it to relax her. It did a little, but there was still something that did not feel quite right. It was a sensation that she could not shake off however hard she tried.

  Something stopped Annabelle in her tracks. She was not even sure where it came from, it was just a prickle on the back of her neck alerting her to... something. Confirmation that she did have a reason to worry. Goosebumps popped up over her skin, she was dragged from her little, confused bubble, she needed to find out what had caused it. This was not a sensation that she had ever experienced before and she needed to work out what it was.

  Her eyes scanned the beach as discretely as she could manage. She tried to look at everyone without alerting them to the fact that she was looking at them...

  Who is that? All of a sudden, Annabelle’s eyes fixed on a shadowy figure at the other side of the beach. Her heart unexpectedly skipped a beat, which seemed very out of place. It does not matter who that is, she tried to convince herself. It is no one, just look away. Keep looking away...

  Annabelle could n
ot look at her feet, however hard she tried. Her eyes kept dragging back up towards the figure as if there were magnets pulling together. There was a sensation in her gut, a desire for the person to be someone life-changing, but she had to keep telling herself not to be so silly.

  I was right. Yesterday, I was right.

  She shook her head rapidly. Of course, she was not right. Yesterday she had a moment of panic where she thought she saw Floyd but she did not. He was also not here either. She was slowly driving herself crazy.

  Just keep walking, she said crossly in her mind. Stop acting crazy.

  But the next time she looked upwards, her stomach lurched. The figure was walking towards her with purpose, almost as if he was coming right for her. Maybe he was the reason she felt those prickles all over her body...


  Oh, my God, I have to be dreaming. There is no way this can be the truth.

  Annabelle reached her hand across her body and she lightly pinched her arm to confirm that she was actually awake. As the pain stung her skin, she knew. As insane as this was, it was all really happening. It was unbelievable... but she needed to start believing it. It had not been her imagination last night, he was not a ghost from her past, he was very much present and about to push himself back into her life once more.

  “Floyd? Is that really you?” He looked the same, but completely different too. He had grown up in a wonderful way, growing broader, looking wiser, dressing better...

  Actually, much better.

  Something had clearly changed for the greater in Floyd’s life, and Annabelle could not wait to find out what. But that was not her top priority. First, she needed to work out exactly what was happening.

  “So, it is true,” Floyd smiled widely, causing his face to crinkle up. “The very well-known Annabelle Hathaway does live in this town.”


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